"Leave the Mask, Take the Cannoli"

...Here, the New England Journal of Medicine...
I'll rely on current CDC guidelines... and not some April 1, 2020 article published on May 21, 2020, by a handful of misguided medicos... thank you very much.


I don't know what mistaken point you are advancing, but the facts are:
1. No one (nearly) dies if they have just the Wuhan
2. The inflated 'cases' number is of no significance, the mortality rate is
3. Masks are inconsequential, except as an indication of fealty to the Democrat Party
4. If there is a Trump concession, I doubt we will continue to hear about a lock-down.
5. From the start......the Left forced every death to be falsely attributed to the Wuhan.

“COVID-19 should be reported on the death certificate for all decedents where the disease caused or is assumed to have caused or contributed to death. Certifiers should include as much detail as possible based on their knowledge of the case, medical records, laboratory testing, etc.,” the guidance continued.
“If the decedent had other chronic conditions such as COPD or asthma that may have also contributed, these conditions can be reported in Part II.”
Is The Number of Deaths Due To COVID-19 Being Inflated, And, If So, Why? | NewsRadio 740 KTRH | Michael Berry

"As we have yet to reach the total death rate reported in 2019 for the same time period (January 1st and April 9th), it appears that there is something seriously wrong with the way this pandemic has been reported and handled by the medical community, the media, and the politicians.

Pathetically, it most likely isn’t going to get better when as of April 8, 2020, all patients with coronavirus are now being classified as “Death due to COVID-19,” regardless of the real cause of death. This draconian method of manipulating data to conform to your hypothesis is pure evil. It allows the medical community, the media, and politicians to cover up their errors, distort their miscalculations, and falsify their reports so that they can justify even further measures that will attempt to control, manipulate, and profit from those who don’t understand the importance of “statistical significance”.
Statistically Significant: Why It Makes a Difference - Tom McFie

Now....try to pull your head out of that dark and remote location.
...Here, the New England Journal of Medicine...
I'll rely on current CDC guidelines... and not some April 1, 2020 article published on May 21, 2020, by a handful of misguided medicos... thank you very much.


But I bet if you look around you can dig-up some lame-ass medical journal article supporting your Orange Baboon-God's position on the subject.

Masks Hide The Difference Between Science And Politics

1.Either the Covid is an actual danger to mankind on the order of the Bubonic Plague, or it is simply one more extensive and well designed plot on the order of these: Russia Collusion of 2016, Obstruction of Mueller, Impeachment, Trump’s a racist, 25th amendment, Stormy Daniels, lies about Charlottesville fine Nazis, phone call to Ukraine, Quid Pro Quo, ‘lynching, one after another lead balloons.
I said they were well designed, if false, and certainly well-populated with every media ally of the Democrats playing along.

2. But let’s focus on production values: what could make everyone fear the Wuhan Red Death more than seeing every other person masked with disease regalia, making the whole nation appear to be an emergency room.

The optics alone cause the image, and there is noting Democrats like better than mandating stuff, anyway.

3. A quick review of the facts: If one gets the Wuhan, the chances of dying from it approach zero….no more than a rounding error in the data. An elderly, overweight President had it, and ten days later is doing two hours-long rallies a day.
And while the Chines flu certainly appears widespread, the symptoms are the same as the usual seasonal flu: “body aches, a cough and headaches, and felt extremely tired most of the time.”

4. How to explain the mandates for masks….if they are ineffective at best? If that’s what science says…..an intelligent person might be led to believe that it is not science going on here….but simply an immense attack on a presidency.

Let’s check:
CDC March 17th.....masks should only be worn by healthcare workers

Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)

CDC provides credible COVID-19 health information to the U.S.


“In the 14 days before illness onset, 71% of case-patients and 74% of control-participants reported always using cloth face coverings or other mask types when in public.” That means that the majority who wore mask got the Wuhan. Community and Close Contact Exposures Associated with COVID-19 ...

Dr. Carl Heneghan, University of Oxford, director of the Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine and editor in chief of British Medical Journal Evidence-Based Medicine: ‘It would appear that despite two decades of pandemic preparedness, there is considerable uncertainty as to the value of wearing masks.’(https://www.cebm.net/covid-19/masking-lack-of-evidence-with-politics/
...Here, the New England Journal of Medicine...
I'll rely on current CDC guidelines... and not some April 1, 2020 article published on May 21, 2020, by a handful of misguided medicos... thank you very much.


But I bet if you look around you can dig-up some lame-ass medical journal article supporting your Orange Baboon-God's position on the subject.

"...your Orange Baboon-God's...."

The Left is the side that has formed a religion based on worship of government, Militant Secularism, and, in fact, called their last candidate god, Jesus, and the messiah.

Your post, of course, is proof of Rule #2.

Rule #2
To know what the Left is guilty of, just watch what they blame the other side of doing.

2a. If not for double standards Liberals would have no standards at all.

Be sure to let me know if you require further help in understanding the geopolitical landscape.
...Here, the New England Journal of Medicine...
I'll rely on current CDC guidelines... and not some April 1, 2020 article published on May 21, 2020, by a handful of misguided medicos... thank you very much.


But I bet if you look around you can dig-up some lame-ass medical journal article supporting your Orange Baboon-God's position on the subject.

The NEJM was established in 1812.
...Here, the New England Journal of Medicine...
I'll rely on current CDC guidelines... and not some April 1, 2020 article published on May 21, 2020, by a handful of misguided medicos... thank you very much.


But I bet if you look around you can dig-up some lame-ass medical journal article supporting your Orange Baboon-God's position on the subject.

The NEJM was established in 1812.

I doubt that facts or information of any sort will influence those infected with Democratitis.
PChic says no disease is being spread and then lies that she never said it.

PoliticalChic, post: 25915732

I never said those things.

Now PChIc says she never said “It's your stupidity that spread, not any disease.”

But it’s right here in post 25913933. Everybody can see it.

It's your stupidity that spread, not any disease.

Because PChIc denies saying when it’s clear that she wrote it, there is no sense in engaging in a discussion with a liar.

When she says there is not any disease being spread she is a liar.
PChic says no disease is being spread and then lies that she never said it.

PoliticalChic, post: 25915732

I never said those things.

Now PChIc says she never said “It's your stupidity that spread, not any disease.”

But it’s right here in post 25913933. Everybody can see it.

It's your stupidity that spread, not any disease.

Because PChIc denies saying when it’s clear that she wrote it, there is no sense in engaging in a discussion with a liar.

When she says there is not any disease being spread she is a liar.

You just proved my post true.
Ignorance of “Crisis Standards of Care”
by Anti-mask Anti-Shutdown Trump Cult Libertarian Goons and G

PoliticalChic, post: 25915732
And I have said that if the Chinese virus is your only malady, your chances of dying from it are essentially zero.....certainly no reason to shut down the economy, unless you wish to spoil Trump's chances for re-election.

So COVID19 must be contagious if there is a chance of dying from it only if I come into contact with others who have it.

So if I limit my contact to immediate household family members who I know are also limiting close contact with others then I can be certain that I have zero chance of dying of COVID19 and can wait until a vaccine is available as it is from all other viral diseases.

Fortunately my wife and I can reduce our risk to zero. We both have been teleworking since March. We have complete freedom to go outdoors maskless. The only time I wear a mask is to go to Home Depot. And a Couple visits to the Doctor.

I dont have freedom to breath on strangers during a pandemic who are less fortunate than me who have to work there.

So I have decided to not let Trump and his absolute incompetence kill me. I’m a few years younger than him and in better health but who knows what an infection wouid do to me since I don’t think I’d get the few hundred grand medical services if I got infected like he did.

So when you bring up chances of dying being essentially zero with your don’t give a damn attitude about the half a million American COVID19 victims who have already died or will not live to see Biden bring science truth and decency back to the White House in January.

Even Trump credits himself with shutting down the country when he says his policies saved 2 million Americans from dying in the first wave.

So the error in your propaganda is you don’t accept the two million first wave if deaths if there wouid have been a way to keep Trump’s miracle economy going while a couple million Americans were dying all over the place over a period of 90 days.

it’s because you don’t accept the deadly impact had we reached the “Crisis Standards of Care” last spring.

When the medical infrastructure and healthcare professionals become overwhelmed by victims of the pandemic they can’t care for and save lives as they have heroically been able to do thus far.

We are approaching the “Crisis Standards of Care” right now in the second wave across the entire country thus time.

Had most people behaveD like you Trump antimask goons all this time we wouid have been at the “Crisis Standards of Care” nationwide and the death rate from COVID19
would be much higher.

Trump could have succeeded in killing me.

I am happy to survive Trump’s deadly incompetence and the ignorance and selfishness of the 72 million who voted for that moron.

you are Perhaps lucky that 78 million who voted for Biden have worn masks and social distanced more often than not because they are the only side that cares enough to slow this killer virus down.
Ignorance of “Crisis Standards of Care”
by Anti-mask Anti-Shutdown Trump Cult Libertarian Goons and G

PoliticalChic, post: 25915732
And I have said that if the Chinese virus is your only malady, your chances of dying from it are essentially zero.....certainly no reason to shut down the economy, unless you wish to spoil Trump's chances for re-election.

So COVID19 must be contagious if there is a chance of dying from it only if I come into contact with others who have it.

So if I limit my contact to immediate household family members who I know are also limiting close contact with others then I can be certain that I have zero chance of dying of COVID19 and can wait until a vaccine is available as it is from all other viral diseases.

Fortunately my wife and I can reduce our risk to zero. We both have been teleworking since March. We have complete freedom to go outdoors maskless. The only time I wear a mask is to go to Home Depot. And a Couple visits to the Doctor.

I dont have freedom to breath on strangers during a pandemic who are less fortunate than me who have to work there.

So I have decided to not let Trump and his absolute incompetence kill me. I’m a few years younger than him and in better health but who knows what an infection wouid do to me since I don’t think I’d get the few hundred grand medical services if I got infected like he did.

So when you bring up chances of dying being essentially zero with your don’t give a damn attitude about the half a million American COVID19 victims who have already died or will not live to see Biden bring science truth and decency back to the White House in January.

Even Trump credits himself with shutting down the country when he says his policies saved 2 million Americans from dying in the first wave.

So the error in your propaganda is you don’t accept the two million first wave if deaths if there wouid have been a way to keep Trump’s miracle economy going while a couple million Americans were dying all over the place over a period of 90 days.

it’s because you don’t accept the deadly impact had we reached the “Crisis Standards of Care” last spring.

When the medical infrastructure and healthcare professionals become overwhelmed by victims of the pandemic they can’t care for and save lives as they have heroically been able to do thus far.

We are approaching the “Crisis Standards of Care” right now in the second wave across the entire country thus time.

Had most people behaveD like you Trump antimask goons all this time we wouid have been at the “Crisis Standards of Care” nationwide and the death rate from COVID19
would be much higher.

Trump could have succeeded in killing me.

I am happy to survive Trump’s deadly incompetence and the ignorance and selfishness of the 72 million who voted for that moron.

you are Perhaps lucky that 78 million who voted for Biden have worn masks and social distanced more often than not because they are the only side that cares enough to slow this killer virus down.

You're denying my statement that, rather than spreading a disease, you are spreading stupidity???

Yet.....you just proved it.
Ya know...

It never ceases to amaze me, just how ignorant and asinine these mask-deniers really are...

States that got hit the hardest in March-April-May managed to dig themselves out through the wearing of masks, social distancing, and stay-at-home orders...

States that got away lightly during that same timeframe stupidly lifted all the restrictions far too soon this past Summer and Fall seasons...

Idiotic mass political rallies, stupid biker rallies, selfish bar and restaurant owners that ignored prudent precautions, etc., did the most damage...

And, of course, as some of those a$$hole$ dispersed after those rallies, they doubtless infected vast numbers of innocent Americans... arrogant bastards...

Now that their Orange Baboon-God is preparing to slink out the back door like the abject coward and sociopath that he is... it was all for nothing... retards...

Being a survivor (24 days in hospital in April, 11 in ICU, 13 in step-down, close-to but never on a vent), I would never wish such a predicament upon others...

But with some of these ignorant pieces of $hit who STILL insist on denigrating mask-wearing and social-distancing... I find myself close to just such a wish...

Perhaps some of the worst of them will just catch a good case of the flu or pneumonia and have the ever-lovin' $hit scared out of them, about Covid-19...

Not sick enough to die, mind you, but sick enough to make 'em actually have a Come-to-Jesus moment and rethink their ignorant, foolish position...

Stupid bastards.

Why is covid spiking again in mask wearing states?
You're denying my statement that, rather than spreading a disease, you are spreading stupidity???

You are a liar. That’s not what you said.

You said, “It's your stupidity that spread,
not any disease”

That is saying stupidity is the only thing being spread, not any infectious disease such as COVID19 being spread.

so if you weren’t lying just admit that you made a mistake and move on.
One of the schools in my som
1. There is a sadly true adage, that Liberal governance has only two dimensions: either banning or mandating.
Democrats/Liberals/progressives.....these are not people who embrace liberty, freedom, individualism.

2. Which brings us to the mandating of masks.
The Democrats may not know whether masks work or not, but they don't care. It's simply about making the populace bend the neck and the knee to their power.
I was surprised and pleased to learn of a restaurant in Huntington Beach, California which does not allow masks. DOES NOT ALLOW MASKS!!!!
"HUNTINGTON BEACH, Calif. — California’s COVID-19 industry guidelines require face covering at most businesses that have been allowed to reopen. Restaurants are no exception.

What You Need To Know
  • Basilico’s Pasta e Vino employees do not wear face coverings
  • They have an anti-mask policy
  • The restaurant has also always offered in-restaurant dining
  • The Huntington Beach restaurant has not changed how it does business during the pandemic

However, customers and employees of Basilico’s Pasta e Vino do not wear face coverings. The Huntington Beach restaurant said nothing has changed about how they do business during the pandemic – including a no-mask policy.

“Definitely not. Uh, only if you’re ugly,” bartender Josh Miller said.

Miller has worked at Basilico’s Pasta e Vino since 2017. Since mid-March, when the state first shut down non-essential businesses, Basilico’s has stayed open.
They have also always offered in-restaurant dining.
All along, the restaurant has stuck to their stance on masks. They are not allowed at Basilico’s.

A red circle with a line drawn through it on top of a black and white graphic of a face with a mask on it is on display in the windows of the restaurant. The dining spot even remind customers of its no-mask policy with a play on a famous line from the movie The Godfather."

3. "We can see that all elements of the socialist ideal--the abolition of private property, family, hierarchies; the hostility toward religion--could be regarded as a manifestation of one basic principle: the suppression of individuality.... All this is inspired by one principle--the destruction of individuality or, at least, its suppression to the point where it would cease to be a social force. "
Igor Shafarevich
The Socialist Phenomenon

4. Here, the New England Journal of Medicine:

"We know that wearing a mask outside health care facilities offers little, if any, protection from infection
. Public health authorities define a significant exposure to Covid-19 as face-to-face contact within 6 feet with a patient with symptomatic Covid-19 that is sustained for at least a few minutes (and some say more than 10 minutes or even 30 minutes). The chance of catching Covid-19 from a passing interaction in a public space is therefore minimal. In many cases, the desire for widespread masking is a reflexive reaction to anxiety over the pandemic. "


One of the schools in my son's school system already went back to 5 days...with the virus suuposedly spiking and several cases actually popping up in the middle school in the same district. This was announced just days before the election. Suddenly these people, who were panicking and enforcing social distancing and masks for everyone are totally lax now that they think they have their man in office. It 's fucking PATHETICALLY obvious, and they are doin nothing to support their claim that the media portrayal of the pandemic was largely nothing but a false flag-type ploy to steal an election. The only reports of massive die-offs are from extremely liberal cities supported by extremely liberal media. Something is WRONG, but most people seem either oblivious to it, or just don't seem to consider a coup to oust an elected president and take over the government a problem! Especially when they have put countless families through hell home-schooling their kids and turning their lives upside down...yet the effected people are voting for the party that did it to them! I work in the grocery business. We never stopped working during the epidemic. Most of us AND our customers simply wear bandanas and non-medical grade masks. There is no rampant death here! Anybody who got the virus was back to work almost as if they just had the flu!

Sometime in the last 20 years liberals, leftists, democrats, New World Order fascists...whatever...managed to somehow build a huge monopoly over the media to the point where they can entirely twist public perception around their finger. We need to do something about THAT...and stop listening to their calls to oust a slightly arrogant and not very articulate...albeit fairly elected president who has lowered taxes, ended foreign conflicts, smoothed things over with our "enemies" and stood up to the outsourcing of American jobs to China while also put his foot down to America being taken advantage financially by other countries. We REALLY need to do something about that corrupt media. It has been single most powerful weapon they have used to turn America upside down so they can rape it up its ass.
Raping America up the ass?????NotfooledbyW, post: 25918305 to 25917897
Sometime in the last 20 years liberals, leftists, democrats, New World Order fascists...whatever...managed to somehow build a huge monopoly over the media to the point where they can entirely twist public perception around their finger. We need to do something about THAT...and stop listening to their calls to oust a slightly arrogant and not very articulate...albeit fairly elected president who has lowered taxes, ended foreign conflicts, smoothed things over with our "enemies" and stood up to the outsourcing of American jobs to China while also put his foot down to America being taken advantage financially by other countries. We REALLY need to do something about that corrupt media. It has been single most powerful weapon they have used to turn America upside down so they can rape it up its ass.

Raping America up the ass!!!!!!????? WTF?

Thanks for the summary of the Paranoia driven butthurting (it’s not rape - you were willing and bent over for Trump) that the typical Trump voter is going through right now.

You are nuts but a perfect example of the work the Biden/Harris Administration needs to get done in order to convince you that you have not been attached to any kind of reality for the past two decades , if you’ve been around that long.

We need to bring about 25% of butthurt Trump worshippers back to some kind of reality and peace with the world we all want to live in together.

The rest like like PChic will just fade away due to natural causes, because she is way to far gone ti be salvaged.

But fixing the perception in your summary is doable. Thanks again.

if you want to get started on your own - start a sincere search for evidence of all those things you believe. Then post it if you find any.
Last edited:
NotfooledbyW, post: 25918305 to 25917897
Sometime in the last 20 years liberals, leftists, democrats, New World Order fascists...whatever...managed to somehow build a huge monopoly over the media to the point where they can entirely twist public perception around their finger. We need to do something about THAT...and stop listening to their calls to oust a slightly arrogant and not very articulate...albeit fairly elected president who has lowered taxes, ended foreign conflicts, smoothed things over with our "enemies" and stood up to the outsourcing of American jobs to China while also put his foot down to America being taken advantage financially by other countries. We REALLY need to do something about that corrupt media. It has been single most powerful weapon they have used to turn America upside down so they can rape it up its ass.

Raping America up the ass!!!!!!????? WTF?

Thanks for the summary of the Paranoia driven butthurting (it’s not rape - you were willing and bent over for Trump) that they typical Trump voter is going through right now.

You are nuts but a perfect example of the work the Biden/Harris Administration needs to get done in order to convince you that you have not been attached to any kind of reality for the past two decades , if you’ve been around that long.

We need to bring about 25% of butthurt Trump worshippers back to some kind of reality and peace with the world we all want to live in together.

The rest like like PChic will just fade away due to natural causes, because she is way to far gone ti be salvaged.

But fixing the perception in your summary is fixable. Thanks again.

How did I bend over for Trump?
I simply voted for him.
Taxes decreased.
My paycheck got bigger.
Conflicts overseas were de-escalated.
He stood up to bureaucrat leftist psychos.
Under him we were also in the process of getting out of the role of being World martyr and were slowly getting out from under China's thumb. All I did is vote for that. I got it. And then a bunch of psychos tried to commandeer a national health issue for a license to fuck everything up again.

I'm not even 1/4 as sorry for voting for Trump as I was for that smooth-talking socialist salesman Obama. Yes... I did vote for that asshole the first time, and MAN was I sorry.
Ignorance of “Crisis Standards of Care”
by Anti-mask Anti-Shutdown Trump Cult Libertarian Goons and G

PoliticalChic, post: 25915732
And I have said that if the Chinese virus is your only malady, your chances of dying from it are essentially zero.....certainly no reason to shut down the economy, unless you wish to spoil Trump's chances for re-election.

So COVID19 must be contagious if there is a chance of dying from it only if I come into contact with others who have it.

So if I limit my contact to immediate household family members who I know are also limiting close contact with others then I can be certain that I have zero chance of dying of COVID19 and can wait until a vaccine is available as it is from all other viral diseases.

Fortunately my wife and I can reduce our risk to zero. We both have been teleworking since March. We have complete freedom to go outdoors maskless. The only time I wear a mask is to go to Home Depot. And a Couple visits to the Doctor.

I dont have freedom to breath on strangers during a pandemic who are less fortunate than me who have to work there.

So I have decided to not let Trump and his absolute incompetence kill me. I’m a few years younger than him and in better health but who knows what an infection wouid do to me since I don’t think I’d get the few hundred grand medical services if I got infected like he did.

So when you bring up chances of dying being essentially zero with your don’t give a damn attitude about the half a million American COVID19 victims who have already died or will not live to see Biden bring science truth and decency back to the White House in January.

Even Trump credits himself with shutting down the country when he says his policies saved 2 million Americans from dying in the first wave.

So the error in your propaganda is you don’t accept the two million first wave if deaths if there wouid have been a way to keep Trump’s miracle economy going while a couple million Americans were dying all over the place over a period of 90 days.

it’s because you don’t accept the deadly impact had we reached the “Crisis Standards of Care” last spring.

When the medical infrastructure and healthcare professionals become overwhelmed by victims of the pandemic they can’t care for and save lives as they have heroically been able to do thus far.

We are approaching the “Crisis Standards of Care” right now in the second wave across the entire country thus time.

Had most people behaveD like you Trump antimask goons all this time we wouid have been at the “Crisis Standards of Care” nationwide and the death rate from COVID19
would be much higher.

Trump could have succeeded in killing me.

I am happy to survive Trump’s deadly incompetence and the ignorance and selfishness of the 72 million who voted for that moron.

you are Perhaps lucky that 78 million who voted for Biden have worn masks and social distanced more often than not because they are the only side that cares enough to slow this killer virus down.

You put enough effort into that post so that you deserve at least some attempt at a contrary explanation.

It is not clear to me there really is a significant risk from covid-19 to most people.
The actual death rate of 225 thousand out of 330 million is only about 0.06%, which is not really much of a risk at all. And about 95% of those dying are over 70, so most people, especially children, are very safe.
I am over 70, but in good health, so I would risk it willingly.

But that is not really the main argument.
The problem is that "flattening the curve" is a horrendously stupid idea.
It had not ever and can not ever work to end an epidemic, so only stretches it out over a longer time period, which kills a hundred times as many people as it should or would have.
Whatever strategy one decides to use in any epidemic, the whole point is to end it as quickly as possible, so save lives. You can do that with total quarantine with contact tracing, or you can accelerate herd immunity by deliberately infecting young volunteers. There are ways that work. China proves that. But the lock down the CDC is calling for in the US, can not possibly work, at all. Reducing the infection rate alone, is NOT at all a good idea, if you are not intending to totally wipe it out.

So why did Fauci not go for herd immunity, considering that is what ended all other epidemics in history? Herd immunity will mean some number of deaths, and Fauci calculated that covid-19 would result in 4 million deaths, so he rejected herd immunity, even though that is all he really had. The alternative of quarantine with contact tracing was already gone because already hundreds of thousands had been infected or returned to the US with infection. There are 3 main mistakes Fauci made in his calculations.
1. Fauci based the lethality of covid-19 on the number of dead over the number of people who tested positive. The problem was that we now know over 90% of those infected are asymptomatic, so did not get tested, and his lethality estimate was too high by over a factor of 10.
2. Fauci based the number who would have to get infected to achieve herd immunity on 67% estimate based on the R0 number for covid-19. The problem with that is the fact almost no children die and over 90% are asymptomatic, means that the majority already are inherently immune and do not need to get infected and recover inorder to achieve herd immunity. So again Fauci estimated to high by over a factor of 10. Instead of 230 million needing to get infected for herd immunity, it is more like 23 million only.
3. The third mistake Fauci made was that he went with the averages of the population. He assumed lethality was constant over all groups, such as age. And that turned out to be totally wrong. It turned out that if we pick 38 year olds as a median, children are about 40 times LESS likely to die if infected, and those over 70 are 40 times MORE likely to die if infected. So if one asks for volunteers for deliberate infection, and filters only for those under 30, you can reduce the number of dead from the average, by over a factor of 40.
And if we just go with this being off by only a factor of 10 too high, the total estimate then was over 1000 too high.
So then Fauci's 4 million dead estimate from herd immunity, should really have been less than 4 thousand.
And we could have done this in March, then preventing over 200,000 deaths.

So there is no excuse for "flattening the curve" still.
It can not at all possibly work.
When you simply social distance, without any attempt to actually wipe out the virus, then all you do is kill more by stretching it out over a longer time period, which allows it to spread to populations it would not likely have otherwise hit at all.

There is no question about it. Partial lock downs do not work or save any lives. They increase the death toll instead.
Raping America up the ass?????NotfooledbyW, post: 25918305 to 25917897
Sometime in the last 20 years liberals, leftists, democrats, New World Order fascists...whatever...managed to somehow build a huge monopoly over the media to the point where they can entirely twist public perception around their finger. We need to do something about THAT...and stop listening to their calls to oust a slightly arrogant and not very articulate...albeit fairly elected president who has lowered taxes, ended foreign conflicts, smoothed things over with our "enemies" and stood up to the outsourcing of American jobs to China while also put his foot down to America being taken advantage financially by other countries. We REALLY need to do something about that corrupt media. It has been single most powerful weapon they have used to turn America upside down so they can rape it up its ass.

Raping America up the ass!!!!!!????? WTF?

Thanks for the summary of the Paranoia driven butthurting (it’s not rape - you were willing and bent over for Trump) that they typical Trump voter is going through right now.

You are nuts but a perfect example of the work the Biden/Harris Administration needs to get done in order to convince you that you have not been attached to any kind of reality for the past two decades , if you’ve been around that long.

We need to bring about 25% of butthurt Trump worshippers back to some kind of reality and peace with the world we all want to live in together.

The rest like like PChic will just fade away due to natural causes, because she is way to far gone ti be salvaged.

But fixing the perception in your summary is doable. Thanks again.

if you want to get started on your own - start a sincere search for evidence of all those things you believe. Then post it if you find any.

Trump has nothing to do with it.
England is doing almost identically to the US.
So is most of Europe.
The only countries doing are places able and willing to do full quarantines with contract tracing, like China, New Zealand, Hawaii, etc.
So there is no excuse for "flattening the curve" still. It can not at all possibly work.

Flattening, the curve worked in the NYC Tristate Area. I saw it. The bodies were piling up as it was. No lockdown there would ended as an atrocity.

Had Trump not been President acting in defiance of lockdown and in Cahoots with Red State Governors to open up too soon for political reasons then the New York model wouid have worked.
We are in WORSE shape now...than we were in March 2019.

The virus has spread throughout the nation and large portions of the country are in the same position that Italy and NY were in March. And we are already suffering from "covid fatigue" where we aren't willing to do what is necessary to fight this thing.

Thanks Donnie Douchebag

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