Lefties cancel Yoga for disabled people classes because...

Uhhh, thanks.

For nothing

Hey... you do the very BEST you can, bless you're lil' heart.

All you did was insult and then confirm what I said that everything is liberal only that you explained WHY it was liberal. So thanks

Oh... So you're insulted by the refutation of yourself and your ideas?

How sad... .

If it helps... the reason that you're insulted, is that you lack the means to reason objectively.

As a result, when your own stated ideas are exposed as childish, foolish and simply false, you lack the means to recognize that your perspective is false, that your reasoning is flawed and from that reality, to change the way you look at these things and adjust your reasoning to a logically valid construct.

Try to understand, that just because you are insulted, that in NO WAY sets a requirement for others to otherwise accept your 'feelings'.

What's more... the viable individual has the RESPONSIBILITY to correct you... which sadly, you claim to represent an insult.

See how that works?
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Reader... the Left on this board, like the Left everywhere else, is now coming to recognize that the Party is over.

So they're desperately trying to find a way to continue to promote their specious claptrap, even after the islamic subversive and its cult are kicked to the political curb and Ted Cruz takes Presidential power.

Locally... on this board, they've decided to run the scam wherein they are conspiring with at least one site moderator, to demand that they're being harassed by their opposition... and the would-be moderator comes in to Delete Posts and Red-line a scolding demand that the discussion be limited to "The Point".

It is absolutely ADORABLE...

The coolest part is that this happens everywhere I go... but it's not me... as much as it is the nature of the lowly Bully.

When I came to this site not too long ago... the above cited clown and its comrades were all SORT of full of piss and vinegar... raining down hate upon anyone and everyone who opposed them.

LOL! Now look at 'em...

Why today, they're all victims... cowering behind yet ANOTHER foolish idea.


They truly are helpless.

Reader, if ya think about, The Ideological Leftist, is that which in greater nature... is otherwise simply known to most creatures, as: FOOD!
Today I learned the right sees liberals everywhere and yoga is a liberal exercise lol.

And like everything else you think you have 'learned' it is totally bullshit as that is not a consensus view of conservatives, idiot.

Yes it is. If its a pronoun conservatives say its liberal lol.

Movie etc etc and now
Yes, you confirm that you are a certified moron.
Uhhh, thanks.

For nothing

Hey... you do the very BEST you can, bless you're lil' heart.

All you did was insult and then confirm what I said that everything is liberal only that you explained WHY it was liberal. So thanks
No, he didnt, liar, he showed you for the fool you are.

Name calling isnt a point. Yes he did.
He explained himself in considerable detail, but you are too stupid to read and comprehend it.

That just confirms your idiocy and dishonesty.
Uhhh, thanks.

For nothing

Hey... you do the very BEST you can, bless you're lil' heart.

All you did was insult and then confirm what I said that everything is liberal only that you explained WHY it was liberal. So thanks
No, he didnt, liar, he showed you for the fool you are.

Name calling isnt a point. Yes he did.
He explained himself in considerable detail, but you are too stupid to read and comprehend it.

That just confirms your idiocy and dishonesty.

No he didnt and this is your second chance at this. All you did was call names. Thats all you have. Sorry.
Hey... you do the very BEST you can, bless you're lil' heart.

All you did was insult and then confirm what I said that everything is liberal only that you explained WHY it was liberal. So thanks
No, he didnt, liar, he showed you for the fool you are.

Name calling isnt a point. Yes he did.
He explained himself in considerable detail, but you are too stupid to read and comprehend it.

That just confirms your idiocy and dishonesty.

No he didnt and this is your second chance at this. All you did was call names. Thats all you have. Sorry.
All I am doing is telling you what anyone can see. You were rebutted, rebuked, and rejected.

Suck it bitch.

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