Lebanon: America has become the butt of jokes

Tell me how many aid projects Turkey had in Afghanistan before the US went there?

Exactly. Turkey not about Afghanistan. It is about Turkey attempting to gain power in the Arena.

The last time they gained power in the Arena? They performed genocides on the Armenians.

Let's not forget what the Turks wish to pretend never happened. We (Canada) took them to task for these MANY genocides on the Armenians. The Turks even used Azerbaijan and their immigrants to slaughter the Armenians from that side as well.


Turkey is threatening serious consequences in its relations with the United States to protest a vote by the House Foreign Relations Committee declaring the slaughter of more than 1 million Armenians to be an act of genocide.

Armenian-Americans have been lobbying for years to have what happened to their ancestors during World War I officially declared a case of genocide. It has been a perennial issue – noticed mostly by Armenian-Americans and by Turkey – in Congress and even in presidential campaigns.

Turkey denies that a genocide occurs, asserting that not so many Armenians died and that the deaths were an unintended consequence of a program to relocate troublesome Armenian nationalists out of a war zone.

Decide for yourself whether the cost, in damaged U.S.-Turkish relations, is worth the declaration that a genocide occurred. But make no mistake, it occurred.

In 2000, I interviewed historian Vahakn Dadrian, who has made it his life’s work to keep alive the history of the Armenian genocide. The full piece — but I warn you, the details of how the genocide was accomplished are grisly and disturbing — is here.


Turkish warplanes and helicopter gunships attacked suspected positions of Kurdish rebels near Iraq on Wednesday, a possible prelude to a cross-border operation that would likely raise tensions with Washington.

The military offensive also reportedly included shelling of Turkish Kurd guerrilla hideouts in northern Iraq, which is predominantly Kurdish. U.S. officials are already preoccupied with efforts to stabilize other areas of Iraq and oppose Turkish intervention in the relatively peaceful north.

Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan told reporters that preparations were under way for parliamentary authorization of a cross-border operation, and told private CNN-Turk TV that the motion might reach Parliament on Thursday. The preparations “have started and are continuing,” he said. An opposition nationalist party said it would support the proposal.

…there goes Biden’s partition plan. I know there were some charges of bribery a few years back that had something to do with the Turkish lobby urging people not to get this resolution going. This is the only link I can remember:


[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Is7XIiEygk"]Turkish Genocide of the Armenians[/ame]

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JJ-HcshI3cA"]Turkish Genocide of the Armenians[/ame]

More peaceful Muslim intent? Ekrem says, don't worry, you don't have to watch us anymore.

Then he goes on to say that Turkey actually needs to watch the West.

Looking above, it's clear who needs to be watched.
Why can't the Turks admit what happened with the Armenians, grow the fuck up, apologize and move on? Germany has no problem admitting its mistakes in the holocaust.

Huge statement HG. HUGE.
Zionist Jews answer to everything:

#1) that's anti-semitic

#2) remember the Holohoax

Lebanon turning into a dump? Turkey pretending to be a friend of Lebanon and Afghanistan when we know it is just trying to gain power in the Arena.

Remembering what Turkey has done to the Armenians?

What's that got to do with your post? Let us know? Was the Armenian genocide not real? A hoax as well?
I agree,we did waste a whole lot of American Taxpayer Dollars on that waste of space Nation. Lebanon is a perfect example of why we need revolutionary changes in our Foreign Policy. Is aggressive Foreign Interventionism really working? I would have to say no. It's time for change. No Taxpayer i know wants to give their money to nations like Lebanon or Terrorist Orgs. like Hamas. Yet our Government continues to pour the American Taxpayer cash in. Hezbollah,Syria,and Iran were clearly behind the assassination of their former Prime Minster. If the Lebanese People want those assholes running their country,than so be it. But lets stop giving Lebanon hard-earned American Tax Dollars.
Allowing the same Assholes who assassinated your previous Prime Minister to run your country is well beyond a pathetic joke. That's just asinine. So let em have their Hezbollah. My Government shouldn't give another Taxpayer penny to Lebanon. End of story.
Allowing the same Assholes who assassinated your previous Prime Minister to run your country is well beyond a pathetic joke. That's just asinine. So let em have their Hezbollah. My Government shouldn't give another Taxpayer penny to Lebanon. End of story.

So if America were like Lebanon, John Wilkes Booth would have taken the Presidency after he shot Lincoln.

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