Left Wing Terrorists Continue To Issue Death Threats To Trump Family Members

The libs themselves don't want to be called Democrats or liberals. They like to be called Progressives.

That's because we are.......not "regressive" live conservatives......who all they talk about is taking the country back........ward!
Backward, or fixing what you on the left intentionally broke?

What progress have you on the left made?


All you have done is show everyone you can't do anything right.

The country is fucked up, and going nowhere fast. Nothing gets done. Incomes are stagnant. The cost of living skyrocketing. Our military is a shambles. Our president a laughingstock.


You're too funny...........for eight years all the Republicans have done in Congress is vote "NO", start up a zillion Benghazi committees that keep coming up with the same crap (no fault found linking Obama administration), and write up repeals to Obamacare (62 times, really?)....and then you claim that Obama has done nothing?

You like all other conservatives live in a bubble supported by Faux News misrepresentations of the truth....you still believe that Nixon was framed and doofus Bush was a great President. I'm wasting my time trying to provide facts to you, because you will continue to hold on to your conservative myths.

I know you won't read either one because you prefer to live in a fantasy, but if you dare....

President Obama Has Done a LOT! A List of 340 Accomplishments so far, With Citations

Bush vs. Obama on the Economy, In 3 Simple Charts [UPDATED]
All Obama has said to every proposal the GOP makes is no.
The libs themselves don't want to be called Democrats or liberals. They like to be called Progressives.

That's because we are.......not "regressive" live conservatives......who all they talk about is taking the country back........ward!
Backward, or fixing what you on the left intentionally broke?

What progress have you on the left made?


All you have done is show everyone you can't do anything right.

The country is fucked up, and going nowhere fast. Nothing gets done. Incomes are stagnant. The cost of living skyrocketing. Our military is a shambles. Our president a laughingstock.


You're too funny...........for eight years all the Republicans have done in Congress is vote "NO", start up a zillion Benghazi committees that keep coming up with the same crap (no fault found linking Obama administration), and write up repeals to Obamacare (62 times, really?)....and then you claim that Obama has done nothing?

You like all other conservatives live in a bubble supported by Faux News misrepresentations of the truth....you still believe that Nixon was framed and doofus Bush was a great President. I'm wasting my time trying to provide facts to you, because you will continue to hold on to your conservative myths.

I know you won't read either one because you prefer to live in a fantasy, but if you dare....

President Obama Has Done a LOT! A List of 340 Accomplishments so far, With Citations

Bush vs. Obama on the Economy, In 3 Simple Charts [UPDATED]
A pack of lies. Obama takes credit for but denies having anything to do with the the one law responsible for cutting the deficit, Sequestration. Obama's Stimulus bill didn’t result in any Shovel-ready jobs as he joking referred to it. Instead, it turned into to a massive money laundering scheme. It raised the base spending limit to make it appear that he was cutting spending the last few years when in fact he was doubling the debt.

You liberals can't be bothered to look at the numbers yourselves. You leave that up to your Soros funded factcheckers.
The left is slowly but surely becoming the KKK of the 1950s. It won't be long until they kill somebody. Congratulations on becoming the thing you hate the most. Hitler demonized Jews, the left is demonizing white america. It will probably end the same.

Yes- because we white Americans are the Jews of 2016.......

Meanwhile- despite the rantings of Right Wing Nut jobs......no indication of whether the persons sending the death threats are ex- Trump employees, disgruntled Cruz supporters or someone on the left.

But those who want to scream 'race- race-race'- well like yourself- certainly do seem to be wanting to make this a race thing.

When it comes to the left race is the only thing that matters..

Yet of course- once again- it is you who is obsessing about race in this thread.

It is you who can't stop talking about race.

Look in the mirror- the race problem is staring at you.
The left is slowly but surely becoming the KKK of the 1950s. It won't be long until they kill somebody. Congratulations on becoming the thing you hate the most. Hitler demonized Jews, the left is demonizing white america. It will probably end the same.

Yeah right.........the KKK endorses Trump and somehow it's the left that is the KKK.....you're delirious with Trump KoolAid.
Get your facts straight. Not one current official KKK member or organization has endorsed Trump. Not one..

But your idol- David Duke- former Klan Member and still the poster boy for white supremacists- has endorsed Trump.
I hope we can all condemn any death threats- including and especially to any person's family members.

But fantasizing that these threats come from the 'left' just shows you don't give a damn about the threats- only about partisanship.

Then please do share false flagger. You sound like a Mitt Romney flip flop. Come out the closet. You're no more bipartisan than the Pope believing in Allah. I may not like liberals views but at least the libs have balls enough not to hide behind their lunacy tin foil hats.

Yeah.....only Democrat leaders do that.

The libs themselves don't want to be called Democrats or liberals. They like to be called Progressives.

Meanwhile- back in reality land.

The facts are that Trump family members received death threats.

The Right Wing Nut fantasy is that the threats must of come from the 'left wing'.....because to them......the answer is always to blame the 'left wing'- regardless of the facts.
The left is slowly but surely becoming the KKK of the 1950s. It won't be long until they kill somebody. Congratulations on becoming the thing you hate the most. Hitler demonized Jews, the left is demonizing white america. It will probably end the same.

Yeah right.........the KKK endorses Trump and somehow it's the left that is the KKK.....you're delirious with Trump KoolAid.
Get your facts straight. Not one current official KKK member or organization has endorsed Trump. Not one..

But your idol- David Duke- former Klan Member and still the poster boy for white supremacists- has endorsed Trump.
No he has not endorsed Trump. You're a liar.

Dr. David Duke: The Zio Media Lies: I have not endorsed Donald Trump! - David Duke.com
The left is slowly but surely becoming the KKK of the 1950s. It won't be long until they kill somebody. Congratulations on becoming the thing you hate the most. Hitler demonized Jews, the left is demonizing white america. It will probably end the same.

Yes- because we white Americans are the Jews of 2016.......

Meanwhile- despite the rantings of Right Wing Nut jobs......no indication of whether the persons sending the death threats are ex- Trump employees, disgruntled Cruz supporters or someone on the left.

But those who want to scream 'race- race-race'- well like yourself- certainly do seem to be wanting to make this a race thing.

When it comes to the left race is the only thing that matters..

Yet of course- once again- it is you who is obsessing about race in this thread.

It is you who can't stop talking about race.

Look in the mirror- the race problem is staring at you.

I'm a white man married to a Latina. My children are mixed race. My best friend growing up was black. My coworkers are Asian, Latinos, blacks and whites and we get along well. My IQ is 136. I'm smarter than you, I can see what is happening. You cannot. You are still blinded by the race card.

No I do not have a race problem. The left is obsessed with anything anti white though. That is crystal clear. Ask yourself this: why are you a democrat? I would be willing to bet it is based on some sick racial stereotype that you have been led to believe is true. It's all a freaking scam based on lies. You are being used. They have scrambled your brains. They have given you an enemy that you can blame all your problems on. This was a talent of hitler. He is alive and well today and he lives in the liberal left. Please I beg you to wake up and see the light before it's too late. Stop believing in demons and start believing in Americans.
David Duke left the Klan in 1980. He has not officially endorsed Trump. Also Duke never stated Trump makes Hitler look great again. The articles headline was false and Duke responded to it the other day on his radio show. Here is what he said:

Listen, this so proves the lying, disgusting Jewish controlled media.

For example, here's the daily beast reference to my radio show with the headline

David Duke: Trump Makes Hitler Great Again

[David Duke told his radio show on Wednesday that Donald Trump’s campaign could do wonders “rehabilitating” Adolf Hitler’s image.
David Duke, a onetime leader of the Klu Klux Klan, suggested on his radio program yesterday that Donald Trump, whom he has encouraged his listeners and followers to vote for, may be helping to rehabilitate the image of Adolf Hitler.]

Anybody who listened to my words knows that I did NOT say Trump Makes Hitler Great, I said the Media lies equating Trump with Hitler is making people rethink Hitler as much as rethink Trump because they know that Trump is Not Hitler! Or if Trump is Hitler because of what he proposes and says, than who really is Hitler? Is he what the media portrays him as?

So they LIE. I didn't say Trump makes Hitler Great Again! I said the media lies about trump can have the unintended consequence of affecting people's views of Hitler!

Trump is the one that lies......the media just reports what he says and what we see happening at his rallies...the fact that his supporters at his rallies act a lot like Hitler's supporters is not a lie....pictures and videos don't lie....they're not photoshopped.
The left is slowly but surely becoming the KKK of the 1950s. It won't be long until they kill somebody. Congratulations on becoming the thing you hate the most. Hitler demonized Jews, the left is demonizing white america. It will probably end the same.

Yes- because we white Americans are the Jews of 2016.......

Meanwhile- despite the rantings of Right Wing Nut jobs......no indication of whether the persons sending the death threats are ex- Trump employees, disgruntled Cruz supporters or someone on the left.

But those who want to scream 'race- race-race'- well like yourself- certainly do seem to be wanting to make this a race thing.

When it comes to the left race is the only thing that matters..

Yet of course- once again- it is you who is obsessing about race in this thread.

It is you who can't stop talking about race.

Look in the mirror- the race problem is staring at you.
. My IQ is 136. I'm smarter than you.

No you aren't.

Like I said- look in the mirror- the race problem is staring at you.

You can't stop talking- or thinking- about race.
The left is slowly but surely becoming the KKK of the 1950s. It won't be long until they kill somebody. Congratulations on becoming the thing you hate the most. Hitler demonized Jews, the left is demonizing white america. It will probably end the same.

Yes- because we white Americans are the Jews of 2016.......

Meanwhile- despite the rantings of Right Wing Nut jobs......no indication of whether the persons sending the death threats are ex- Trump employees, disgruntled Cruz supporters or someone on the left.

But those who want to scream 'race- race-race'- well like yourself- certainly do seem to be wanting to make this a race thing.

When it comes to the left race is the only thing that matters..

Yet of course- once again- it is you who is obsessing about race in this thread.

It is you who can't stop talking about race.

Look in the mirror- the race problem is staring at you.
I would be willing to bet it is based on some sick racial stereotype that you have been led to believe is true.

And that is proof that you aren't nearly as smart as me.
The left is slowly but surely becoming the KKK of the 1950s. It won't be long until they kill somebody. Congratulations on becoming the thing you hate the most. Hitler demonized Jews, the left is demonizing white america. It will probably end the same.

Yes- because we white Americans are the Jews of 2016.......

Meanwhile- despite the rantings of Right Wing Nut jobs......no indication of whether the persons sending the death threats are ex- Trump employees, disgruntled Cruz supporters or someone on the left.

But those who want to scream 'race- race-race'- well like yourself- certainly do seem to be wanting to make this a race thing.

When it comes to the left race is the only thing that matters..

Yet of course- once again- it is you who is obsessing about race in this thread.

It is you who can't stop talking about race.

Look in the mirror- the race problem is staring at you.
. My IQ is 136. I'm smarter than you.

No you aren't.

Like I said- look in the mirror- the race problem is staring at you.

You can't stop talking- or thinking- about race.
That's it?
David Duke left the Klan in 1980. He has not officially endorsed Trump. Also Duke never stated Trump makes Hitler look great again. The articles headline was false and Duke responded to it the other day on his radio show. Here is what he said:

Listen, this so proves the lying, disgusting Jewish controlled media.

For example, here's the daily beast reference to my radio show with the headline

David Duke: Trump Makes Hitler Great Again

[David Duke told his radio show on Wednesday that Donald Trump’s campaign could do wonders “rehabilitating” Adolf Hitler’s image.
David Duke, a onetime leader of the Klu Klux Klan, suggested on his radio program yesterday that Donald Trump, whom he has encouraged his listeners and followers to vote for, may be helping to rehabilitate the image of Adolf Hitler.]

Anybody who listened to my words knows that I did NOT say Trump Makes Hitler Great, I said the Media lies equating Trump with Hitler is making people rethink Hitler as much as rethink Trump because they know that Trump is Not Hitler! Or if Trump is Hitler because of what he proposes and says, than who really is Hitler? Is he what the media portrays him as?

So they LIE. I didn't say Trump makes Hitler Great Again! I said the media lies about trump can have the unintended consequence of affecting people's views of Hitler!

Trump is the one that lies......the media just reports what he says and what we see happening at his rallies...the fact that his supporters at his rallies act a lot like Hitler's supporters is not a lie....pictures and videos don't lie....they're not photoshopped.
Again, why are anti-Trump protesters wearing
Klan hoods to Trump rallys? Why are anti-Trump protesters shutting down highways backing up traffic as much as 8 miles to prevent people from getting to his events? Please answer!
The left is slowly but surely becoming the KKK of the 1950s. It won't be long until they kill somebody. Congratulations on becoming the thing you hate the most. Hitler demonized Jews, the left is demonizing white america. It will probably end the same.

Yes- because we white Americans are the Jews of 2016.......

Meanwhile- despite the rantings of Right Wing Nut jobs......no indication of whether the persons sending the death threats are ex- Trump employees, disgruntled Cruz supporters or someone on the left.

But those who want to scream 'race- race-race'- well like yourself- certainly do seem to be wanting to make this a race thing.

When it comes to the left race is the only thing that matters..

Yet of course- once again- it is you who is obsessing about race in this thread.

It is you who can't stop talking about race.

Look in the mirror- the race problem is staring at you.
I would be willing to bet it is based on some sick racial stereotype that you have been led to believe is true.

And that is proof that you aren't nearly as smart as me.

Oh I think you are lying.
The Right Wing Nut fantasy is that the threats must of come from the 'left wing'.....because to them......the answer is always to blame the 'left wing'- regardless of the facts.

Joseph Goebbels Nazi propaganda alert detected. Oh what a mighty web we weave when we practice to deceive.

Trump is the one that lies......the media just reports what he says and what we see happening at his rallies...the fact that his supporters at his rallies act a lot like Hitler's supporters is not a lie....pictures and videos don't lie....they're not photoshopped.


The left trying to hard to provoke Trump supporters. Looks like KKK democrats repeat history.




David Duke left the Klan in 1980. He has not officially endorsed Trump. Also Duke never stated Trump makes Hitler look great again. The articles headline was false and Duke responded to it the other day on his radio show. Here is what he said:

Listen, this so proves the lying, disgusting Jewish controlled media.

For example, here's the daily beast reference to my radio show with the headline

David Duke: Trump Makes Hitler Great Again

[David Duke told his radio show on Wednesday that Donald Trump’s campaign could do wonders “rehabilitating” Adolf Hitler’s image.
David Duke, a onetime leader of the Klu Klux Klan, suggested on his radio program yesterday that Donald Trump, whom he has encouraged his listeners and followers to vote for, may be helping to rehabilitate the image of Adolf Hitler.]

Anybody who listened to my words knows that I did NOT say Trump Makes Hitler Great, I said the Media lies equating Trump with Hitler is making people rethink Hitler as much as rethink Trump because they know that Trump is Not Hitler! Or if Trump is Hitler because of what he proposes and says, than who really is Hitler? Is he what the media portrays him as?

So they LIE. I didn't say Trump makes Hitler Great Again! I said the media lies about trump can have the unintended consequence of affecting people's views of Hitler!

Trump is the one that lies......the media just reports what he says and what we see happening at his rallies...the fact that his supporters at his rallies act a lot like Hitler's supporters is not a lie....pictures and videos don't lie....they're not photoshopped.
Again, why are anti-Trump protesters wearing
Klan hoods to Trump rallys?

Really? One protestor wearing a KKK hood and you claim anti-Trump protestors are wearing Klann hoods?
Exaggerate much? It's not like conservatives don't come to Hillary and Bernie's rallies with nasty signs and yell nasty things....but no one punches them or knocks them down like the Trump supporters do.[/quote]

interrupted by a protestor donning a Klan hood,
Protestor Dons Klan Hood At Trump Rally in Arizona; Trump: "That Is Disgusting"

Why are anti-Trump protesters shutting down highways backing up traffic as much as 8 miles to prevent people from getting to his events? Please answer!

First of all, are you sure any these protestors are not Republicans? They are the ones in a panic trying to stop The Donald....:)

Addressing a luncheon of Republican governors and donors in Washington on Feb. 19, he warned that Donald J. Trump’s increasingly likely nomination would be catastrophic, dooming the party in November. But Mr. Rove, the master strategist of George W. Bush’s campaigns, insisted it was not too late for them to stop Mr. Trump, according to three people present.

Republican Leaders Map a Strategy to Derail Donald Trump

The libs themselves don't want to be called Democrats or liberals. They like to be called Progressives.

That's because we are.......not "regressive" live conservatives......who all they talk about is taking the country back........ward!
Backward, or fixing what you on the left intentionally broke?

What progress have you on the left made?


All you have done is show everyone you can't do anything right.

The country is fucked up, and going nowhere fast. Nothing gets done. Incomes are stagnant. The cost of living skyrocketing. Our military is a shambles. Our president a laughingstock.


You're too funny...........for eight years all the Republicans have done in Congress is vote "NO", start up a zillion Benghazi committees that keep coming up with the same crap (no fault found linking Obama administration), and write up repeals to Obamacare (62 times, really?)....and then you claim that Obama has done nothing?

You like all other conservatives live in a bubble supported by Faux News misrepresentations of the truth....you still believe that Nixon was framed and doofus Bush was a great President. I'm wasting my time trying to provide facts to you, because you will continue to hold on to your conservative myths.

I know you won't read either one because you prefer to live in a fantasy, but if you dare....

President Obama Has Done a LOT! A List of 340 Accomplishments so far, With Citations

Bush vs. Obama on the Economy, In 3 Simple Charts [UPDATED]
All Obama has said to every proposal the GOP makes is no.

Like repeal Obamacare......defund Planned Parenthood, consider a fertilized egg a Person, etc., etc......:badgrin: What requests have Republicans made that go along with what the majority of Americans want?

But when you pair the Republican positions on issues (Ex. Raising the Minimum Wage) with credible polling that shows Republican positions are opposite the American people...why not blast them with polling and explanation of 2010 voter turnout results to discredit and challenge Republican claims they represent the will of Americans.
Do Republicans Really Represent the Will of the American People
David Duke left the Klan in 1980. He has not officially endorsed Trump. Also Duke never stated Trump makes Hitler look great again. The articles headline was false and Duke responded to it the other day on his radio show. Here is what he said:

Listen, this so proves the lying, disgusting Jewish controlled media.

For example, here's the daily beast reference to my radio show with the headline

David Duke: Trump Makes Hitler Great Again

[David Duke told his radio show on Wednesday that Donald Trump’s campaign could do wonders “rehabilitating” Adolf Hitler’s image.
David Duke, a onetime leader of the Klu Klux Klan, suggested on his radio program yesterday that Donald Trump, whom he has encouraged his listeners and followers to vote for, may be helping to rehabilitate the image of Adolf Hitler.]

Anybody who listened to my words knows that I did NOT say Trump Makes Hitler Great, I said the Media lies equating Trump with Hitler is making people rethink Hitler as much as rethink Trump because they know that Trump is Not Hitler! Or if Trump is Hitler because of what he proposes and says, than who really is Hitler? Is he what the media portrays him as?

So they LIE. I didn't say Trump makes Hitler Great Again! I said the media lies about trump can have the unintended consequence of affecting people's views of Hitler!

Trump is the one that lies......the media just reports what he says and what we see happening at his rallies...the fact that his supporters at his rallies act a lot like Hitler's supporters is not a lie....pictures and videos don't lie....they're not photoshopped.
Again, why are anti-Trump protesters wearing
Klan hoods to Trump rallys?

Really? One protestor wearing a KKK hood and you claim anti-Trump protestors are wearing Klann hoods?
Exaggerate much? It's not like conservatives don't come to Hillary and Bernie's rallies with nasty signs and yell nasty things....but no one punches them or knocks them down like the Trump supporters do.

interrupted by a protestor donning a Klan hood,
Protestor Dons Klan Hood At Trump Rally in Arizona; Trump: "That Is Disgusting"

Why are anti-Trump protesters shutting down highways backing up traffic as much as 8 miles to prevent people from getting to his events? Please answer!

First of all, are you sure any these protestors are not Republicans? They are the ones in a panic trying to stop The Donald....:)

Addressing a luncheon of Republican governors and donors in Washington on Feb. 19, he warned that Donald J. Trump’s increasingly likely nomination would be catastrophic, dooming the party in November. But Mr. Rove, the master strategist of George W. Bush’s campaigns, insisted it was not too late for them to stop Mr. Trump, according to three people present.

Republican Leaders Map a Strategy to Derail Donald Trump

These protesters were Sanders supporters.

Figures. Anti-Trump Protester Who Got Stomped on at Tucson Rally Is Bernie Supporter - The Gateway Pundit
The left is slowly but surely becoming the KKK of the 1950s. It won't be long until they kill somebody. Congratulations on becoming the thing you hate the most. Hitler demonized Jews, the left is demonizing white america. It will probably end the same.

I disagree with the slowly part.
David Duke left the Klan in 1980. He has not officially endorsed Trump. Also Duke never stated Trump makes Hitler look great again. The articles headline was false and Duke responded to it the other day on his radio show. Here is what he said:

Listen, this so proves the lying, disgusting Jewish controlled media.

For example, here's the daily beast reference to my radio show with the headline

David Duke: Trump Makes Hitler Great Again

[David Duke told his radio show on Wednesday that Donald Trump’s campaign could do wonders “rehabilitating” Adolf Hitler’s image.
David Duke, a onetime leader of the Klu Klux Klan, suggested on his radio program yesterday that Donald Trump, whom he has encouraged his listeners and followers to vote for, may be helping to rehabilitate the image of Adolf Hitler.]

Anybody who listened to my words knows that I did NOT say Trump Makes Hitler Great, I said the Media lies equating Trump with Hitler is making people rethink Hitler as much as rethink Trump because they know that Trump is Not Hitler! Or if Trump is Hitler because of what he proposes and says, than who really is Hitler? Is he what the media portrays him as?

So they LIE. I didn't say Trump makes Hitler Great Again! I said the media lies about trump can have the unintended consequence of affecting people's views of Hitler!

Trump is the one that lies......the media just reports what he says and what we see happening at his rallies...the fact that his supporters at his rallies act a lot like Hitler's supporters is not a lie....pictures and videos don't lie....they're not photoshopped.
Again, why are anti-Trump protesters wearing
Klan hoods to Trump rallys?

First of all, are you sure any these protestors are not Republicans? They are the ones in a panic trying to stop The Donald....:)


Yes I,'m sure!

LEAD ORGANIZER Who Shut Down Hwy to TRUMP RALLY Is "Soros Fellow" from New Orleans - The Gateway Pundit
Yes I'm sure!

LEAD ORGANIZER Who Shut Down Hwy to TRUMP RALLY Is "Soros Fellow" from New Orleans - The Gateway Pundit

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