Leftism: A Perfect Track Record Of Failure...

Yet so many Americans continue supporting it. What did Einstein say about the definition of insanity?

Great article

Leftism: From de Sade and Marx to Hitler and Marcuse, by Erik von Kuehnelt-Leddihn (EvKL)

This book, published in 1974 by Arlington House Publishers, examines all facets of leftist political ideology, as you can tell from the title. Hitler a leftist? Yup.

EvKL examines leftism throughout Europe and North America; having travelled and taught extensively – and with an understanding of over a dozen languages – he seems eminently qualified to opine on the matter.

Given his background, he can make – with some authority – statements such as:

I think that the nascent United States of the late eighteenth century was already in the throes of warring political philosophies showing positive and negative aspects…. The American War of Independence had an undeniable influence on the French Revolution and the latter, in the course of the years, had a deplorable impact on America.

The French Revolution; Kerensky’s government in Russia; the Weimar Republic. The list is endless, and continued long past the time of the publishing of this book. All initially hailed as victories to the Progressivist cause; all resulting in “grievous disappointments”:

…dictatorships, civil wars, crowded jails, confiscated newspapers, gallows and firing squads, one-party tyrannies, sequestrations, nationalizations, “social engineering.”...

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Leftism - LewRockwell LewRockwell.com
Adolf was Reich not left.So the rest of the hypothesis is wrong.

Hitler considered himself a loyal Socialist. His Nazi Party was ideologically Socialist. All Nazis referred to themselves as Socialists.
Socialism doesn't exist in america. It has no support to speak of and has no foothold in america. There is nothing to fear whatsoever and these kind of threads need to stop. You are preaching to the Chou about a nothing burger.
Socialism doesn't exist in america. It has no support to speak of and has no foothold in america. There is nothing to fear whatsoever and these kind of threads need to stop. You are preaching to the Chou about a nothing burger.
Doing things to help the People is not Socialism
Agreed. That's why it doesn't exist. Nobody I have seen is clamoring for socialism. It doesn't exist. Capitalism is under zero threat. Nothing...nada...empty set. A waste of time worrying.
Yet so many Americans continue supporting it. What did Einstein say about the definition of insanity?

Great article

Leftism: From de Sade and Marx to Hitler and Marcuse, by Erik von Kuehnelt-Leddihn (EvKL)

This book, published in 1974 by Arlington House Publishers, examines all facets of leftist political ideology, as you can tell from the title. Hitler a leftist? Yup.

EvKL examines leftism throughout Europe and North America; having travelled and taught extensively – and with an understanding of over a dozen languages – he seems eminently qualified to opine on the matter.

Given his background, he can make – with some authority – statements such as:

I think that the nascent United States of the late eighteenth century was already in the throes of warring political philosophies showing positive and negative aspects…. The American War of Independence had an undeniable influence on the French Revolution and the latter, in the course of the years, had a deplorable impact on America.

The French Revolution; Kerensky’s government in Russia; the Weimar Republic. The list is endless, and continued long past the time of the publishing of this book. All initially hailed as victories to the Progressivist cause; all resulting in “grievous disappointments”:

…dictatorships, civil wars, crowded jails, confiscated newspapers, gallows and firing squads, one-party tyrannies, sequestrations, nationalizations, “social engineering.”...

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Leftism - LewRockwell LewRockwell.com

Here's an article about Einstein. More of a lefty than anything else.
If Einstein were alive today the manchild in the white house would probably be tweeting him insults on a daily basis.

What Were Albert Einstein's Political Opinions?
There is no socialism here now. It doesn't exist. We have capitalism doing better the last 30 years than ever before.
Agreed. That's why it doesn't exist. Nobody I have seen is clamoring for socialism. It doesn't exist. Capitalism is under zero threat. Nothing...nada...empty set. A waste of time worrying.

Capitalists love government intervention. They call on it frequently whenever they get into financial difficulties and need government bailouts, subsidies or military protection when they wander into dangerous territories like the middle east. It's our military that's kept them safe in their worldwide pursuits in foreign countries all these years, even if we have to overthrow regimes that are unfriendly to them, like we did in Chile in the '70's
Society means doing things in common. We do things in common for the common good. When what we do results in the common good, we should continue. When it does not, we should modify the behavior.Whatever label someone wishes to attach to that successful behavior, whatever "-ism" that is chosen, makes little difference. Inversely, doing things simply because a particular "-ism" can be attached to it is ridiculous.
Some aspects of what is known as 'capitalism' have worked well in history, some have not. Almost any "-ism" can be described the same way. We should neither be frightened nor enamored automatically by any "-ism". If they work for humans, they are our friend, if not, drop them.
Trying to play hot potato with Hitler's legacy is pointless. Consider the following.

The one dimensional "left vs. right" spectrum isn't a spectrum. It's wholly inadequate for explaining where someone's politics really lie. It's lacking the authoritarian vs. libertarian y axis. It's lacking a "individualist vs. collectivist" axis as well, which sorta overlaps with the authoritarian vs. libertarian, but nonetheless.

So, you've got your wholly inadequate "right vs. left." Now what defines right vs. left? Basically, the republican and democratic parties. Democrats left, republicans right. Considering that, look at where both were 50 years ago. Quite a bit different than they are now, and that'll always continue.

So trying to peg Hitler into modern democrat vs. republican just doesn't work. He and his legacy match both sides in some respects. And beyond that, the idea of continually trying to pass Hitler off onto each other is just more hyperbole and sensationalism that takes people's attention off what's really going on and toxifies the conversation to where no one can have an honest discussion.
But looking at today's nazis, they're running as republican, and winning. Why arent they running as democrats?
Nazi's in the 1930's imprisoned socialists and communists before they put jews into those same concentration camps. Also during the 1930's, capitalism did well in germany.
As far as religion goes, they pushed their own version of christianity. an anti-jew new-testament christianity; twisted.
The Nazi Party in the US today consists of about 12 people. Stop allowing leftist media to gas light you.
Yet so many Americans continue supporting it. What did Einstein say about the definition of insanity?

Great article

Leftism: From de Sade and Marx to Hitler and Marcuse, by Erik von Kuehnelt-Leddihn (EvKL)

This book, published in 1974 by Arlington House Publishers, examines all facets of leftist political ideology, as you can tell from the title. Hitler a leftist? Yup.

EvKL examines leftism throughout Europe and North America; having travelled and taught extensively – and with an understanding of over a dozen languages – he seems eminently qualified to opine on the matter.

Given his background, he can make – with some authority – statements such as:

I think that the nascent United States of the late eighteenth century was already in the throes of warring political philosophies showing positive and negative aspects…. The American War of Independence had an undeniable influence on the French Revolution and the latter, in the course of the years, had a deplorable impact on America.

The French Revolution; Kerensky’s government in Russia; the Weimar Republic. The list is endless, and continued long past the time of the publishing of this book. All initially hailed as victories to the Progressivist cause; all resulting in “grievous disappointments”:

…dictatorships, civil wars, crowded jails, confiscated newspapers, gallows and firing squads, one-party tyrannies, sequestrations, nationalizations, “social engineering.”...

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Leftism - LewRockwell LewRockwell.com
hitler himself, at the time, wasn't a leftist.

His ideals would be American leftist today.

American leftist want government tyranny, clearly they want it, they can see the benefits of a lopsided media, a censoring social media, tyrannical colleges and universities.

they just need enough control to rid America of that peaky Constitution, the their masters will tell them what to vote for and whallah, democratic tyranny guised and freedom.

we can see it coming and so can the leftists.
Agreed. That's why it doesn't exist. Nobody I have seen is clamoring for socialism. It doesn't exist. Capitalism is under zero threat. Nothing...nada...empty set. A waste of time worrying.
Capitalism is expanding with less regulation and no expectation to contribute to society
Trying to play hot potato with Hitler's legacy is pointless. Consider the following.

The one dimensional "left vs. right" spectrum isn't a spectrum. It's wholly inadequate for explaining where someone's politics really lie. It's lacking the authoritarian vs. libertarian y axis. It's lacking a "individualist vs. collectivist" axis as well, which sorta overlaps with the authoritarian vs. libertarian, but nonetheless.

So, you've got your wholly inadequate "right vs. left." Now what defines right vs. left? Basically, the republican and democratic parties. Democrats left, republicans right. Considering that, look at where both were 50 years ago. Quite a bit different than they are now, and that'll always continue.

So trying to peg Hitler into modern democrat vs. republican just doesn't work. He and his legacy match both sides in some respects. And beyond that, the idea of continually trying to pass Hitler off onto each other is just more hyperbole and sensationalism that takes people's attention off what's really going on and toxifies the conversation to where no one can have an honest discussion.
But looking at today's nazis, they're running as republican, and winning. Why arent they running as democrats?
Nazi's in the 1930's imprisoned socialists and communists before they put jews into those same concentration camps. Also during the 1930's, capitalism did well in germany.
As far as religion goes, they pushed their own version of christianity. an anti-jew new-testament christianity; twisted.
The Nazi Party in the US today consists of about 12 people. Stop allowing leftist media to gas light you.
There are hundreds of white supremacy groups
They just don’t call themselves Nazis or KKK
Yet so many Americans continue supporting it. What did Einstein say about the definition of insanity?

Great article

Leftism: From de Sade and Marx to Hitler and Marcuse, by Erik von Kuehnelt-Leddihn (EvKL)

This book, published in 1974 by Arlington House Publishers, examines all facets of leftist political ideology, as you can tell from the title. Hitler a leftist? Yup.

EvKL examines leftism throughout Europe and North America; having travelled and taught extensively – and with an understanding of over a dozen languages – he seems eminently qualified to opine on the matter.

Given his background, he can make – with some authority – statements such as:

I think that the nascent United States of the late eighteenth century was already in the throes of warring political philosophies showing positive and negative aspects…. The American War of Independence had an undeniable influence on the French Revolution and the latter, in the course of the years, had a deplorable impact on America.

The French Revolution; Kerensky’s government in Russia; the Weimar Republic. The list is endless, and continued long past the time of the publishing of this book. All initially hailed as victories to the Progressivist cause; all resulting in “grievous disappointments”:

…dictatorships, civil wars, crowded jails, confiscated newspapers, gallows and firing squads, one-party tyrannies, sequestrations, nationalizations, “social engineering.”...

Read More:
Leftism - LewRockwell LewRockwell.com

That's by design. Losers want the county to fail so that their own failures look even remotely acceptable.
There is no socialism here now. It doesn't exist. We have capitalism doing better the last 30 years than ever before.
What is welfare? Medicaid? HUD? The Department of Education? Farm subsidies? Corporate subsidies? The EPA? The VA? The CDC? The National Weather Service?

Are we calling that something different? What would be called "socialism" anywhere else, exists right here.

There are no "pure" capitalist countries, nor will there ever be. It's all shades of gray.
Last edited:
There is no socialism here now. It doesn't exist. We have capitalism doing better the last 30 years than ever before.
What is welfare? Medicaid? HUD? The Department of Education?

Are we calling that something different? What would be called "socialism" anywhere else, exists here.

There are no "pure" capitalist countries, nor will there ever be. It's all shades of gray.

All those are programs that are failures and did not exist when America was founded.

Then we made the mistake of giving vote to everyone and they started voting for free shit in spades. Biggest mistake in history of man kind.
There is no socialism here now. It doesn't exist. We have capitalism doing better the last 30 years than ever before.
What is welfare? Medicaid? HUD? The Department of Education?

Are we calling that something different? What would be called "socialism" anywhere else, exists here.

There are no "pure" capitalist countries, nor will there ever be. It's all shades of gray.

All those are programs that are failures and did not exist when America was founded.

Then we made the mistake of giving vote to everyone and they started voting for free shit in spades. Biggest mistake in history of man kind.
They still exist. If we're honest, they're socialist in nature, so saying it doesn't exist here is simply wrong.
There is no socialism here now. It doesn't exist. We have capitalism doing better the last 30 years than ever before.
What is welfare? Medicaid? HUD? The Department of Education?

Are we calling that something different? What would be called "socialism" anywhere else, exists here.

There are no "pure" capitalist countries, nor will there ever be. It's all shades of gray.

All those are programs that are failures and did not exist when America was founded.

Then we made the mistake of giving vote to everyone and they started voting for free shit in spades. Biggest mistake in history of man kind.
They still exist. If we're honest, they're socialist in nature, so saying it doesn't exist here is simply wrong.

Did I say they didn't exist?

Certainly anyone who is turned off by socialism in a big way wouldn't support them.

Mac a question, do you think the military is socialist?
There is no socialism here now. It doesn't exist. We have capitalism doing better the last 30 years than ever before.
What is welfare? Medicaid? HUD? The Department of Education?

Are we calling that something different? What would be called "socialism" anywhere else, exists here.

There are no "pure" capitalist countries, nor will there ever be. It's all shades of gray.

All those are programs that are failures and did not exist when America was founded.

Then we made the mistake of giving vote to everyone and they started voting for free shit in spades. Biggest mistake in history of man kind.
They still exist. If we're honest, they're socialist in nature, so saying it doesn't exist here is simply wrong.

Did I say they didn't exist?

Certainly anyone who is turned off by socialism in a big way wouldn't support them.

Mac a question, do you think the military is socialist?
Then you agree with my point to initforme, I assume.

I guess the military could be called socialist. It's not something I give much thought to, because I'm not obsessed with either the word or the philosophy.
There is no socialism here now. It doesn't exist. We have capitalism doing better the last 30 years than ever before.
What is welfare? Medicaid? HUD? The Department of Education?

Are we calling that something different? What would be called "socialism" anywhere else, exists here.

There are no "pure" capitalist countries, nor will there ever be. It's all shades of gray.

All those are programs that are failures and did not exist when America was founded.

Then we made the mistake of giving vote to everyone and they started voting for free shit in spades. Biggest mistake in history of man kind.
They still exist. If we're honest, they're socialist in nature, so saying it doesn't exist here is simply wrong.

Did I say they didn't exist?

Certainly anyone who is turned off by socialism in a big way wouldn't support them.

Mac a question, do you think the military is socialist?
Then you agree with my point to initforme, I assume.

I guess the military could be called socialist. It's not something I give much thought to, because I'm not obsessed with either the word or the philosophy.
You can look at any service the government provides as socialist

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