Leftist Policy And The Parkland Killings

Buncha RWNJ propaganda.
So you deny that the Promise Program kept Nicolas Cruz' gun seller from knowing about his criminal record ? Do facts bother you ?
No, but apparently they do you.

1. Schools are not run from.the federal level.

2. The point of the program was to minimize race as a criteria for police involvement.

The idea was to not send minorities out into the world with undeserved criminal records earned for minor offenses that were passed over if the perpetrator was white. Not to pass up real criminals.
The book rates number one on Amazon in these categories..
....is the one that reveals the role that Obama's Leftist policy played in the slaughter of 17 innocents at the Parkland High School.


1. All the talk about 'background checks' is for naught because Leftist policy made certain that the mass killer at Parkland was spared any blight on his record that would have red-flagged his background, and made him ineligible to purchase the gun.

2. Liberals, the Democrat Obama administration, imposed regulations on schools that forbid police being called when felonious students run amuck.

As a result of the school's acquiescence to the Democrat/ Liberal protocol, Nikolas Cruz had no police record, and was able to pass a background check and purchase the gun that killed 17 innocents.
One more tragedy at the intersection of Liberalism and education.

3. The Obama regulation that schools were forced to abide by, and that police departments were bribed into accepting, allowed the Florida shooter to buy his weapons.

“One of the people impacted by this new policy was the murderer at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School. Because of the new reporting (or non-reporting) system, the murderer had 21 incidents at the school that were not referred to the police. The police then were called to his home 39 times. Not once was this person taken to the police station and charged with anything and kept overnight. If just once he had been, he would not have passed his background check and he would never have been able to acquire a legal weapon of any kind.

4. Every time people speak of issues like gun control, they will point to “if we can just save one life.” Here 17 lives were lost because of a failed social policy that has spread throughout the country.

This weekend, students from Parkland fanned out across the country to preach gun control and speak at gun control rallies. Their ignorance of the policies that were put in place by social engineering bureaucrats that directly led to this massacre hovers over them as they preach of false gods.”
How Social Engineering Led to the Parkland Massacre=

5. The Broward County Sheriff’s Office received at least 45 calls related to Cruz and his brother dating back to 2008 – including a February 2016 call from a neighbor warning he made a threat on Instagram to "shoot up" the high school, and another last November advising he was collecting guns and knives and appeared to be "a school shooter in the making." Though deputies visited Cruz at his home, they did not try to recover his weapons, despite requests from relatives who feared he planned to use them on his classmates.

Their inaction reflects the Broward department’s embrace of the school district’s approach to student crime. Even in response to a major crime scene, Sheriff Israel agreed to defer to school officials when “feasible” and employ “the least punitive means of discipline” against the perpetrators. https://www.realclearinvestigations...cipline_policy_and_the_parkland_shooting.html

Every time you hear some screed from the Left/Democrats about the evil of the Right, remember Parkland, and know that they are simply lying about something that they are responsible for.
Buncha RWNJ propaganda.
Your acceptance of reality is neither sought nor required. And it damn sure isn't expected.
What reality?
The book rates number one on Amazon in these categories..
....is the one that reveals the role that Obama's Leftist policy played in the slaughter of 17 innocents at the Parkland High School.


1. All the talk about 'background checks' is for naught because Leftist policy made certain that the mass killer at Parkland was spared any blight on his record that would have red-flagged his background, and made him ineligible to purchase the gun.

2. Liberals, the Democrat Obama administration, imposed regulations on schools that forbid police being called when felonious students run amuck.

As a result of the school's acquiescence to the Democrat/ Liberal protocol, Nikolas Cruz had no police record, and was able to pass a background check and purchase the gun that killed 17 innocents.
One more tragedy at the intersection of Liberalism and education.

3. The Obama regulation that schools were forced to abide by, and that police departments were bribed into accepting, allowed the Florida shooter to buy his weapons.

“One of the people impacted by this new policy was the murderer at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School. Because of the new reporting (or non-reporting) system, the murderer had 21 incidents at the school that were not referred to the police. The police then were called to his home 39 times. Not once was this person taken to the police station and charged with anything and kept overnight. If just once he had been, he would not have passed his background check and he would never have been able to acquire a legal weapon of any kind.

4. Every time people speak of issues like gun control, they will point to “if we can just save one life.” Here 17 lives were lost because of a failed social policy that has spread throughout the country.

This weekend, students from Parkland fanned out across the country to preach gun control and speak at gun control rallies. Their ignorance of the policies that were put in place by social engineering bureaucrats that directly led to this massacre hovers over them as they preach of false gods.”
How Social Engineering Led to the Parkland Massacre=

5. The Broward County Sheriff’s Office received at least 45 calls related to Cruz and his brother dating back to 2008 – including a February 2016 call from a neighbor warning he made a threat on Instagram to "shoot up" the high school, and another last November advising he was collecting guns and knives and appeared to be "a school shooter in the making." Though deputies visited Cruz at his home, they did not try to recover his weapons, despite requests from relatives who feared he planned to use them on his classmates.

Their inaction reflects the Broward department’s embrace of the school district’s approach to student crime. Even in response to a major crime scene, Sheriff Israel agreed to defer to school officials when “feasible” and employ “the least punitive means of discipline” against the perpetrators. https://www.realclearinvestigations...cipline_policy_and_the_parkland_shooting.html

Every time you hear some screed from the Left/Democrats about the evil of the Right, remember Parkland, and know that they are simply lying about something that they are responsible for.
Buncha RWNJ propaganda.

You can always be counted on for the most vapid, least substantive post of the day.
This is the first readers' comment on the book on the Amazon site.

"I just started it and not even a hundred pages in and it's got me crying and pissed off at the same time. Political Correct gave birth to the [OBAMA] Promise program and kids died because of it.
EVERYONE should read this!!!"

The nation is dying from the disease of Leftwing stupidity
29 shot nine dead over last weekend not a word from the MSM on controlling the out of control murders inblack communities though!

It is because the Democrat Party stands for the reverse of every principle that America was designed to provide.

Ironically, racist Lyndon Johnson instituted a policy not based on equality, but on a system for whites, and a different one for black....affirmative action.
Liberals who infest the judicial system did the same things for law.

  1. Ramsey Clark: “" The theory of rehabilitation is based on the belief that healthy, rational people will not injure others, that they will understand that the individual and his society are best served by conduct that does not inflict injury, that a just society has the ability to provide health and purpose and opportunity for all its citizens. Rehabilitated, an individual will not have the capacity - cannot bring himself - to injure another or take or destroy property. "
    1. Of course, if that were true, he wouldn’t have committed crimes in the first place.
    2. Despite being insane, the reformers won out. The test of public policy vs. human nature began!
    3. Need empirical evidence? Crime rates skyrocketed. By 1974, the murder rate was over twice that of 1961. Between 1960 and 1976, a citizen’s chances of becoming a victim of a major violent crime tripled. Thomas Sowell, “The Vision of the Anointed: Self-Congratulation as a Basis for Social Policy,”., p.27.
    4. Carter-appointed judge Norma Shapiro “ is one of the worst offenders among that influential cadre of federal judges who have substituted the ACLU's prisoners' rights wish list for the Bill of Rights and have trifled with public safety concerns. …single-handedly decriminalized property and drug crimes in the City of Brotherly Love….And in the past 18 months alone, 9,732 arrestees, out on the streets on pre-trial release because of her prison cap, were arrested on second charges, including 79 murders, 90 rapes, 701 burglaries, 959 robberies, 1,113 assaults, 2,215 drug offenses and 2,748 thefts….Activist judges such as Shapiro and Justice assert that prison crowding violates the Eighth Amendment's ban on cruel and unusual punishments. But there is no empirical evidence to substantiate this assertion. In every study of the subject, the widely believed negative effects of crowding - violence, program disruption, health problems and so on - are nowhere in evidence.” Archives | The Philadelphia Inquirer
  1. In 1992, black youths were nine times more likely to be murdered than white youths. Liberals lied, black kids died.

Obama did the very same thing in the Parkview mureders.....his Democrat administration forbid penalizing black and Hispanic thugs and criminals....hence Nikolas Cruz walked and had no record that would have prevented his getting the gun to kill 17.
Now please explain the cause of the 289 mass shootings just this year, 2019. Go ahead.
There have been 289 mass shootings in the US so far in 2019 — here's the full list
Gun Free Zones - all of them. Only a liberal wouldn't know that.

"Over 98% of mass shootings occurred on gun-free zones, research shows"
According to the Crime Prevention Research Center, from the 1950’s through July 10th of 2016, 98.4 percent of mass shootings have occurred on gun-free zones, with just 1.6 percent occurring where citizens are allowed to have firearms with them."
Over 98% of mass shootings occurred on gun-free zones, research shows

Coulter: “Mass murderers apparently can’t read, since they are constantly shooting up ‘gun-free zones.’”
Buncha RWNJ propaganda.
So you deny that the Promise Program kept Nicolas Cruz' gun seller from knowing about his criminal record ? Do facts bother you ?
No, but apparently they do you.

1. Schools are not run from.the federal level.

2. The point of the program was to minimize race as a criteria for police involvement.

The idea was to not send minorities out into the world with undeserved criminal records earned for minor offenses that were passed over if the perpetrator was white. Not to pass up real criminals.

" Schools are not run from.the federal level."

I can never figure out whether you are just this dumb, or just this much of a liar.

Here are the facts:

The Left conspired to hide the out-of-proportion disruption of public schools by minority students.

The Obama administration threatened any school that disciplined black and Hispanic students beyond the rate of white and Asian kids, with DoJ racial charges.

The Obamunists bribed police to overlook charges that should have been brought against minority youth.

This resulted in Nikolas Cruz being able to pass a background check, and purchase weapons used to kill 17 innocents.

That's a conspiracy.
This is the first readers' comment on the book on the Amazon site.

"I just started it and not even a hundred pages in and it's got me crying and pissed off at the same time. Political Correct gave birth to the [OBAMA] Promise program and kids died because of it.
EVERYONE should read this!!!"

The nation is dying from the disease of Leftwing stupidity

I'm afraid that there is no cure.
The book rates number one on Amazon in these categories..
....is the one that reveals the role that Obama's Leftist policy played in the slaughter of 17 innocents at the Parkland High School.


1. All the talk about 'background checks' is for naught because Leftist policy made certain that the mass killer at Parkland was spared any blight on his record that would have red-flagged his background, and made him ineligible to purchase the gun.

2. Liberals, the Democrat Obama administration, imposed regulations on schools that forbid police being called when felonious students run amuck.

As a result of the school's acquiescence to the Democrat/ Liberal protocol, Nikolas Cruz had no police record, and was able to pass a background check and purchase the gun that killed 17 innocents.
One more tragedy at the intersection of Liberalism and education.

3. The Obama regulation that schools were forced to abide by, and that police departments were bribed into accepting, allowed the Florida shooter to buy his weapons.

“One of the people impacted by this new policy was the murderer at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School. Because of the new reporting (or non-reporting) system, the murderer had 21 incidents at the school that were not referred to the police. The police then were called to his home 39 times. Not once was this person taken to the police station and charged with anything and kept overnight. If just once he had been, he would not have passed his background check and he would never have been able to acquire a legal weapon of any kind.

4. Every time people speak of issues like gun control, they will point to “if we can just save one life.” Here 17 lives were lost because of a failed social policy that has spread throughout the country.

This weekend, students from Parkland fanned out across the country to preach gun control and speak at gun control rallies. Their ignorance of the policies that were put in place by social engineering bureaucrats that directly led to this massacre hovers over them as they preach of false gods.”
How Social Engineering Led to the Parkland Massacre=

5. The Broward County Sheriff’s Office received at least 45 calls related to Cruz and his brother dating back to 2008 – including a February 2016 call from a neighbor warning he made a threat on Instagram to "shoot up" the high school, and another last November advising he was collecting guns and knives and appeared to be "a school shooter in the making." Though deputies visited Cruz at his home, they did not try to recover his weapons, despite requests from relatives who feared he planned to use them on his classmates.

Their inaction reflects the Broward department’s embrace of the school district’s approach to student crime. Even in response to a major crime scene, Sheriff Israel agreed to defer to school officials when “feasible” and employ “the least punitive means of discipline” against the perpetrators. https://www.realclearinvestigations...cipline_policy_and_the_parkland_shooting.html

Every time you hear some screed from the Left/Democrats about the evil of the Right, remember Parkland, and know that they are simply lying about something that they are responsible for.
Buncha RWNJ propaganda.

You can always be counted on for the most vapid, least substantive post of the day.
The biggest difference between my post and yours?

Mine is true.
Buncha RWNJ propaganda.
So you deny that the Promise Program kept Nicolas Cruz' gun seller from knowing about his criminal record ? Do facts bother you ?
No, but apparently they do you.

1. Schools are not run from.the federal level.

2. The point of the program was to minimize race as a criteria for police involvement.

The idea was to not send minorities out into the world with undeserved criminal records earned for minor offenses that were passed over if the perpetrator was white. Not to pass up real criminals.

" Schools are not run from.the federal level."

I can never figure out whether you are just this dumb, or just this much of a liar.

Here are the facts:

The Left conspired to hide the out-of-proportion disruption of public schools by minority students.

The Obama administration threatened any school that disciplined black and Hispanic students beyond the rate of white and Asian kids, with DoJ racial charges.

The Obamunists bribed police to overlook charges that should have been brought against minority youth.

This resulted in Nikolas Cruz being able to pass a background check, and purchase weapons used to kill 17 innocents.

That's a conspiracy.
That's hilarious. It's not a conspiracy.
Buncha RWNJ propaganda.
So you deny that the Promise Program kept Nicolas Cruz' gun seller from knowing about his criminal record ? Do facts bother you ?
No, but apparently they do you.

1. Schools are not run from.the federal level.

2. The point of the program was to minimize race as a criteria for police involvement.

The idea was to not send minorities out into the world with undeserved criminal records earned for minor offenses that were passed over if the perpetrator was white. Not to pass up real criminals.

" Schools are not run from.the federal level."

I can never figure out whether you are just this dumb, or just this much of a liar.

Here are the facts:

The Left conspired to hide the out-of-proportion disruption of public schools by minority students.

The Obama administration threatened any school that disciplined black and Hispanic students beyond the rate of white and Asian kids, with DoJ racial charges.

The Obamunists bribed police to overlook charges that should have been brought against minority youth.

This resulted in Nikolas Cruz being able to pass a background check, and purchase weapons used to kill 17 innocents.

That's a conspiracy.
That's hilarious. It's not a conspiracy.

  1. a secret plan by a group to do something unlawful or harmful.
    "a conspiracy to destroy the government"
    synonyms: plot, scheme, stratagem, plan, machination, cabal, intrigue, palace intrigue; More

    • the action of plotting or conspiring.
      "they were cleared of conspiracy to pervert the course of justice" Google

"Despite committing a string of arrestable offenses on campus before the Florida school shooting, Nikolas Cruz was able to escape the attention of law enforcement, pass a background check and purchase the weapon he used to slaughter three staff members and 14 fellow students because of Obama administration efforts to make school discipline more lenient."

Would he have been arrested had not Obama and his DoJ threatened school districts with racial charges had they not shielded Cruz from arrest?????

You betcha'!!!!!!!!!!

“Obama admin made schools more dangerous

.…the Obama administration issued federal guidance putting school districts on notice that even if their discipline policy was “neutral on its face” and “administered in an evenhanded manner,” they could be subject to a federal civil rights investigation if minorities were suspended at a higher rate....'
Obama admin made schools more dangerous: Column

This is Liberal 'equality'....special rules for certain groups.

A conspiracy by the racist Liberals/Democrats.
I saw Mark Glaze, former executive director of Michael Bloomberg’s Mayors Against Illegal Guns, and later Everytown for Gun Safety, on Tucker Carlson’s show, discussing the school shootings.
Glaze made all of the well-known arguments for gun control….and then Carlson asked him if he thought the Promise Program contributed to the horrifying incident.

He said he was unaware of the program, had never heard of it.
Just like most Liberals/Democrats.

This anti-gun, anti-NRA, anti-Bill of Rights spokesperson, unaware of the single greatest contributor to Nikolas Cruz’s ability to slaughter 17 human beings.

If you are a Democrat, a Liberal, a gun-control supporter….I’m betting that you are, also, unaware.
And I’ll bet that you are unaware of the fact that the actions of Barack Obama played a far greater role in the massacre than the NRA.
It's a fact.

Here's how that happened.
While puzzling over why black students had a graduation rate of only 61 percent compared to 81 percent for white students, and as a result, a lower college admission rate, it was determined that it was largely because of their arrest rates.
Another fact was revealed: “black students made up two-thirds of all suspensions during the 2011-2012 school year despite comprising only 40 percent of the student body.”
Obama Program May Have Helped Nikolas Cruz Slip Through the Cracks

Using the usual Liberal divining rod, and looking for ways to hide.....er, correct the behavior that led to suspensions and arrests,…. These deep thinkers deduced that it must be racial bias leading to the arrests.

Using the power, status and treasury of government….”President Obama’s program rewarded local governments with grants if they kept school arrests down.’
And he threatened to charge them with racism if they didn't!!!

Get it?

Schools no longer suspended miscreants, and police….like the Broward Sheriff’s Department, no longer arrested those eligible.
Nikolas Cruz committed numerous acts that made him eligible for suspension and arrest…in a sane world.

But he wasn’t arrested, because of the Obama program.

You didn’t know this….did you?

Did you know that The road to hell is paved with good intentions.
Well, c'mon, it's not like leftists ever consider the consequences of their actions beyond the immediate warm-fuzzy they get.
Yes like letting people legally buy weapons for mass killing. What could go wrong?
I’ve noticed school shootings aren’t a problem in countries with strong gun control.
I saw Mark Glaze, former executive director of Michael Bloomberg’s Mayors Against Illegal Guns, and later Everytown for Gun Safety, on Tucker Carlson’s show, discussing the school shootings.
Glaze made all of the well-known arguments for gun control….and then Carlson asked him if he thought the Promise Program contributed to the horrifying incident.

He said he was unaware of the program, had never heard of it.
Just like most Liberals/Democrats.

This anti-gun, anti-NRA, anti-Bill of Rights spokesperson, unaware of the single greatest contributor to Nikolas Cruz’s ability to slaughter 17 human beings.

If you are a Democrat, a Liberal, a gun-control supporter….I’m betting that you are, also, unaware.
And I’ll bet that you are unaware of the fact that the actions of Barack Obama played a far greater role in the massacre than the NRA.
It's a fact.

Here's how that happened.
While puzzling over why black students had a graduation rate of only 61 percent compared to 81 percent for white students, and as a result, a lower college admission rate, it was determined that it was largely because of their arrest rates.
Another fact was revealed: “black students made up two-thirds of all suspensions during the 2011-2012 school year despite comprising only 40 percent of the student body.”
Obama Program May Have Helped Nikolas Cruz Slip Through the Cracks

Using the usual Liberal divining rod, and looking for ways to hide.....er, correct the behavior that led to suspensions and arrests,…. These deep thinkers deduced that it must be racial bias leading to the arrests.

Using the power, status and treasury of government….”President Obama’s program rewarded local governments with grants if they kept school arrests down.’
And he threatened to charge them with racism if they didn't!!!

Get it?

Schools no longer suspended miscreants, and police….like the Broward Sheriff’s Department, no longer arrested those eligible.
Nikolas Cruz committed numerous acts that made him eligible for suspension and arrest…in a sane world.

But he wasn’t arrested, because of the Obama program.

You didn’t know this….did you?

Did you know that The road to hell is paved with good intentions.
Well, c'mon, it's not like leftists ever consider the consequences of their actions beyond the immediate warm-fuzzy they get.
Yes like letting people legally buy weapons for mass killing. What could go wrong?

Can you name those who state that they are buying weapons for mass killings?

Did you know that Obama facilitated the slaughter of 17 innocents at Parkview?

"Despite committing a string of arrestable offenses on campus before the Florida school shooting, Nikolas Cruz was able to escape the attention of law enforcement, pass a background check and purchase the weapon he used to slaughter three staff members and 14 fellow students because of Obama administration efforts to make school discipline more lenient."

Would he have been arrested had not Obama and his DoJ threatened school districts with racial charges had they not shielded Cruz from arrest?????

You betcha'!!!!!!!!!!

“Obama admin made schools more dangerous

.…the Obama administration issued federal guidance putting school districts on notice that even if their discipline policy was “neutral on its face” and “administered in an evenhanded manner,” they could be subject to a federal civil rights investigation if minorities were suspended at a higher rate....'
Obama admin made schools more dangerous: Column

This is Liberal 'equality'....special rules for certain groups.

A conspiracy by the racist Liberals/Democrats.
I saw Mark Glaze, former executive director of Michael Bloomberg’s Mayors Against Illegal Guns, and later Everytown for Gun Safety, on Tucker Carlson’s show, discussing the school shootings.
Glaze made all of the well-known arguments for gun control….and then Carlson asked him if he thought the Promise Program contributed to the horrifying incident.

He said he was unaware of the program, had never heard of it.
Just like most Liberals/Democrats.

This anti-gun, anti-NRA, anti-Bill of Rights spokesperson, unaware of the single greatest contributor to Nikolas Cruz’s ability to slaughter 17 human beings.

If you are a Democrat, a Liberal, a gun-control supporter….I’m betting that you are, also, unaware.
And I’ll bet that you are unaware of the fact that the actions of Barack Obama played a far greater role in the massacre than the NRA.
It's a fact.

Here's how that happened.
While puzzling over why black students had a graduation rate of only 61 percent compared to 81 percent for white students, and as a result, a lower college admission rate, it was determined that it was largely because of their arrest rates.
Another fact was revealed: “black students made up two-thirds of all suspensions during the 2011-2012 school year despite comprising only 40 percent of the student body.”
Obama Program May Have Helped Nikolas Cruz Slip Through the Cracks

Using the usual Liberal divining rod, and looking for ways to hide.....er, correct the behavior that led to suspensions and arrests,…. These deep thinkers deduced that it must be racial bias leading to the arrests.

Using the power, status and treasury of government….”President Obama’s program rewarded local governments with grants if they kept school arrests down.’
And he threatened to charge them with racism if they didn't!!!

Get it?

Schools no longer suspended miscreants, and police….like the Broward Sheriff’s Department, no longer arrested those eligible.
Nikolas Cruz committed numerous acts that made him eligible for suspension and arrest…in a sane world.

But he wasn’t arrested, because of the Obama program.

You didn’t know this….did you?

Did you know that The road to hell is paved with good intentions.
Well, c'mon, it's not like leftists ever consider the consequences of their actions beyond the immediate warm-fuzzy they get.
Yes like letting people legally buy weapons for mass killing. What could go wrong?

Can you name those who state that they are buying weapons for mass killings?

Did you know that Obama facilitated the slaughter of 17 innocents at Parkview?

"Despite committing a string of arrestable offenses on campus before the Florida school shooting, Nikolas Cruz was able to escape the attention of law enforcement, pass a background check and purchase the weapon he used to slaughter three staff members and 14 fellow students because of Obama administration efforts to make school discipline more lenient."

Would he have been arrested had not Obama and his DoJ threatened school districts with racial charges had they not shielded Cruz from arrest?????

You betcha'!!!!!!!!!!

“Obama admin made schools more dangerous

.…the Obama administration issued federal guidance putting school districts on notice that even if their discipline policy was “neutral on its face” and “administered in an evenhanded manner,” they could be subject to a federal civil rights investigation if minorities were suspended at a higher rate....'
Obama admin made schools more dangerous: Column

This is Liberal 'equality'....special rules for certain groups.

A conspiracy by the racist Liberals/Democrats.
The right makes weapons for mass killing legal. And killers are using them regularly.
I saw Mark Glaze, former executive director of Michael Bloomberg’s Mayors Against Illegal Guns, and later Everytown for Gun Safety, on Tucker Carlson’s show, discussing the school shootings.
Glaze made all of the well-known arguments for gun control….and then Carlson asked him if he thought the Promise Program contributed to the horrifying incident.

He said he was unaware of the program, had never heard of it.
Just like most Liberals/Democrats.

This anti-gun, anti-NRA, anti-Bill of Rights spokesperson, unaware of the single greatest contributor to Nikolas Cruz’s ability to slaughter 17 human beings.

If you are a Democrat, a Liberal, a gun-control supporter….I’m betting that you are, also, unaware.
And I’ll bet that you are unaware of the fact that the actions of Barack Obama played a far greater role in the massacre than the NRA.
It's a fact.

Here's how that happened.
While puzzling over why black students had a graduation rate of only 61 percent compared to 81 percent for white students, and as a result, a lower college admission rate, it was determined that it was largely because of their arrest rates.
Another fact was revealed: “black students made up two-thirds of all suspensions during the 2011-2012 school year despite comprising only 40 percent of the student body.”
Obama Program May Have Helped Nikolas Cruz Slip Through the Cracks

Using the usual Liberal divining rod, and looking for ways to hide.....er, correct the behavior that led to suspensions and arrests,…. These deep thinkers deduced that it must be racial bias leading to the arrests.

Using the power, status and treasury of government….”President Obama’s program rewarded local governments with grants if they kept school arrests down.’
And he threatened to charge them with racism if they didn't!!!

Get it?

Schools no longer suspended miscreants, and police….like the Broward Sheriff’s Department, no longer arrested those eligible.
Nikolas Cruz committed numerous acts that made him eligible for suspension and arrest…in a sane world.

But he wasn’t arrested, because of the Obama program.

You didn’t know this….did you?

Did you know that The road to hell is paved with good intentions.
Well, c'mon, it's not like leftists ever consider the consequences of their actions beyond the immediate warm-fuzzy they get.
Yes like letting people legally buy weapons for mass killing. What could go wrong?

Can you name those who state that they are buying weapons for mass killings?

Did you know that Obama facilitated the slaughter of 17 innocents at Parkview?

"Despite committing a string of arrestable offenses on campus before the Florida school shooting, Nikolas Cruz was able to escape the attention of law enforcement, pass a background check and purchase the weapon he used to slaughter three staff members and 14 fellow students because of Obama administration efforts to make school discipline more lenient."

Would he have been arrested had not Obama and his DoJ threatened school districts with racial charges had they not shielded Cruz from arrest?????

You betcha'!!!!!!!!!!

“Obama admin made schools more dangerous

.…the Obama administration issued federal guidance putting school districts on notice that even if their discipline policy was “neutral on its face” and “administered in an evenhanded manner,” they could be subject to a federal civil rights investigation if minorities were suspended at a higher rate....'
Obama admin made schools more dangerous: Column

This is Liberal 'equality'....special rules for certain groups.

A conspiracy by the racist Liberals/Democrats.
The right makes weapons for mass killing legal. And killers are using them regularly.

Why are you running from the revelation that Democrats and Obama made the slaughter of 17 possible?
Just as Hussein removed all the troops from Iraq so that ISIS would have no resistance, Liberals make certain that mass killers are not blocked in any way, with their gun-free zones.

"Over 98% of mass shootings occurred on gun-free zones, research shows"
According to the Crime Prevention Research Center, from the 1950’s through July 10th of 2016, 98.4 percent of mass shootings have occurred on gun-free zones, with just 1.6 percent occurring where citizens are allowed to have firearms with them."
Over 98% of mass shootings occurred on gun-free zones, research shows

When will you Leftists take responsibility for the killings?
I saw Mark Glaze, former executive director of Michael Bloomberg’s Mayors Against Illegal Guns, and later Everytown for Gun Safety, on Tucker Carlson’s show, discussing the school shootings.
Glaze made all of the well-known arguments for gun control….and then Carlson asked him if he thought the Promise Program contributed to the horrifying incident.

He said he was unaware of the program, had never heard of it.
Just like most Liberals/Democrats.

This anti-gun, anti-NRA, anti-Bill of Rights spokesperson, unaware of the single greatest contributor to Nikolas Cruz’s ability to slaughter 17 human beings.

If you are a Democrat, a Liberal, a gun-control supporter….I’m betting that you are, also, unaware.
And I’ll bet that you are unaware of the fact that the actions of Barack Obama played a far greater role in the massacre than the NRA.
It's a fact.

Here's how that happened.
While puzzling over why black students had a graduation rate of only 61 percent compared to 81 percent for white students, and as a result, a lower college admission rate, it was determined that it was largely because of their arrest rates.
Another fact was revealed: “black students made up two-thirds of all suspensions during the 2011-2012 school year despite comprising only 40 percent of the student body.”
Obama Program May Have Helped Nikolas Cruz Slip Through the Cracks

Using the usual Liberal divining rod, and looking for ways to hide.....er, correct the behavior that led to suspensions and arrests,…. These deep thinkers deduced that it must be racial bias leading to the arrests.

Using the power, status and treasury of government….”President Obama’s program rewarded local governments with grants if they kept school arrests down.’
And he threatened to charge them with racism if they didn't!!!

Get it?

Schools no longer suspended miscreants, and police….like the Broward Sheriff’s Department, no longer arrested those eligible.
Nikolas Cruz committed numerous acts that made him eligible for suspension and arrest…in a sane world.

But he wasn’t arrested, because of the Obama program.

You didn’t know this….did you?

Did you know that The road to hell is paved with good intentions.
Well, c'mon, it's not like leftists ever consider the consequences of their actions beyond the immediate warm-fuzzy they get.
Yes like letting people legally buy weapons for mass killing. What could go wrong?

Can you name those who state that they are buying weapons for mass killings?

Did you know that Obama facilitated the slaughter of 17 innocents at Parkview?

"Despite committing a string of arrestable offenses on campus before the Florida school shooting, Nikolas Cruz was able to escape the attention of law enforcement, pass a background check and purchase the weapon he used to slaughter three staff members and 14 fellow students because of Obama administration efforts to make school discipline more lenient."

Would he have been arrested had not Obama and his DoJ threatened school districts with racial charges had they not shielded Cruz from arrest?????

You betcha'!!!!!!!!!!

“Obama admin made schools more dangerous

.…the Obama administration issued federal guidance putting school districts on notice that even if their discipline policy was “neutral on its face” and “administered in an evenhanded manner,” they could be subject to a federal civil rights investigation if minorities were suspended at a higher rate....'
Obama admin made schools more dangerous: Column

This is Liberal 'equality'....special rules for certain groups.

A conspiracy by the racist Liberals/Democrats.
The right makes weapons for mass killing legal. And killers are using them regularly.

Why are you running from the revelation that Democrats and Obama made the slaughter of 17 possible?
The right made getting the weapon easy. The weapon made killing so many easy.

Countries with strong gun control don’t have a school shooting problem.
Just as Hussein removed all the troops from Iraq so that ISIS would have no resistance, Liberals make certain that mass killers are not blocked in any way, with their gun-free zones.

"Over 98% of mass shootings occurred on gun-free zones, research shows"
According to the Crime Prevention Research Center, from the 1950’s through July 10th of 2016, 98.4 percent of mass shootings have occurred on gun-free zones, with just 1.6 percent occurring where citizens are allowed to have firearms with them."
Over 98% of mass shootings occurred on gun-free zones, research shows

When will you Leftists take responsibility for the killings?
Countries with strong gun control don’t have regular mass shootings.

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