Left blamed Bush for 9/11 because he ignored signs. Is Obama to blame for Boston

Bush had been in office for 8 months when 9/11 happened. Clinton was the president that was warned and did nothing. Sudan offered OBL to clinton before 9/11 and Clinton did nothing.
Clinton stopped the FBI and CIA from sharing intelligence info on possible terrorists.

You want to blame a president for 9/11, blame Clinton

Now, to current events, why did the obama admin give a pass to the older brother when Russia had warned us about him?

And that's a lie.

No, its not. Clinton could have taken OBL out when Sudan offered to pinpoint him, But he did nothing and OBL was left free to plan and orchestrate 9/11.

Prove your claim with facts
Bush had been in office for 8 months when 9/11 happened. Clinton was the president that was warned and did nothing. Sudan offered OBL to clinton before 9/11 and Clinton did nothing.
Clinton stopped the FBI and CIA from sharing intelligence info on possible terrorists.

You want to blame a president for 9/11, blame Clinton

Now, to current events, why did the obama admin give a pass to the older brother when Russia had warned us about him?

And that's a lie.

No, its not. Clinton could have taken OBL out when Sudan offered to pinpoint him, But he did nothing and OBL was left free to plan and orchestrate 9/11.

It is a lie. No Sudanese official ever made such an offer. And I've heard this lie about other countries as well.

You continuing to post this fallacy after it's been shot time..time and time again doesn't bode well for your integrity.
So, what would you people have the FBI do? They interviewed the guy and found nothing. Should they have followed him around 24 hrs a day, tapped his phones, monitored his internet activity?

Sounds like they screwed up the interview and background check. Should they be held responsible for incompetence?

Should the guy that did the interview be fired?

As Clayton Jones already pointed out:

In January 2011, two counterterrorism agents from the bureau’s Boston field office interviewed Tamerlan and family members, a senior law enforcement official said on Saturday. According to the F.B.I.’s statement, “The F.B.I. did not find any terrorism activity, domestic or foreign,” and conveyed those findings to “the foreign government” by the summer of 2011.

As the law enforcement official put it, “We didn’t find anything on him that was derogatory… [we] did not have the legal authority to keep tabs on him.”


It doesn't sound like a screw up to me. And even if somebody did screw up, how is it Obama's fault?

By your logic, Bush is responsible for 9/11 and Katrina.


the FBI reports to the president, the hurricane gods do not and neither do islamic jihadists.

you libs amuse me with your bullshit attempts at analogies.
As President Harry Truman said: The Buck Stops Here.
Whoever is President is responsible for what occurs under their watch.
There is no argument about that.
And that's a lie.

No, its not. Clinton could have taken OBL out when Sudan offered to pinpoint him, But he did nothing and OBL was left free to plan and orchestrate 9/11.

It is a lie. No Sudanese official ever made such an offer. And I've heard this lie about other countries as well.

You continuing to post this fallacy after it's been shot time..time and time again doesn't bode well for your integrity.

sorry, but your lies will not stand:

Clinton Let Bin Laden Slip Away and Metastasize
Since Russia warned us about Chechen immigrants

?Russia warned US of Chechen immigrants? ? RT Op-Edge

Since when to liberals ever hold themselves or Obama responsible for anything?

They always have an excuse.

Even if and when the facts come out and show how the Hussein Administration looked the other way when the warning signs were there, the left will just make excuses, just like Benghazi.

Left-wingers could really care less about the safety of Americans. They want chaos, they want people to be scared, because when people are frightened they are more willing to turn to the government for help, and more willing to surrender their freedoms for more government oversight.
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Who are you calling racist? Why is it that you libs always bring up race before anyone else?

Is everything racial to you? BTW obama is HALF White HALF black. Why do you consider him black?

What is your race TM? is it a defining issue with you?

Forgive TM she knows not the difference between race and religion. I seriously doubt she knows the meaning of racism or for that matter truth.

nothing but insults based on lies in the face of cold hard facts.

your a fool

The real issue is your pissed off that the very small list that separated Obama from being just like Bush just got smaller.... You're almost down to one is black and one is white, and that just ain't selling like it used to.
Mansoor Ijaz - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Mansoor Ijaz (born 1961) is an American businessman of Pakistani ancestry. He is an investment banker and media commentator, mostly in relation to Pakistan, Iraq and Afghanistan.[1] He is the founder and chairman of Crescent Investment Management LLC, a New York investment partnership since 1990 that includes retired General James Alan Abrahamson, former director of President Reagan's Strategic Defense Initiative. Ijaz has had ties to former CIA Director R. James Woolsey, Jr..
Forgive TM she knows not the difference between race and religion. I seriously doubt she knows the meaning of racism or for that matter truth.

nothing but insults based on lies in the face of cold hard facts.

your a fool

The real issue is your pissed off that the very small list that separated Obama from being just like Bush just got smaller.... You're almost down to one is black and one is white, and that just ain't selling like it used to.

LOL, white and half white. if the libs ever turn on obama they will be calling him a half white uncle tom
why did you people trash Richard clark the top terrror expert in the country when he told you Bush didnt want to hear about AQ and OBL?
dear lying sacks of excrement,

the top terror texpert in the USA told you Bush refused to listen to warnings about AQ and OBL.

then we got bombed

You and your party trashed him for his loyalty to country

Bush had been in office for 8 months when 9/11 happened. Clinton was the president that was warned and did nothing. Sudan offered OBL to clinton before 9/11 and Clinton did nothing.
Clinton stopped the FBI and CIA from sharing intelligence info on possible terrorists.

You want to blame a president for 9/11, blame Clinton

Now, to current events, why did the obama admin give a pass to the older brother when Russia had warned us about him?

And that's a lie.

Maybe untrue but not a lie. Here are Bill Clinton's own words confirming that OBL was offered up. (later when he realizes the crap he was in he redacted what he had said). The Sudanese never quit saying he was offered up.

Clinton: So we tried to be quite aggressive with them [al Qaeda]. We got – well, Mr. bin Laden used to live in Sudan. He was expelled from Saudi Arabia in 1991, then he went to Sudan. And we’d been hearing that the Sudanese wanted America to start dealing with them again. They released him. At the time, 1996, he had committed no crime against America, so I did not bring him here because we had no basis on which to hold him, though we knew he wanted to commit crimes against America. So I pleaded with the Saudis to take him, ’cause they could have. But they thought it was a hot potato and they didn’t and that’s how he wound up in Afghanistan.
you call the lies of some con comparable with the top terrro expert in our country?
why did you people trash Richard clark the top terrror expert in the country when he told you Bush didnt want to hear about AQ and OBL?

why can't you stay on topic?

but since you choose to deflect, what other than the failed economy do you hold obama responsible for?

does he get credit for the terrible partisan fiasco called obamacare?
And that's a lie.

No, its not. Clinton could have taken OBL out when Sudan offered to pinpoint him, But he did nothing and OBL was left free to plan and orchestrate 9/11.

It is a lie. No Sudanese official ever made such an offer. And I've heard this lie about other countries as well.

You continuing to post this fallacy after it's been shot time..time and time again doesn't bode well for your integrity.

I'll give you the benefit of the doubt because the Sudanese say an offer was made and as you see in Clinton's quote he alludes to the same thing.

FactCheck.org : Clinton Passed on Killing bin Laden?
you call the lies of some con comparable with the top terrro expert in our country?

A warning is a warning... Bush was a poor President, but who you chose to listen to and who you chose not to listen to matters very little when you made the wrong choice.

Your entire argument is based on Bush did it worse than Obama... When your argument should be asking why both men failed to take a threat seriously.

But then again, your not very intelligent TM, no one expertise you to think critically of a Democrat. It's ironic that you call so many others out as "party over country" when despite the Senate/Presidency being Dem you seemingly never blame then for anything. Somehow it's always the minority that made Obama sign bad bills into law.
Who are you calling racist? Why is it that you libs always bring up race before anyone else?

Is everything racial to you? BTW obama is HALF White HALF black. Why do you consider him black?

What is your race TM? is it a defining issue with you?

Forgive TM she knows not the difference between race and religion. I seriously doubt she knows the meaning of racism or for that matter truth.

nothing but insults based on lies in the face of cold hard facts.

your a fool

Not an insult at all. I seriously doubt anyone who uses the racist card in a discussion about religion knows the difference. I am giving you the benefit of the doubt. But in reality all you are really doing is spewing talking points, in the wrong place of course.

BTW you can't spell, you're not one to throw stones.
No, its not. Clinton could have taken OBL out when Sudan offered to pinpoint him, But he did nothing and OBL was left free to plan and orchestrate 9/11.

It is a lie. No Sudanese official ever made such an offer. And I've heard this lie about other countries as well.

You continuing to post this fallacy after it's been shot time..time and time again doesn't bode well for your integrity.

I'll give you the benefit of the doubt because the Sudanese say an offer was made and as you see in Clinton's quote he alludes to the same thing.

FactCheck.org : Clinton Passed on Killing bin Laden?

Um no.

There was no offer.

It's also incredible how little you folks know about statecraft, the spook world and back channel communications.

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