Leftards Beware When Assaulting Trump Fans

I guess I find it hard to believe the concealed carry dude, carrying illegally in the mall, acted responsibly, by pulling his gun on a jerk that tried to knock his hat off his head.

I do not, in any way, see a jerk off guy who was wrongfully irritated by a stupid hat... and taking a swipe at it, to remove it, was some kind of lethal threat, to the concealed carry guy? Why was he ''in the right'' to pull his gun out, in the middle of a trafficked with people mall, for simply a guy, a crazy one, trying to swipe his hat? Is it okay to murder a jerk, that tries to swipe your hat off your head?


Sheesh, you guys are nothin' but yellow belly pussies who think this was okay and proper imho...

it was as stupid or even worse, than the jerk hating on the hat.... neither of the guys are something to write home about, again, imo.
I think its adorable that you think a malls rule = state law. :laugh:
I agree with you Norman, he had no business in harrassing the guy about his hat or trying to take a swipe at knocking it off... he was definitely in the wrong...

A person who is a concealed gun carrier,should be much more responsible, and level headed, than to pull a gun, on a guy, in the middle of the mall, because the guy tried to swipe his hat....

THAT was a crazy ass reaction as well!!!!

Punch the guy/gal in the nose, make it bleed as dad used to teach small little me, when or if being bullied!

But to pull your gun, for hat swiping? That's simply irrational, someone too high strung himself, to be carrying a concealed weapon...

So, in no way do I side with the jerk off hat swiper,

but I also do not agree that this incident was worthy of killing a man over it. And drawing the gun, showed me, the guy with the concealed gun, would take the chance of killing, over it... which is bat shit crazy!

Why would you punch the guy and escalate the situation into a fight when you can pull a gun and end it right there?

What is so horrible and irresponsible about DRAWING a gun in self defense?

Do you have a video of the situation? In any case you are simply wrong, what the attacker did was a crime, self-defense against politically motivated attacks is an honor at worst.
in self defense of who Norman, another guy with a gun, or a knife or a broken sharp wine bottle.....

but someone trying to knock your hat off??? really??? I just don't see it as a life threatening situation...

i'm sorry, but that just seems like an irresponsible use of a concealed carry gun... or any open carry gun.... a gun isn't a toy that's to be played with imho...

If you threaten someone who doesnt know who you are, take a swipe at their head, you might get punched, knocked down, have a gun pulled out on you etc. its the chance one takes by not minding their own damn business and invading someones personal space. people are getting tired of this, so if people want to be bullies, let them do so at their own risk

Exactly. Now had this victim waited until he was in the middle of a physical assault, and then pulled out his gun to shoot the attacker, the left would be crying how he should have pulled the gun right from the beginning to warn the attacker he was indeed armed.

Let's be honest here, Ray...the Left wouldn't be happy no matter what took place if a private citizen had a gun! It doesn't matter if you're in the right or the wrong legally...in the eyes of a liberal...if you have a gun...you're in the wrong!

In this case, the Trump person beat the anti-Trump person at their own game and won the battle. Of course they don't like it. What we are witnessing since Trump won is how terrible losers the left are. If they can't take measures to get him out of office, they take measures to stop his agenda. They just can't stand losing.
I guess I find it hard to believe the concealed carry dude, carrying illegally in the mall, acted responsibly, by pulling his gun on a jerk that tried to knock his hat off his head.

I do not, in any way, see a jerk off guy who was wrongfully irritated by a stupid hat... and taking a swipe at it, to remove it, was some kind of lethal threat, to the concealed carry guy? Why was he ''in the right'' to pull his gun out, in the middle of a trafficked with people mall, for simply a guy, a crazy one, trying to swipe his hat? Is it okay to murder a jerk, that tries to swipe your hat off your head?


Sheesh, you guys are nothin' but yellow belly pussies who think this was okay and proper imho...

it was as stupid or even worse, than the jerk hating on the hat.... neither of the guys are something to write home about, again, imo.

Well given that deranged anti-Trumpers have tortured kid with a MAGA hat, I would not play with it lightly.

Why are you siding with the person who obviously wronged? You have ZERO business reaching for someone else's hat or head in general in any way. Whoever took the hat is lucky he was not shot dead on the spot.
I agree with you Norman, he had no business in harrassing the guy about his hat or trying to take a swipe at knocking it off... he was definitely in the wrong...

A person who is a concealed gun carrier,should be much more responsible, and level headed, than to pull a gun, on a guy, in the middle of the mall, because the guy tried to swipe his hat....

THAT was a crazy ass reaction as well!!!!

Punch the guy/gal in the nose, make it bleed as dad used to teach small little me, when or if being bullied!

But to pull your gun, for hat swiping? That's simply irrational, someone too high strung himself, to be carrying a concealed weapon...

So, in no way do I side with the jerk off hat swiper,

but I also do not agree that this incident was worthy of killing a man over it. And drawing the gun, showed me, the guy with the concealed gun, would take the chance of killing, over it... which is bat shit crazy!

Why would you punch the guy and escalate the situation into a fight when you can pull a gun and end it right there?

What is so horrible and irresponsible about DRAWING a gun in self defense?

Do you have a video of the situation? In any case you are simply wrong, what the attacker did was a crime, self-defense against politically motivated attacks is an honor at worst.
in self defense of who Norman, another guy with a gun, or a knife or a broken sharp wine bottle.....

but someone trying to knock your hat off??? really??? I just don't see it as a life threatening situation...

i'm sorry, but that just seems like an irresponsible use of a concealed carry gun... or any open carry gun.... a gun isn't a toy that's to be played with imho...

It all depends on what their laws are, which apparently the armed victim was within.

In our state, the law reads a CCW holder can use deadly force if they believe that they (or others) are in jeopardy of serious bodily harm or death. In other words, your attacker need not be armed with anything in order for you to use a firearm for protection. Perfectly legal.

I seriously doubt the attacker said "I'm only going to knock off your Trump hat, and that's it." You have no idea what the intent of your attacker is, so at least in our state, that could be reason to believe somebody was going to cause you serious bodily harm.

The article says right at the start that before taking swipe at the hat the person threatened to beat up the Trump supporter. I think the article also said that the attacker ran and is still free.
Well given that deranged anti-Trumpers have tortured kid with a MAGA hat, I would not play with it lightly.

Why are you siding with the person who obviously wronged? You have ZERO business reaching for someone else's hat or head in general in any way. Whoever took the hat is lucky he was not shot dead on the spot.
I agree with you Norman, he had no business in harrassing the guy about his hat or trying to take a swipe at knocking it off... he was definitely in the wrong...

A person who is a concealed gun carrier,should be much more responsible, and level headed, than to pull a gun, on a guy, in the middle of the mall, because the guy tried to swipe his hat....

THAT was a crazy ass reaction as well!!!!

Punch the guy/gal in the nose, make it bleed as dad used to teach small little me, when or if being bullied!

But to pull your gun, for hat swiping? That's simply irrational, someone too high strung himself, to be carrying a concealed weapon...

So, in no way do I side with the jerk off hat swiper,

but I also do not agree that this incident was worthy of killing a man over it. And drawing the gun, showed me, the guy with the concealed gun, would take the chance of killing, over it... which is bat shit crazy!

Why would you punch the guy and escalate the situation into a fight when you can pull a gun and end it right there?

What is so horrible and irresponsible about DRAWING a gun in self defense?

Do you have a video of the situation? In any case you are simply wrong, what the attacker did was a crime, self-defense against politically motivated attacks is an honor at worst.
in self defense of who Norman, another guy with a gun, or a knife or a broken sharp wine bottle.....

but someone trying to knock your hat off??? really??? I just don't see it as a life threatening situation...

i'm sorry, but that just seems like an irresponsible use of a concealed carry gun... or any open carry gun.... a gun isn't a toy that's to be played with imho...

It all depends on what their laws are, which apparently the armed victim was within.

In our state, the law reads a CCW holder can use deadly force if they believe that they (or others) are in jeopardy of serious bodily harm or death. In other words, your attacker need not be armed with anything in order for you to use a firearm for protection. Perfectly legal.

I seriously doubt the attacker said "I'm only going to knock off your Trump hat, and that's it." You have no idea what the intent of your attacker is, so at least in our state, that could be reason to believe somebody was going to cause you serious bodily harm.

The article says right at the start that before taking swipe at the hat the person threatened to beat up the Trump supporter. I think the article also said that the attacker ran and is still free.

20 or 30 years ago, if that happened to me, I would go toe to toe with the guy. Of course back then, I was in very good physical shape, and I'm 6'3", so I didn't get many challenges. However today, I'm pushing 60, and have health issues. I'm not in a position to get into a long physical altercation with an unknown attacker. So if this situation happened to me, I would have done the same thing.

The left thinks we should play by their set of rules. If you are physically attacked and at a great disadvantage, too bad. Just fight the best you can until you end up in the hospital. The left hates when we don't play by their rules, and play by our rules instead. The difference is our rules are written within the law. Theirs isn't unless you are in a liberal state where the laws are written to support the criminal.
A 9mm? Lol

Either that or they’ll find another way to be violent...mail bombs to you, drive over you in their car...blob supporters crave violence.

Right, Candy! The side that's taken violence to the streets...time and again...isn't the right...it's the left! Antifa? Liberals wearing masks to hide their identities while they roam the streets in mobs blocking traffic, smashing windows and assaulting anyone who appears to disagree with their politics. Cowards assault others when they outnumber them. That's the way of the left these days. Cowardly attacks against the elderly...women...and children. You OWN that!

I’ll give you that. While blob supporters were carrying torches and chanting Nazi slogans, they were not wearing masks.

However in Charlottesville, a lot of your blob’s very fine people were wearing masks during their assault spree.

Nazis have been marching long before Trump was ever elected President, Candy! You on the left use laughably small marches by a bunch of Nazi idiots as your excuse to assault ALL conservatives with impunity! It's the excuse that ANTIFA employs to use mob violence in the streets!

In Virginia?
Did the POTUS call those Nazi’s very fine people?
Having been verbally assaulted by Trump fans four times, because they did not like my "Not my President" bumper sticker, I stay clear of anyone wearing a red hat. All of them were total strangers, and two of them invited me outside to settle it. Presumably, they felt empowered to do so, since my car has a handicapped plate.

And then you woke up.

Which is a whole lot more than I can say about Trump supporters. One of them, a kid if about 25, pulled up beside me on the expressway at 75 MPH, lowered his window, yelled me to do an impossible anatomical act, and flipped me off. Then, he reverted to his inner cowardice, sped up to 85 MPH, and took off as fast as his 1994 Toyota could go.
A 9mm? Lol

Either that or they’ll find another way to be violent...mail bombs to you, drive over you in their car...blob supporters crave violence.

Right, Candy! The side that's taken violence to the streets...time and again...isn't the right...it's the left! Antifa? Liberals wearing masks to hide their identities while they roam the streets in mobs blocking traffic, smashing windows and assaulting anyone who appears to disagree with their politics. Cowards assault others when they outnumber them. That's the way of the left these days. Cowardly attacks against the elderly...women...and children. You OWN that!

I’ll give you that. While blob supporters were carrying torches and chanting Nazi slogans, they were not wearing masks.

However in Charlottesville, a lot of your blob’s very fine people were wearing masks during their assault spree.

Nazis have been marching long before Trump was ever elected President, Candy! You on the left use laughably small marches by a bunch of Nazi idiots as your excuse to assault ALL conservatives with impunity! It's the excuse that ANTIFA employs to use mob violence in the streets!

In Virginia?
Did the POTUS call those Nazi’s very fine people?

No, he said there were fine people on both sides. The left (as usual) lied about what he said, and of course, you bought it.
Having been verbally assaulted by Trump fans four times, because they did not like my "Not my President" bumper sticker, I stay clear of anyone wearing a red hat. All of them were total strangers, and two of them invited me outside to settle it. Presumably, they felt empowered to do so, since my car has a handicapped plate.

And then you woke up.

Which is a whole lot more than I can say about Trump supporters. One of them, a kid if about 25, pulled up beside me on the expressway at 75 MPH, lowered his window, yelled me to do an impossible anatomical act, and flipped me off. Then, he reverted to his inner cowardice, sped up to 85 MPH, and took off as fast as his 1994 Toyota could go.

And then, you again woke up.
I love it when you pretend to be tough.

I love it when you pretend to be tough attacking innocent civilians carrying out their private lives - it makes you look like the jokes that you are.

Leftists... always side with criminals over honest Americans.
I'm.not attacking anyone, but anyone wearing a maga hat is a criminal.
You be looking down the barrel of a 9mm with hollow points.

Trump Supporter Draws Gun In Self-Defense After Politically Motivated Attack

Shit, conservative women might be the first to draw down.
I love it when you pretend to be tough.

The guy demanding someone take off a Trump hat is the one pretending to be tough and theres been a lot of that going around. These people need to mind their own business before they get hurt. Stop invading peoples personal space or get yourself hurt.
Oooh! Another one!

I almost got chills!

Not really.
Having been verbally assaulted by Trump fans four times, because they did not like my "Not my President" bumper sticker, I stay clear of anyone wearing a red hat. All of them were total strangers, and two of them invited me outside to settle it. Presumably, they felt empowered to do so, since my car has a handicapped plate.
Nobody believes your fairy tales, kid.
I guess I find it hard to believe the concealed carry dude, carrying illegally in the mall, acted responsibly, by pulling his gun on a jerk that tried to knock his hat off his head.

I do not, in any way, see a jerk off guy who was wrongfully irritated by a stupid hat... and taking a swipe at it, to remove it, was some kind of lethal threat, to the concealed carry guy? Why was he ''in the right'' to pull his gun out, in the middle of a trafficked with people mall, for simply a guy, a crazy one, trying to swipe his hat? Is it okay to murder a jerk, that tries to swipe your hat off your head?


Sheesh, you guys are nothin' but yellow belly pussies who think this was okay and proper imho...

it was as stupid or even worse, than the jerk hating on the hat.... neither of the guys are something to write home about, again, imo.

Well given that deranged anti-Trumpers have tortured kid with a MAGA hat, I would not play with it lightly.

Why are you siding with the person who obviously wronged? You have ZERO business reaching for someone else's hat or head in general in any way. Whoever took the hat is lucky he was not shot dead on the spot.
I agree with you Norman, he had no business in harrassing the guy about his hat or trying to take a swipe at knocking it off... he was definitely in the wrong...

A person who is a concealed gun carrier,should be much more responsible, and level headed, than to pull a gun, on a guy, in the middle of the mall, because the guy tried to swipe his hat....

THAT was a crazy ass reaction as well!!!!

Punch the guy/gal in the nose, make it bleed as dad used to teach small little me, when or if being bullied!

But to pull your gun, for hat swiping? That's simply irrational, someone too high strung himself, to be carrying a concealed weapon...

So, in no way do I side with the jerk off hat swiper,

but I also do not agree that this incident was worthy of killing a man over it. And drawing the gun, showed me, the guy with the concealed gun, would take the chance of killing, over it... which is bat shit crazy!

He should have shot the guy dead. Put a hand on someone, you deserve to be shot dead for it.

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