Left Gearing Up to Support Open Obama Dictatorship

obama won't try to stay in office. He won't try to get a third term. He will continue to try to function as the president. He will stay in Washington and interfere personally or through his OFA organization with the mechanics of government. He will continue to campaign for himself, give press conferences, and generally act in the capacity of president.

Okay. Lol

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You call the material in the OP data then call me a dumbass?
It isn't data, it's opinion not based on the majority.
Find me DATA that says the majority support a dictatorship, lunatic.

People like you annoy me so much. Your hatred has made you ignorant.

Yeah, twat-faced bitch, DATA, as in the Post published an article calling for the end of Presidential term limits so Obama can have a third term and more.

The Post, like most major papers do not publish articles they think outside the scope of what is reasonable.

If you don't know that then you are too fucking stupid and/of ignorant to remedy.

Rangel does polling, like all those whores, and would not call for Obama to rule by decree if he thought no one supported it in his community and that it would have a negative impact on his re-election.

So, please, just shut your pie hole and blow off, OK?

Can you show me that polling or ACTUAL data?
Twat faced bitch? Such hate, lunatic.

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lol, read the OP again, stupid ass.
obama won't try to stay in office. He won't try to get a third term. He will continue to try to function as the president. He will stay in Washington and interfere personally or through his OFA organization with the mechanics of government. He will continue to campaign for himself, give press conferences, and generally act in the capacity of president.

Okay. Lol

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He makes far more sense than you have so far.

You seem to think snarky retorts are some kind of rebuttal.

They are not, shit-for-brains.
Yeah, twat-faced bitch, DATA, as in the Post published an article calling for the end of Presidential term limits so Obama can have a third term and more.

The Post, like most major papers do not publish articles they think outside the scope of what is reasonable.

If you don't know that then you are too fucking stupid and/of ignorant to remedy.

Rangel does polling, like all those whores, and would not call for Obama to rule by decree if he thought no one supported it in his community and that it would have a negative impact on his re-election.

So, please, just shut your pie hole and blow off, OK?

Can you show me that polling or ACTUAL data?
Twat faced bitch? Such hate, lunatic.

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lol, read the OP again, stupid ass.

I did. Can you show me polling and ACTUAL DATA?

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obama won't try to stay in office. He won't try to get a third term. He will continue to try to function as the president. He will stay in Washington and interfere personally or through his OFA organization with the mechanics of government. He will continue to campaign for himself, give press conferences, and generally act in the capacity of president.

Okay. Lol

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He makes far more sense than you have so far.

You seem to think snarky retorts are some kind of rebuttal.

They are not, shit-for-brains.

That's all you lunatic kool aid drinking crazies deserve.

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Can you show me that polling or ACTUAL data?
Twat faced bitch? Such hate, lunatic.

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lol, read the OP again, stupid ass.

I did. Can you show me polling and ACTUAL DATA?

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The first article shows no polling and the neither present data that majority agree or care. The second article is also an opinion peace, which you obviously didn't read yourself.
I will ask again can you show me polling or ACTUAL data?
I will be waiting.

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Why have patience with obvious idiots? Call them for what they are and get on with real life. No dictatorship from President Obama or from the President that will be elected in November 2016.
Gearing up for it?

They've pretty much supported Obie as dictator since day one.

A real dictatorship. This board is an anti obama hotbed and it hasn't been shutdown yet.

Again, please look at the OP more carefully.

I am stating Obama has given himself legal authority to rule as a dictator, nevermind that he has not yet been heavy handed with that authority yet.

He is choosing to not enforce duly passed laws and making up new regs on laws never passed, but that isn't necessarily a dictator, but it is moving pretty damned close to it.
Why have patience with obvious idiots? Call them for what they are and get on with real life. No dictatorship from President Obama or from the President that will be elected in November 2016.

He has the power by law on the books.

That he is not yet fully using said authority does not mean he is not legally able to be a dictator, and thus legally have a dictators power.

You are surprisingly closed minded and ideologically blind, OR.
I've said it before, I don't trust either Party anymore. However, I believe Obama is the worst. He has made a mockery of the USA. As far as him being a Dictator, I believe he is. I also believe he will try and keep his job. Hearing that Hillary may run for President next time, guess who will really be standing in the wings as President. Hillary could not even run Secretary of State much less President. I would not be surprise one bit if Obama does not have that in his future plans. It is my belief that he is determined to destroy America.

Barack Obama is a man with only one core conviction. He has, as the basic foundation of his otherwise disorganized and uncertain belief system, the irrefutable tenet that the United States, because of its European roots, has been the epitome of oppression and arrogance throughout its history. Therefore, he is able to rationalize the need to say or do anything as the transformation of American society and the end of the pre-eminent status of the United States are his sole objectives. He has, thus, adopted a pre-meditated schizophrenic personality wherein he comports himself as an apologist and appeaser on the international stage and a narcissistic autocrat at home.
The autocrats that ran roughshod throughout the nineteenth and twentieth century were determined to aggregate power in a central authority and to achieve an exalted position for their countries. Barack Obama, on the other hand, is determined to denigrate and diminish the stature of his nation as he otherwise emulates the tactics of these despots.

Beyond his one immutable and core tenet, Obama wavers between acceptance of hybrid fascism with its emphasis on crony capitalism and inflexible government dominance of the individual and the economy on the one hand, and on the other post-World War II European-style socialism rather than rigid socialist/Marxist ideology. This may be anathema to the hard core left from whence he came, but little do they understand that Barack Obama is driven by retribution not ideology.

After five years, Barack Obama has gone a long way in accomplishing much of what he set out to do, namely, the end of the pre-eminent status of the United States and setting the stage to even the score with the European descendants that dominate American society.

Articles: The Schizophrenia of Barack Obama jV

I read the article. Why hasn't Obama brought any nation destroyers or socialists into his cabinet yet? Wouldn't he want to put them in charge of operations while he can instead of the wall streeters, bankers, CEO's and republicans that he has appointed? If you people really believe this stuff then why would you risk posting about it on this forum since Obama could have you arrested in the middle of the night?
Why have patience with obvious idiots? Call them for what they are and get on with real life. No dictatorship from President Obama or from the President that will be elected in November 2016.


No ‘gearing up,’ no plots or nefarious conspiracies; just more of the same stupidity from the usual USMB rightwing nitwits.
You are surprisingly closed minded and ideologically blind, OR.
Pot meet kettle.

You are coming off as a crazy bitter old man who lets political agenda stand in the way of common sense.

In your perception, which is not objective, as I am continuing to give the facts of the situation, of which no one addresses thus far.

It is easy to say 'pot meet kettle' but the facts alone speak for themselves well enough.

The POTUS has given himself war time powers of dictate in peace time non-emergency situations and some of his political supporters are calling for him to rule by decree, which he has been doing, though not openly by that term. His use of executive orders to REPLACE legislative authority, law and regulation duly drawn from said laws is dictate in its early form, like it or not.

All the libtard BS so far does not diminish this mount of evidence at all, but simply shows libtards desperately defending Dimbocrap talking points.
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Why have patience with obvious idiots? Call them for what they are and get on with real life. No dictatorship from President Obama or from the President that will be elected in November 2016.


No ‘gearing up,’ no plots or nefarious conspiracies; just more of the same stupidity from the usual USMB rightwing nitwits.

It doesn't require a 'plot' for the Federal Reserve to hand out more than $85 BILLION EACH MONTH to Wall Street banker buddies, does it?

Nor is it required for the POTUS to give one exemption after another to his cronies in the Dimbocrap political patronage network.

Why you retards focus on sensational aspects of the discussion while the duopoly that runs this country into the ground continues to operate in full view is astonishing.

You are like some old nag watching the movie 'The Titanic' and you keep asking what will happen to all that nice furniture on the ship. The story isn't about the furniture, it's about all the people who getting the short end of the stick because of the ineptitude and arrogance of the elite.

And today we have the elites helping themselves to huge fortunes of US dollars and the equivalent in government largesse to corporations and Wall Street banks but all morons like you want to do is whine about all the conspiracy theories, lol.
I've said it before, I don't trust either Party anymore. However, I believe Obama is the worst. He has made a mockery of the USA. As far as him being a Dictator, I believe he is. I also believe he will try and keep his job. Hearing that Hillary may run for President next time, guess who will really be standing in the wings as President. Hillary could not even run Secretary of State much less President. I would not be surprise one bit if Obama does not have that in his future plans. It is my belief that he is determined to destroy America.

Barack Obama is a man with only one core conviction. He has, as the basic foundation of his otherwise disorganized and uncertain belief system, the irrefutable tenet that the United States, because of its European roots, has been the epitome of oppression and arrogance throughout its history. Therefore, he is able to rationalize the need to say or do anything as the transformation of American society and the end of the pre-eminent status of the United States are his sole objectives. He has, thus, adopted a pre-meditated schizophrenic personality wherein he comports himself as an apologist and appeaser on the international stage and a narcissistic autocrat at home.
The autocrats that ran roughshod throughout the nineteenth and twentieth century were determined to aggregate power in a central authority and to achieve an exalted position for their countries. Barack Obama, on the other hand, is determined to denigrate and diminish the stature of his nation as he otherwise emulates the tactics of these despots.

Beyond his one immutable and core tenet, Obama wavers between acceptance of hybrid fascism with its emphasis on crony capitalism and inflexible government dominance of the individual and the economy on the one hand, and on the other post-World War II European-style socialism rather than rigid socialist/Marxist ideology. This may be anathema to the hard core left from whence he came, but little do they understand that Barack Obama is driven by retribution not ideology.

After five years, Barack Obama has gone a long way in accomplishing much of what he set out to do, namely, the end of the pre-eminent status of the United States and setting the stage to even the score with the European descendants that dominate American society.

Articles: The Schizophrenia of Barack Obama jV

I read the article. Why hasn't Obama brought any nation destroyers or socialists into his cabinet yet? Wouldn't he want to put them in charge of operations while he can instead of the wall streeters, bankers, CEO's and republicans that he has appointed? If you people really believe this stuff then why would you risk posting about it on this forum since Obama could have you arrested in the middle of the night?

You are confused; the Wall Street bankers and political hacks he has appointed (along with a few socialists and Marxists) are indeed the people who are dismantling our nation, debasing it's currency and auctioning off all our jobs, industry and property to the highest foreign bidders.

The people you think prove Obama on our side, the side of the People of the USA, actually prove the opposite, that he is merely the tool of Wall Street banks and corporate cronies.
In your perception, which is not objective
Actually my perception is fairly objective, I don't have strong political leanings one way or the other.

All the libtard BS so far does not diminish this mount of evidence at all, but simply shows libtards desperately defending Dimbocrap talking points.
And this is from you... might as well tattoo unobjective political hack on your forehead.
In your perception, which is not objective
Actually my perception is fairly objective, I don't have strong political leanings one way or the other.

All the libtard BS so far does not diminish this mount of evidence at all, but simply shows libtards desperately defending Dimbocrap talking points.
And this is from you... might as well tattoo unobjective political hack on your forehead.

Again, you avoid all the details of what is being done to our nation, and focus on semantic bullshit.

Do you have no love for the USA? It would seem you do not, like a step-mother who cares not a whit for the injuries of her son but only how much the bills will be.

You focus on trivialities while our nation continues to be looted and vandalized.
Rangel calls for Obama to rule by decree
Charlie Rangel Wants Presidential Executive Orders for ?Everything? | Politicker

Professor calls for unlimited terms for Obama...i.e. President for life.
End presidential term limits - The Washington Post

And Obama has long used executive power to just ignore Congressionally passed laws or to use regs to implement laws Congress never passed and the libtards love it. They eat it all up.

People, this country will not tolerate a President for Life like Chavez
Hi Jimmie,
time to revisit your thread accusing Obama of wanting a Dictatorship
One Professor suggesting the end of term limits? I give you Trump himself suggesting that he stay beyond two terms
"The good news is that at the end of 6 years, after America has been made GREAT again and I leave the beautiful White House (do you think the people would demand that I stay longer? KEEP AMERICA GREAT)," Trump wrote.

Then you had Republican ex-governor Mike Huckabee
I'll be on @seanhannity 2nite @FoxNews at 9pm ET and will explain how @realDonaldTrump will be eligible for a 3rd term due to the illegal attempts by Comey, Dems, and media , et al attempting to oust him as @POTUS so that's why I was named to head up the 2024 re-election.

Now lets talk about
And Obama has long used executive power to just ignore Congressionally passed laws o

Just today Trump announced he might try to adjourn Congress to circumvent the Constitutional requirement that the Senate approve his appointements.

And of course this week Trump announced that he has total authority over states.

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