Left has meltdown over impending demise of Biden student loan debt shifting scheme.

You want poor and middle class working folks to pay the debts of people who agreed to take out the loans and pay them back, Simp.

It isn’t their fault morons racked up debt getting useless degrees like gender studies.

We're all just victims...

They agreed to pay back loans in exchange for an educatuon...but its not fair.

The govt is steaking money from my pocket to pay off their student loans, making me a victim.

Somehow, though, THEY are the bigger victim because I worked hard to pay off my own debt.

Biden could pay every American 1 million dollars for a fraction of the money he is sending to Ukraine. That would get rid of Americans debts right there, if he actually wanted to do something that benefit someone in his own country.

But at the end of the day student sucks but it's an agreement. Every single person alive knows student debt sucks, it's a well known fact of life. Plus you get the terms before you sign so no one can't say they didn't know. If you aren't going to use your education for something to earn the money to pay it back then don't do it.

I agreed to borrow money to buy my house. Where is my money to pay my mortgage? Students get to keep their education, so I should get to keep my house.
Can't stand the fact that poor & middle class students may get a break on student loans, right asswipe?

Interesting that you frame it that way seeing as how you're expecting the 2/3 of this country who don't have a college degree, who are largely poor and middle class and make less money than those with a degree, to subsidize the loans of college graduates who largely make more money. It's a transfer of wealth from lower income people to higher income people.

And if you so bothered by the cost of tuition, why aren't you and the rest of your ilk out there taking on "Big Education?" You guys scream about "Big Oil", "Big Pharma" Wall Street and everything else, but you never complain about the gouging students receive by "Big Education." I wonder if that has anything to do with the voting patterns of academia.
Biden could pay every American 1 million dollars for a fraction of the money he is sending to Ukraine. That would get rid of Americans debts right there, if he actually wanted to do something that benefit someone in his own country.

Kinda missed the whole facts didn't you?
The reason WHY tuition is "$1000s and $1000s" is Democrats. I hope you don't need an explanation as to why it is their fault?
Like I said - Democrats caused the skyrocketing tuition, and created the sky rocketing rise in student housing.


Yes, Democrats and their endless expansion of the Federal Student Loan debacle is what has multiplied tuition costs as schools can perpetually raise their prices as the Banks know they've got a guarantee from the US tax payer.

And this "forgiveness" (transferring the debt to other tax payers) does absolutely nothing to alleviate that original sin.

Hit the nail on the head.
I must be missing something here.

Vocational students like HVAC, plumbing, electricians, pipefitters, mechanics, truck drivers, etc.; you know, the people that keep society functioning, get no student loans paid.

Bidenista's eat shit!!!

Not to mention study after study shows this program would explicitly benefit upper middle class/wealthy professions such as doctors and lawyers. They're the ones with the real sizeable student debt, and they're ultimately the most successful in paying it off. So when the ignorant Lefties on here bleat about "classism", they're actually its most useful idiots - espousing that janitors and the like subsidize the education of professionals. What else is fuckin' new?

It may be somewhat counterintuitive, but those most likely to default are those with the smallest balances - they have lower incomes and often drop out before even attaining their Bachelors.

This whole thing has been a vote buying canard from the outset, and hopefully it's about to get torpedoed down in smoke by the supremes.
I couldn't afford to go to a university so I joined the Marine Corps....
I served for 25 years in active duty saved my money and started a business with it... I than sold my business and have semi retired... I never took anything from anyone put my kids through school and I did it all myself.... now I have to help pay for other peoples children?... No way is that right... and when inflation spikes because of this government handout who will suffer the most?... the very people who never were able to attend a university....
Make no mistake about it, this isn’t loan forgivenes, it is shifting the responsibility of paying the loans from those who signed contracts to pay them back to those who did not.

And it will go down since the Constitution is crystal clear that spending originates in Congress, not the executive branch.

Biden overstepped his authority Bigly here.

But it is entertaining to watch leftist go bat shit crazy over the inevitable ruling by the Supreme Court.

I'll ask again, why are the colleges and universities with billions upon billions in endowments NEVER MENTIONED as part of loan forgiveness? Aren't they the ones who jacked college costs sky high? When I graduated in 1980 my entire student loan debt was 10K. What justifies that same 4 year degree to cost 250K today?
I'll ask again, why are the colleges and universities with billions upon billions in endowments NEVER MENTIONED as part of loan forgiveness? Aren't they the ones who jacked college costs sky high? When I graduated in 1980 my entire student loan debt was 10K. What justifies that same 4 year degree to cost 250K today?

Corporate elitist greed.
Interesting that you frame it that way seeing as how you're expecting the 2/3 of this country who don't have a college degree, who are largely poor and middle class and make less money than those with a degree, to subsidize the loans of college graduates who largely make more money. It's a transfer of wealth from lower income people to higher income people.

And if you so bothered by the cost of tuition, why aren't you and the rest of your ilk out there taking on "Big Education?" You guys scream about "Big Oil", "Big Pharma" Wall Street and everything else, but you never complain about the gouging students receive by "Big Education." I wonder if that has anything to do with the voting patterns of academia.
Well, if Big Education is gouging students maybe they should get a break on their loans.

Not all student loans will be forgiven if Trump's fascists that he appointed allowed this to stand.
Well, if Big Education is gouging students maybe they should get a break on their loans.

Not all student loans will be forgiven if Trump's fascists that he appointed allowed this to stand.

Except the break is given on the front end of the loan, not the back end, with Big Education contributing their fair share!!
Hey, Biden....Hyundai built cars knowingly with engine defects causing them to excessively use oil and in some cases burn up the engines.

I have one of those. I know I entered a financial contract to buy this car, but under the circumstances I FEEL it is unfair for me to have to pay for it.

How about you raid everyone's pockets to pay off my debt and those of other Hyundai owners?
You took out a loan on a Hyundai? :abgg2q.jpg:
Not to mention that China and other hostile governments have bought their way into these institutions. We saw that recently with U Penn's "Biden Center" and the massive Chinese donations they received.

Some of these universities have become a city unto themself.
Well, if Big Education is gouging students maybe they should get a break on their loans.

Not all student loans will be forgiven if Trump's fascists that he appointed allowed this to stand.

Dems are the ones to blame for the outrageous tuition costs by getting into the college loan business.
So why in the hell should I pay for the actions of dems?
Students take out student loans because they can't afford thousands & thousands of dollars for tuition, etc.

Not everybody is a trust fund brat who gets their college education paid for by uber wealthy mommy & daddy.
Well that is just complete total ignorance on their part. I was told when I was quite young, if I cannot afford it, don't do it.

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