Left wing media didn't care about Newts past when he was around 8% among GOP candidat

I don't think the smear campaign will work - may backfire in fact.

None of this is new stuff.

Like the cheap trick media stunt about Bush ancient 1970s DUI days before the election.

Bush had a COMFY 7 point lead over Gore which turned into a nailbiter.

Like the Smear campaign against Cain backfired?

is it really a smear campaign if the allegations are proven and true?

I wouldn't call it a smear campaign...they jumped on an opportunity. However, they did so in a way that revealed their bias...they certainly didn't give him the same consideration as they did Edwards.
I don't think the smear campaign will work - may backfire in fact.

None of this is new stuff.

Like the cheap trick media stunt about Bush ancient 1970s DUI days before the election.

Bush had a COMFY 7 point lead over Gore which turned into a nailbiter.

Like the Smear campaign against Cain backfired?

That's my point. Cain is a newbie - hardly anybody had heard of him.

Gingrich has been in the spotlight fo 20 years.
I don't think the smear campaign will work - may backfire in fact.

None of this is new stuff.

Like the cheap trick media stunt about Bush ancient 1970s DUI days before the election.

Bush had a COMFY 7 point lead over Gore which turned into a nailbiter.

Like the Smear campaign against Cain backfired?

That's my point. Cain is a newbie - hardly anybody had heard of him.

Gingrich has been in the spotlight fo 20 years.

Yep, and he did climate change with Nancy Pelosi for Al Gore and education with Rev Al. Sharpton for President Obama. All within the past couple of years. It seems his opinions change with the paycheck.
Now that he is a co-favorite they are all excorcised.

Means they would rather see Romney face Obama than Gingrich.

Are you joking? Newt's adultery has been a constant running joke throughout.
I don't think the smear campaign will work - may backfire in fact.

None of this is new stuff.

Like the cheap trick media stunt about Bush ancient 1970s DUI days before the election.

Bush had a COMFY 7 point lead over Gore which turned into a nailbiter.

Like the Smear campaign against Cain backfired?

is it really a smear campaign if the allegations are proven and true?

I wouldn't call it a smear campaign...they jumped on an opportunity. However, they did so in a way that revealed their bias...they certainly didn't give him the same consideration as they did Edwards.

Edwards was never a front-runner.
Like the Smear campaign against Cain backfired?

is it really a smear campaign if the allegations are proven and true?

I wouldn't call it a smear campaign...they jumped on an opportunity. However, they did so in a way that revealed their bias...they certainly didn't give him the same consideration as they did Edwards.

Edwards was never a front-runner.

And the Front-runner Is... John Edwards? - TIME
The left-wing media kept strangley quite about Bill Clintons adultery as Arkansas governor during the 1992 campaign and general election.

I had heard of Clinton before '92 - but not a lot.
Left wing media didn't care about Newts past when he was around 8% among GOP candidate

There is no ‘left wing media,’ never has been – it’s a rightist contrivance.

There’s only a ‘let’s make a profit’ media.

Like Cain before him, Gingrich means ratings and ratings sell advertising.

You’d think the free-market champions of the right would understand that.
Now that he is a co-favorite they are all excorcised.

Means they would rather see Romney face Obama than Gingrich.

Whoever is leading the GOP nominee's are paid closer attention to. Its pretty simple really. When Obama was way way way behind everyone, I never heard a peep about him from teh right.

See how this works?
I don't think the smear campaign will work - may backfire in fact.

None of this is new stuff.

Like the cheap trick media stunt about Bush ancient 1970s DUI days before the election.

Bush had a COMFY 7 point lead over Gore which turned into a nailbiter.

I was under the impression that he did in fact cheat on 2 of his 3 wives. If I am correct, there is no smear, its just a matter of reminding everyone about his infidelities and really reminding them of the hypocrisy of him representing the party of family values.
The media is propping up Gingrich because they're desperate to drag out the race as long as possible.
Now that he is a co-favorite they are all excorcised.

Means they would rather see Romney face Obama than Gingrich.

Oh Yeah--Barack Obama would have to bring 10 teleprompters with him, just to keep up with Newt and he would still get his tail waxed.

The Obama reelection campaign has always planned on a Mitt Romney win--and now the left wing media and the DNC are freaking out.

Expect a lot more to come.
It simply means the front-runners are being attacked. Why waste time and money attacking losers? It's called politics...
Now that he is a co-favorite they are all excorcised.

Means they would rather see Romney face Obama than Gingrich.

I agree with Barney Fife...er....... Frank. He said he must have done something right during his lifetime to be handed a gift like Newt being the presidential nominee for the Republicans.
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Bush had a comfy 7 point lead on Gore on the days before the 2000.

Then some smucface leaked a story about Bush ancient DUI in the1070s


The Bush campaign should have been upfront re his irrelevent dui when he declared his candicacy.
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dindt work

The hell it didn't. Al Gore got half a million more votes than did George Bush. Bush's brother, his concubine and the U S supreme court stole that election.

George Bush was a draft dodger and even at that didn't serve the last fourteen months of his obligation to the national guards.

Just think of what shape we would be in if Gore had been the president. He wouldn't have lowered taxes or started the war in Iraq so we would more than likely have the national debt paid off. The interest on the total debt is nearly half a trillion dollars a year now so just think of what a beautiful, safe country we would have...no debt and no interest to be paid.
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