Leftism: A Perfect Track Record Of Failure...

Yet so many Americans continue supporting it. What did Einstein say about the definition of insanity?

Great article

Leftism: From de Sade and Marx to Hitler and Marcuse, by Erik von Kuehnelt-Leddihn (EvKL)

This book, published in 1974 by Arlington House Publishers, examines all facets of leftist political ideology, as you can tell from the title. Hitler a leftist? Yup.

EvKL examines leftism throughout Europe and North America; having travelled and taught extensively – and with an understanding of over a dozen languages – he seems eminently qualified to opine on the matter.

Given his background, he can make – with some authority – statements such as:

I think that the nascent United States of the late eighteenth century was already in the throes of warring political philosophies showing positive and negative aspects…. The American War of Independence had an undeniable influence on the French Revolution and the latter, in the course of the years, had a deplorable impact on America.

The French Revolution; Kerensky’s government in Russia; the Weimar Republic. The list is endless, and continued long past the time of the publishing of this book. All initially hailed as victories to the Progressivist cause; all resulting in “grievous disappointments”:

…dictatorships, civil wars, crowded jails, confiscated newspapers, gallows and firing squads, one-party tyrannies, sequestrations, nationalizations, “social engineering.”...

Read More:
Leftism - LewRockwell LewRockwell.com
Adolf was Reich not left.So the rest of the hypothesis is wrong.

Hitler considered himself a loyal Socialist. His Nazi Party was ideologically Socialist. All Nazis referred to themselves as Socialists.
Hitler thought himself almost a religious warrior for his concepts of what the best world would look like. Hitler told Chamberlain there would be peace. Hitler told Stalin he would not attack him. Hitler said he would giver Germany the world and a thousand year "Reich". Hitler believed there were sub-humans that deserved and needed to be eliminated. A lot of what Hitler "considered" and said have been shown all too painfully clearly to be in error.
What he used of "Socialism" was what he thought necessary for an educated European population to accept. Every popular sector of opinion and power provided him with the vocabulary required to assuage it. Anything that advanced the supreme goal was right and just.
Nazism is very akin to cults.

Hitler objected to the term "socialist" being in the name of the NSDAP when he joined it but went along with it for its marketing value. It was trendy at the time. In fact the Socialists were his main rivals, the targets of his SA ("Brownshirts") sent out to assault them, the party that he declared illegal once he got the power, and the first 'guests" he sent to Dachau.
It is pretty amazing to me that as a "leftie" (their label, not mine) I am accused of calling the Right wing "Nazi's" all the time, when in fact for the past few days EVERY thread involving who is a "Nazi" has been started by a right winger.
NONE OF US ARE NAZI'S damn it! Except the Nazi's who say they are.

They were horrible. The millions who died thanks to them deserve more respect than to have that name bandied about as a political bumper sticker. Just stop it.

American Government Schooling has gotten a lot wrong in regards to history. Not sure if it's honest error, or intentional. But as far as the Nazis go, American Government Schooling has gotten a lot wrong. The Nazis above all, were loyal Socialists.

All folks need to do is go read up some on the National Socialist Workers' Party. (Nazi Party). They despised Capitalism as much as Communists do. Folks should also read up some on Hitler's own writings on Capitalism.
Alternative facts

Well it depends how you feel about Government Schooling, i guess. Personally, i feel they get a lot wrong in regards to history. And like i said, i'm not sure if it's honest error, or intentional. But Hitler always considered himself a loyal Socialist. Try reading up some on his own writings on Capitalism. It'll likely surprise you bigtime.
Hitler locked up the Socialists

Nazi Doctrine was blatantly anti Socialist
Yet so many Americans continue supporting it. What did Einstein say about the definition of insanity?

Great article

Leftism: From de Sade and Marx to Hitler and Marcuse, by Erik von Kuehnelt-Leddihn (EvKL)

This book, published in 1974 by Arlington House Publishers, examines all facets of leftist political ideology, as you can tell from the title. Hitler a leftist? Yup.

EvKL examines leftism throughout Europe and North America; having travelled and taught extensively – and with an understanding of over a dozen languages – he seems eminently qualified to opine on the matter.

Given his background, he can make – with some authority – statements such as:

I think that the nascent United States of the late eighteenth century was already in the throes of warring political philosophies showing positive and negative aspects…. The American War of Independence had an undeniable influence on the French Revolution and the latter, in the course of the years, had a deplorable impact on America.

The French Revolution; Kerensky’s government in Russia; the Weimar Republic. The list is endless, and continued long past the time of the publishing of this book. All initially hailed as victories to the Progressivist cause; all resulting in “grievous disappointments”:

…dictatorships, civil wars, crowded jails, confiscated newspapers, gallows and firing squads, one-party tyrannies, sequestrations, nationalizations, “social engineering.”...

Read More:
Leftism - LewRockwell LewRockwell.com
Adolf was Reich not left.So the rest of the hypothesis is wrong.

Hitler considered himself a loyal Socialist. His Nazi Party was ideologically Socialist. All Nazis referred to themselves as Socialists.
Hitler thought himself almost a religious warrior for his concepts of what the best world would look like. Hitler told Chamberlain there would be peace. Hitler told Stalin he would not attack him. Hitler said he would giver Germany the world and a thousand year "Reich". Hitler believed there were sub-humans that deserved and needed to be eliminated. A lot of what Hitler "considered" and said have been shown all too painfully clearly to be in error.
What he used of "Socialism" was what he thought necessary for an educated European population to accept. Every popular sector of opinion and power provided him with the vocabulary required to assuage it. Anything that advanced the supreme goal was right and just.
Nazism is very akin to cults.

Hitler objected to the term "socialist" being in the name of the NSDAP when he joined it but went along with it for its marketing value. It was trendy at the time. In fact the Socialists were his main rivals, the targets of his SA ("Brownshirts") sent out to assault them, the party that he declared illegal once he got the power, and the first 'guests" he sent to Dachau.

Untrue. Hitler always considered himself a loyal Socialist. Read up some on his writings about Capitalism. The Nazi Brownshirts targeted the German Communist Party because it was the Nazi Party's main competition for power in Germany.

But in reality, there were only slight differences between Nazi and Communist ideology. The rivalry was only about battling for power in Germany. All Nazis referred themselves as Socialists.
It is pretty amazing to me that as a "leftie" (their label, not mine) I am accused of calling the Right wing "Nazi's" all the time, when in fact for the past few days EVERY thread involving who is a "Nazi" has been started by a right winger.
NONE OF US ARE NAZI'S damn it! Except the Nazi's who say they are.

They were horrible. The millions who died thanks to them deserve more respect than to have that name bandied about as a political bumper sticker. Just stop it.

American Government Schooling has gotten a lot wrong in regards to history. Not sure if it's honest error, or intentional. But as far as the Nazis go, American Government Schooling has gotten a lot wrong. The Nazis above all, were loyal Socialists.

All folks need to do is go read up some on the National Socialist Workers' Party. (Nazi Party). They despised Capitalism as much as Communists do. Folks should also read up some on Hitler's own writings on Capitalism.
Alternative facts

Well it depends how you feel about Government Schooling, i guess. Personally, i feel they get a lot wrong in regards to history. And like i said, i'm not sure if it's honest error, or intentional. But Hitler always considered himself a loyal Socialist. Try reading up some on his own writings on Capitalism. It'll likely surprise you bigtime.
Hitler locked up the Socialists

Nazi Doctrine was blatantly anti Socialist

Yes, he locked up members of the German Communist Party. It was the Nazi Party's main competition for power in Germany. In reality, there were only slight differences between the National Social Workers' Party and Communist Party ideologies. Their rivalry was about power, not so much about ideological differences. Just research the Nazi Party's history, and Hitler's own writings on Capitalism.
Yet so many Americans continue supporting it. What did Einstein say about the definition of insanity?

Great article

Leftism: From de Sade and Marx to Hitler and Marcuse, by Erik von Kuehnelt-Leddihn (EvKL)

This book, published in 1974 by Arlington House Publishers, examines all facets of leftist political ideology, as you can tell from the title. Hitler a leftist? Yup.

EvKL examines leftism throughout Europe and North America; having travelled and taught extensively – and with an understanding of over a dozen languages – he seems eminently qualified to opine on the matter.

Given his background, he can make – with some authority – statements such as:

I think that the nascent United States of the late eighteenth century was already in the throes of warring political philosophies showing positive and negative aspects…. The American War of Independence had an undeniable influence on the French Revolution and the latter, in the course of the years, had a deplorable impact on America.

The French Revolution; Kerensky’s government in Russia; the Weimar Republic. The list is endless, and continued long past the time of the publishing of this book. All initially hailed as victories to the Progressivist cause; all resulting in “grievous disappointments”:

…dictatorships, civil wars, crowded jails, confiscated newspapers, gallows and firing squads, one-party tyrannies, sequestrations, nationalizations, “social engineering.”...

Read More:
Leftism - LewRockwell LewRockwell.com
Adolf was Reich not left.So the rest of the hypothesis is wrong.

Hitler considered himself a loyal Socialist. His Nazi Party was ideologically Socialist. All Nazis referred to themselves as Socialists.
Hitler thought himself almost a religious warrior for his concepts of what the best world would look like. Hitler told Chamberlain there would be peace. Hitler told Stalin he would not attack him. Hitler said he would giver Germany the world and a thousand year "Reich". Hitler believed there were sub-humans that deserved and needed to be eliminated. A lot of what Hitler "considered" and said have been shown all too painfully clearly to be in error.
What he used of "Socialism" was what he thought necessary for an educated European population to accept. Every popular sector of opinion and power provided him with the vocabulary required to assuage it. Anything that advanced the supreme goal was right and just.
Nazism is very akin to cults.

Hitler objected to the term "socialist" being in the name of the NSDAP when he joined it but went along with it for its marketing value. It was trendy at the time. In fact the Socialists were his main rivals, the targets of his SA ("Brownshirts") sent out to assault them, the party that he declared illegal once he got the power, and the first 'guests" he sent to Dachau.

Untrue. Hitler always considered himself a loyal Socialist. Read up some on his writings about Capitalism. The Nazi Brownshirts targeted the German Communist Party because it was the Nazi Party's main competition for power in Germany.

But in reality, there were only slight differences between Nazi and Communist ideology. The rivalry was only about battling for power in Germany. All Nazis referred themselves as Socialists.
I am a kraut and have relatives from the Nazi wart machine. There is no doubt about it NAZI was republican. They were not socialist in any way but name. Adolf wanted to eliminate a the left/jews. Just as the reich of today, republicans. He had a similar point of view and is ,I got mine death to you.
It is pretty amazing to me that as a "leftie" (their label, not mine) I am accused of calling the Right wing "Nazi's" all the time, when in fact for the past few days EVERY thread involving who is a "Nazi" has been started by a right winger.
NONE OF US ARE NAZI'S damn it! Except the Nazi's who say they are.

They were horrible. The millions who died thanks to them deserve more respect than to have that name bandied about as a political bumper sticker. Just stop it.

American Government Schooling has gotten a lot wrong in regards to history. Not sure if it's honest error, or intentional. But as far as the Nazis go, American Government Schooling has gotten a lot wrong. The Nazis above all, were loyal Socialists.

All folks need to do is go read up some on the National Socialist Workers' Party. (Nazi Party). They despised Capitalism as much as Communists do. Folks should also read up some on Hitler's own writings on Capitalism.
Alternative facts

Well it depends how you feel about Government Schooling, i guess. Personally, i feel they get a lot wrong in regards to history. And like i said, i'm not sure if it's honest error, or intentional. But Hitler always considered himself a loyal Socialist. Try reading up some on his own writings on Capitalism. It'll likely surprise you bigtime.
Hitler locked up the Socialists

Nazi Doctrine was blatantly anti Socialist

Yes, he locked up members of the German Communist Party. It was the Nazi Party's main competition for power in Germany. In reality, there were only slight differences between the National Social Workers' Party and Communist Party ideologies. Their rivalry was about power, not so much about ideological differences. Just research the Nazi Party's history, and Hitler's own writings on Capitalism.
Mein Kamph is what you should read.
Adolf was Reich not left.So the rest of the hypothesis is wrong.

Hitler considered himself a loyal Socialist. His Nazi Party was ideologically Socialist. All Nazis referred to themselves as Socialists.
Hitler thought himself almost a religious warrior for his concepts of what the best world would look like. Hitler told Chamberlain there would be peace. Hitler told Stalin he would not attack him. Hitler said he would giver Germany the world and a thousand year "Reich". Hitler believed there were sub-humans that deserved and needed to be eliminated. A lot of what Hitler "considered" and said have been shown all too painfully clearly to be in error.
What he used of "Socialism" was what he thought necessary for an educated European population to accept. Every popular sector of opinion and power provided him with the vocabulary required to assuage it. Anything that advanced the supreme goal was right and just.
Nazism is very akin to cults.

Hitler objected to the term "socialist" being in the name of the NSDAP when he joined it but went along with it for its marketing value. It was trendy at the time. In fact the Socialists were his main rivals, the targets of his SA ("Brownshirts") sent out to assault them, the party that he declared illegal once he got the power, and the first 'guests" he sent to Dachau.

Untrue. Hitler always considered himself a loyal Socialist. Read up some on his writings about Capitalism. The Nazi Brownshirts targeted the German Communist Party because it was the Nazi Party's main competition for power in Germany.

But in reality, there were only slight differences between Nazi and Communist ideology. The rivalry was only about battling for power in Germany. All Nazis referred themselves as Socialists.
I am a kraut and have relatives from the Nazi wart machine. There is no doubt about it NAZI was republican. They were not socialist in any way but name. Adolf wanted to eliminate a the left/jews. Just as the reich of today, republicans. He had a similar point of view and is ,I got mine death to you.

Read up some more on the history of the National Socialist Workers' Party (Nazi Party). Also read up some more on Hitler's own writings on Capitalism.
American Government Schooling has gotten a lot wrong in regards to history. Not sure if it's honest error, or intentional. But as far as the Nazis go, American Government Schooling has gotten a lot wrong. The Nazis above all, were loyal Socialists.

All folks need to do is go read up some on the National Socialist Workers' Party. (Nazi Party). They despised Capitalism as much as Communists do. Folks should also read up some on Hitler's own writings on Capitalism.
Alternative facts

Well it depends how you feel about Government Schooling, i guess. Personally, i feel they get a lot wrong in regards to history. And like i said, i'm not sure if it's honest error, or intentional. But Hitler always considered himself a loyal Socialist. Try reading up some on his own writings on Capitalism. It'll likely surprise you bigtime.
Hitler locked up the Socialists

Nazi Doctrine was blatantly anti Socialist

Yes, he locked up members of the German Communist Party. It was the Nazi Party's main competition for power in Germany. In reality, there were only slight differences between the National Social Workers' Party and Communist Party ideologies. Their rivalry was about power, not so much about ideological differences. Just research the Nazi Party's history, and Hitler's own writings on Capitalism.
Mein Kamph is what you should read.

Hitler and the National Socialist Workers' Party weren't big fans of Capitalism. Do some more research on that.
Yet so many Americans continue supporting it. What did Einstein say about the definition of insanity?

Great article

Leftism: From de Sade and Marx to Hitler and Marcuse, by Erik von Kuehnelt-Leddihn (EvKL)

This book, published in 1974 by Arlington House Publishers, examines all facets of leftist political ideology, as you can tell from the title. Hitler a leftist? Yup.

EvKL examines leftism throughout Europe and North America; having travelled and taught extensively – and with an understanding of over a dozen languages – he seems eminently qualified to opine on the matter.

Given his background, he can make – with some authority – statements such as:

I think that the nascent United States of the late eighteenth century was already in the throes of warring political philosophies showing positive and negative aspects…. The American War of Independence had an undeniable influence on the French Revolution and the latter, in the course of the years, had a deplorable impact on America.

The French Revolution; Kerensky’s government in Russia; the Weimar Republic. The list is endless, and continued long past the time of the publishing of this book. All initially hailed as victories to the Progressivist cause; all resulting in “grievous disappointments”:

…dictatorships, civil wars, crowded jails, confiscated newspapers, gallows and firing squads, one-party tyrannies, sequestrations, nationalizations, “social engineering.”...

Read More:
Leftism - LewRockwell LewRockwell.com
Adolf was Reich not left.So the rest of the hypothesis is wrong.

Hitler considered himself a loyal Socialist. His Nazi Party was ideologically Socialist. All Nazis referred to themselves as Socialists.
Hitler thought himself almost a religious warrior for his concepts of what the best world would look like. Hitler told Chamberlain there would be peace. Hitler told Stalin he would not attack him. Hitler said he would giver Germany the world and a thousand year "Reich". Hitler believed there were sub-humans that deserved and needed to be eliminated. A lot of what Hitler "considered" and said have been shown all too painfully clearly to be in error.
What he used of "Socialism" was what he thought necessary for an educated European population to accept. Every popular sector of opinion and power provided him with the vocabulary required to assuage it. Anything that advanced the supreme goal was right and just.
Nazism is very akin to cults.

Hitler objected to the term "socialist" being in the name of the NSDAP when he joined it but went along with it for its marketing value. It was trendy at the time. In fact the Socialists were his main rivals, the targets of his SA ("Brownshirts") sent out to assault them, the party that he declared illegal once he got the power, and the first 'guests" he sent to Dachau.

Untrue. Hitler always considered himself a loyal Socialist. Read up some on his writings about Capitalism. The Nazi Brownshirts targeted the German Communist Party because it was the Nazi Party's main competition for power in Germany.

But in reality, there were only slight differences between Nazi and Communist ideology. The rivalry was only about battling for power in Germany. All Nazis referred themselves as Socialists.

I love how this klown wants to take the S in NSDAP as literal gospel when it suits him, but then as soon as he's confronted with the NSDAP's persecution of Socialists he goes "but in reality regardless what they said it was X".

First it's "here's what this says", then like magic it morphs to "but in reality here's what that was".

Having it both ways: Priceless.

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