Zone1 Leftists, do you agree that kids should receive sex-change operations without parental knowing?

A group that is defined as conservative advocacy group over the Mayo Clinic. That's nice.

I go with the place that is actually reputable if you don't mind.
You certainly can’t dispute the claims, so I’d run away too if I were you.. Run to your unproven, activist groups who are trying to say a sudden radical theory is normal.

Here’s what isn’t in dispute:
1. children cannot legally consent.
2. Doctors have an oath to “do no harm”.
3. A doctor who performs an elective surgery to mutilate their bodies and permanent harm their ability to reproduce, destroying healthy, functioning body systems, is breaking their oaths. Doing so chemically also does this.

Here’s what’s also not In dispute:
1. Trans people/kids have high rates of suicide.
2. Surgeries don’t appear to suddenly make the rates go down.
3. You want to not protect kids from this lifestyle.

You fail children, i wouldn’t feel comfortable of your ability to protect a child of you lead them towards harm in this way. I would consider their entire lives if I were you, and not just exploit them for a radical political ideology that sprung up in the 1960’s by a massive pervert of a “scientist” Who performed studies that involved having children ejaculate. Just think where your ideology is coming from..
There have been studies showing that most homophobes are self-hating gay men. You seem to fit the bill.

Does the deep, burning hatred that you constantly express for actual human beings who are sane and hold to rational standards of morality and decency mean that deep down, you are really a latent, self-loathing human being, with disturbing tendencies toward moral and ethical standards; contrary to the façade that you wear of a soulless, Godless, insane, subhuman psychopath with no capacity for morals or ethics at all?
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It’s a shame I have to say this to another adult, but clearly, If a psychological condition causes high rates of suicide, we should guide our children away from it, not validate them towards it.

It’s like cigarettes, you shouldn’t want your child to smoke even if it’s what they feel or identity with.

It’s like a face tattoo at age 14, you shouldn’t want a child to get one because they want it based on how they feel.

It’s like anorexia… we should tell kids they are sick and too skinny, not celebrate and validate their feelings that they’re too fat.

You want to actually LEAD children towards a high-suicide lifestyle, and then try to use the tragic outcome as an ultimatum/blackmail to point the finger at those who seek to protect children (me, conservatives) instaead [sic] of pointing the finger at the destructive mental illness.

Why are you doing this?

How bizarre it is, that our society has degenerated to a point where any of this needs to be said, and that anyone would dispute any of it.
Does the deep, burning hatred that you constantly express for actual human beings who are sane and hold to rational standards of morality and decency mean that deep down, you are really a latent, self-loathing human being, with disturbing tendencies toward moral and ethical standards; contrary to the façade that you wear of a soulless, Godless, insane, subhuman psychopath with no capacity for morals or ethics at all?
Bob, my days of thinking you are a crazy Mormon are definitely coming to a middle.

Your morality is based on fear and bigotry... there's really not much more that can be said about it.

But I see I am hitting a nerve pointing out that SCIENCE has shown homophobic people are often self-loathing homosexuals.

What do you get, when you mix the standard “Appeal to Authority” fallacy with a generous helping of powerful, mind-destroying, hallucinogenic drugs?

Wouldn't know...

What do you get when you cross a crazy batshit cult member with self-loathing homosexuality... well, something like Bob, I guess.
You certainly can’t dispute the claims, so I’d run away too if I were you.. Run to your unproven, activist groups who are trying to say a sudden radical theory is normal.
Something supported by nearly every professional medical community isn't radical. Being in opposition to that is radical.
Here’s what isn’t in dispute:
1. children cannot legally consent.
2. Doctors have an oath to “do no harm”.
3. A doctor who performs an elective surgery to mutilate their bodies and permanent harm their ability to reproduce, destroying healthy, functioning body systems, is breaking their oaths. Doing so chemically also does this.
1. Are you making an argument about legality or capability? As far as legality is concerned in some States children are allowed to legally consent to medical procedures. As far as capability is concerned the science that says our brains aren't full formed until our mid 20s is related to risk taking. Things like casual sex, binge drinking, or driving too fast. These are things we do as teenagers and is our way of discovering the bounds of reason with regards to short term risk vs. reward. It doesn't really have anything to do with long term decision making. Basically we all recognize teenagers can make some stupid decisions in the moment but they can also plan for college, handle responsibility and make informed decisions, especially with regards to their own Healthcare.

2. They do. The question is can you prove harm if that's what you're alleging?

3. Harm to my person isn't defined by you.
Here’s what’s also not In dispute:
1. Trans people/kids have high rates of suicide.
2. Surgeries don’t appear to suddenly make the rates go down.
3. You want to not protect kids from this lifestyle.
1. You don't have any solution to the high rates of suicide and in fact participate in activity that mental health professionals say exacerbates those rates.

2. Who says the point of the surgery is to lower suicide rates? People suffering from cancer also have higher rates of suicide than the general population. We don't perform chemo to lower suicide rates though, do we?

3. That's because we need to protect them from bigots and bullies.
You fail children, i wouldn’t feel comfortable of your ability to protect a child of you lead them towards harm in this way.
You have never helped any Trans children. You're nothing but cosplayers.
I would consider their entire lives if I were you, and not just exploit them for a radical political ideology that sprung up in the 1960’s by a massive pervert of a “scientist” Who performed studies that involved having children ejaculate. Just think where your ideology is coming from..
But you aren't a doctor or anyone who's dedicated their lives to helping Trans children so who cares what you claim from the safety of your couch?
Your morality is based on fear and bigotry... there's really not much more that can be said about it.

You call it “fear and bigotry”. Sane, decent human beings know it as knowing the difference between right and wrong, good and evil, reason and madness.

But I see I am hitting a nerve pointing out that SCIENCE has shown homophobic people are often self-loathing homosexuals.

Your “science” asserts that Bruce Jenner is a woman.

You have no standing, and no credibility, whatsoever, to speak of genuine science.
You call it “fear and bigotry”. Sane, decent human beings know it as knowing the difference between right and wrong, good and evil, reason and madness.

Uh, guy, up until very recently, Sane decent people used to burn women at the stake because they were supposed to be witches, and God said to kill witches.

You have yet to tell me why transgenderism is wrong other than it offends your sensibilities.

Which is amusing, given your deranged cult was chased out of four different states because you offended the sensibilities of your neighbors.

Your “science” asserts that Bruce Jenner is a woman.
Who is "Bruce Jenner". I know there is a Caitlyn Jenner who is a trans woman.
Uh, guy, up until very recently, Sane decent people used to burn women at the stake because they were supposed to be witches, and God said to kill witches.

You have yet to tell me why transgenderism is wrong other than it offends your sensibilities.

Which is amusing, given your deranged cult was chased out of four different states because you offended the sensibilities of your neighbors.

Who is "Bruce Jenner". I know there is a Caitlyn Jenner who is a trans woman.
^^^ That's a well behaved, thoroughly indoctrinated SJW. If you dare suggest Bruce Jenner is a man dressed as a woman, he could easily beat the crap out of you.
You have yet to tell me why transgenderism is wrong other than it offends your sensibilities.

It's a matter of hard, undeniable science.

A man is not a woman, and cannot become a woman.

A woman is not a man, and cannot become a man.

Men are distinguished from women by observable, provable, and unalterable biological traits.

You have to be deeply fucked in the head not to understand this.

It's not a matter of “offending anyone's sensibilities”.

It's a matter of pushing a blatant falsehood. It's about demanding that those who know better, speak this falsehood, and treat it as truth, often to harmful effect. It's about marginalizing and punishing those who dare to reject this falsehood, and to speak the truth. And it is about allowing people to be harmed in tangible ways, in order to uphold the falsehood.

I understand that as a pathological liar, truth holds no value to you, and you see nothing wrong with promoting falsehood, or even compelling people who know better to repeat that falsehood, and treat it as truth. But then that so what being a sociopath is about. There is no reason at all to expect a creature such as yourself to understand what it is like to be an actual human being, with even the most basic and essential of ethical standards, including the preference for truth over falsehood.
It's a matter of hard, undeniable science.

A man is not a woman, and cannot become a woman.

A woman is not a man, and cannot become a man.

Men are distinguished from women by observable, provable, and unalterable biological traits.
You're confusing social roles with biology. If being a man was simply a matter of biology then as a society we wouldn't talk so much about teaching young boys how to be men. You don't have to teach things that are biological traits. You don't have to teach a boy how to have brown eyes. He either has brown eyes or he doesn't. That is a biological trait.
You have to be deeply fucked in the head not to understand this.
Calling someone fucked in the head isn't a rational argument, it's an angry ad hominem.
It's not a matter of “offending anyone's sensibilities”.

It's a matter of pushing a blatant falsehood. It's about demanding that those who know better, speak this falsehood, and treat it as truth, often to harmful effect.
I think the people who graduated medical school know more about medicine than you do. Call me crazy. 😄
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alling someone fucked in the head isn't a rational argument, it's an angry ad hominem.
I think the people who graduated medical school know more about medicine than you do. Call me crazy.

To deny the biological distinction between men and women, to claim that a man can be a woman or that a woman can be a man; proves that you are crazy, proves that you are deeply fucked in the head.

That's not an ad hominem; it's hard fact.

Sane people know the difference between men and women, and we understand why this difference is important.

Keep your fucked-up delusions to yourself; sane people want nothing to do with them.
To deny the biological distinction between men and women, to claim that a man can be a woman or that a woman can be a man; proves that you are crazy, proves that you are deeply fucked in the head.
Another ad hominem doesn't make your argument any stronger. Neither does throwing in a strawman. Males and females have different biological traits. No one is actually denying this. Try having a real argument.
That's not an ad hominem; it's hard fact.
People having different biological traits doesn't really prove transgendersism isn't real.
Sane people know the difference between men and women, and we understand why this difference is important.
You don't even seem to understand the difference between social gender roles and biological sex. You haven't even grasped the basics.
Keep your fucked-up delusions to yourself; sane people want nothing to do with them.
An uneducated bingo crying that he's the sane one when you've treated all of zero trans patients is just glorious in its confident ignorance. 😄
Understanding the biological traits that distinguish men from women, and how the two sexes relate to one another as far as the reproductive process, certainly does prove that “transgenderism” isn't real.
How so? Biological traits are caused by hormones, not magic. We can observe hormones that cause the development of people who aren't strictly male or female reproductively speaking (the intersexed). Why do you discount a similar process happening in the brain?
Another ad hominem doesn't make your argument any stronger. Neither does throwing in a strawman. Males and females have different biological traits. No one is actually denying this. Try having a real argument.

People having different biological traits doesn't really prove transgendersism isn't real.

You don't even seem to understand the difference between social gender roles and biological sex. You haven't even grasped the basics.

An uneducated bingo crying that he's the sane one when you've treated all of zero trans patients is just glorious in its confident ignorance. 😄
Bio males who genuinely think they are women are certified nutcases

But they are not the worst kooks running loose

as long as they dont demand approval from everyone else

And above all as long as they dont try to influence children
Bio males who genuinely think they are women are certified nutcases
According to who's certification? Did you just make this up? And if you can't provide that certification to prove it's a real thing can we consider you a nut job? 😄
But they are not the worst kooks running loose

as long as they dont demand approval from everyone else

And above all as long as they dont try to influence children
It's you folks who are desperate for the approval of legitimacy. It's why you pretend that some educated community has signed off on your Bingo certifications. 😄
According to who's certification? Did you just make this up? And if you can't provide that certification to prove it's a real thing can we consider you a nut job?
If libs had enough concentration camps to hold 200 million people I dont doubt you would fill it with Americans who dont think homosexuals and transsexuals are normal
If libs had enough concentration camps to hold 200 million people I dont doubt you would fill it with Americans who dont think homosexuals and transsexuals are normal
The beauty is that if the mainstream accepts them those soft fail whites will self segregate themselves to the backwater, fly over country that no one gives a shit about. :dunno:

By the way, what's the eta on that certification from real medical practitioners?
The beauty is that if the mainstream accepts them those soft fail whites will self segregate themselves to the backwater, fly over country that no one gives a shit about. :dunno:

By the way, what's the eta on that certification from real medical practitioners?
I accept their legal right be queer

As does practically everyone

But you cant mandate approval

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