Leftist With a Klan Hood gets his Tail Kicked by Black Trump Supporter: Hilarious (Video)

Hey....let's get the FULL details. I knew the fucking media would report it just like this.

2 liberal protestors were trying to agitate the crowd and one put a fucking KKK hood on.
1 black Trump supporter....repeat...black Trump supporter....kicked the faggot liberals asses for bringing God damn KKK nonsense into the rally.

There. Just the details you left out.

And GOOD. He is a great patriot and I hope more liberals get their teeth rearranged when they purposely try to agitate an otherwise peaceful rally. No more nice guy.

Fatter o' mact, I got your "details left out" right here Bubba. Another video, another angle (actually two).

You'll notice the girl with the pillowcase on her head in the foreground early in the video. She is well behind the guy who gets attacked. Unrelated to him. Plus, she's a girl, about half his size. So you're WRONG again, lying asshole.

Two curious ironies about this video too...
As the commotion's going on and everybody's being either attacked or led out of the venue, Rump is babbling, "they're taking away our First Amendment rights". This is (a) while protestors are being suckerpunched and ejected, and (b) out of the gob of the same guy who himself crowed about taking away everybody's First Amendment rights, in at least two different ways.

That's one irony, here's the other.....
----- what exactly is the crowd chanting at 1:09, just after the suckerpunch and kicking takes place?

Here's a hint --- "Wichita".
Hey....let's get the FULL details. I knew the fucking media would report it just like this.

2 liberal protestors were trying to agitate the crowd and one put a fucking KKK hood on.
1 black Trump supporter....repeat...black Trump supporter....kicked the faggot liberals asses for bringing God damn KKK nonsense into the rally.

There. Just the details you left out.

And GOOD. He is a great patriot and I hope more liberals get their teeth rearranged when they purposely try to agitate an otherwise peaceful rally. No more nice guy.
Red herring fallacy – the most popular fallacy among USMB rightists, by far.
What an outstanding American.

A stupid liberal shows up to a Trump rally wearing KKK hood....and gets his teeth rearranged by a black Trump supporter.

God Bless America.

Did anyone ever think that the reason a BLACK man attacked a KKK MEMBER?

I think that there has been a bit of bad blood between those two groups, even before Trump became a candidate.

Yeah .... revise that first sentence. I have no idea what you're asking.

You're right. I left a portion off of that first sentence.

Let me restate......................

Did anyone ever think the reason that a BLACK man attacked a KKK MEMBER was because of the history behind those two groups.

I mean...................KKK members used to hang people like the black man just for fun.

Even if he was a loyal Trump supporter, he may have been upset that someone like that showed up where he was.

And............truth be told................based on the history, I really don't blame him. If I was black and someone showed up in a KKK outfit, I'd probably want to kick his ass as well.

I mean, I'm white, and I think that the KKK needs to go away permanently.

Nawww.. You're not giving the actors enough credit. OR the black guy who I'm CERTAIN assessed the situation completely correctly. HE KNOWS the difference between mindless leftists doing street theatre and REAL KKK members.

The fact that these clueless leftists would even THINK of putting on a hood in front of a black guy just made him angrier.. STUPID ALWAYS makes you angrier..

Well you're BOTH wrong, as is the OP. I hadn't seen this thread before I posted on the same story, but mine has video from multiple angles, and you can clearly see the guy who gets attacked is wearing a Stars and Stripes shirt and carrying a sign, which gets ripped out of his hand just before the assaulter pounces (and kicks). Meanwhile there is also a girl, elsewhere in the crowd, with a pillowcase on her head, waving. SHE is not the target.

Did you clowns learn nothing from pulling assumptions out of Wichita?
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Did anyone ever think that the reason a BLACK man attacked a KKK MEMBER?

I think that there has been a bit of bad blood between those two groups, even before Trump became a candidate.
Curious if this was an actual KKK member and Trump supporters are as racist as the left would have us believe wouldn't the crowd turn on the black man ?
Not if he is a known uncle tom. Once he has passed the the approval of the racist Trump supporters as a boot licker they would keep him around as a token. Much like they did with Carson.

Would not be surprising if this guy were a true KKK supporter.

After all, blacks have been unrelenting supporters of the entity that is sworn to keep them on the plantation permanently and to perpetuity. You know, the Democrat Party.

As that towering figure of racial tolerance, Lyndon Baines Johnson said, they are gonna vote Democrat for two hundred years.

Idiots are SOOOOOO easy to buy with false promises.

Lyndon Johnson --- would that be the Lyndon Johnson who was the first POTUS to prosecute the KKK since Grant? Would that be the Lyndon Johnson who took the racist Southern wing of his own party and dumped them in the recycle bin? Would that be the Lyndon Johnson about whom that quote has never been corroborated by a witness?
This hateful leftist agitator got what he asked for. From a black Trump supporter.

I applaud this.
Hey....let's get the FULL details. I knew the fucking media would report it just like this.

2 liberal protestors were trying to agitate the crowd and one put a fucking KKK hood on.
1 black Trump supporter....repeat...black Trump supporter....kicked the faggot liberals asses for bringing God damn KKK nonsense into the rally.

There. Just the details you left out.

And GOOD. He is a great patriot and I hope more liberals get their teeth rearranged when they purposely try to agitate an otherwise peaceful rally. No more nice guy.

There was no Klan hat, you big dumb doodoo head.
Hey....let's get the FULL details. I knew the fucking media would report it just like this.

2 liberal protestors were trying to agitate the crowd and one put a fucking KKK hood on.
1 black Trump supporter....repeat...black Trump supporter....kicked the faggot liberals asses for bringing God damn KKK nonsense into the rally.

There. Just the details you left out.

And GOOD. He is a great patriot and I hope more liberals get their teeth rearranged when they purposely try to agitate an otherwise peaceful rally. No more nice guy.

There was no Klan hat, you big dumb doodoo head.

Really?? Becsuse I saw a Klan hooded liberal walking behind the guy who got some sense beat into him.
This hateful leftist agitator got what he asked for. From a black Trump supporter.

I applaud this.

Why do you keep going out of your way to point out he's black?
Is this like the first time you ever supported a black person?

Well....for a few years now you liberals have made sure race is noted in EVERY FUCKING aspect of society. It must be noted.

I'm just following yalls rules. And a black Trump supporter beat some sense into a liberal agitator...who was accompanied by a bitch in a Klan outfit.
This hateful leftist agitator got what he asked for. From a black Trump supporter.

I applaud this.

What if he dies or has permanent injury...still applaud

Depends. Will it make you faggots stop showing up to our events trying to provoke everyone?? Read up on some history asshole. People fight back eventually. We told you the backlash to liberalism was coming.
Hey....let's get the FULL details. I knew the fucking media would report it just like this.

2 liberal protestors were trying to agitate the crowd and one put a fucking KKK hood on.
1 black Trump supporter....repeat...black Trump supporter....kicked the faggot liberals asses for bringing God damn KKK nonsense into the rally.

There. Just the details you left out.

And GOOD. He is a great patriot and I hope more liberals get their teeth rearranged when they purposely try to agitate an otherwise peaceful rally. No more nice guy.

There was no Klan hat, you big dumb doodoo head.

Really?? Becsuse I saw a Klan hooded liberal walking behind the guy who got some sense beat into him.

You big damn dummy.

What an outstanding American.

A stupid liberal shows up to a Trump rally wearing KKK hood....and gets his teeth rearranged by a black Trump supporter.

God Bless America.
"Klan hooded liberal"


The stupidity of most conservatives is exceeded only by their hate.

Hate? Yes. I hate the Klan. I hate that liberal who wore a Klan hood to the rally. Why would you libs do this? Oh...well...the Democrats DID found the KKK.

Guess you guys are returning to your roots.
This hateful leftist agitator got what he asked for. From a black Trump supporter.

I applaud this.

Why do you keep going out of your way to point out he's black?
Is this like the first time you ever supported a black person?

Well....for a few years now you liberals have made sure race is noted in EVERY FUCKING aspect of society. It must be noted.

I'm just following yalls rules. And a black Trump supporter beat some sense into a liberal agitator...who was accompanied by a bitch in a Klan outfit.
Wrong again, as usual.

Race is an ongoing issue in America because of the racism and bigotry practiced by many on the right.
"Klan hooded liberal"


The stupidity of most conservatives is exceeded only by their hate.

Hate? Yes. I hate the Klan. I hate that liberal who wore a Klan hood to the rally. Why would you libs do this? Oh...well...the Democrats DID found the KKK.

Guess you guys are returning to your roots.
Perhaps conservatives’ hatred is exceeded only by their stupidity.

How many members of the Klan would identify as ‘liberal’ – how many voted for the president.
"Klan hooded liberal"


The stupidity of most conservatives is exceeded only by their hate.

Hate? Yes. I hate the Klan. I hate that liberal who wore a Klan hood to the rally. Why would you libs do this? Oh...well...the Democrats DID found the KKK.

Guess you guys are returning to your roots.
Perhaps conservatives’ hatred is exceeded only by their stupidity.

How many members of the Klan would identify as ‘liberal’ – how many voted for the president.

Don't know. There's so few actual Klan members out there in don't know any. Only hoods I see are the ones liberals wear to rallies.
This hateful leftist agitator got what he asked for. From a black Trump supporter.

I applaud this.

Why do you keep going out of your way to point out he's black?
Is this like the first time you ever supported a black person?

Well....for a few years now you liberals have made sure race is noted in EVERY FUCKING aspect of society. It must be noted.

I'm just following yalls rules. And a black Trump supporter beat some sense into a liberal agitator...who was accompanied by a bitch in a Klan outfit.
Wrong again, as usual.

Race is an ongoing issue in America because of the racism and bigotry practiced by many on the right.

Yet....it's lefties we hear spewing racially divisive language.

"Klan hooded liberal"


The stupidity of most conservatives is exceeded only by their hate.

Hate? Yes. I hate the Klan. I hate that liberal who wore a Klan hood to the rally. Why would you libs do this? Oh...well...the Democrats DID found the KKK.

Guess you guys are returning to your roots.
Perhaps conservatives’ hatred is exceeded only by their stupidity.

How many members of the Klan would identify as ‘liberal’ – how many voted for the president.

Don't know. There's so few actual Klan members out there in don't know any. Only hoods I see are the ones liberals wear to rallies.
What you don’t know is whether the individual at the event actually belonged to the ‘Klan.’

What you don’t know is whether the individual at the event was actually a ‘liberal.’

In fact there’s a lot you don’t know – the fact is you revel in your ignorance and hate, and contrive moronic lies about ‘Klan hooded liberals" which no one believes, making you look foolish and ridiculous – which is why we’re laughing at you.

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