Leftist With a Klan Hood gets his Tail Kicked by Black Trump Supporter: Hilarious (Video)

Leftist With a Klan Hood gets his Tail Kicked by Black Trump Supporter: Hilarious (Video)


Video: Frank Thorp V on Twitter

And yet, the leftist media which has become a propaganda arm of the democrat party, refuses to say that a black Trump supporter beat the shit out of a leftist KKK protester.
This hateful leftist agitator got what he asked for. From a black Trump supporter.

I applaud this.

Why do you keep going out of your way to point out he's black?
Is this like the first time you ever supported a black person?
If that had been reversed and it had been a white supporter attacking a black protester are you suggesting the media and many of the liberal posters here wouldn't be pointing that out non stop?

I don't traffic in speculation fallacies and I haven't pointed out anyone's race.
Sucksoff90 seems to be suddenly obsessed with it. When it fits his troll point anyway.
Just like many on the left are when it fits there's as we both know if this had been white supporter attacking a black protester they would be using it to support the Trump is racist theme. He's simply doing the reverse both sides love to use race when it benefits them as well as pretend they don't when it doesn't.
Leftist With a Klan Hood gets his Tail Kicked by Black Trump Supporter: Hilarious (Video)


Video: Frank Thorp V on Twitter

And yet, the leftist media which has become a propaganda arm of the democrat party, refuses to say that a black Trump supporter beat the shit out of a leftist KKK protester.

You mean -- they had a chance to race-bait, and missed it?

I'll get Bo Belinsky on the horn right away. Thanks for the tip. :thup:
This hateful leftist agitator got what he asked for. From a black Trump supporter.

I applaud this.

Why do you keep going out of your way to point out he's black?
Is this like the first time you ever supported a black person?
If that had been reversed and it had been a white supporter attacking a black protester are you suggesting the media and many of the liberal posters here wouldn't be pointing that out non stop?

I don't traffic in speculation fallacies and I haven't pointed out anyone's race.
Sucksoff90 seems to be suddenly obsessed with it. When it fits his troll point anyway.
Just like many on the left are when it fits there's as we both know if this had been white supporter attacking a black protester they would be using it to support the Trump is racist theme. He's simply doing the reverse both sides love to use race when it benefits them as well as pretend they don't when it doesn't.

STILL a speculation fallacy, and thus dismissed. Again.
The simple fact is you don't KNOW what anybody "would be saying" if whatever happened. No more than Sucksoff90 can read "liberal" through a pillowcase. Nobody knows any of that, so quit claiming you do.
A true American patriot expressed his first amendment right to rebute a vile, vicious hate-filled Anti-Trump protester. Thank you sir for driving your fist in this sack of shit's face. Hopefully this becomes common, as it is the only way to deal with the left.

There's another Trump thread going on where the OP states "Where else will Trump not be allowed to speak in America without the liberal pc nazi's threatening violence and hate?" 2 points here. Trump has been regurgitating hate and violence and even encouraging it for a while now. Someone on the right actually commits an act of violence and the right celebrate it. You are all the biggest bunch of hypocrites I have ever seen.

Also, the guy wearing the KKK clothes was not the one that was assaulted. Every political form across the internet have so many Trump supporters saying he was. What does that tell you about his supporters.

Can you actually find evidence that he is encouraging violence? And if he is why isn't the other side just ignoring him so they don't fall into his trap? How hard will it be NOT TO ATTEND A TRUMP RALLY?

Yes. If you can't then you've living in a cave lately. Video: Trump’s History of Encouraging Violence

I may not agree on the method the protestors are using but that doesn't mean the violence gets a free pass. It will only escalate.
So many threads about Trump supporters violently attacking non supporters. Looks like Trump has them stirred up just like he intended.
free advertising....it's all part of Trump's marketing strategy.... :rolleyes:

If so, the anti trumpites are going along with it beautifully.

I bet that dumbass was surprised that a black dude kicked his ass.
A true American patriot expressed his first amendment right to rebute a vile, vicious hate-filled Anti-Trump protester. Thank you sir for driving your fist in this sack of shit's face. Hopefully this becomes common, as it is the only way to deal with the left.

There's another Trump thread going on where the OP states "Where else will Trump not be allowed to speak in America without the liberal pc nazi's threatening violence and hate?" 2 points here. Trump has been regurgitating hate and violence and even encouraging it for a while now. Someone on the right actually commits an act of violence and the right celebrate it. You are all the biggest bunch of hypocrites I have ever seen.

Also, the guy wearing the KKK clothes was not the one that was assaulted. Every political form across the internet have so many Trump supporters saying he was. What does that tell you about his supporters.

Can you actually find evidence that he is encouraging violence? And if he is why isn't the other side just ignoring him so they don't fall into his trap? How hard will it be NOT TO ATTEND A TRUMP RALLY?

Yes. If you can't then you've living in a cave lately. Video: Trump’s History of Encouraging Violence

I may not agree on the method the protestors are using but that doesn't mean the violence gets a free pass. It will only escalate.

Violence didn't get a free pass. The guy was escorted out, and Trump always asks people not to react to the violent protesters with violence.

But if you push people hard enough....

Cool, now beating someone up is covered under the first amendment.
Naw, it's still a crime. But one worth committing. Kinda like speeding on the highway.
I can think of a few people I would be willing to pay a bit of money on legal fees to knock some sense into.
Cool, now beating someone up is covered under the first amendment.
He beat up a KKK guy, I thought that's what you Libs want

Nope. A girl walking behind them had the pillow case on her head. Re-watch the video.
Anybody trying to look like the KKK will get their ass kicked, Trumps people don't like that racist shit
Trump people are that racist shit, they just don't want to admit it...
Damn you are so f'ing thick and hypocritical. If the race of those two men were reversed, you would be singing the praises of the black guy.
Cool, now beating someone up is covered under the first amendment.

Just from watching the video there is no way to tell if the idiot in the flag shirt started it or not
For all we know the protester provoked the other guy

There are other angles of the incident available. He didn't do shit to the guy. His hands were raised holding up his sign. The dude simply tore away his sign and sucker punched him.

The best part.....the skinny protester took what the pumped up loser had to offer and got right up.

I'll see if I can find that angle....


How racist of you. Dude knows white supremacist barfbags when he sees them.
What an outstanding American.

A stupid liberal shows up to a Trump rally wearing KKK hood....and gets his teeth rearranged by a black Trump supporter.

God Bless America.

Did anyone ever think that the reason a BLACK man attacked a KKK MEMBER?

I think that there has been a bit of bad blood between those two groups, even before Trump became a candidate.

Yeah .... revise that first sentence. I have no idea what you're asking.

You're right. I left a portion off of that first sentence.

Let me restate......................

Did anyone ever think the reason that a BLACK man attacked a KKK MEMBER was because of the history behind those two groups.

I mean...................KKK members used to hang people like the black man just for fun.

Even if he was a loyal Trump supporter, he may have been upset that someone like that showed up where he was.

And............truth be told................based on the history, I really don't blame him. If I was black and someone showed up in a KKK outfit, I'd probably want to kick his ass as well.

I mean, I'm white, and I think that the KKK needs to go away permanently.

Nawww.. You're not giving the actors enough credit. OR the black guy who I'm CERTAIN assessed the situation completely correctly. HE KNOWS the difference between mindless leftists doing street theatre and REAL KKK members.

The fact that these clueless leftists would even THINK of putting on a hood in front of a black guy just made him angrier.. STUPID ALWAYS makes you angrier..

Well you're BOTH wrong, as is the OP. I hadn't seen this thread before I posted on the same story, but mine has video from multiple angles, and you can clearly see the guy who gets attacked is wearing a Stars and Stripes shirt and carrying a sign, which gets ripped out of his hand just before the assaulter pounces (and kicks). Meanwhile there is also a girl, elsewhere in the crowd, with a pillowcase on her head, waving. SHE is not the target.

Did you clowns learn nothing from pulling assumptions out of Wichita?

Again --- what's the evidence? Witnesses claim the Uncle Sam leftist clown and the chick in the hood were TOGETHER and both donned hoods. SHE comes up the aisle WITH HIM --- hood and all. .

The black guy had the presence of mind to pummel the DUDE first.. :biggrin:

PS.. Sorry that YOU (Pogo) didn't learn anything out of Witchita either.. :banana:
He beat up a KKK guy, I thought that's what you Libs want

Nope. A girl walking behind them had the pillow case on her head. Re-watch the video.
Anybody trying to look like the KKK will get their ass kicked, Trumps people don't like that racist shit
Trump people are that racist shit, they just don't want to admit it...
Damn you are so f'ing thick and hypocritical. If the race of those two men were reversed, you would be singing the praises of the black guy.
Nope. A girl walking behind them had the pillow case on her head. Re-watch the video.
Anybody trying to look like the KKK will get their ass kicked, Trumps people don't like that racist shit
Trump people are that racist shit, they just don't want to admit it...
Damn you are so f'ing thick and hypocritical. If the race of those two men were reversed, you would be singing the praises of the black guy.
Nope. Like Jesus, I don't approve of violence. Clear?
If you dress up like the KKK, Trump is going to have your ass kicked
What an outstanding American.

A stupid liberal shows up to a Trump rally wearing KKK hood....and gets his teeth rearranged by a black Trump supporter.

God Bless America.

Did anyone ever think that the reason a BLACK man attacked a KKK MEMBER?

I think that there has been a bit of bad blood between those two groups, even before Trump became a candidate.

Yeah .... revise that first sentence. I have no idea what you're asking.

You're right. I left a portion off of that first sentence.

Let me restate......................

Did anyone ever think the reason that a BLACK man attacked a KKK MEMBER was because of the history behind those two groups.

I mean...................KKK members used to hang people like the black man just for fun.

Even if he was a loyal Trump supporter, he may have been upset that someone like that showed up where he was.

And............truth be told................based on the history, I really don't blame him. If I was black and someone showed up in a KKK outfit, I'd probably want to kick his ass as well.

I mean, I'm white, and I think that the KKK needs to go away permanently.

Nawww.. You're not giving the actors enough credit. OR the black guy who I'm CERTAIN assessed the situation completely correctly. HE KNOWS the difference between mindless leftists doing street theatre and REAL KKK members.

The fact that these clueless leftists would even THINK of putting on a hood in front of a black guy just made him angrier.. STUPID ALWAYS makes you angrier..

Well you're BOTH wrong, as is the OP. I hadn't seen this thread before I posted on the same story, but mine has video from multiple angles, and you can clearly see the guy who gets attacked is wearing a Stars and Stripes shirt and carrying a sign, which gets ripped out of his hand just before the assaulter pounces (and kicks). Meanwhile there is also a girl, elsewhere in the crowd, with a pillowcase on her head, waving. SHE is not the target.

Did you clowns learn nothing from pulling assumptions out of Wichita?

Again --- what's the evidence? Witnesses claim the Uncle Sam leftist clown and the chick in the hood were TOGETHER and both donned hoods. SHE comes up the aisle WITH HIM --- hood and all. .

The black guy had the presence of mind to pummel the DUDE first.. :biggrin:

PS.. Sorry that YOU (Pogo) didn't learn anything out of Witchita either.. :banana:

"Witnesses claim", do they? Do these "witnesses" have a "link"? Can we define "together"? And can we define it in such a way that they actually meld into the same person? Is it, what, some kind of Borg thing where all you have to do is attack "3of5" and that's the same as attacking the whole "5"? How exactly does that work?

The evidence is, once again, right there on the video. The man attacked is wearing no "hood". Period. He's wearing in fact an American flag shirt.

And even in a world where he had donned a hood, as the girl did ........ are you willing to go on the internet, which goes around the whole world, and profess to not-understand what the concept of satire is? And of course the next step --- your (or anyone's) inability to comprehend satire becomes carte blanche for assault?

::::burp:::: 'scuse me, too much low hangin' fruit...

Now on to "Wichita". WHAT IS the crowd chanting at 1:08? Hm?

In Wichita y'all said it "didn't happen". So I gave you video. The you cried the blues about "no audio". Now you have audio. I'm all ears to hear the next spin cycle. Whirrrrr.....
Anyone else see what I see Hillary once having in her own office?


WAY old photoshop. Done a Loooooooong time ago.

Original photo:


What's it like to just dispense with historical facts and run on lies, photoshops and mythology?
How does that even work?

But thanks for bringing up this moldy oldie. I notice something I never really saw before --- she has very long fingers.

No, methinks yours is photo shopped.

What is well known is that Hillary and Bill once embraced the Confederate Flag back when they were lying to white Southerners about being one of them.


Guess you think that that was photo shopped too?

In Wichita y'all said it "didn't happen". So I gave you video. The you cried the blues about "no audio". Now you have audio. I'm all ears to hear the next spin cycle. Whirrrrr.....

Who was denying it?

Hell, I think they should give the black guy a fucking medal and invite him back to sit on the stage at all the rest of the rally's.

He is a hero for kicking the shit out of that fucking commie and I only wish he had been able to kick him more.

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