Leftist Thought: Want To End Capitalism? Destroy The Family


Platinum Member
Mar 27, 2012
This is not news to those few of us that actually understand how leftists think.

It is not news to the few of us that have studied communism and communist theory. It's been in plain sight all along; there to see for anybody that wants to look.

Think about it. Connect the dots. It also dovetails nicely into the abortion debate.

Leftists don't just want to nationalize the means of production, they want to nationalize the means of REPRODUCTION.

Plato's Republica. Pretty disgusting piece of warped thinking by a pretty disgusting human being

Leftist ‘The Nation’ Wants to End Capitalism by Destroying the Family

Now, you might think that headline above is an exaggeration. Sadly it isn’t. The left-wing rag, The Nation, is truly suggesting that the best way to end capitalism is to eliminate the American family and to take away all children from their parents.

This laughable screed was penned by Rosemarie Ho, someone who thinks “feminist theory” is a legitimate discipline. Ho wrote, “Feminist theorist Sophie Lewis’s new book looks at how rethinking pregnancy and the idea of family as forms of labor is central to emancipatory politics,” as the hook for her May 16 article at The Nation.

This is the nonsense that passes for “thought” on our nihilistic college campuses, folks.

Indeed, doing herself no favor with intelligent people everywhere, Ho admits at the outset that the idea of destroying the family is a central tenet of communist theory as proposed by Marx and Engels. Ho dug her hole even deeper by also pointing out that abolishing the family is a main goal of radical homosexual theorists, too.

Marx and Engels and radical homosexuals… she cites these as worthy thinkers?

Ho makes herself a laughing stock in her very first paragraph.

Laughing stock? The Nation? Shocking. Just shocking, I tell you.

It's worth the read if you're so inclined. The Nation has a paywall. Amazing that anybody would be so stupid as to pay for that kind of mental diarrhea.

Amazing that leftists are that stupid. And that disgusting.

Don't forget something -- Ever.......

National Socialism is the bastard child of socialism. Never forget that.
In case you're interested, this is what passes for critical thought in leftist rags these days.

Author of the idiotic piece at the commie rag 'the nation'


I’m a freelance fact-checker, and arts and culture writer. Currently I’m also one of the editorial interns at The Nation Magazine. I was awarded the Les River Fellowship for Young Novelists at the University of Chicago, from which I graduated in 2018 with a degree in Philosophy and Allied Fields (Literary Studies). I like thinking about pop culture and its tenuous relationship to race, capitalism, and gender, as well as art’s relationship to politics. Other interests include post/coloniality, literature, memes, and how all of the above intersect in strange, multifarious ways.

Some relevant positions I’ve held: I’ve interned at The Outline’s Culture section, Boston Review, and The Point Magazine. While in college, I was the Editor-in-Chief of The Midway Review. My resume can be found on my LinkedIn; a full CV is available upon request. I also have an irregular TinyLetter. If I sound even remotely interesting, hit me up at rosemarie.siksuen.ho [at] gmail [dot] com, or read my attempts at shitposting on Twitter.
I wouldn't worry about them too much.

It is against nature. Anything against nature cannot stand.
I wouldn't worry about them too much.

It is against nature. Anything against nature cannot stand.

It is said that something that can't go on forever, won't.

And that is very true.

communism was a disaster. A crime against humanity with over 100,000,000 (One Hundred Million) murdered.

Then there's the one-child policy in communist China. Wonder how many millions of lives that one cost...

Funny how we don't hear much about that from our resident dimocrap scum.

Didja know........ The Chinese have the most unbalanced birth rate for sex in the world?

Wonder why that is? You think maybe people are aborting female fetuses? Or actually drowning female children post birth??

Funny how we don't hear much about that from our resident dimocrap lace-panty division; from our perennially pissed, permanent PMS crowd....

Got selective outrage, dims?

China has world’s most skewed sex ratio at birth – again

On the mainland, a traditional preference for boys has encouraged selective abortions that resulted in 115 boys born for every 100 girls from 1994.

It peaked nationally in 2004 with 121.2 boys born for every 100 girls, and some provinces have seen the ratio climb as high as 130....

So, while I'm not especially 'worried' about it, I do think it gives us a remarkable look inside the leftist mind.


And it is a short walk across the street from leftism to communism.

Don't say "It can't happen here"

That would be a serious mistake because our resident dimocraps are pushing VERY hard for it
The left want to mooch off other people, its at the core of everything they believe in.
This is not news to those few of us that actually understand how leftists think.

It is not news to the few of us that have studied communism and communist theory. It's been in plain sight all along; there to see for anybody that wants to look.

Think about it. Connect the dots. It also dovetails nicely into the abortion debate.

Leftists don't just want to nationalize the means of production, they want to nationalize the means of REPRODUCTION.

Plato's Republica. Pretty disgusting piece of warped thinking by a pretty disgusting human being

Leftist ‘The Nation’ Wants to End Capitalism by Destroying the Family

Now, you might think that headline above is an exaggeration. Sadly it isn’t. The left-wing rag, The Nation, is truly suggesting that the best way to end capitalism is to eliminate the American family and to take away all children from their parents.

This laughable screed was penned by Rosemarie Ho, someone who thinks “feminist theory” is a legitimate discipline. Ho wrote, “Feminist theorist Sophie Lewis’s new book looks at how rethinking pregnancy and the idea of family as forms of labor is central to emancipatory politics,” as the hook for her May 16 article at The Nation.

This is the nonsense that passes for “thought” on our nihilistic college campuses, folks.

Indeed, doing herself no favor with intelligent people everywhere, Ho admits at the outset that the idea of destroying the family is a central tenet of communist theory as proposed by Marx and Engels. Ho dug her hole even deeper by also pointing out that abolishing the family is a main goal of radical homosexual theorists, too.

Marx and Engels and radical homosexuals… she cites these as worthy thinkers?

Ho makes herself a laughing stock in her very first paragraph.

Laughing stock? The Nation? Shocking. Just shocking, I tell you.

It's worth the read if you're so inclined. The Nation has a paywall. Amazing that anybody would be so stupid as to pay for that kind of mental diarrhea.

Amazing that leftists are that stupid. And that disgusting.

Don't forget something -- Ever.......

National Socialism is the bastard child of socialism. Never forget that.

The three pillars of Western Civilization which must be destroyed in order for postmodernist leftism (neo-communists) to usher in a new age of global warming totalitarianism: the nuclear family, private property, Christianity. Associated institutions of those three pillars which would fall with their destruction also deserve honorable mention: Constitutional Protections for the individual, marriage as a sacred institution between a man and woman, modesty, personal responsibility, individual freedom, freedom of thought, heterosexual sex, belief in the wisdom of previous generations, carrying children to birth, strong masculine men, and the list goes on . . .
This is not news to those few of us that actually understand how leftists think.

It is not news to the few of us that have studied communism and communist theory. It's been in plain sight all along; there to see for anybody that wants to look.

Think about it. Connect the dots. It also dovetails nicely into the abortion debate.

Leftists don't just want to nationalize the means of production, they want to nationalize the means of REPRODUCTION.

Plato's Republica. Pretty disgusting piece of warped thinking by a pretty disgusting human being

Leftist ‘The Nation’ Wants to End Capitalism by Destroying the Family

Now, you might think that headline above is an exaggeration. Sadly it isn’t. The left-wing rag, The Nation, is truly suggesting that the best way to end capitalism is to eliminate the American family and to take away all children from their parents.

This laughable screed was penned by Rosemarie Ho, someone who thinks “feminist theory” is a legitimate discipline. Ho wrote, “Feminist theorist Sophie Lewis’s new book looks at how rethinking pregnancy and the idea of family as forms of labor is central to emancipatory politics,” as the hook for her May 16 article at The Nation.

This is the nonsense that passes for “thought” on our nihilistic college campuses, folks.

Indeed, doing herself no favor with intelligent people everywhere, Ho admits at the outset that the idea of destroying the family is a central tenet of communist theory as proposed by Marx and Engels. Ho dug her hole even deeper by also pointing out that abolishing the family is a main goal of radical homosexual theorists, too.

Marx and Engels and radical homosexuals… she cites these as worthy thinkers?

Ho makes herself a laughing stock in her very first paragraph.

Laughing stock? The Nation? Shocking. Just shocking, I tell you.

It's worth the read if you're so inclined. The Nation has a paywall. Amazing that anybody would be so stupid as to pay for that kind of mental diarrhea.

Amazing that leftists are that stupid. And that disgusting.

Don't forget something -- Ever.......

National Socialism is the bastard child of socialism. Never forget that.
Live in China, or North Korea for two years, then tell me you love it. They really have no idea of the basis of what an how you get treated. If you are a working man you are screwed, if you are apart of the Gov you got it made. If you are a part of a org that has power you got it made. So working man and business owner don't fall for the We Just want to Help you, statement. The don't want you to take power away from them.
Leftist, the nightmare every republican tries to be scared of...Yet the Leftist are people like socialist, socialist democrats(Christian), Marxist, communist, yet the majority of Democrats(a political party, unlike the "Leftist")are centrist....Just like the Republicans which have liberals in their ranks...If this is too much information for your little head to understand please use this post as a guide to how one describes more accurately what the hell they are trying to state..
It would also explain why the Dems appear obsessed with running closeted homosexuals with "faux families" for high office....


This is not news to those few of us that actually understand how leftists think.

It is not news to the few of us that have studied communism and communist theory. It's been in plain sight all along; there to see for anybody that wants to look.

Think about it. Connect the dots. It also dovetails nicely into the abortion debate.

Leftists don't just want to nationalize the means of production, they want to nationalize the means of REPRODUCTION.

Plato's Republica. Pretty disgusting piece of warped thinking by a pretty disgusting human being

Leftist ‘The Nation’ Wants to End Capitalism by Destroying the Family

Now, you might think that headline above is an exaggeration. Sadly it isn’t. The left-wing rag, The Nation, is truly suggesting that the best way to end capitalism is to eliminate the American family and to take away all children from their parents.

This laughable screed was penned by Rosemarie Ho, someone who thinks “feminist theory” is a legitimate discipline. Ho wrote, “Feminist theorist Sophie Lewis’s new book looks at how rethinking pregnancy and the idea of family as forms of labor is central to emancipatory politics,” as the hook for her May 16 article at The Nation.

This is the nonsense that passes for “thought” on our nihilistic college campuses, folks.

Indeed, doing herself no favor with intelligent people everywhere, Ho admits at the outset that the idea of destroying the family is a central tenet of communist theory as proposed by Marx and Engels. Ho dug her hole even deeper by also pointing out that abolishing the family is a main goal of radical homosexual theorists, too.

Marx and Engels and radical homosexuals… she cites these as worthy thinkers?

Ho makes herself a laughing stock in her very first paragraph.

Laughing stock? The Nation? Shocking. Just shocking, I tell you.

It's worth the read if you're so inclined. The Nation has a paywall. Amazing that anybody would be so stupid as to pay for that kind of mental diarrhea.

Amazing that leftists are that stupid. And that disgusting.

Don't forget something -- Ever.......

National Socialism is the bastard child of socialism. Never forget that.
Capitalism in it's unregulated form eliminates family so much faster than just about any other means. Get the concept correct before you try to blame someone of that for which you are guilty of.
The next great recession or depression let's see how well capitalism exist if no taxes collected from the masses help out the rich and powerful capitalist...
Capitalism in it's unregulated form eliminates family so much faster than just about any other means

That's completely wrong.

The destruction of the American family correlates strongly with the growth of government....
The next great recession or depression let's see how well capitalism exist if no taxes collected from the masses help out the rich and powerful capitalist...

Yeah, never mind the fact that we are now $22 trillion in debt, up from $5 trillion in 2000....

Democrats aren't just responsible for most of the US Federal debt, they view its growth as "progress" and will cheer the next recession... as it might push the US closer to GREECE, the real Dem objective...
Capitalism in it's unregulated form eliminates family so much faster than just about any other means. Get the concept correct before you try to blame someone of that for which you are guilty of.

Is that coming from what passes for your brain or out of your ass? I really can't tell the difference with leftist scum.

Wanna cite some examples of that pile of steaming shit you just left us on the Board?

Capitalism (not mercantilism or corporatism) emerged at almost exactly the same time as communism.

Which one has benefited Humanity more?


We feed the world.

With communism, it isn't necessary to feed anyone. They just murder them.

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