Left wing fake news....the new Deputy Director at Justice did not threaten to quit...


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
Another left wing, democrat press lie about Trump......we were told, with breathless reporting, that the new Deputy Director of the Department of Justice had threatened to quit after the way Trump characterized the firing of democrat helper, Comey.......this, with no surprise...was a lie....

It’s Finally Confirmed: Rod Rosenstein Says He is Not Resigning and Never Threatened To

Rod Rosenstein is not resigning and has never threatened to do so. The final definitive account came from the Deputy Attorney General’s own mouth. Liz McKernan, a Senior Online News Producer at Sinclair Broadcast Group, managed corner Rosenstein in Washington and managed to pry the answers out of him as he walked down a hallway.

“No I’m not quitting,” said Rosenstein.

When pressed about whether he threatened to quit, Rosenstein responded “no.”

Over the last 48 hours, Rosenstein has become the definition of a political football. In the hours after the firing of James Comey, the Trump administration originally said that Rosenstein had been the one to instigate the dismissal.

Reports then emerged that Rosenstein threatened to resign over how he was being portrayed by Trump and the media. The White House then pushed back on those claims saying everything was just fine with Rosenstein.
I am to the point you can trust very little of any media anymore. And only one outlet seems to report corrections of the lies of most of the others.
Another left wing, democrat press lie about Trump......we were told, with breathless reporting, that the new Deputy Director of the Department of Justice had threatened to quit after the way Trump characterized the firing of democrat helper, Comey.......this, with no surprise...was a lie....

It’s Finally Confirmed: Rod Rosenstein Says He is Not Resigning and Never Threatened To

Rod Rosenstein is not resigning and has never threatened to do so. The final definitive account came from the Deputy Attorney General’s own mouth. Liz McKernan, a Senior Online News Producer at Sinclair Broadcast Group, managed corner Rosenstein in Washington and managed to pry the answers out of him as he walked down a hallway.

“No I’m not quitting,” said Rosenstein.

When pressed about whether he threatened to quit, Rosenstein responded “no.”

Over the last 48 hours, Rosenstein has become the definition of a political football. In the hours after the firing of James Comey, the Trump administration originally said that Rosenstein had been the one to instigate the dismissal.

Reports then emerged that Rosenstein threatened to resign over how he was being portrayed by Trump and the media. The White House then pushed back on those claims saying everything was just fine with Rosenstein.
How can we trust YOUR report?
Ultra-liberals don't care about the truth and the MSM knows it. The MSM is smart enough to know that no matter what they say there are people who are dumb enough to believe them.

The comments on this site prove beyond the possibility of rational debate that far too many people do not care about facts or insist upon evidence. They are simply primed to believe whatever makes them feel good. The pied pipers in the MSM have an agenda and they know how to manipulate public opinion to achieve that objective.

An informed, intelligent and discerning population would never fall for such chicanery. Sadly, far too many people anxiously accept, without questioning, any statement which tends to support what they believe or what they wish were true.

One of the many other lies manufactured and promoted by the MSM was that Comey was fired because he asked for more funds to investigate the alleged (and totally discredited) Trump/Russia election collusion. There was no evidence of any kind that this actually happened and there was no procedure in place where it could have happened. Further, Andrew McCabe who’s now in charge of the FBI on an interim basis refuted this claim,but this didn't stop the desperate Trump haters from jumping on the band wagon.

Ultra-liberal Democrats called for Comey's head because they believed he was responsible for Hillary's defeat but when Trump gave them what the wanted they went into a hissy fit. Why, you ask? Because these two-face hypocrites distort the facts, exploiting them to advance their agenda. First, they came after Comey because they wanted to prove he supported Trump but then they defended Comey because they wanted to prove he was fired because he was investigating Trump. Clearly, it was never about Comey; it was always about Trump. Their mission is to discredit Trump however they can and the truth is nothing but an inconvenient obstacle Thomas Sowell once asked the question: " Is reality optional." To ultra-liberal Democrats, the answers is “yes.”

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