Leaving in droves

My anti Trump friends and the anti Trump media keep telling me people that voted for Trump in 2016 are not voting for him in 2020. When I ask for examples they are pretty vague. Who are these mythical people? Can someone direct me to a non partisan poll or graph? I suppose he may have lost support among a few women but what about men? I’ve been a lurker here for years so please forgive me if this is not a good post. It’s my first.
People are fleeing the Stalinist democrats in droves. Trump 2020 may be more lopsided than Reagan 84

Nope! Too many libtards in Cali and NY.
The funny thing this country has never been better off. The same left (have to try and follow this now) who are yelling that things have never been worse, are the same ones who claim the reason things are so great is because of obama. They were the same ones that said the economy would collapse in 2017 after Trump did away with obamas regulations, which Trump has done. Same ones that said and repeated obamas lies that only a magic wand would bring jobs back to America.

We are in 2019, economy has literally never been better. Black unemployment never been lower. Hispanic unemployment has never been lower. The marxist negro's regulations have been done away and it is still the obama economy that was supposed to nose dive in 2017 because of Trump's policies.

Yet, they claim things have been worse while they credit obama for how good things are.

Yes, that is redundant, but that makes perfect sense to idiots like candycorn. Now, I have to remember. Left wing elitist American women are the dumbest people on earth. So, I guess I have to be understanding.

Yes, as contradictory as all of that is, it makes perfect to the morons on the left. All of that just proves just how influential the mass media is and how much they all rely on AVAILABILITY HEURISTICS.

The trucking industry is in a full-blown recession.

OTR truck drivers have seen a $4k to $8k/yr tax increase.

Eighty percent of American workers live paycheck to paycheck.

Almost 40 percent of American Workers have two or more jobs to make ends meet.

Wrong. The last statistic on that from the Census stated less than 10% of Americans had more than one job, and there is no telling why, so your claim "to make ends meet" is false.

I know people with two jobs. None of them are doing it to make ends meet. They are simply getting ahead in life and like all the extras. One of my friends wanted to have a stay at home wife, who also home schooled their children. Neither was an absolute, but a choice they both made. The kids could have went to public school, and she could have maintained her career as a respiratory therapist. They took a different route.

The kids are grown, and two of the three still live at home. He kept his other job because he's had it for a long time, and wants to take advantage of the retirement benefits since it is a government job. He really doesn't need it, but it's worth still working the job for the benefits. They don't need the money to survive. They could easily get by with one job.

About 13M U.S. Workers Have More Than One Job

"About 13M U.S. Workers Have More Than One Job"

There are the 13M reasons why AMERICAN WORKERS need a raise.

No. They need to develop a work ethic and skills needed to perform better paying jobs. Chances are that most of those 13 million are illegals.
I don't understand your reply. What is the confusion here?

If you quit your job for 20 bucks an hour because your employer refused to give you a raise, and he hires another person that does just as good of a job as you for 20 bucks an hour, you were paid what you were worth.

If he can't find somebody for that money, and has to offer 22, then you were being underpaid.

If he can easily replace you for 18 bucks an hour, you were overpaid.

That's how your value as a worker is set.

You use the communistic approach to employees where the employee is a commodity. I use the American approach where the employee is ones greatest asset. Putin is proud of you!

Then I would say you wouldn't know Communism if it hit you square in the face. This is not Communism, it's called Supply and Demand. Perhaps you heard about it. Our entire economic system is built on it.

It's like if you have a box of Archie and Jughead comic books you bought for 25 cents each as a kid. You think they are worth about five bucks each since they are in brand new condition. But when you put them on e-bay, people start bidding ten bucks a copy, then twenty, then fifty, and finally a hundred.

Supply and demand is at work there, not Communism. Because such comic books are so rare, more people want them, and are willing to pay you that kind of money to get them. Back when you were a kid, they were in every drugstore and grocery store, an abundant supply.

An employee, a human being, is a disposable commodity? Well said, commie!!!

Yep, and that's all we ever were. If you have no use to a company, they get rid of you. If you find a better job, you get rid of the company.

If an employee initially has no use for a company why would they be hired?

I didn't say have no use for the company. It may be a stepping stone to a better job. It may have been the only thing out there when the person was looking. Who knows? But at some point, many people find their company no longer useful to them. Employees have no more loyalty to their employers than the employers have for their employees.

If I go to work tomorrow and my employer tells me I'm not longer needed due to lack of business, then I'm simply out of a job. He can't pay me to sit there and do nothing. If I find a job that pays three bucks more an hour, better benefits, I'm telling my employer I quit because I found something better.

My employer and I are both expendable to each other depending on the circumstance.
The funny thing this country has never been better off. The same left (have to try and follow this now) who are yelling that things have never been worse, are the same ones who claim the reason things are so great is because of obama. They were the same ones that said the economy would collapse in 2017 after Trump did away with obamas regulations, which Trump has done. Same ones that said and repeated obamas lies that only a magic wand would bring jobs back to America.

We are in 2019, economy has literally never been better. Black unemployment never been lower. Hispanic unemployment has never been lower. The marxist negro's regulations have been done away and it is still the obama economy that was supposed to nose dive in 2017 because of Trump's policies.

Yet, they claim things have been worse while they credit obama for how good things are.

Yes, that is redundant, but that makes perfect sense to idiots like candycorn. Now, I have to remember. Left wing elitist American women are the dumbest people on earth. So, I guess I have to be understanding.

Yes, as contradictory as all of that is, it makes perfect to the morons on the left. All of that just proves just how influential the mass media is and how much they all rely on AVAILABILITY HEURISTICS.

The trucking industry is in a full-blown recession.

OTR truck drivers have seen a $4k to $8k/yr tax increase.

Eighty percent of American workers live paycheck to paycheck.

Almost 40 percent of American Workers have two or more jobs to make ends meet.

Wrong. The last statistic on that from the Census stated less than 10% of Americans had more than one job, and there is no telling why, so your claim "to make ends meet" is false.

I know people with two jobs. None of them are doing it to make ends meet. They are simply getting ahead in life and like all the extras. One of my friends wanted to have a stay at home wife, who also home schooled their children. Neither was an absolute, but a choice they both made. The kids could have went to public school, and she could have maintained her career as a respiratory therapist. They took a different route.

The kids are grown, and two of the three still live at home. He kept his other job because he's had it for a long time, and wants to take advantage of the retirement benefits since it is a government job. He really doesn't need it, but it's worth still working the job for the benefits. They don't need the money to survive. They could easily get by with one job.

About 13M U.S. Workers Have More Than One Job

"About 13M U.S. Workers Have More Than One Job"

There are the 13M reasons why AMERICAN WORKERS need a raise.

No. They need to develop a work ethic and skills needed to perform better paying jobs. Chances are that most of those 13 million are illegals.

If tRump would jail employers knowingly hiring illegals (including himself) the illegals wouldn't be a problem. All of my workers have a US birth certificate, and US passport. I'm an American, you and tRump are commies.
You use the communistic approach to employees where the employee is a commodity. I use the American approach where the employee is ones greatest asset. Putin is proud of you!

Then I would say you wouldn't know Communism if it hit you square in the face. This is not Communism, it's called Supply and Demand. Perhaps you heard about it. Our entire economic system is built on it.

It's like if you have a box of Archie and Jughead comic books you bought for 25 cents each as a kid. You think they are worth about five bucks each since they are in brand new condition. But when you put them on e-bay, people start bidding ten bucks a copy, then twenty, then fifty, and finally a hundred.

Supply and demand is at work there, not Communism. Because such comic books are so rare, more people want them, and are willing to pay you that kind of money to get them. Back when you were a kid, they were in every drugstore and grocery store, an abundant supply.

An employee, a human being, is a disposable commodity? Well said, commie!!!

Yep, and that's all we ever were. If you have no use to a company, they get rid of you. If you find a better job, you get rid of the company.

If an employee initially has no use for a company why would they be hired?

I didn't say have no use for the company. It may be a stepping stone to a better job. It may have been the only thing out there when the person was looking. Who knows? But at some point, many people find their company no longer useful to them. Employees have no more loyalty to their employers than the employers have for their employees.

If I go to work tomorrow and my employer tells me I'm not longer needed due to lack of business, then I'm simply out of a job. He can't pay me to sit there and do nothing. If I find a job that pays three bucks more an hour, better benefits, I'm telling my employer I quit because I found something better.

My employer and I are both expendable to each other depending on the circumstance.

So now it's lack of loyalty?

You are full of excuses.......
The funny thing this country has never been better off. The same left (have to try and follow this now) who are yelling that things have never been worse, are the same ones who claim the reason things are so great is because of obama. They were the same ones that said the economy would collapse in 2017 after Trump did away with obamas regulations, which Trump has done. Same ones that said and repeated obamas lies that only a magic wand would bring jobs back to America.

We are in 2019, economy has literally never been better. Black unemployment never been lower. Hispanic unemployment has never been lower. The marxist negro's regulations have been done away and it is still the obama economy that was supposed to nose dive in 2017 because of Trump's policies.

Yet, they claim things have been worse while they credit obama for how good things are.

Yes, that is redundant, but that makes perfect sense to idiots like candycorn. Now, I have to remember. Left wing elitist American women are the dumbest people on earth. So, I guess I have to be understanding.

Yes, as contradictory as all of that is, it makes perfect to the morons on the left. All of that just proves just how influential the mass media is and how much they all rely on AVAILABILITY HEURISTICS.

The trucking industry is in a full-blown recession.

OTR truck drivers have seen a $4k to $8k/yr tax increase.

Eighty percent of American workers live paycheck to paycheck.

Almost 40 percent of American Workers have two or more jobs to make ends meet.

Wrong. The last statistic on that from the Census stated less than 10% of Americans had more than one job, and there is no telling why, so your claim "to make ends meet" is false.

I know people with two jobs. None of them are doing it to make ends meet. They are simply getting ahead in life and like all the extras. One of my friends wanted to have a stay at home wife, who also home schooled their children. Neither was an absolute, but a choice they both made. The kids could have went to public school, and she could have maintained her career as a respiratory therapist. They took a different route.

The kids are grown, and two of the three still live at home. He kept his other job because he's had it for a long time, and wants to take advantage of the retirement benefits since it is a government job. He really doesn't need it, but it's worth still working the job for the benefits. They don't need the money to survive. They could easily get by with one job.

About 13M U.S. Workers Have More Than One Job

"About 13M U.S. Workers Have More Than One Job"

There are the 13M reasons why AMERICAN WORKERS need a raise.

No. They need to develop a work ethic and skills needed to perform better paying jobs. Chances are that most of those 13 million are illegals.

If tRump would jail employers knowingly hiring illegals (including himself) the illegals wouldn't be a problem. All of my workers have a US birth certificate, and US passport. I'm an American, you and tRump are commies.

Trump never hired an illegal. The managers of his properties did when they used forged documents. Let's lock you up for something your workers did. Let's see how you like it!

Oh, wait! You don't have any employees in your make-believe world of being a 1%er.
My anti Trump friends and the anti Trump media keep telling me people that voted for Trump in 2016 are not voting for him in 2020. When I ask for examples they are pretty vague. Who are these mythical people? Can someone direct me to a non partisan poll or graph? I suppose he may have lost support among a few women but what about men? I’ve been a lurker here for years so please forgive me if this is not a good post. It’s my first.
Political correctness makes people fucking retarded
Then I would say you wouldn't know Communism if it hit you square in the face. This is not Communism, it's called Supply and Demand. Perhaps you heard about it. Our entire economic system is built on it.

It's like if you have a box of Archie and Jughead comic books you bought for 25 cents each as a kid. You think they are worth about five bucks each since they are in brand new condition. But when you put them on e-bay, people start bidding ten bucks a copy, then twenty, then fifty, and finally a hundred.

Supply and demand is at work there, not Communism. Because such comic books are so rare, more people want them, and are willing to pay you that kind of money to get them. Back when you were a kid, they were in every drugstore and grocery store, an abundant supply.

An employee, a human being, is a disposable commodity? Well said, commie!!!

Yep, and that's all we ever were. If you have no use to a company, they get rid of you. If you find a better job, you get rid of the company.

If an employee initially has no use for a company why would they be hired?

I didn't say have no use for the company. It may be a stepping stone to a better job. It may have been the only thing out there when the person was looking. Who knows? But at some point, many people find their company no longer useful to them. Employees have no more loyalty to their employers than the employers have for their employees.

If I go to work tomorrow and my employer tells me I'm not longer needed due to lack of business, then I'm simply out of a job. He can't pay me to sit there and do nothing. If I find a job that pays three bucks more an hour, better benefits, I'm telling my employer I quit because I found something better.

My employer and I are both expendable to each other depending on the circumstance.

So now it's lack of loyalty?

You are full of excuses.......

Excuse for what???
The trucking industry is in a full-blown recession.

OTR truck drivers have seen a $4k to $8k/yr tax increase.

Eighty percent of American workers live paycheck to paycheck.

Almost 40 percent of American Workers have two or more jobs to make ends meet.

Wrong. The last statistic on that from the Census stated less than 10% of Americans had more than one job, and there is no telling why, so your claim "to make ends meet" is false.

I know people with two jobs. None of them are doing it to make ends meet. They are simply getting ahead in life and like all the extras. One of my friends wanted to have a stay at home wife, who also home schooled their children. Neither was an absolute, but a choice they both made. The kids could have went to public school, and she could have maintained her career as a respiratory therapist. They took a different route.

The kids are grown, and two of the three still live at home. He kept his other job because he's had it for a long time, and wants to take advantage of the retirement benefits since it is a government job. He really doesn't need it, but it's worth still working the job for the benefits. They don't need the money to survive. They could easily get by with one job.

About 13M U.S. Workers Have More Than One Job

"About 13M U.S. Workers Have More Than One Job"

There are the 13M reasons why AMERICAN WORKERS need a raise.

No. They need to develop a work ethic and skills needed to perform better paying jobs. Chances are that most of those 13 million are illegals.

If tRump would jail employers knowingly hiring illegals (including himself) the illegals wouldn't be a problem. All of my workers have a US birth certificate, and US passport. I'm an American, you and tRump are commies.

Trump never hired an illegal. The managers of his properties did when they used forged documents. Let's lock you up for something your workers did. Let's see how you like it!

Oh, wait! You don't have any employees in your make-believe world of being a 1%er.


Trump says his company has stopped hiring undocumented immigrants — but his former housekeeper says that’s not true
Wrong. The last statistic on that from the Census stated less than 10% of Americans had more than one job, and there is no telling why, so your claim "to make ends meet" is false.

I know people with two jobs. None of them are doing it to make ends meet. They are simply getting ahead in life and like all the extras. One of my friends wanted to have a stay at home wife, who also home schooled their children. Neither was an absolute, but a choice they both made. The kids could have went to public school, and she could have maintained her career as a respiratory therapist. They took a different route.

The kids are grown, and two of the three still live at home. He kept his other job because he's had it for a long time, and wants to take advantage of the retirement benefits since it is a government job. He really doesn't need it, but it's worth still working the job for the benefits. They don't need the money to survive. They could easily get by with one job.

About 13M U.S. Workers Have More Than One Job

"About 13M U.S. Workers Have More Than One Job"

There are the 13M reasons why AMERICAN WORKERS need a raise.

No. They need to develop a work ethic and skills needed to perform better paying jobs. Chances are that most of those 13 million are illegals.

If tRump would jail employers knowingly hiring illegals (including himself) the illegals wouldn't be a problem. All of my workers have a US birth certificate, and US passport. I'm an American, you and tRump are commies.

Trump never hired an illegal. The managers of his properties did when they used forged documents. Let's lock you up for something your workers did. Let's see how you like it!

Oh, wait! You don't have any employees in your make-believe world of being a 1%er.


Trump says his company has stopped hiring undocumented immigrants — but his former housekeeper says that’s not true

A fired worker says it isn't true? Big f-ing deal!

The article lied. She is not HIS housekeeper. She also claims the illegals work not where she does, but at a winery in Virginia, which is operated by Trump's son, who also doesn't do the hiring!

Trump does not hire these people anyway! Why don't you catch a clue instead of constantly making yourself look stupid?
My anti Trump friends and the anti Trump media keep telling me people that voted for Trump in 2016 are not voting for him in 2020. When I ask for examples they are pretty vague. Who are these mythical people? Can someone direct me to a non partisan poll or graph? I suppose he may have lost support among a few women but what about men? I’ve been a lurker here for years so please forgive me if this is not a good post. It’s my first.

Look at a poll for Independent voters.

According to the numbers I found, 46% of Independents voted for trump in 2016.

He has lost Independents. I'm an Independent. I can tell you that he has sent me and many Independents running from him and the republicans in horror.

The numbers I found are from the summer so they could be different but I found that 54% of independents say they definitely will not vote for trump under any circumstances. Only 33% now say they will vote for trump.

He has also lost women, especially white women. Which I'm also one. We women see that man stealing children and babies from parents, putting them in cages without even a toothbrush or bar of soap and we run from you republicans in total horror of what we see.

You see, we believe stealing a baby from a mother's arms is evil and monstrous. We won't vote for a monster like that. We see that and are horrified.

trump could lie his way through the 2016 election. He didn't have any political history. He does now. That history is horrifying to all decent and good people.

If you like what he has done, vote for him but you will be in the minority. Again.
I am a white woman, voted for Trump in 2016 and will vote for him in 2020. There is no other way to evaluate except unemployment down jobs up stock market up, economy up,soldiers coming home, building a wall, wants the law to be followed when it comes to immigration, lower taxes, higher refunds, working on fairer tariffs, he is the most effective president we have had in decades.

No more independent for me..GOP! MAGA!

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