Lebanon’s International Peacekeeping Team


Jan 15, 2004
The European Union will head up the diplomatic efforts. NATO will head up the military operation. The United Nations will head up the humanitarian and the monitoring of the border missions. The Arab League of Nations and the United States government will help support the roles of the European Union NATO and the United Nations in their missions. Each group will have a plan that is divided into tasks that will be delegated to individual nations or a team of nations. The Shabbat Farm region will be the main base for the international operations in the region.

All four groups will work together to bringing about the needed change to accomplish the mission of long-term peace in the region. The Lebanese government will have an active role working with all four international groups. A website will be created outlining the goals and the progress or lack of progress in the operations. Worldwide transparency in the operation needed to build global confidence and coordination in the operation.

Once the international community of nation gets involved in the peacekeeping operations of the Lebanon-Israeli border a time table will be established. The Lebanese government will work hand-in-hand step-by-step on each task with the different international operations. The first step will be to set up bases for each of the operations. While the bases are being established diplomatic and humanitarian efforts will be made. If efforts are met with military resistance from Hezbollah, NATO forces will come to the front line with the humanitarian efforts being put on the back burner.

After the international base are completed and the fighting has quieted down an amnesty period will be established that the Lebanese people can turn in any heavy military armament to the Lebanese’s authorities with no questioned asked. Providing there is no on going combat between the international operations and Hezbollah NATO’s role will be a supporting role to the international humanitarian NGO’s and Lebanese government.

The first step is to build up the strength of the Lebanese National Army to the point so they have control of the land within their nation. The second is to have a political campaign to disarm the militant wing of Hezbollah of heavy military weapons in Lebanon. Only by winning over the hearts and minds of the Lebanese people will there be long lasting peace. The people of Lebanon have to be convinced there will be no attempts by the international coalitions to break-up or harm the political and social wing of the Hezbollah party. The mission of the international coalition is to disarm the militant wing of Hezbollah of bombs missiles and explosives and for the Federal Government of Lebanon to have control of the land within Lebanon. After some training of the Lebanese military and police forces a concerted effort will be made by NATO and the Lebanese forces to disarm the militant wing of Hezbollah.

There will be three types of infrastructure that will be building by the international coalition. The first type will be permanent structures that will be turned over the Lebanese government or the United Nations for further use. The second will be permanent structures that will be turn over to the private sector for alternative private use with the Humanitarian NGOs having first options. The third will be temporary structures that will be dismantled at the end of operations.

The creation of an official website for this operation will help the different parties involved as well as international observers to what and how things are going on the ground. An official timeline of the progress and of violations must be maintained. The website could help in the coordination of the many different actives that will be going on simultaneously. Each group will have there own section on the website that will be updated on a regularly basis. There will be a section that will be closed to the public for internal use only.
Why not just let Israel finish killing the islamo-terrorists? that's the ONLY way to ensure a peaceful world.
dmp said:
Why not just let Israel finish killing the islamo-terrorists? that's the ONLY way to ensure a peaceful world.

May as well because this will STILL not be acceptable to the Arabs. Recognition of Israels' right to exist needs to be a mandatory element in any final agreement.
dmp said:
Why not just let Israel finish killing the islamo-terrorists? that's the ONLY way to ensure a peaceful world.

I agree with you 100%! Enough appeasement has gone on, its time to really deal with this enemy.
Tell me why any multi-national presence has business along that boarder. If you want to put a uniform on and go sit on that border, be my guest. Leave US out of it.
theHawk said:
Tell me why any multi-national presence has business along that boarder. If you want to put a uniform on and go sit on that border, be my guest. Leave US out of it.

LOL Amen------only need for a multi-national presence is to keep the hizbullys from being massacred and shoved back to Syria. No border guarding for me!
National Public Radio headlines described it as a “Two day lull on missile attacks on Israel”. This is an outrage because there was a TWO DAY CEASE FIRE that was declared that only one side seemed live-up too. The Israeli continued their aggressive assaults on the Lebanese’s people including an assault and raid on a hospital that was eighty miles away from the Lebanese-Israel border during the forty-eight hour cease fire. The timeline of the last year, last month or last week encapsulates the last sixty plus years of the Palestinian-Arab crisis with the Israeli military overwhelming aggressive assaults on their people.

It is the unevenness, and one sided reporting of the facts that have misled the American people into not understanding the conflict. How many times has President Bush said “They hate freedom and democracy”? Well, if Israel is the Middle East beacon of freedom and democracy. I would hate it too. Both Lebanon and the Palestinian Authority had open and fair election. The Israelis did not like the out come of their elections. So as a response they kidnap twenty-seven Palestinian elected Hamas officials, cutting off most of the international aid and trade to Palestine. The Israelis have made the living conditions of the Palestinian people miserable and now they are doing the same to the Lebanese’s people again.

The American mainstream mass media, military industrial complex, the United States and Israeli governments and Jewish Temple are responsible for the war crimes of humanity that have been committed against the Palestinian and Lebanese people. Only by applying the “Rule of International Law” with an even hand will there ever be more peace than wars and conflicts.

For too long the Israelis have gotten away with murder and the destruction of other people’s nations in the name of self defense. The United States and the State of Israel must be tried for the most recent war crimes of humanity to break this cycle of war. Over two plus billion dollars of damage done to Lebanon not counting the lost of the uncounted lives of innocent Lebanese people, that Israeli have done to Lebanon is a crime in its self. Then the Israeli government officials say they started it by kidnapping of two Israeli soldiers.
David2004 said:
National Public Radio headlines described it as a “Two day lull on missile attacks on Israel”. This is an outrage because there was a TWO DAY CEASE FIRE that was declared that only one side seemed live-up too. The Israeli continued their aggressive assaults on the Lebanese’s people including an assault and raid on a hospital that was eighty miles away from the Lebanese-Israel border during the forty-eight hour cease fire. The timeline of the last year, last month or last week encapsulates the last sixty plus years of the Palestinian-Arab crisis with the Israeli military overwhelming aggressive assaults on their people...

Yeah, Israel:


Israel's Olmert: No Cease-Fire in Lebanon
07.31.2006, 12:47 PM

Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert said Monday that no cease-fire would be forthcoming in Israel's 20-day battle with Hezbollah guerrillas in southern Lebanon. Olmert said that Israeli forces continued fighting in the air, from the sea and on the ground in Lebanon.

"We are determined to succeed in this struggle," he said. "We will not give up on our goal to live a life free of terror."

Olmert spoke one day after Israeli airstrikes leveled a building in the southern Lebanese town of Qana, killing at least 56 people. Under U.S. pressure, Israel called a 48-hour halt to airstrikes.

But airstrikes resumed Monday, after trucks and cars loaded with people streamed north as thousands of civilians trapped in south Lebanon's war zone for three weeks took advantage of the brief lull to escape.

Olmert said Israel had no choice but to begin its attacks on Hezbollah after the guerrillas crossed over the border on July 12, killed three soldiers and kidnapped two others.

"We could not let the terror organization on our border get stronger, let them get more missiles," he said. "If we had held off, the day would have arrived soon when they would have caused unprecedented damage."

The fighting will end when Israel brings the kidnapped soldiers home safely, he said.

Olmert had agreed to a 48-hour cease-fire beginning at 2 a.m. Monday while the military concluded its inquiry into the attack on the south Lebanese village of Qana, Israel's deadliest strike in nearly three weeks of fighting.

But Israel left open the option of striking targets to stop imminent attacks or if the military completed its inquiry. After Hezbollah guerrillas hit an Israeli tank near the village of Taibeh with an anti-tank missile, Israel said, the army carried out the airstrikes to protect ground troops...

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