Leftist Anti Israel and Jew Hatered Growing on the College campus

Even Some leftist Jews support the islamonazis killing of other Jews unbelievable

Deflecting because you don't want to really admit what you think about Jews generally. Not Israel, Jews. What do you think about Jews Joey?

I think the creature has already displayed beyond any shadow of a doubt that it hates Jews.

That's what happens when worthless things need somebody to blame for all that's wrong with them.

Yeah it was some Jewish banker, I think he said messed up his life or something. I'm not sure though :dunno:

ACtually, guy, you guys are the masters of blaming other people for your bad behavior.

"Waaaaah, we totally need to steal Palestine because Hitler did a nasty to us."

I just ask, why is this my problem. If the palestinians want to kill you, it's because you pissed them off. I refuse to get involved because hey, you have no one to blame but yourselves.
Even Some leftist Jews support the islamonazis killing of other Jews unbelievable

Not really. What the Zionists are doing is a crime against humanity. The whole world sees it.
I think he also mentioned that the Yeshiva girls used to beat him up for lunch money on the way to school. The fact that they were 8 years old and he was a 23 year old middle school student made the pain too much to bear.

Meh, I grew Up Catholic and didn't even meet any Jews until College.

I did grow up in a neighborhood where we used "Jew" as a verb. As in "Bob totally Jewed you on that deal!"
The BDS (Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions against Israel) movement has assembled a rather strange sort of bedfellows. It is led by Arab-Muslim professional propagandists who seek Israel’s destruction, along with leftist students and faculty members seeking a ‘cause,’ and non-better than one “to stick it to the Jews.” Among them, one could find naïve students with little understanding of the history of the Middle East or the Arab-Israeli conflict. It matters not that their cause is unjust, and transparently anti-Semitic, or that the Arab world unlike Israel’s open democracy is homophobic, enslaves women, is utterly intolerant of Christians and Jews, or that its schools breed hatred and misanthropy.

Student senates should question why so much time is being spent on critiquing one country – Israel, where democracy prevails, while excluding nations like Iran, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Sudan, Turkey, China, Hamas in Gaza, the Palestinian Authority in the West Bank, where no democracy exists and human rights of citizens are grossly violated, religious freedom is denied to Christians, and where ethnic minorities are being persecuted. The BDS movement denies charges of anti-Semitism but they appear rather hypocritical. To any even-handed observer the movement’s singling out of the world’s only Jewish nations appears suspect if not downright anti-Semitic.

The Hate and Hypocrisy of the BDS Movement FrontPage Magazine
I think he also mentioned that the Yeshiva girls used to beat him up for lunch money on the way to school. The fact that they were 8 years old and he was a 23 year old middle school student made the pain too much to bear.

Meh, I grew Up Catholic and didn't even meet any Jews until College.

I did grow up in a neighborhood where we used "Jew" as a verb. As in "Bob totally Jewed you on that deal!"

It sounds to me like you are still waiting to grow up.

It hasn't affected you yet, since you have made the choice to remain a stupid, ignorant child who hates Jews. Using the excuse that your hatred of Jews is just fine and dandy because the children with whom you identify were all antisemites doesn't cut it.
How The Academic Left Came To Hate Israel

By: Richard L. Cravatts PHD.

On campuses today Israel is regularly, though falsely, condemned for being created “illegally” – through the “theft” of Palestinian lands and property – and thus has no “right to exist.”

Zionism is regularly equated with Nazism, and the perceived offenses of Israel’s government and military are likened to Nazi crimes against humanity; the notion is that Israel is creating a “Holocaust in the Holy Land” through “ethnic cleansing,” an ongoing “genocide” of Arabs, and the elimination of the rights of an innocent, “indigenous people” who merely seek self-determination and the peaceful creation of a Palestinian homeland.

It was not always thus. Prior to the 1967 war, Israel still garnered sympathy and admiration from the non-Muslim world that saw its pluck and ability to bring a vibrant democracy to the desert as being enviable and praiseworthy. Still weak and living in a perilous realm surrounded by hostile, totalitarian regimes, Israel could count on the liberal Left for support and an ideological nod of approval.

But thanks to its ascension to a status as a militarily and economically powerful nation, coupled with the successful propaganda war waged against it by its Arab neighbors and jihadist foes, many of Israel’s sympathizers began to lose their affection for their former Middle East favorite and instead began conflating their negative views of the United States, capitalism, and imperialism (defined as “occupation” in the case of Israel) with the Jewish stat

Why the animus against democratic Israel in academe as the nation defends itself from an unending campaign of aggression from Arab countries? One trend that has permeated the university and which has had a subsequent influence on the way Israel is perceived was the coming of two watchwords of higher education: diversity andmulticulturalism.

The language of multiculturalism on campuses is sprinkled with the linguistics of oppression, coaxing students in newly-identified victim groups to see themselves as deserving of protection and special political, racial, and cultural recognition.

In United in Hate: The Left’s Romance With Tyranny and Terror, his examination of the traditional impulse of the Left to align itself with political movements with values foreign and antithetical to those of most Americans, Jamie Glazov saw a direct causal link between an acceptance of defective ideologies by the Left as part of the process by which it rejects democratic Western ideals and a slavish fondness for what he characterizes as the “Left’s sacred cow of multiculturalism.”

The visceral hatred by the Left of its favorite hobgoblins, imperialist America and its codependent oppressor, Israel, finds similar expression from morally defective professors such as Juan Cole, who in his writings regularly takes swipes at Israeli and American defenses while simultaneously excusing Arab complicity for violence or terror.

Coupled with academia’s fervent desire to make campuses socially ideal settings where racial and cultural strife cease to exist is the other newly-popular impulse to inculcate students with a longing for what is called “social justice,” a nebulous term lifted from Marxist thought that empowers left-leaning administrators and faculty with the false ethical security derived from feeling that they are bringing positive moral and ethical precepts to campuses.

For the Left, according to David Horowitz, a former radical leftist turned conservative, social justice is “the concept of a world divided into oppressors and oppressed.” Those seeking social justice, therefore, do so with the intention of leveling the economic, cultural, and political playing fields; they seek to reconstruct society in a way that disadvantages the powerful and the elites, and overthrows them if necessary – in order that the dispossessed and weak can acquire equal standing.

In other words, the Left yearns for a utopian society that does not yet exist, and is willing to reconstruct and overturn the existing status quo – often at a terrible human cost – in the pursuit of seeking so-called justice for those who, in their view, have been passed over or abused by history

The Jewish Press How The Academic Left Came To Hate Israel
It sounds to me like you are still waiting to grow up.

It hasn't affected you yet, since you have made the choice to remain a stupid, ignorant child who hates Jews. Using the excuse that your hatred of Jews is just fine and dandy because the children with whom you identify were all antisemites doesn't cut it.

Guy, I'm indifferent to Jews. I have no use for Zionists. People who live in the middle of people who've sworn to kill are just kind of stupid.
It sounds to me like you are still waiting to grow up.

It hasn't affected you yet, since you have made the choice to remain a stupid, ignorant child who hates Jews. Using the excuse that your hatred of Jews is just fine and dandy because the children with whom you identify were all antisemites doesn't cut it.

Guy, I'm indifferent to Jews. I have no use for Zionists. People who live in the middle of people who've sworn to kill are just kind of stupid.

The guy who's "indifferent" is more often than not the first scumbag to rush to the Jew hating threads and claim he knows why everyone hates those Jews :eusa_shifty:
The guy who's "indifferent" is more often than not the first scumbag to rush to the Jew hating threads and claim he knows why everyone hates those Jews

Yeah, it's your deodorant.... you really need to look into that.
Even Some leftist Jews support the islamonazis killing of other Jews unbelievable

I can hardly believe what that young man is trying to say to Dennis in this discussion! And this is his "good friend"? He's meshugenah!
Even Some leftist Jews support the islamonazis killing of other Jews unbelievable

I can hardly believe what that young man is trying to say to Dennis in this discussion! And this is his "good friend"? He's meshugenah!

The guy was just a Jewish caller, not a friend of his, but this is leftism, those type are leftist first. Jews? They'd like to forget that fact

Oh, JRoids, of course Israel is an apartheid state.

Arabs can't serve in the IDF, even the citizens.

and most of the Arabs of Palestine are kept in the West Bank where they are second class citizens. The South Africans tried this shit, too. It didn't work.

But you are right on one point. They want the Zionists out of their country, and frankly who can blame them.

You act like afer someone take your house and lets you live in the garage, you should be grateful.

Oh, JRoids, of course Israel is an apartheid state.

Arabs can't serve in the IDF, even the citizens.

and most of the Arabs of Palestine are kept in the West Bank where they are second class citizens. The South Africans tried this shit, too. It didn't work.

But you are right on one point. They want the Zionists out of their country, and frankly who can blame them.

You act like afer someone take your house and lets you live in the garage, you should be grateful.

:eusa_doh:You're an idiot Joey and you don't even know it..

Anat Hasakhia, an Israeli Arab and a Muslim, has sent all three of her children to serve in the Israel Defense Forces and she is proud of it. This includes her daughter, who serves alongside many Jewish women soldiers. She believes very strongly that all Israeli Arabs should serve in the Israel Defense Forces, because it is such an important part of being Israeli, to give back to the country and to become Israeli war heroes. Hasakhia thinks that by contributing to the Israeli state, Israeli Arabs will better be able to integrate into Israeli society. She strongly feels that all Israelis should serve their country, regardless of their religious beliefs, at least by doing national service if not being part of the Israeli army forces

Hasakhia is not the only Israeli Arab to feel this way. There are many Israeli Arabs who want to give back to the country that they were born into and contribute toward Israeli society by serving in the army. It is also an effective way to better integrate into their home country. For example the Bedouin and Druze Israelis, communities actively encourage IDF service. There are also Christian and non-Bedouin Muslim Israeli Arabs who volunteer to proudly serve in the Israel Defense Forces and within the Israel Defense Forces there are entire units comprised of Israeli Arab citizens.

Stories of Israeli Arab Soldiers in the IDF United with Israel
An officer and a Muslim Zionist

"From the age of zero I was told that Israel stole Palestine from us, but when I was 14 I woke up. I discovered that Jews are not bad," says Ala Wahib, an operations officer at a key IDF training base, and the highest-ranked Muslim officers in the Israeli army
“I am the operations officer at the IDF ground forces training base at Tze’elim,” Ala Wahib says at the start of our conversation, his eyes twinkling with excitement. “I am like the mother and father of that place,” he adds. “The only thing is that I don’t really have anyone to share it with, so I make sure to pat myself on the back every now and again, and say ‘dude, you’re awesome. Look how far you’ve come.’”

This Arab would be murder by Arabs...Most Arabs are murdered by other Arabs Joey..

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