Leftist With a Klan Hood gets his Tail Kicked by Black Trump Supporter: Hilarious (Video)

A black man is a black man until he is a conservative, then he is no longer black, instead he is Uncle Tom. There is libturd racism 101.
Nope. I know some Black people that are conservatives and they are not uncle toms. You only become an uncle tom when you choose the behavior of an uncle tom.
And there you go. Openly admit you're racist. Way to step up!
I really dont understand why you make these wild claims. Are you that embarrassed your assumption was wrong?
I only communicate using fact not unsubstantiated claims. That is a libturd priority.
You dont even know what a fact is. You have to be the dumbest person on the forum and its not even close.
And yet you are out of place
Blacks have a 2x higher rate of unemployment that whites, 2 1/2 time greater than Asian and 1/3 higher than hispanics yet the Democrats have done so much for them even with a black President. Sad part is blacks will continue to step and fetch for the Democrat party.
That is an excellent point

What have Republicans done to enhance employment opportunities for blacks?

The only thing Republicans have done for blacks is build more prisons
Well the democrats can't stop black on black crime, they hate their own race so much someone has to protect the innocent. Thanks republicans.

Is there an interpreter in the house?
He starts speaking gibberish when he has nothing intelligent to say.
It's where one has to go to get to your level.
You go where your nature takes you. Your intellect is gibberish driven so why not your posting?
Nope. I know some Black people that are conservatives and they are not uncle toms. You only become an uncle tom when you choose the behavior of an uncle tom.
And there you go. Openly admit you're racist. Way to step up!
I really dont understand why you make these wild claims. Are you that embarrassed your assumption was wrong?
I only communicate using fact not unsubstantiated claims. That is a libturd priority.
You dont even know what a fact is. You have to be the dumbest person on the forum and its not even close.
And yet you are out of place
Yet you are in place. Your mind keeps you immersed in ignorance.
That is an excellent point

What have Republicans done to enhance employment opportunities for blacks?

The only thing Republicans have done for blacks is build more prisons
Well the democrats can't stop black on black crime, they hate their own race so much someone has to protect the innocent. Thanks republicans.

Is there an interpreter in the house?
He starts speaking gibberish when he has nothing intelligent to say.
It's where one has to go to get to your level.
You go where your nature takes you. Your intellect is gibberish driven so why not your posting?
And yet there you are replying to it. Like i already stated, your level.
But I cant tell from the video who the hell he is or what his political affiliation is. Showing up to a rally doesnt mean all that much. He was there and he kicked some guys ass. He didnt look like a boot licker to me, so why people dumping on him ? He could have been a Trump supporter, its a good possibility but who a man decides to vote for every 4 years hardly sums up who someone is as a person. Obviously it does to you, I just cant agree with that
Thats why I said if. If that was a Trump rally and he was there as a supporter he is obviously a uncle tom. There is a fundamental truth that he is a uncle tom by being Black and supporting Trump no matter his other qualities or lack thereof. Hey may have not appeared to be a boot licker to you but you are obviously not Black so I could see how you would make that mistake.

By the same reasoning anyone who is black and supports Hillary or Bernie is a certifiable idiot.

The Democrats made every effort possible to keep blacks in the ghetto ever since that towering giant of racial tolerance, LBJ declared that ni66ers will vote Democrat for 200 years, and the Democrat party did absolutely nothing to help the blacks economically, culturally, nothing in the way of educating black kids better, but at least politically, allowed blacks to run local governments to run their cities run to the ground. Detroit, Washington, Philadelphia, New York (prior to Giuliani) and countless other metropolitan areas ruined by black incompetents.

The only bootlickers are the likes of Aclespiss, guno and their ilk, but perhaps it just that they are blind to see.

Blacks have a 2x higher rate of unemployment that whites, 2 1/2 time greater than Asian and 1/3 higher than hispanics yet the Democrats have done so much for them even with a black President. Sad part is blacks will continue to step and fetch for the Democrat party.
That is an excellent point

What have Republicans done to enhance employment opportunities for blacks?

The only thing Republicans have done for blacks is build more prisons

Those prisons keep blacks who murdered, robbed, and raped fellow blacks away from doing it again.

Republicans offer better education thru school vouchers. Democrats prefer the swamp of teachers unions.

Republicans offer jobs. Democrats offer food stamps.
No...mostly we stock them with those who dare violate our draconian drug laws

School vouchers are a scam to allow whites to flee integrated schools
Well the democrats can't stop black on black crime, they hate their own race so much someone has to protect the innocent. Thanks republicans.

Is there an interpreter in the house?
He starts speaking gibberish when he has nothing intelligent to say.
It's where one has to go to get to your level.
You go where your nature takes you. Your intellect is gibberish driven so why not your posting?
And yet there you are replying to it. Like i already stated, your level.
I like playing with your head to see how many times I can get you to reply to me with gibberish. So far I have jumping around like the monkey you are.
And there you go. Openly admit you're racist. Way to step up!
I really dont understand why you make these wild claims. Are you that embarrassed your assumption was wrong?
I only communicate using fact not unsubstantiated claims. That is a libturd priority.
You dont even know what a fact is. You have to be the dumbest person on the forum and its not even close.
And yet you are out of place
Yet you are in place. Your mind keeps you immersed in ignorance.
I am exactly where the funniest libturds outside political position exist. Makes my day daily.
I really dont understand why you make these wild claims. Are you that embarrassed your assumption was wrong?
I only communicate using fact not unsubstantiated claims. That is a libturd priority.
You dont even know what a fact is. You have to be the dumbest person on the forum and its not even close.
And yet you are out of place
Yet you are in place. Your mind keeps you immersed in ignorance.
I am exactly where the funniest libturds outside political position exist. Makes my day daily.
I have you in your place. Speaking gibberish is what you do best around your betters.
Is there an interpreter in the house?
He starts speaking gibberish when he has nothing intelligent to say.
It's where one has to go to get to your level.
You go where your nature takes you. Your intellect is gibberish driven so why not your posting?
And yet there you are replying to it. Like i already stated, your level.
I like playing with your head to see how many times I can get you to reply to me with gibberish. So far I have jumping around like the monkey you are.
Again showing to all here you being who is the actual gibberer!
He starts speaking gibberish when he has nothing intelligent to say.
It's where one has to go to get to your level.
You go where your nature takes you. Your intellect is gibberish driven so why not your posting?
And yet there you are replying to it. Like i already stated, your level.
I like playing with your head to see how many times I can get you to reply to me with gibberish. So far I have jumping around like the monkey you are.
Again showing to all here who actually is the gibberer!
Good boy. Keep talking gibberish.
It's where one has to go to get to your level.
You go where your nature takes you. Your intellect is gibberish driven so why not your posting?
And yet there you are replying to it. Like i already stated, your level.
I like playing with your head to see how many times I can get you to reply to me with gibberish. So far I have jumping around like the monkey you are.
Again showing to all here who actually is the gibberer!
Good boy. Keep talking gibberish.
Who's following who? Hahahahahaha
The Old Uncle Tom BS. Knew that was coming
You should have known he was an uncle tom the moment the OP said he was a Trump supporter.
Thats bullshit and a leftist ploy to marginalize someone who doesn't believe the way they are expected to. Get over it more and more Black people are seeing that the democratic party hasn't done jack for the Black community ever,
Who said anything about the democratic party? I just said if you are Black and you support Trump you are a uncle tom. Its not that hard to figure out.
so a black person cant have a different opinion than you without being called an uncle tom?..do you have to get permission to have different thoughts asclepias?...
Yes you can have a different opinion and not be called an uncle tom. Lots of Black people have different opinions. What gave you the idea you couldnt have a different opinion?
well it might have something to do with you calling the guy an uncle tom for having the gall and audacity to like trump....
You go where your nature takes you. Your intellect is gibberish driven so why not your posting?
And yet there you are replying to it. Like i already stated, your level.
I like playing with your head to see how many times I can get you to reply to me with gibberish. So far I have jumping around like the monkey you are.
Again showing to all here who actually is the gibberer!
Good boy. Keep talking gibberish.
Who's following who? Hahahahahaha
I prompted you to begin talking gibberish. I own you monkey.
You should have known he was an uncle tom the moment the OP said he was a Trump supporter.
Thats bullshit and a leftist ploy to marginalize someone who doesn't believe the way they are expected to. Get over it more and more Black people are seeing that the democratic party hasn't done jack for the Black community ever,
Who said anything about the democratic party? I just said if you are Black and you support Trump you are a uncle tom. Its not that hard to figure out.
so a black person cant have a different opinion than you without being called an uncle tom?..do you have to get permission to have different thoughts asclepias?...
Yes you can have a different opinion and not be called an uncle tom. Lots of Black people have different opinions. What gave you the idea you couldnt have a different opinion?
well it might have something to do with you calling the guy an uncle tom for having the gall and audacity to like trump....
I didnt say he was an uncle tom because he liked Trump. Hell I like Trump. He makes me laugh. The guys is an uncle tom because he supports Trump
Thats bullshit and a leftist ploy to marginalize someone who doesn't believe the way they are expected to. Get over it more and more Black people are seeing that the democratic party hasn't done jack for the Black community ever,
Who said anything about the democratic party? I just said if you are Black and you support Trump you are a uncle tom. Its not that hard to figure out.
so a black person cant have a different opinion than you without being called an uncle tom?..do you have to get permission to have different thoughts asclepias?...
Yes you can have a different opinion and not be called an uncle tom. Lots of Black people have different opinions. What gave you the idea you couldnt have a different opinion?
well it might have something to do with you calling the guy an uncle tom for having the gall and audacity to like trump....
I didnt say he was an uncle tom because he liked Trump. Hell I like Trump. He makes me laugh. The guys is an uncle tom because he supports Trump
oh big difference.....ok so if some black person and you are talking politics and he says im supporting trump not clinton....he is an uncle tom then right?....
Who said anything about the democratic party? I just said if you are Black and you support Trump you are a uncle tom. Its not that hard to figure out.
so a black person cant have a different opinion than you without being called an uncle tom?..do you have to get permission to have different thoughts asclepias?...
Yes you can have a different opinion and not be called an uncle tom. Lots of Black people have different opinions. What gave you the idea you couldnt have a different opinion?
well it might have something to do with you calling the guy an uncle tom for having the gall and audacity to like trump....
I didnt say he was an uncle tom because he liked Trump. Hell I like Trump. He makes me laugh. The guys is an uncle tom because he supports Trump
oh big difference.....ok so if some black person and you are talking politics and he says im supporting trump not clinton....he is an uncle tom then right?....
Correct. If he supports Trump then he is a uncle tom. Only uncle toms support racists. If he supports Hillary I would simply raise an eyebrow.
I know Trump has black supporters. I saw the other one on a different show.
Thats bullshit and a leftist ploy to marginalize someone who doesn't believe the way they are expected to. Get over it more and more Black people are seeing that the democratic party hasn't done jack for the Black community ever,
Who said anything about the democratic party? I just said if you are Black and you support Trump you are a uncle tom. Its not that hard to figure out.
so a black person cant have a different opinion than you without being called an uncle tom?..do you have to get permission to have different thoughts asclepias?...
Yes you can have a different opinion and not be called an uncle tom. Lots of Black people have different opinions. What gave you the idea you couldnt have a different opinion?
well it might have something to do with you calling the guy an uncle tom for having the gall and audacity to like trump....
I didnt say he was an uncle tom because he liked Trump. Hell I like Trump. He makes me laugh. The guys is an uncle tom because he supports Trump
Again with the obvious racism post! Hahahahahaha
so a black person cant have a different opinion than you without being called an uncle tom?..do you have to get permission to have different thoughts asclepias?...
Yes you can have a different opinion and not be called an uncle tom. Lots of Black people have different opinions. What gave you the idea you couldnt have a different opinion?
well it might have something to do with you calling the guy an uncle tom for having the gall and audacity to like trump....
I didnt say he was an uncle tom because he liked Trump. Hell I like Trump. He makes me laugh. The guys is an uncle tom because he supports Trump
oh big difference.....ok so if some black person and you are talking politics and he says im supporting trump not clinton....he is an uncle tom then right?....
Correct. If he supports Trump then he is a uncle tom. Only uncle toms support racists. If he supports Hillary I would simply raise an eyebrow.
Double down on your racism, there you go. Facts is all I post. Always remember. So come on punk, follow daddy some more.

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