Lefties of Board... Still Feeling Biden Is a Good Idea?

Should/Will Biden Be Replaced?

  • Biden Should And Will Be Replaced

    Votes: 1 8.3%
  • Biden Should Be Replaced, But Won't Be

    Votes: 6 50.0%
  • Biden Will Be Replaced, But Should Not Be

    Votes: 1 8.3%
  • Biden Should Not And Won't Be Replaced

    Votes: 4 33.3%

  • Total voters
Just checking what the opinions are at this stage.
Bernie was my first choice, but I'd vote for rotting stump if it was running against tRump.

Yes we know, you have the Orange Man Bad syndrome.
Nope. You have tRump Defense Syndrome.

As an American I have American defense syndrome. Deal with it.

You on the other hand have Trump derangement syndrome. Irrational fear of the best president in history.
Lol, you're defending tRump, not America. Look at all the damage he's done to America.
The only damage he's done are leftists tear duct ruptures.
President Trump's accusations have already been debunked. Plus, he does not hold the ridiculous standard of "believe all women", like Biden. So he can go after skanks.
So if Trump says it is OK to do, it is OK to do? Nice standard you got there.

BTW, President Trump's accusations have NOT been debunked. Denied is not debunked.

Sexual misconduct allegations have been made against Trump by at least 22 women. Trump has denied the allegations, saying he has been the victim of media bias, conspiracies, and a political smear campaign. In October 2016, Trump publicly vowed to sue all the women who have made allegations of sexual assault (e.g. non-consensual kissing or groping) or sexual harassment against him, as well as The New York Times for publishing the allegations, but he has yet to follow through with any legal action.

In June 2019, writer E. Jean Carroll alleged in New York magazine that Trump raped her in a department store dressing room in 1995 or 1996. Two friends of Carroll confirmed to the magazine that Carroll had previously confided in them in regard to the incident. Trump denied ever meeting Carroll, although New York had published a photo of Trump and Carroll together in 1987.
All paid for by the Clinton Foundation.
Fake news or do you have something to back that up?
Just checking what the opinions are at this stage.
Bernie was my first choice, but I'd vote for rotting stump if it was running against tRump.

Yes we know, you have the Orange Man Bad syndrome.
Nope. You have tRump Defense Syndrome.

As an American I have American defense syndrome. Deal with it.

You on the other hand have Trump derangement syndrome. Irrational fear of the best president in history.
Lol, you're defending tRump, not America. Look at all the damage he's done to America.
The only damage he's done are leftists tear duct ruptures.
Yeah? Open your eyes for a change lady.
The inability of lefties to even consider Biden's vulnerabilities speaks volumes about their altered state of mind. Hopefully, their self-deception will continue through November, as it did four years ago.
No problem with Joe...

The accusations against come from the same people said Hillary should be dead right now...

If Joe Biden was in charge instead Trump:
  • CDC would have been on the ground in China
  • US would have been better prepared
  • US would have time to have the proper equipment
  • Misinformation from the President wouldn't happen
  • Many lives would have been saved
  • ....
Joe is good man and has solid judgement...

The personal attacks from the Trump Supporters are because they know he better policies and decorum to be President. So they just go inventing and stretching everything. We have been here before with Clinton.
Just checking what the opinions are at this stage.

I never thought he was a good idea, but I'd vote for a cream-filled doughnut against the vengeful, gaslighting, finger-pointing, lying, ignorant, childish, pitiful excuse for a leader who is sitting in the White House today. If Biden chose to step aside, I'd be pleased.

So your message is... HATE TRUMP, at all costs.

Democrats are so full of hate. So hateful they would really vote for this sniffer, rather than the best president in history.

So the choice is vote for the rapist in office now?
Just checking what the opinions are at this stage.

I never thought he was a good idea, but I'd vote for a cream-filled doughnut against the vengeful, gaslighting, finger-pointing, lying, ignorant, childish, pitiful excuse for a leader who is sitting in the White House today. If Biden chose to step aside, I'd be pleased.

So your message is... HATE TRUMP, at all costs.

Democrats are so full of hate. So hateful they would really vote for this sniffer, rather than the best president in history.

So the choice is vote for the rapist in office now?
Care to provide a link to the evidence to support your claim against Trump? When and where were the criminal charges / complaints filed, as they have been filed against Biden?
Just checking what the opinions are at this stage.

I never thought he was a good idea, but I'd vote for a cream-filled doughnut against the vengeful, gaslighting, finger-pointing, lying, ignorant, childish, pitiful excuse for a leader who is sitting in the White House today. If Biden chose to step aside, I'd be pleased.

So your message is... HATE TRUMP, at all costs.

Democrats are so full of hate. So hateful they would really vote for this sniffer, rather than the best president in history. Just because you are a dyke does not mean most people are.

So the choice is vote for the rapist in office now?

President Trump treats women very well. Women find him instantly attractive so he has no need to sniff from behind lie Joe. Just because you are a butthurt dyke does not mean most women are.
Just checking what the opinions are at this stage.

I never thought he was a good idea, but I'd vote for a cream-filled doughnut against the vengeful, gaslighting, finger-pointing, lying, ignorant, childish, pitiful excuse for a leader who is sitting in the White House today. If Biden chose to step aside, I'd be pleased.

So your message is... HATE TRUMP, at all costs.

Democrats are so full of hate. So hateful they would really vote for this sniffer, rather than the best president in history.


Hate has nothing to do with it. I've fired a few people in my life, and I didn't hate any of them. Not everything is as emotional as you Trumpkins have been told to believe. The man isn't fit for the job.
Agreed, but neither is Sniffy. Seldom do the two criminal gangs offer candidates fit for the job. Somehow they all do a great job for the 1%.
. . look who he is running against, having the moral high ground is a breeze for Biden.
<----- insert memes and videos of Biden's support for the denial of children's rights and lives by abortion HERE.
you can define child however you wish, but that does not make it universal. mine does not appear to include a fertilized egg:
Definition of child
a young person especially between infancy and puberty
. . look who he is running against, having the moral high ground is a breeze for Biden.
<----- insert memes and videos of Biden's support for the denial of children's rights and lives by abortion HERE.
you can define child however you wish, but that does not make it universal. mine does not appear to include a fertilized egg:
Definition of child
a young person especially between infancy and puberty

Provide the link.

Let's examine the parts and other definitions that you have omitted.

Did you really think your cherry picking would go un-noticed or unchallenged?
. . look who he is running against, having the moral high ground is a breeze for Biden.
<----- insert memes and videos of Biden's support for the denial of children's rights and lives by abortion HERE.
you can define child however you wish, but that does not make it universal. mine does not appear to include a fertilized egg:
Definition of child
a young person especially between infancy and puberty
Provide the link.

Let's examine the parts and other definitions that you have omitted.

Did you really think your cherry picking would go un-noticed or unchallenged?
I gave you MY definition, I never said it was the only definition. Another belief I have that you might not agree with is that abortion is NOT the only measure of a person's morality. Pro-choice people can be quite moral while pro-life people can be very immoral when you view them holistically. IMHO.
. . look who he is running against, having the moral high ground is a breeze for Biden.
<----- insert memes and videos of Biden's support for the denial of children's rights and lives by abortion HERE.
you can define child however you wish, but that does not make it universal. mine does not appear to include a fertilized egg:
Definition of child
a young person especially between infancy and puberty
Provide the link.

Let's examine the parts and other definitions that you have omitted.

Did you really think your cherry picking would go un-noticed or unchallenged?
I gave you MY definition, I never said it was the only definition. Another belief I have that you might not agree with is that abortion is NOT the only measure of a person's morality. Pro-choice people can be quite moral while pro-life people can be very immoral when you view them holistically. IMHO.

Since you like words and definitions. . .




Fitting. . .

Definition of equivocation
: deliberate evasiveness in wording : the use of ambiguous or equivocal language
. . look who he is running against, having the moral high ground is a breeze for Biden.
<----- insert memes and videos of Biden's support for the denial of children's rights and lives by abortion HERE.
you can define child however you wish, but that does not make it universal. mine does not appear to include a fertilized egg:
Definition of child
a young person especially between infancy and puberty
Provide the link.

Let's examine the parts and other definitions that you have omitted.

Did you really think your cherry picking would go un-noticed or unchallenged?
I gave you MY definition, I never said it was the only definition. Another belief I have that you might not agree with is that abortion is NOT the only measure of a person's morality. Pro-choice people can be quite moral while pro-life people can be very immoral when you view them holistically. IMHO.

Since you like words and definitions. . .




Fitting. . .

Definition of equivocation
: deliberate evasiveness in wording : the use of ambiguous or equivocal language
I'm compunctious, usually I eschew obfuscation.

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