Leftist With a Klan Hood gets his Tail Kicked by Black Trump Supporter: Hilarious (Video)

The better and most qualified students get selected if demand exceeds supply. Are you saying you oppose the most qualified being picked?
No, he is opposed to serious student kids having an orderly classroom without some Dindu fucking the class up.
Did anyone ever think that the reason a BLACK man attacked a KKK MEMBER?

I think that there has been a bit of bad blood between those two groups, even before Trump became a candidate.
Curious if this was an actual KKK member and Trump supporters are as racist as the left would have us believe wouldn't the crowd turn on the black man ?

Of course but only idiots and liberals actually think that these are real KKK, which is basically an extinct organization other than the few FBI informants and liberal posers that make it up today.
The better and most qualified students get selected if demand exceeds supply. Are you saying you oppose the most qualified being picked?
No, he is opposed to serious student kids having an orderly classroom without some Dindu fucking the class up.

I have a very good friend that left the teaching profession and one thing he cites is that very thing.
The sad part is an affirmative action placed administrator of the same color enabled it to happen. He said, although not every time, that quite often that administrator would make excuses and literally do nothing when blacks disrupted his class. In fact, he recalled a situation where said administrator told him that he and other white teachers needed to get on a bus and ride to see where many of these black students came from.
Funny how the libturd racists are truly outdoing themselves today. Thanks for validating that for us caring trump supporters.
How is pointing out both black Trump supporters "racist"?

Funny how far you had to go in that video to find a black Trump supporter in the crowd

That's one of the 5% who aren't on the Democrat plantation expecting the government to do for them using all sorts of excuses why something isn't their fault.

Yup...black voters love those slavery references from Republicans
Those prisons keep blacks who murdered, robbed, and raped fellow blacks away from doing it again.

Republicans offer better education thru school vouchers. Democrats prefer the swamp of teachers unions.

Republicans offer jobs. Democrats offer food stamps.
No...mostly we stock them with those who dare violate our draconian drug laws

School vouchers are a scam to allow whites to flee integrated schools

So vouchers would only be available to white people? The plans I've seen would allow EVERYONE the opportunity to use them.

Lets see how the voucher system will really work

Wealthy white schools will be available for anyone with a voucher. They can't take everyone from poor black school can they? They will be overwhelmed with people offering vouchers. White kids from the poor black school will also be waving their vouchers

Guess who will get selected?

Not all private schools are "wealthy white schools". Many are quite poor, and filled with middle class students.

Vouchers would be a God Send to those schools, and they would expand and multiple.

I might add, online education is improving rapidly.

Again, you are grasping at staws

Supply does not meet demand when every student comes waving a voucher

So you are suggesting NOT switching over in a single semester?

A fair point.

How would you want to do it? With a phased lottery starting at 10% of the students? With bonus points for black skin just like in College Admission?
More likely he was doing the uncle tom and was sicced on the leftist. If it had been a true KKK member he would have been asking the guy to pat him on the head.
The Old Uncle Tom BS. Knew that was coming
You should have known he was an uncle tom the moment the OP said he was a Trump supporter.
Thats bullshit and a leftist ploy to marginalize someone who doesn't believe the way they are expected to. Get over it more and more Black people are seeing that the democratic party hasn't done jack for the Black community ever,
Who said anything about the democratic party? I just said if you are Black and you support Trump you are a uncle tom. Its not that hard to figure out.
Can you explain why being called an Uncle Tom is supposed to be an insult?
Not really any of your business. Why do you want to know?
Well the democrats can't stop black on black crime, they hate their own race so much someone has to protect the innocent. Thanks republicans.

Is there an interpreter in the house?
He starts speaking gibberish when he has nothing intelligent to say.
It's where one has to go to get to your level.
You go where your nature takes you. Your intellect is gibberish driven so why not your posting?

You mean like your nature takes you to the jungle boy?
Figures you dont have enough education to realize Africa is primarily Savannah and not jungle. Thats just another cave monkey myth you and your kind like to make up.
Did anyone ever think that the reason a BLACK man attacked a KKK MEMBER?

I think that there has been a bit of bad blood between those two groups, even before Trump became a candidate.
Curious if this was an actual KKK member and Trump supporters are as racist as the left would have us believe wouldn't the crowd turn on the black man ?

Of course but only idiots and liberals actually think that these are real KKK, which is basically an extinct organization other than the few FBI informants and liberal posers that make it up today.
Your organization is very real no matter how many times you guys deny you exist.
Anyone else see what I see Hillary once having in her own office?

"Klan hooded liberal"


The stupidity of most conservatives is exceeded only by their hate.

Hate? Yes. I hate the Klan. I hate that liberal who wore a Klan hood to the rally. Why would you libs do this? Oh...well...the Democrats DID found the KKK.

Guess you guys are returning to your roots.
You don't see the meaning of wearing a Klan hood to a T-Rump rally? Seriously? Are you that dense?

No I do not. Hillary said her mentor was a Klansman (fact. Senator Byrd). And the Democrats founded the Klan. So....the hoods belong at Dem rallies don't they?

Bullshit. The Klan was founded by six young vets of the Confederate army with no political affiliation.
Want another link? Here.


Didn't think so.

Second, Hillary never said her mentor was a Klansman. If you're trying to stretch Byrd across linear time, he had already quit the Klan before he ever ran for office and in fact, before Hillary was even born.
"Klan hooded liberal"


The stupidity of most conservatives is exceeded only by their hate.

Hate? Yes. I hate the Klan. I hate that liberal who wore a Klan hood to the rally. Why would you libs do this? Oh...well...the Democrats DID found the KKK.

Guess you guys are returning to your roots.
You don't see the meaning of wearing a Klan hood to a T-Rump rally? Seriously? Are you that dense?

Actually --- he's denser. Watches a video and flatly declares it doesn't show what it shows.
Denialism run amok.
This hateful leftist agitator got what he asked for. From a black Trump supporter.

I applaud this.

Why do you keep going out of your way to point out he's black?
Is this like the first time you ever supported a black person?

Well....for a few years now you liberals have made sure race is noted in EVERY FUCKING aspect of society. It must be noted.

I'm just following yalls rules. And a black Trump supporter beat some sense into a liberal agitator...who was accompanied by a bitch in a Klan outfit.

AH, first it was "Rumpbot kicked the KKK person's ass"... now it magically morphs into "who was accompanied by a 'liberal' in a Klan outfit.

"Give me forty acres and I'll turn this post around..."

How do you see political philosophies through a pillowcase btw? You have some special app?
Anyone else see what I see Hillary once having in her own office?


WAY old photoshop. Done a Loooooooong time ago.

Original photo:


What's it like to just dispense with historical facts and run on lies, photoshops and mythology?
How does that even work?

But thanks for bringing up this moldy oldie. I notice something I never really saw before --- she has very long fingers.
This hateful leftist agitator got what he asked for. From a black Trump supporter.

I applaud this.

Why do you keep going out of your way to point out he's black?
Is this like the first time you ever supported a black person?
If that had been reversed and it had been a white supporter attacking a black protester are you suggesting the media and many of the liberal posters here wouldn't be pointing that out non stop?
Liberals wearing KKK masks. We always knew they were the real racists. How pathetic.

You don't get what "mocking" is?

Funny --- y'all seemed to get the idea when this happened.....


How 'bout "selective memory"?
Know what that is?
Cool, now beating someone up is covered under the first amendment.
He beat up a KKK guy, I thought that's what you Libs want

Nope. A girl walking behind them had the pillow case on her head. Re-watch the video.
Anybody trying to look like the KKK will get their ass kicked, Trumps people don't like that racist shit
Trump people are that racist shit, they just don't want to admit it...
Damn you are so f'ing thick and hypocritical. If the race of those two men were reversed, you would be singing the praises of the black guy.
This hateful leftist agitator got what he asked for. From a black Trump supporter.

I applaud this.

Why do you keep going out of your way to point out he's black?
Is this like the first time you ever supported a black person?
If that had been reversed and it had been a white supporter attacking a black protester are you suggesting the media and many of the liberal posters here wouldn't be pointing that out non stop?

I don't traffic in speculation fallacies and I haven't pointed out anyone's race.
Sucksoff90 seems to be suddenly obsessed with it. When it fits his troll point anyway.

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