Leftist white nationalist Richard Spencer complains that Trump's platform is inclusive of minorities

Whoever shot retired police officer David Dorn during a riot must be a member of the far-right, right?


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A "leftist" trying to unite the right.

Makes sense.

Kessler and Spencer, both committed leftists and white nationalists, tried to attract right-wing white nationalists to their movements.

You guys mistakenly believe that all white nationalists share the same ideology on matters of government and economics. They do not. About HALF of all white nationalists support the same leftist ideals as folks like AOC, Nancy and Barack.

He's not a leftist. He has ties to the alt-right.

Are you aware that Spencer created the "alt-right"?

Yes. Alt-RIGHT.

Yes. Spencer created the "alternative" right in order to attract conservative white nationalists.

You have the erroneous belief that leftists are incapable of being racist. Why do you hold that belief?

CONSERVATIVE white nationalists. Some leftist.

I didn't make that claim. There are racist people from both sides of the aisle.

Pull your head out of your ass dude
Find out what he actually believes

He believes he's superior because he's white.
He wants non-white people killed.
He supported Donald Trump. "Hail Trump!"
He was a speaker for Unite the RIGHT.
He opposes same-sex marriage.

That sound like a leftist to you? If it does, then you’re a fucking idiot.

If one doesn't think that whites are superior,
What are they basing that on?

The question was if that sounds like a leftist to you.

Most of those, yes.
Can we find some deserted island in the south Pacific and send all white nationalists there?

Yes, this might seem off-the-wall, but it was Trump's means of transcending polarization by combining his base with Democrats, who are actually interested in national policy. Instead, he embraced "conservatism," so-called "populism," and other platforms that have minority appeal.

Spencer aside...what do you dislike about white nationalists?
View attachment 433122

A "leftist" trying to unite the right.

Makes sense.

Kessler and Spencer, both committed leftists and white nationalists, tried to attract right-wing white nationalists to their movements.

You guys mistakenly believe that all white nationalists share the same ideology on matters of government and economics. They do not. About HALF of all white nationalists support the same leftist ideals as folks like AOC, Nancy and Barack.

He's not a leftist. He has ties to the alt-right.

Are you aware that Spencer created the "alt-right"?

Yes. Alt-RIGHT.

Yes. Spencer created the "alternative" right in order to attract conservative white nationalists.

You have the erroneous belief that leftists are incapable of being racist. Why do you hold that belief?

CONSERVATIVE white nationalists. Some leftist.

I didn't make that claim. There are racist people from both sides of the aisle.

"Conservative white nationalist" is redundant.

The OP is desperately trying to redefine what he doesn't care for on his own side. Same as these yahoos have done for years with Hitler (which the OP also tried to plop here).

Obviously it ain't selling. If one is a white nationalist, a racist, a bigot, a Klanner, a Nazi --- then one is by definition conservative. It's the only way to get there.

The pathetic thing about this lie line of reasoning is that all they think they're going to accomplish by disassociating with the Spencers and the David Dookeys and the Hitlers and the Tiki Torchers, is an Association Fallacy anyway.

Hilarious. While we're at it, anyone who riots, commits arson, loots, shoots another in a drug deal or kicks a dog is also "far-right".

I wouldn't say that. Hitler loved dogs and he was already far right.
View attachment 433122

A "leftist" trying to unite the right.

Makes sense.

Kessler and Spencer, both committed leftists and white nationalists, tried to attract right-wing white nationalists to their movements.

You guys mistakenly believe that all white nationalists share the same ideology on matters of government and economics. They do not. About HALF of all white nationalists support the same leftist ideals as folks like AOC, Nancy and Barack.

He's not a leftist. He has ties to the alt-right.

Are you aware that Spencer created the "alt-right"?

Yes. Alt-RIGHT.

Yes. Spencer created the "alternative" right in order to attract conservative white nationalists.

You have the erroneous belief that leftists are incapable of being racist. Why do you hold that belief?

CONSERVATIVE white nationalists. Some leftist.

I didn't make that claim. There are racist people from both sides of the aisle.

Pull your head out of your ass dude
Find out what he actually believes

He believes he's superior because he's white.
He wants non-white people killed.
He supported Donald Trump. "Hail Trump!"
He was a speaker for Unite the RIGHT.
He opposes same-sex marriage.

That sound like a leftist to you? If it does, then you’re a fucking idiot.

If one doesn't think that whites are superior,
What are they basing that on?

The question was if that sounds like a leftist to you.

Most of those, yes.

Well then that settles it then.

I repeat: “That sound like a leftist to you? If it does, then you’re a fucking idiot.”
View attachment 433122

A "leftist" trying to unite the right.

Makes sense.

Kessler and Spencer, both committed leftists and white nationalists, tried to attract right-wing white nationalists to their movements.

You guys mistakenly believe that all white nationalists share the same ideology on matters of government and economics. They do not. About HALF of all white nationalists support the same leftist ideals as folks like AOC, Nancy and Barack.

He's not a leftist. He has ties to the alt-right.

There is no alt right
Its a myth
Spencer has the same political views as Bernie.

"Spencer supports legal access to abortion, in part because he believes it would reduce the number of black and Hispanic people, which he says would be a "great boon" to white people."

Yea, that sounds just like Bernie lol.

Bernie lives in a state with 1% black population
His views on race are unknown and immaterial.

They both are for socialism
Spencer is all in for universal healthcare.

"Unknown"? :rofl:

Bernie was marching with Dr King in 1964. While Hillary was a Goldwater Girl.
Can we find some deserted island in the south Pacific and send all white nationalists there?

Yes, this might seem off-the-wall, but it was Trump's means of transcending polarization by combining his base with Democrats, who are actually interested in national policy. Instead, he embraced "conservatism," so-called "populism," and other platforms that have minority appeal.

Are you aware of how socially acceptable and PC it is to be a Mexican Nationalist, an African Nationalist, an Asian Nationalist, a Muslim / Arab Nationalist here on our soil?
Did you know the aforementioned is actually encouraged?
Have you condemned that in a prior thread / post or have you become WOKE?
Spencer aside...what do you dislike about white nationalists?

I judge people based on their character, not their skin color.

I prefer to live in a community of people that view citizens as citizens and not subjects, as does the Democratic Party. I prefer to live in a community where the people have the power and the government's authority is limited. I prefer to live in a community wherein citizens are not forced by the power of government to become financially responsible for another citizen's college education, food, medical care, home mortgage, etc. I don't care what their race is as long as they agree to these principles.

America needs a divorce wherein leftists can establish their own leftist utopia with open borders and unlimited welfare for all. The rest of us can form our nation where we as citizens hold the power and treat one another as citizens rather than subjects.
Can we find some deserted island in the south Pacific and send all white nationalists there?

Yes, this might seem off-the-wall, but it was Trump's means of transcending polarization by combining his base with Democrats, who are actually interested in national policy. Instead, he embraced "conservatism," so-called "populism," and other platforms that have minority appeal.

Are you aware of how socially acceptable and PC it is to be a Mexican Nationalist, an African Nationalist, an Asian Nationalist, a Muslim / Arab Nationalist here on our soil?
Did you know the aforementioned is actually encouraged?
Have you condemned that in a prior thread / post or have you become WOKE?

I think that nationalism is good, provided that their nation is generally doing "good" things for the world community. Therefore, I wouldn't agree with the concept of Iranian nationalism, but I would support, for instance, Swiss nationalism.

Nationalism is simply the desire to be sovereign and to have a love of one's country.

The concept of "white" nationalism is a nation that welcomes white people only, which I think is DUMB.
Hey @XponentialChaos

Do you consider Kim Jung-un a member of the political right or of the political left?

I’m not familiar with his political ideologies other than being fine with being an authoritarian dictator.

If you have a point to make, then make it.

Jung-un's North Korea practices much of what much of the American left supports, such as opposition to free-market capitalism, treating "citizens" as subjects, total government control over every facet of the nation. Yea, Jung-un is a leftist.

You cannot accept that the extreme of your ideology leads to guys like Jung-un, Hitler, Stalin, Mao, etc. You delude yourself into believing that the left does not have a dangerous propensity to seize total power, which then often leads to oceans of blood and mountains of dead bodies.
Hey @XponentialChaos

Do you consider Kim Jung-un a member of the political right or of the political left?

I’m not familiar with his political ideologies other than being fine with being an authoritarian dictator.

If you have a point to make, then make it.

Jung-un's North Korea practices much of what much of the American left supports, such as opposition to free-market capitalism, treating "citizens" as subjects, total government control over every facet of the nation. Yea, Jung-un is a leftist.

You cannot accept that the extreme of your ideology leads to guys like Jung-un, Hitler, Stalin, Mao, etc. You delude yourself into believing that the left does not have a dangerous propensity to seize total power, which then often leads to oceans of blood and mountains of dead bodies.

Yup, I figured this was going to turn into a "Hitler is a leftist" kind of argument.
Can we find some deserted island in the south Pacific and send all white nationalists there?

Yes, this might seem off-the-wall, but it was Trump's means of transcending polarization by combining his base with Democrats, who are actually interested in national policy. Instead, he embraced "conservatism," so-called "populism," and other platforms that have minority appeal.

Are you aware of how socially acceptable and PC it is to be a Mexican Nationalist, an African Nationalist, an Asian Nationalist, a Muslim / Arab Nationalist here on our soil?
Did you know the aforementioned is actually encouraged?
Have you condemned that in a prior thread / post or have you become WOKE?

I think that nationalism is good, provided that their nation is generally doing "good" things for the world community. Therefore, I wouldn't agree with the concept of Iranian nationalism, but I would support, for instance, Swiss nationalism.

Nationalism is simply the desire to be sovereign and to have a love of one's country.

The concept of "white" nationalism is a nation that welcomes white people only, which I think is DUMB.

So Mexican Nationalism is fine but Brown Nationalism is a no-go on our soil?
Kinda semantical isn't it?
Here's the thing...many people prefer to live among like minded, like cultured folks who speak the same language, share the same interests and value systems...etc etc
This should come as no surprise.
How has it become racist and xenophobic if a Caucasian expresses such a preference while darkies are often encouraged and praised for such?
Think of how often you hear these neat phrases used in a positive way....."black community", "Latino community", "Minority community"...etc etc......Have you ever heard "White community" used in a positive way?
Yup, I figured this was going to turn into a "Hitler is a leftist" kind of argument.

Can you elaborate, in your own words, why you believe that Hitler was "right-wing"?

Right on schedule. No, I'm not interested in discussing Hitler's politics with you.

I'm here to tell you that Richard Spencer is no leftist. Because he obviously isn't. White nationalism is embraced by the right, not the left. The people in this forum who embrace white nationalism sure as hell aren't leftists.

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