Leftist demand we stay in Syria and that Turkish military would never fire on US soldiers...

do you think Turkey would be bombing Syria if US Troops were there defending it? Of course not.

Gramps made it up

Trump told U.S. forces to stand down. Gave green light to Turkey to invade.
Yall called me a liar. I proved you wrong. Take your lumps and move the fuck on.

You didn't prove jack shit. You're still a liar.
"Invading" and "holding territory" in another country necessitates a lot more hardware than just fighting terrorists.
Maybe also different hardware.
This hardware didn't arrive at the border 24 hours after Trump's call from all over Turkey. :)

You are probably correct. Fighting so-called "terrorists" on Turkish territory, and razing a few villages here and there, requires other hardware and troop numbers than fighting battle-hardened paramilitary troops defending their own territory. You are probably also right that was planned for years, and the logistics were built up and in place for months.

That said, the question how Erdogan compelled Trump's ad-hoc decision to announce the withdrawal that enabled the invasion, gains in urgency. Immense urgency, really. For if Trump sold U.S. security interests, U.S. allies, and quite possibly U.S. troops for something that could hardly be anything other than his personal business interests, that Zelensky call would be small potatoes by comparison.

There is nothing for the U.S. to gain. With just a 1000 or so troops, at minimal costs, with the Kurds doing most of the fighting, the U.S. accomplished a great deal. The U.S. troops stabilized that border region, kept combatants at bay, and Daesh down. Now all that falls to pieces, and there is no good, innocent reason for that. So, why?

There is NOT ALREADY A THREAD pointing out the left was wrong and asking them if they are still thinking we belong in Syria.

Well lefties, do we? Can you admit you were wrong?

PS. Don't be butthurt that I called you out yesterday Don't Taz. This is a different subject.

Yes, right AFTER trump sold the kurds. Get your timelines straight,my man.

Turkey got the message loud and clear...
The U.S. troops stabilized that border region, kept combatants at bay, and Daesh down. Now all that falls to pieces, and there is no good, innocent reason for that. So, why?

US troops are not border patrol agents for foreign nations. Nor are they cops. They NEVER should have been there to begin with.
The U.S. troops stabilized that border region, kept combatants at bay, and Daesh down. Now all that falls to pieces, and there is no good, innocent reason for that. So, why?

US troops are not border patrol agents for foreign nations. Nor are they cops. They NEVER should have been there to begin with.
Neat! But that doesn't speak to the sentiment that we should not have sold our allies to slaughter on 6 hours notice. One can feel we should not have been there in the first place and still be nauseated by the mentally ill president's move. Try to focus.

There is NOT ALREADY A THREAD pointing out the left was wrong and asking them if they are still thinking we belong in Syria.

Well lefties, do we? Can you admit you were wrong?

PS. Don't be butthurt that I called you out yesterday Don't Taz. This is a different subject.

If you always thought this pull out was necessary, why didn’t you have the balls to actually criticize Trump for not doing this until now?

Trump fucking campaigned on it 3 damn years ago. Nothing spontaneous about it.

Gramps, realize you are a moron, and everything you believe you understand is wrong. Things get easier thereafter, and you may even be less of an imbecilic annoyance to others.

Yes, a decision to remove troops without consultation with staff, surprising the entire military, is "ad-hoc." Believe it or not, campaigning on something is quite distinct from a political decision.

There is NOT ALREADY A THREAD pointing out the left was wrong and asking them if they are still thinking we belong in Syria.

Well lefties, do we? Can you admit you were wrong?

PS. Don't be butthurt that I called you out yesterday Don't Taz. This is a different subject.

If you always thought this pull out was necessary, why didn’t you have the balls to actually criticize Trump for not doing this until now?

I did. Apparently your memory is shit. Or you're just clueless. I'll take both for 500 Alex

There is NOT ALREADY A THREAD pointing out the left was wrong and asking them if they are still thinking we belong in Syria.

Well lefties, do we? Can you admit you were wrong?

PS. Don't be butthurt that I called you out yesterday Don't Taz. This is a different subject.

If you always thought this pull out was necessary, why didn’t you have the balls to actually criticize Trump for not doing this until now?

I did. Apparently your memory is shit. Or you're just clueless. I'll take both for 500 Alex

Lol oh please you did not.

Trumps statements have nothing to do with this thread. This thread is about the left claiming that Turkey would never engage with us soldiers. You were wrong.

What leftists said that?

Many said those exact words while the rest implied that the mere presence of 50 US soldiers would keep Turkey at bay.

You were all wrong

I've NEVER heard anyone say that. NEVER. BTW, Turkey didn't invade until after Trump gave the green light.

So you’re blaming President Trump because he pulled our troops out....so you are agreeing that having a few troops there kept Turkey from invading.
So you’re blaming President Trump because he pulled our troops out....so you are agreeing that having a few troops there kept Turkey from invading.
No, not having an agreement in place to let them invade prevented them from invading. Obviously. You should drop this stupid line of defense.

Trump fucking campaigned on it 3 damn years ago. Nothing spontaneous about it.

Gramps, realize you are a moron, and everything you believe you understand is wrong. Things get easier thereafter, and you may even be less of an imbecilic annoyance to others.

Yes, a decision to remove troops without consultation with staff, surprising the entire military, is "ad-hoc." Believe it or not, campaigning on something is quite distinct from a political decision.
More proof I was not lying and that leftist libtards are ignorant....

Maybe if you assfucks don't give a flying fuck if our soldiers get killed, you would realize that there was no wat Turkey would attack where outr troops are inbedded.
No, not having an agreement in place to let them invade prevented them from invading. Obviously. You should drop this stupid line of defense.

Let's say, a thousand troops with the full backing of the Commander-in-Chief posed a serious obstacle, as they were there, together with air support and the SDF, to exert control over the border region. Once Trump signaled that there was no objection to Turkey's invasion, the troops would be withdrawn, and neither was there the full backing for the not-yet-withdrawn troops, they were also in harm's way, just as the Kurds, and the precarious stability in the region.

Now that Turkey closed the roads out of the region, it may well be that U.S. troops will have to beg Turkey to let them out.

Trumpletons, seeing U.S. troops abandoned and humiliated, their mission rendered useless and futile, their sacrifices pointless, couldn't be giddier. What a sight.
Its always a mess trying to accomplish anything in the middle east. that said when you tell some one you got their back. your word should be worth something.
The End Time Prophecies start with a War that involves Syria, Turkey and Russia and a handful of others.

Let's get it on. Let Evil have their short 7 year reign with The Anti-Christ so The Democrats can finally have their Messiah, and then after that, Peace on Earth, and Evil is Obliterated when Christ Returns & Rules.

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