Zone1 Leftist Logic on "Race"


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2012

So the conclusions are that the discrepancies in performance reviews are either a case of bias on the part of reviewers, or obstacle to success for POC's.

Well, there is one other possibility that is not even considered: That the Black employees simply don't work as hard or as well as the "white" employees. It could be a cultural thing.

I'm not saying that this is the case - I have no inside information, and have no idea what the reality is - but to look at this and ignore the most likely cause, simply because it is something they don't want contemplate is not rational.

Could they come up with specific behaviors, tasks, shortcomings that could be compared demographically, side by side? Apparently not. The presumption was that the books are cooked, and the only question is, how?

One wonders how these geniuses would assess the systemic racism that results in - I don't know - only 20% of NBA players being American "white" men. Would they look at skills and performance, or would they ascribe it to racism and artificial obstacles to "white" success?

It's a puzzle.
If blacks are involved nothing is off the table as far as incompetence or shady dealing.....

That one standard deviation below whites in IQ along with their willingness to go all-in on the "racism" social construct and of "white man bad" is one messed-up combination.
I had a thought after posting this, while watching the landscapers working around my Condo. They are all "Hispanic," and presumably Mexican. I have several friends and relatives who own landscaping companies and they are unanimous in saying that if you can get a Mexican working for you (around here, anyway), they will work harder than any Anglo.

So maybe there is a culture of hard work there, even though saying it out loud is "racist."

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