Lefties Become Hysterical Once They Realize the December Democratic Debate Will Be All White People

A small town in Spain harvests cork - the bark of certain trees.

They are overwhelmed with orders from an address in Washington, D.C.

The same address recently received a gross of propane torches.

The "all white" problem will soon be resolved in Canadian fashion.
After Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA) announced that she was suspending her 2020 presidential campaign, lefties quickly took to Twitter to voice their outrage over the remainder of the Democrats' top tier contenders. Their issue: those who will be on the December Democratic debate stage are all white.

Lefties Become Hysterical Once They Realize the December Democratic Debate Will Be All White People


I do wonder how the debate moderators will address the issue of a debate stage filled with rich old white people and 1 white gay blacks have rejected. I imagine they'll come up with a question asking if all will pledge to picking a minority as VP.
Are you suggesting that affirmative action be used when it comes to those running for President?

Er..umm.. the Democrats have been suggesting that for quite a while now, what else can one conclude from the oft repeated , "The Republicans are the party of white people" charge that Crime Family-D lemmings like to sling around?

Now it appears that the politically correct, identity politics shoe is on the other foot, huh?
After Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA) announced that she was suspending her 2020 presidential campaign, lefties quickly took to Twitter to voice their outrage over the remainder of the Democrats' top tier contenders. Their issue: those who will be on the December Democratic debate stage are all white.

Lefties Become Hysterical Once They Realize the December Democratic Debate Will Be All White People


I do wonder how the debate moderators will address the issue of a debate stage filled with rich old white people and 1 white gay blacks have rejected. I imagine they'll come up with a question asking if all will pledge to picking a minority as VP.
Are you suggesting that affirmative action be used when it comes to those running for President?
Democrats think so, obviously.
After Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA) announced that she was suspending her 2020 presidential campaign, lefties quickly took to Twitter to voice their outrage over the remainder of the Democrats' top tier contenders. Their issue: those who will be on the December Democratic debate stage are all white.

Lefties Become Hysterical Once They Realize the December Democratic Debate Will Be All White People


I do wonder how the debate moderators will address the issue of a debate stage filled with rich old white people and 1 white gay blacks have rejected. I imagine they'll come up with a question asking if all will pledge to picking a minority as VP.
Are you suggesting that affirmative action be used when it comes to those running for President?

No that's what libs did and here they are with a bunch of white folks. Just shows you how disingenuous, fake, and hypocritical they are.
In 2016, the Republican Party has several credible Presidential candidates representing quite a range of ethnicities, while the Democrats had only two old white people.
And how far did they get?

A lot farther than any minorities got in the true racist party, which is the Democraps.

By the time of the 2016 California Primary, Trump was the only candidate still officially running, but I didn't vote for him. There were other names still appearing on the ballot. I don't remember, now, whether it was Ted Cruz or Marco Rubio for whom I voted, but both of them are of Cuban ancestry.
Tell us who FORCED the not white Democrat candidates to drop out.
At two of the democrats are not White and in fact hate Whitey as a rule.
After Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA) announced that she was suspending her 2020 presidential campaign, lefties quickly took to Twitter to voice their outrage over the remainder of the Democrats' top tier contenders. Their issue: those who will be on the December Democratic debate stage are all white.

Lefties Become Hysterical Once They Realize the December Democratic Debate Will Be All White People


I do wonder how the debate moderators will address the issue of a debate stage filled with rich old white people and 1 white gay blacks have rejected. I imagine they'll come up with a question asking if all will pledge to picking a minority as VP.
Are you suggesting that affirmative action be used when it comes to those running for President?

Well, democrats support affirmative action in every other industry so they should do the same for picking their candidate for POTUS.
After Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA) announced that she was suspending her 2020 presidential campaign, lefties quickly took to Twitter to voice their outrage over the remainder of the Democrats' top tier contenders. Their issue: those who will be on the December Democratic debate stage are all white.

Lefties Become Hysterical Once They Realize the December Democratic Debate Will Be All White People


I do wonder how the debate moderators will address the issue of a debate stage filled with rich old white people and 1 white gay blacks have rejected. I imagine they'll come up with a question asking if all will pledge to picking a minority as VP.

The one thing I must admit; it is quite fascinating how the Left has successfully programmed ignorant piece of shit white people to hate white people for being white.

When you see the anti-white attacks in the press, and hollywood and in the higher levels of the DNC..the "my fellow white people" speeches..look a little closer. You might notice something interesting.
After Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA) announced that she was suspending her 2020 presidential campaign, lefties quickly took to Twitter to voice their outrage over the remainder of the Democrats' top tier contenders. Their issue: those who will be on the December Democratic debate stage are all white.

Lefties Become Hysterical Once They Realize the December Democratic Debate Will Be All White People


I do wonder how the debate moderators will address the issue of a debate stage filled with rich old white people and 1 white gay blacks have rejected. I imagine they'll come up with a question asking if all will pledge to picking a minority as VP.

Democrats are sick in the head.
Biden, Sanders, Warren, Buttplug, Steyer, Klobuchar are all that will be on the stage. Missing will be Castro, Bloomberg, and Booker.
I'm not seeing that Kamala makes a big difference if she's there or not. The first order of business for any presidential candidate is to have enough money to compete. If you can't manage that you aren't qualified to be president anyway.
So now its just a matter of time until Booker and Castro drop out.
If you're a black voter and see the choice in 2020, does party really matter? Or will you vote for a president based on policy vs performance?
Is REPARATIONS still a thing? I haven't heard any debate questions on that lately.
In 2016, the Republican Party has several credible Presidential candidates representing quite a range of ethnicities, while the Democrats had only two old white people.

Sorry, one Uncle Tom and a couple of White Hispanics was hardly "Diverse".

And you still ignored all those qualified people and picked the Racist.
No, there aren't that many. Such Republican racists are a tiny fringe minority, who are universally condemned and rejected by the vast majority of Republicans.

YOu might have a point, Mormon Bob. Most Republicans are not so open in their racism... they just turn a blind eye when the police legally murder people of color.
JoeB131, what high school did you drop out of you retarded idiot?
The Dems love old white people and they criticize the republican party like the hypocrites they are

Even when they had Obama as their candidate who did they pick for VP.... an old white guy
The "non-white" Democrat candidates bowed out because their innate sense of reality is a little sharper than most other liberals. They figured out that the fix is in, has been in for years and Hillary will be the nominee come hell or high water....or what number of mysterious suicides are necessary to maintain that simple fact.

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