Leftist demand we stay in Syria and that Turkish military would never fire on US soldiers...

So you’re blaming President Trump because he pulled our troops out....so you are agreeing that having a few troops there kept Turkey from invading.

Trump pulled NO troops out of Syria. They are all still there

He moved them out of Erdogan's way so Turkey could invade Syria and slaughter our allies
The Turks (using Arab militias/Al Queda/ISIS troops) have cut off the roads.

We may have to AIRLIFT our troops out
There is NOT ALREADY A THREAD pointing out the left was wrong
The left was not wrong. Turkey didn't make a move until the mentally ill president made it clear the US was no longer enforcing the no-go order. Look no further than the moron president, if you want someone to be upset at.

Btw...idiotic thread.

Are you guys still gonna hold this position?

Get out of these shitholes NOW

The Kurdish area of Syria had become very stable until TRUMP decided to pull U.S. troops from the border. Had he kept U.S. troops at the border, Turkey NEVER would have invaded.

When Russian mercenary's attacked a Kurdish position from the south in 2018, all it took was a couple of U.S. forward observers to call in airstrikes from U.S. aircraft in the area. Within an hour, over 300 Russian mercenary's were dead. Turkey does not want to mess with firepower like that. Had Trump kept U.S. troops where they were, there would NO refugees, no spike in civilian loss of life, ISIS when still be imprisoned or on the run. The peace and stability that had been fought for and won in northeastern Syria over the past several years would still be in place if Trump was not such an idiot. General MATTIS told him not to do this and he was right.
I've NEVER heard anyone say that. NEVER. BTW, Turkey didn't invade until after Trump gave the green light.

But you can't plan and amass a force to march into another country within 24 hours.

Turkey has had its army positioned on the Syrian border for potential incursions into northern Syria for several years now. They have been massed and waiting to go in, but not until the United States withdrew.

Trumps statements have nothing to do with this thread. This thread is about the left claiming that Turkey would never engage with us soldiers. You were wrong.

What leftists said that?

Many said those exact words while the rest implied that the mere presence of 50 US soldiers would keep Turkey at bay.

You were all wrong

The United States has been keeping Turkey out of northeastern Syria for several years now. The only thing that changed was Trump's decision to abandon the area. GENERAL MATTIS told him not to do this and he was right.
The U.S. troops stabilized that border region, kept combatants at bay, and Daesh down. Now all that falls to pieces, and there is no good, innocent reason for that. So, why?

US troops are not border patrol agents for foreign nations. Nor are they cops. They NEVER should have been there to begin with.

They were there killing and capturing ISIS fighters that were planning the next 9/11 style attack on the United States. Being there was very important to U.S. national security. Now thousands of ISIS fighters have a chance to get away.
The Kurdish area of Syria had become very stable until TRUMP decided to pull U.S. troops from the border.

Statements like this just defy logic when you consider these same asshats condemn ICE, the US Border Patrol and the use of our military on our own border.

You motherfuckers have ZERO credibility on this issue so kindly go fuck yourself.

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