Leftist With a Klan Hood gets his Tail Kicked by Black Trump Supporter: Hilarious (Video)

Cool, now beating someone up is covered under the first amendment.
He beat up a KKK guy, I thought that's what you Libs want

Nope. A girl walking behind them had the pillow case on her head. Re-watch the video.
Anybody trying to look like the KKK will get their ass kicked, Trumps people don't like that racist shit

of all people, YOU actually posted that? :rofl:
the guy that was punched was not wearing a kkk hood...
Cool, now beating someone up is covered under the first amendment.
He beat up a KKK guy, I thought that's what you Libs want

Nope. A girl walking behind them had the pillow case on her head. Re-watch the video.
Anybody trying to look like the KKK will get their ass kicked, Trumps people don't like that racist shit

of all people, YOU actually posted that? :rofl:
the guy that was punched was not wearing a kkk hood...
He was being a racist, so he got his ass kicked
Cool, now beating someone up is covered under the first amendment.
He beat up a KKK guy, I thought that's what you Libs want

Nope. A girl walking behind them had the pillow case on her head. Re-watch the video.
Anybody trying to look like the KKK will get their ass kicked, Trumps people don't like that racist shit

of all people, YOU actually posted that? :rofl:
the guy that was punched was not wearing a kkk hood...
He was being a racist, so he got his ass kicked

How was he being a racist?
A true American patriot expressed his first amendment right to rebute a vile, vicious hate-filled Anti-Trump protester. Thank you sir for driving your fist in this sack of shit's face. Hopefully this becomes common, as it is the only way to deal with the left.

There's another Trump thread going on where the OP states "Where else will Trump not be allowed to speak in America without the liberal pc nazi's threatening violence and hate?" 2 points here. Trump has been regurgitating hate and violence and even encouraging it for a while now. Someone on the right actually commits an act of violence and the right celebrate it. You are all the biggest bunch of hypocrites I have ever seen.

Also, the guy wearing the KKK clothes was not the one that was assaulted. Every political form across the internet have so many Trump supporters saying he was. What does that tell you about his supporters.
I am waiting for the news of someone getting shot at a trump rally!

The irony is that it will probably be by a anti-gun person. His shirt will have an anti-gun slogan on it and he will be on television unloading on some dude.
A true American patriot expressed his first amendment right to rebute a vile, vicious hate-filled Anti-Trump protester. Thank you sir for driving your fist in this sack of shit's face. Hopefully this becomes common, as it is the only way to deal with the left.

There's another Trump thread going on where the OP states "Where else will Trump not be allowed to speak in America without the liberal pc nazi's threatening violence and hate?" 2 points here. Trump has been regurgitating hate and violence and even encouraging it for a while now. Someone on the right actually commits an act of violence and the right celebrate it. You are all the biggest bunch of hypocrites I have ever seen.

Also, the guy wearing the KKK clothes was not the one that was assaulted. Every political form across the internet have so many Trump supporters saying he was. What does that tell you about his supporters.

Can you actually find evidence that he is encouraging violence? And if he is why isn't the other side just ignoring him so they don't fall into his trap? How hard will it be NOT TO ATTEND A TRUMP RALLY?
Democrats are funny about law. They support illegal immigration, sanctuary cities, riots, killing cops, personal and private property destruction, then they wonder why law is disrespected by their extensive examples of lawlessness.
Democrats are funny about law. They support illegal immigration, sanctuary cities, riots, killing cops, personal and private property destruction, then they wonder why law is disrespected by their extensive examples of lawlessness.

Oh my.You actually believe all that shit Hannity told you, don't you?
A true American patriot expressed his first amendment right to rebute a vile, vicious hate-filled Anti-Trump protester. Thank you sir for driving your fist in this sack of shit's face. Hopefully this becomes common, as it is the only way to deal with the left.

Since he was arrested, I hope he has the money to pay for a good lawyer. And the protester, not arrested. Love your support of criminals however...

There is a "fighting words" law in Georgia. If any man talks bad about you or your family you can legally smash his mouth. You might be arrested but not convicted of assault. I don't know if Arizona has a "fighting words" law.
Democrats are funny about law. They support illegal immigration, sanctuary cities, riots, killing cops, personal and private property destruction, then they wonder why law is disrespected by their extensive examples of lawlessness.

Oh my.You actually believe all that shit Hannity told you, don't you?

Nice deflection, I suppose that's all you've got though.

btw. I find Hannity tedious to listen to, actually..
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The fags who misspell The Donald's name. Don't the realize everyone thinks they are limp-wristed fags?
Amazing how quickly some of the same people who saw the idiocy of the obamabots have become brainless, swooning trump nuthuggers, and those who recognized the dangerous irresponsibility of violent SEIU thugs now cheer violent cowards at trump rallies beating up on protesters. Hypocritical fucking idiots on both sides are not worthy of suffrage.
Thats why I said if. If that was a Trump rally and he was there as a supporter he is obviously a uncle tom. There is a fundamental truth that he is a uncle tom by being Black and supporting Trump no matter his other qualities or lack thereof. Hey may have not appeared to be a boot licker to you but you are obviously not Black so I could see how you would make that mistake.

By the same reasoning anyone who is black and supports Hillary or Bernie is a certifiable idiot.

The Democrats made every effort possible to keep blacks in the ghetto ever since that towering giant of racial tolerance, LBJ declared that ni66ers will vote Democrat for 200 years, and the Democrat party did absolutely nothing to help the blacks economically, culturally, nothing in the way of educating black kids better, but at least politically, allowed blacks to run local governments to run their cities run to the ground. Detroit, Washington, Philadelphia, New York (prior to Giuliani) and countless other metropolitan areas ruined by black incompetents.

The only bootlickers are the likes of Aclespiss, guno and their ilk, but perhaps it just that they are blind to see.

Blacks have a 2x higher rate of unemployment that whites, 2 1/2 time greater than Asian and 1/3 higher than hispanics yet the Democrats have done so much for them even with a black President. Sad part is blacks will continue to step and fetch for the Democrat party.
That is an excellent point

What have Republicans done to enhance employment opportunities for blacks?

The only thing Republicans have done for blacks is build more prisons

Those prisons keep blacks who murdered, robbed, and raped fellow blacks away from doing it again.

Republicans offer better education thru school vouchers. Democrats prefer the swamp of teachers unions.

Republicans offer jobs. Democrats offer food stamps.
No...mostly we stock them with those who dare violate our draconian drug laws

School vouchers are a scam to allow whites to flee integrated schools

So vouchers would only be available to white people? The plans I've seen would allow EVERYONE the opportunity to use them.
Cool, now beating someone up is covered under the first amendment.

Just from watching the video there is no way to tell if the idiot in the flag shirt started it or not
For all we know the protester provoked the other guy
What an outstanding American.

A stupid liberal shows up to a Trump rally wearing KKK hood....and gets his teeth rearranged by a black Trump supporter.

God Bless America.
^ Typical Trump supporter today....a Nazi Brownshirt in a past life.

One of your fellow fat queers got his ass whooped too.....

The lawyers and bail bondsmen must be thrilled these days. One criminal after another and yet, you cheer them on.

I don't support Hillary the criminal.

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