Left wing group bailing out violent criminals, including guy who gave 13 year old the gun that got him killed by police.

Why wouldn't they qualify under your link? Which ones Koch organizations in particular are you talking about?

and why did the IRS admit they were wrong...if you claim they were right?

Because they are basically sissies, and Obama was conflict adverse.

I gave you exactly the cite of what qualified and the Koch Brother groups don't.

You're an idiot, he was shooting at cars passing by. He could've hit an innocent victim walking down the street. He got what he deserved, another person we won't have to support in jail off and on his entire life.

You know what we can't afford, the $20 Million dollar settlement his family is going to get. The price of thug cops went up after Geo. Floyd. Used to be you could pay off a family for seven figures, now it's gone up to 8.
Why don't they qualify and which groups are you refering to specifically?

Obama was conflict adverse? hahhahahahhahaha
So, Joe wants to disarm law abiding gun owners, then abolish police...That just sounds brilliant!
So, Joe wants to disarm law abiding gun owners, then abolish police...That just sounds brilliant!
for leftwing regimes it is....create a national police force, and disarm the people...worked for the National Socialist
The democrat party and left wing associate groups are responsible for the gun violence in our major cities.....their policies and actions allow violent, repeat gun offenders to be released from jail and prison over and over again...

For example....the 21 year old gang member who gave a gun to 13 year old Adam Toledo was bailed out by one of these groups....this gang member, wanted on a previous felony gun charge, gave the 13 year old a gun.......and having that gun led to the death of that 13 year old...

During a court hearing Monday for Ruben Roman, the man who’s accused of firing a gun and then giving it to 13-year-old Adam Toledo moments before police fatally shot the boy, a Cook County judge revealed that the 21-year-old managed to get out of jail because a community bond fund paid his bail.

The Chicago Community Bond Fund (CCBF) paid a $40,000 deposit to get Roman out of jail after he was ordered held on $150,000 bail for charges related to the Toledo incident and $250,000 bail for violating the terms of probation in an earlier gun case. Both bail orders required 10% deposits.

this group helped a gun criminal get out of jail............this is why we have gun crime in the United States...the democrat party and left wing groups want these violent gun criminals out and killing.....it gives them power.......
Bye bye douche.
View attachment 482097

Obviously criminals who have a previous felony gun charge need to have a $1,000,000 bond set on them.

They can go ahead and bail that out.



The actual bail paid is never what the stated amount is.

Yes it is. You are thinking of bail bond charges. A bail bondsman might charge $100,000 to put up the million dollar bail. You never get back the $100,000. If the entire million is put up as bail you get every cent back. The million is always paid. Or if allowed, real estate could be posted in lieu of bail.
Moron....the democrats have controlled Chicago since 1931, and lightfoot is no different from the rest....and she has openly mocked the police ....

Okay, but you tried to blame this all on Lightfoot, who is only in there because Rahm covered up for Jason van Dyke.

Otherwise, Rahm would be in his third term right now.

Moron.......the reason gun crime is a problem in Chicago is the democrat party judges, and prosecutors keep releasing the gang members doing all of the shooting.......the gangs also are working with the local aldermen......so attacking the police, ties to gangs by the politicians, and releasing the gang shooters over and over again causes gun crime...

Nope, they've been letting people out on bail since the 1980's, because Cook County Jail can only hold 5000 people.

But there was a spike in murder right after you nuts got the gun laws overturned and everyone was packing.

By the SHIT you spew on here, every day, murder rates should have gone DOWN in Chicago after more people started packing, not up.

Wrong.....they started attacking the police after the gentle giant attacked that police officer.....then it became part of democrat party doctrine to attack the police...that led to the increase in gun crime in Chicago.
So, Joe wants to disarm law abiding gun owners, then abolish police...That just sounds brilliant!
for leftwing regimes it is....create a national police force, and disarm the people...worked for the National Socialist

Yep......you drive out people who are moral, and who join the police to enforce the laws...once you drive out so many that there is a desperate shortage, you lower the standards so that democrat party goons can be allowed in, then they are in those police jobs not to enforce the law, but to provide goons with badges to protect the democrat party....
Why don't they qualify and which groups are you refering to specifically?

The ones that were told they had to get the right paperwork.

The ones that called themselves Patriot Truthers for 9/12 Teabagging and shit like that.

Clearly, they violated the law, and Lerner ws right to call them on it.

Hopefully, Biden learned the lesson you can't play nice with these guys.
Wrong.....they started attacking the police after the gentle giant attacked that police officer.....then it became part of democrat party doctrine to attack the police...that led to the increase in gun crime in Chicago.

I think you are confusing Mike Brown with Laquan McDonald.
Why don't they qualify and which groups are you refering to specifically?

The ones that were told they had to get the right paperwork.

The ones that called themselves Patriot Truthers for 9/12 Teabagging and shit like that.

Clearly, they violated the law, and Lerner ws right to call them on it.

Hopefully, Biden learned the lesson you can't play nice with these guys.
I just reviewed a list of many of them, and they meet it.

Patriot Truthers for 9/12...or 9/11 Truthers is a movement not a PAC, and not one funded by the Koch Brothers...actually Obama's own hand picked members of his admin were 9/11 Truthers....like Van Jones

Clearly the folks targeted by the Obama Admin, did not violate the law, and committed an illegal act, hence why they admitted they were wrong
Clearly the folks targeted by the Obama Admin, did not violate the law, and committed an illegal act, hence why they admitted they were wrong

Whatever, guy..

Hey, how is Chauvin doing?
when did I ever say that? I always thought he was guilty of the man's death. I fully support the manslaughter or even Minn 3rd Degree murder conviction.

No, he was guilty of murder. You don't kneel on a guy's neck for 9 minutes without the intent to kill him.

Hopefully, long prison sentence for this guy.
Run with gun, wheel on cop, get your Darwin. You lose again asshole.

I'm sure the cop will feel like a "winner" after he loses his job and goes to prison.

Poor uneducated racist. First of all, answer the question why a 13 year old was out at 2:30 am shooting a gun and running from cops moron. There will be no trial and no charges you Anti-cop birdbrain. Typical of racists like you to ignore facts and cry racism. Then wonder why we laugh at you.

Uh, I can tell you right now, living here, there's little or no sympathy for this cop. The Mayor pretty much threw him under the bus.
No asshole, he will not lose his job or go to prison. Just because you’re a lazy fuck who refuses to work doesn’t mean you know anything. Keep avoiding the real question of why the little punk was out at that hour. Justified shooting. Deal with it moron.
No asshole, he will not lose his job or go to prison. Just because you’re a lazy fuck who refuses to work doesn’t mean you know anything. Keep avoiding the real question of why the little punk was out at that hour. Justified shooting. Deal with it moron.

Doesn't matter why he was out. We don't go around murdering people for curfew.
No asshole, he will not lose his job or go to prison. Just because you’re a lazy fuck who refuses to work doesn’t mean you know anything. Keep avoiding the real question of why the little punk was out at that hour. Justified shooting. Deal with it moron.

Doesn't matter why he was out. We don't go around murdering people for curfew.
No asshole, he will not lose his job or go to prison. Just because you’re a lazy fuck who refuses to work doesn’t mean you know anything. Keep avoiding the real question of why the little punk was out at that hour. Justified shooting. Deal with it moron.

Doesn't matter why he was out. We don't go around murdering people for curfew.
No asshole, he will not lose his job or go to prison. Just because you’re a lazy fuck who refuses to work doesn’t mean you know anything. Keep avoiding the real question of why the little punk was out at that hour. Justified shooting. Deal with it moron.

Doesn't matter why he was out. We don't go around murdering people for curfew.
No asshole, he will not lose his job or go to prison. Just because you’re a lazy fuck who refuses to work doesn’t mean you know anything. Keep avoiding the real question of why the little punk was out at that hour. Justified shooting. Deal with it moron.

Doesn't matter why he was out. We don't go around murdering people for curfew.

it does matter...liberals for decades have had their sights on the destruction of the black family unit...this is what you get.
it does matter...liberals for decades have had their sights on the destruction of the black family unit...this is what you get.

Um, this kid was Hispanic, not black.

Also, the whole "absent black fathers" thing is a myth.
it does matter...liberals for decades have had their sights on the destruction of the black family unit...this is what you get.

Um, this kid was Hispanic, not black.

Also, the whole "absent black fathers" thing is a myth.

You wish it was a myth...black or brown, doesn’t matter, liberals hate them

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