Leftist With a Klan Hood gets his Tail Kicked by Black Trump Supporter: Hilarious (Video)

"Klan hooded liberal"


The stupidity of most conservatives is exceeded only by their hate.

Hate? Yes. I hate the Klan. I hate that liberal who wore a Klan hood to the rally. Why would you libs do this? Oh...well...the Democrats DID found the KKK.

Guess you guys are returning to your roots.
Perhaps conservatives’ hatred is exceeded only by their stupidity.

How many members of the Klan would identify as ‘liberal’ – how many voted for the president.

Don't know. There's so few actual Klan members out there in don't know any. Only hoods I see are the ones liberals wear to rallies.
What you don’t know is whether the individual at the event actually belonged to the ‘Klan.’

What you don’t know is whether the individual at the event was actually a ‘liberal.’

In fact there’s a lot you don’t know – the fact is you revel in your ignorance and hate, and contrive moronic lies about ‘Klan hooded liberals" which no one believes, making you look foolish and ridiculous – which is why we’re laughing at you.

We know its a liberal. You guys game is over pal. We're done with it. And we are gonna start kicking you pussies asses....

"Klan hooded liberal"


The stupidity of most conservatives is exceeded only by their hate.

Hate? Yes. I hate the Klan. I hate that liberal who wore a Klan hood to the rally. Why would you libs do this? Oh...well...the Democrats DID found the KKK.

Guess you guys are returning to your roots.
Perhaps conservatives’ hatred is exceeded only by their stupidity.

How many members of the Klan would identify as ‘liberal’ – how many voted for the president.

Don't know. There's so few actual Klan members out there in don't know any. Only hoods I see are the ones liberals wear to rallies.
What you don’t know is whether the individual at the event actually belonged to the ‘Klan.’

What you don’t know is whether the individual at the event was actually a ‘liberal.’

In fact there’s a lot you don’t know – the fact is you revel in your ignorance and hate, and contrive moronic lies about ‘Klan hooded liberals" which no one believes, making you look foolish and ridiculous – which is why we’re laughing at you.

We know its a liberal. You guys game is over pal. We're done with it. And we are gonna start kicking you pussies asses....

Aha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! OMG, I would be embarrassed to be seen at a Drumpf rally.
A true American patriot expressed his first amendment right to rebute a vile, vicious hate-filled Anti-Trump protester. Thank you sir for driving your fist in this sack of shit's face. Hopefully this becomes common, as it is the only way to deal with the left.

Cool, now beating someone up is covered under the first amendment.
So many threads about Trump supporters violently attacking non supporters. Looks like Trump has them stirred up just like he intended.
A true American patriot expressed his first amendment right to rebute a vile, vicious hate-filled Anti-Trump protester. Thank you sir for driving your fist in this sack of shit's face. Hopefully this becomes common, as it is the only way to deal with the left.

Since he was arrested, I hope he has the money to pay for a good lawyer. And the protester, not arrested. Love your support of criminals however...
What an outstanding American.

A stupid liberal shows up to a Trump rally wearing KKK hood....and gets his teeth rearranged by a black Trump supporter.

God Bless America.
^ Typical Trump supporter today....a Nazi Brownshirt in a past life.

One of your fellow fat queers got his ass whooped too.....

The lawyers and bail bondsmen must be thrilled these days. One criminal after another and yet, you cheer them on.
Cool, now beating someone up is covered under the first amendment.
He beat up a KKK guy, I thought that's what you Libs want

Nope. A girl walking behind them had the pillow case on her head. Re-watch the video.
Anybody trying to look like the KKK will get their ass kicked, Trumps people don't like that racist shit
Trump people are that racist shit, they just don't want to admit it...
Man Charged With Allegedly Punching and Kicking Anti-Trump Protester at Rally

>> A man captured on video punching and kicking a protester at a Donald Trump rally in Tucson, Arizona, was charged with assault with injury, police said.

The man, identified as Tony Pettway, 32, was arrested inside the Trump event and charged with the misdemeanor before being released, the Tucson Police Department said.

The incident began when an anti-Trump protester -- wearing an American flag shirt and carrying a sign that read "Trump is Bad for America" -- was being escorted out by law enforcement at the Republican presidential hopeful's rally Saturday.

Pettway, who was also in the crowd, then allegedly reached over, grabbed the sign out of the protester's hand and punched and kicked him in an incident that was caught on video.

Pettway was then placed in handcuffs and escorted out by law enforcement, as well. No officers were injured, police said. <<

Once again, it was captured on video, which is viewable at the link. Unlike Quick Draw McGraw, this one was put in handcuffs and led away immediately.
Interesting how it is only Trump supporters who are being charged with violent assaults while our resident RWNJs keep whining about how the left are being violent. In their book, simply protesting is a violence; whereas, in reality, protesting is a democratic right and something they should support as good Americans.
Hey....let's get the FULL details. I knew the fucking media would report it just like this.

2 liberal protestors were trying to agitate the crowd and one put a fucking KKK hood on.
1 black Trump supporter....repeat...black Trump supporter....kicked the faggot liberals asses for bringing God damn KKK nonsense into the rally.

There. Just the details you left out.

And GOOD. He is a great patriot and I hope more liberals get their teeth rearranged when they purposely try to agitate an otherwise peaceful rally. No more nice guy.

The protestors were engaging in NON-VIOLENT protest, which is their right. Physically assaulting them is violence and against the law. But you're too stupid to see the difference.
"Klan hooded liberal"


The stupidity of most conservatives is exceeded only by their hate.

Hate? Yes. I hate the Klan. I hate that liberal who wore a Klan hood to the rally. Why would you libs do this? Oh...well...the Democrats DID found the KKK.

Guess you guys are returning to your roots.
You don't see the meaning of wearing a Klan hood to a T-Rump rally? Seriously? Are you that dense?

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