Left blamed Bush for 9/11 because he ignored signs. Is Obama to blame for Boston

Is a CEO responsible for the actions of his corporation?

Is the president responsible for the actions of his administration?
not bush though huh?
It appears that the FBI screwed up when the Russians warned us about the older brother. Does the FBI report to obama?
there is dead on proof the top terror people tried to warn bush about the exact problem
you lefties blame bush for intel failures and we blame clinton for intel failures-------but somehow obama is beyond being blamed for anything-------amazing!

No you fool the top terror people blamed Bush.

why do you pretend is was merely partisan?

becuase your so biased you cant think straight

Did I ever say that Bush was the perfect president? This is about the present, not the past. All presidents have made mistakes.

we cannot undo the past, but we can try to prevent the same screw ups in the future.

tell me, are you drunk, on drugs, or posting from a mental institution?

I guess where ever you are they only have books written by Fox pundents.

You never want to talk about history when it proves your historically failed ideas are just that.

The actions of Bush and the republican partys minions adherance to ANYTHING Bush did renders you people too stupid and dishonest to trust about anything.

You have been a bad actor in the past.

Now you say.

Oh that is all in the past

ignore it.

then you want to make up lies about what happened a few days ago.

how is that supposed to be ignored?
Go fuck yourself with your red herring, you deranged sack of shit.

translation = you have defeated me with facts and logic, so all I can do is hurl insults like a deranged chimp.

Facts and logic? :lol:

All you've done is tried to exploit a national tragedy for your own partisan means. Are you proud of yourself for that? Congrats, you're just like every other half-wit partisan hack who cares more about scoring percieved political points than about the welfare of the nation. Sit down and shut the fuck up, you sorry sack of shit.

LOL, I love it when you libtards lose your cool when defeated.

was it exploitation when the left wing media were salivating about the bombers being white rednecks?

But if you want to have an insult contest---------fuck you up the ass with your obama statue then eat a pile of Axelrod shit and top it off with a glass of rancid piss from Rosie O'Donnel after she and her partner had a mutual clit lick.
I know how difficult it is for blind partisans to accept facts but I will try anyway there was no repeat no solid or concrete evidence that 9-11 was in the works there was theory, speculation, and vague warnings as of right now so far as we know the Obama administration had no solid or concrete evidence about what these two were planning just the same type of vague warnings and speculation.

Obama did not actively tell his experts to NOT inform him anymore.

Bush did
we will NEVER forget your past.

we will always remember you cheat people out of their votes and screw up the economy big time and then top it off by getting our kids killed in wars for oil built on lies

That is NOW te republica party legacy.

you did it to yourselves...........and us
you fools on the right SCREAMED at Clinton for the first bombing at the WTC.

it happened like 20 days int his first term.

Then your team ACTUALLY had the balls to blame the 911 on clinton 9 months into the Bush term.

the right in this country has no integrity

What steps did Clinton take to mitigate against another WTC attack? He gut the intel budget and limited information sharing between CIA and FBI (see Gorelick) memo.
The Right blamed Clinton for the 9/11 attacks. The Right blamed the Democrats for the disaster of Iraq. The Right blamed Clinton for the 2001 recession.

The Right has blamed Obama for everything bad that has happened in the world since January of 2009.

So shut the fuck up.

Jamie Gorelick - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

9/11 Commission

According to Gorelick's op-ed letter in the Washington Post[12] she states that: "At last week's hearing, Attorney General John Ashcroft, facing criticism, asserted that 'the single greatest structural cause for September 11 was the wall that segregated criminal investigators and intelligence agents' and that I built that wall through a March 1995 memo." See original memo: [1]. However, the report from the 9/11 Commission, co-authored by Gorelick, asserts that the 'wall' limiting the ability of federal agencies to cooperate had existed since the 1980s and is in fact not one singular wall but a series of restrictions created over the course of over twenty years.[13]
Since Russia warned us about Chechen immigrants

?Russia warned US of Chechen immigrants? ? RT Op-Edge

At least you’re a consistent liar and partisan hack.

Russia didn’t ‘warn’ the US about anyone, they were requesting we investigate on their behalf.

The F.B.I. responded to the request in 2011 by checking “U.S. government databases and other information to look for such things as derogatory telephone communications, possible use of online sites associated with the promotion of radical activity, associations with other persons of interest, travel history and plans, and education history,” it said in a statement.

In January 2011, two counterterrorism agents from the bureau’s Boston field office interviewed Tamerlan and family members, a senior law enforcement official said on Saturday. According to the F.B.I.’s statement, “The F.B.I. did not find any terrorism activity, domestic or foreign,” and conveyed those findings to “the foreign government” by the summer of 2011.

As the law enforcement official put it, “We didn’t find anything on him that was derogatory… [we] did not have the legal authority to keep tabs on him.”


Consequently, with no evidence that Tamerlan Tsarnaev had any ‘terrorist ties,’ and lacking the authority to in essence spy on him, it is a partisan lie to claim the Administration should be ‘blamed’ for the Boston Marathon bombing.
Yet Bush is forgiven for trashing our top terror experts who tried to warn him about OBL and AQ.

they were treated like traitors by republicans
I know how difficult it is for blind partisans to accept facts but I will try anyway there was no repeat no solid or concrete evidence that 9-11 was in the works there was theory, speculation, and vague warnings as of right now so far as we know the Obama administration had no solid or concrete evidence about what these two were planning just the same type of vague warnings and speculation.

Obama did not actively tell his experts to NOT inform him anymore.

Bush did

Total bullshit prefect example of how blindly partisan you are.
Neither is responsible for either. Radical Islam is at fault and Muslims for not policing their own.

Both Presidents are at fault for letting Muslims in the United States in the first place. Most are anti-American by the nature of their religion just because you pluck them out of a war torn country isn't going to change that. Especially, when they blame America for their woes no matter if it's true or not. It doesn't matter how intelligent they are it's their mind-set and they teach their children the same mind-set that Americans and Christians are evil and must be destroyed. They don’t believe in the “Freedom of Religion” they believe that Allah is the only God and all other have to be killed and anyone who doesn’t believe in Allah must be destroyed it’s a Middle Eastern mind-set.
you fools on the right SCREAMED at Clinton for the first bombing at the WTC.

it happened like 20 days int his first term.

Then your team ACTUALLY had the balls to blame the 911 on clinton 9 months into the Bush term.

the right in this country has no integrity

They also stopped the Clinton administration from improving airport security and sending in covert operations to kill Osama Bin Laden.
I know how difficult it is for blind partisans to accept facts but I will try anyway there was no repeat no solid or concrete evidence that 9-11 was in the works there was theory, speculation, and vague warnings as of right now so far as we know the Obama administration had no solid or concrete evidence about what these two were planning just the same type of vague warnings and speculation.

Obama did not actively tell his experts to NOT inform him anymore.

Bush did

Total bullshit prefect example of how blindly partisan you are.

so you call the top terror experts liars just like Bush did?
Neither is responsible for either. Radical Islam is at fault and Muslims for not policing their own.

Both Presidents are at fault for letting Muslims in the United States in the first place. Most are anti-American by the nature of their religion just because you pluck them out of a war torn country isn't going to change that. Especially, when they blame America for their woes no matter if it's true or not. It doesn't matter how intelligent they are it's their mind-set and they teach their children the same mind-set that Americans and Christians are evil and must be destroyed. They don’t believe in the “Freedom of Religion” they believe that Allah is the only God and all other have to be killed and anyone who doesn’t believe in Allah must be destroyed it’s a Middle Eastern mind-set.

There are muslim lying in Arlington

you spit on the gaves of American Heros
translation = you have defeated me with facts and logic, so all I can do is hurl insults like a deranged chimp.

Facts and logic? :lol:

All you've done is tried to exploit a national tragedy for your own partisan means. Are you proud of yourself for that? Congrats, you're just like every other half-wit partisan hack who cares more about scoring percieved political points than about the welfare of the nation. Sit down and shut the fuck up, you sorry sack of shit.

LOL, I love it when you libtards lose your cool when defeated.

was it exploitation when the left wing media were salivating about the bombers being white rednecks?

But if you want to have an insult contest---------fuck you up the ass with your obama statue then eat a pile of Axelrod shit and top it off with a glass of rancid piss from Rosie O'Donnel after she and her partner had a mutual clit lick.

Was it exploitation when Obama used Children to get his agenda of gun control passed:eusa_shhh:
I'm going to throw a challenge out for all who want to blame Bush for 9-11 and Obama for either the Boston Marathon or Fort Hood. or Benghazi attack. You are the President during this time now taking your partisan feelings out of the mix and the benefit of hindsight tell us what you would have done different to prevent any of these attacks.
Since Russia warned us about Chechen immigrants

?Russia warned US of Chechen immigrants? ? RT Op-Edge

If it is true that Russia provided notice the boy was a potential threat to public safety and if the organization notified did not pass the information along to state officials, then as president Obama is responsible for the failure.

If notice was given and if said notice was passed along to state and local officials, then Obama is blameless.

One of the most important problems in the United States today is CEOs are too often held harmless for institutionalized bad acts because of the size of their organizations. That legal defense should not be allowed because CEOs need to be responsible AND ACCOUNTABLE for policy (institutionalized bad acts). It is entirely possible for congress to make CEOs personally liable for institutionalized bad acts, and that is what should be done.
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Neither is responsible for either. Radical Islam is at fault and Muslims for not policing their own.

Both Presidents are at fault for letting Muslims in the United States in the first place. Most are anti-American by the nature of their religion just because you pluck them out of a war torn country isn't going to change that. Especially, when they blame America for their woes no matter if it's true or not. It doesn't matter how intelligent they are it's their mind-set and they teach their children the same mind-set that Americans and Christians are evil and must be destroyed. They don’t believe in the “Freedom of Religion” they believe that Allah is the only God and all other have to be killed and anyone who doesn’t believe in Allah must be destroyed it’s a Middle Eastern mind-set.

There are muslim lying in Arlington

you spit on the gaves of American Heros

Should Hassan be buried in Arlington when he dies? after all, he was in the military and his crime was nothing but "workplace violence". :cuckoo:
you fools on the right SCREAMED at Clinton for the first bombing at the WTC.

it happened like 20 days int his first term.

Then your team ACTUALLY had the balls to blame the 911 on clinton 9 months into the Bush term.

the right in this country has no integrity

They also stopped the Clinton administration from improving airport security and sending in covert operations to kill Osama Bin Laden.

exactly how did the GOP do that? You are as bad as TM with your partisan lies and bullshit

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