Leftists don't give a damn about the environment... change my mind

How do I know that leftists don't give a damn about the environment??

Just look at the environmental conditions present within their big cities.

Los Angeles

Drugs and used needles on the ground everywhere... homeless everywhere... human feces everywhere... graffiti tags everywhere... broken windows... abandoned buildings... trash (incl disposable masks) littered everywhere...

Yeah, tell me with a straight face that leftists give any sort of a damn about the environment.

The environment is just another weapon they use to gain money and power.
What money and power have they gained?

Seriously? They have gotten to the point they have shut down the U.S. energy sector, for green energy, their high priests, like al gore, have become billionaires, the scientists who support the man made myth get all the research funding.......don't be dense...
Like the Clean Water Act? The Clean Air Act? The EPA? If it weren't for liberals, you'd have had a different career.

There was nothing wrong with the initial CWA, CAA, NPDES, RCRA, SDWA etc. They were needed back then. That allowed 80% of the pollution to be cleaned up or curtail for very little cost.

What is bat shit crazy are the stupid Environmental Wackos insisting that small increments be abated for significant cost. The small increments having no real impact on public health or anything else. Like having air pollution standards be so low that fossil fuels cannot be used for a .05% reduction in emissions.

I know this because for 30 years I permitted air pollution sources, water discharges and hazardous waste disposal. I helped design pollution abatement equipment and certify that emissions were meeting standards. I worked on the largest environmental cleanup project in the US. What the hell have you ever done?

The EPA was reasonable back in the 1970s and early 1980s. Then it became an unreasonable monster.

Then you have all this silly ass AGW bullshit that has always been a scam.
There was nothing wrong with the initial CWA, CAA, NPDES, RCRA, SDWA etc. They were needed back then. That allowed 80% of the pollution to be cleaned up or curtail for very little cost.

What is bat shit crazy are the stupid Environmental Wackos insisting that small increments be abated for significant cost. The small increments having no real impact on public health or anything else. Like having air pollution standards be so low that fossil fuels cannot be used for a .05% reduction in emissions.

I know this because for 30 years I permitted air pollution sources, water discharges and hazardous waste disposal. I helped design pollution abatement equipment and certify that emissions were meeting standards. I worked on the largest environmental cleanup project in the US. What the hell have you ever done?

The EPA was reasonable back in the 1970s and early 1980s. Then it became an unreasonable monster.

Then you have all this silly ass AGW bullshit that has always been a scam.

Those things would have happened because when people have money, and Americans were experiencing and increasing standard of living...they don't want to live in pollution......

The left took those things to clean up pollution and have turned them into weapons.....which is why they pushed them, as opposed to normal people who simply wanted a nice place to live.
GWPs for water vapor and tropospheric O3 are not calculated because their atmospheric lifetimes are only days long and their concentrations highly variable. More to the point for water vapor is that human activities have almost no direct influence on its tropospheric concentration, which is controlled by the temperature of the atmosphere and the liquid water from which it evaporates (or ice from which it sublimes). Rising planetary temperature increases the amount of water vapor in the atmosphere, which increases its warming effect. This is a feedback mechanism that adds substantially to the radiative forcings of the other non-condensable greenhouse gases.


You really should have read the entire excerpt before making absolute comments about it.

So should you ... so what's the answer ... why does carbon dioxide have FIFTY times the radiative reactivity than water? ... and stop with the lying ... assworm ...
So should you ... so what's the answer ... why does carbon dioxide have FIFTY times the radiative reactivity than water? ... and stop with the lying ... assworm ...
As I've noted before, you keep accusing me of lying but have yet to identify a single lie I've told. Tell you what, you figure it out all on your own. I'm sure you don't want to be dealing with the likes of me. Particularly when I keep exposing your ignorance.
How do I know that leftists don't give a damn about the environment??

Just look at the environmental conditions present within their big cities.

Los Angeles

Drugs and used needles on the ground everywhere... homeless everywhere... human feces everywhere... graffiti tags everywhere... broken windows... abandoned buildings... trash (incl disposable masks) littered everywhere...

Yeah, tell me with a straight face that leftists give any sort of a damn about the environment.

Lol 'leftists'. If they are not actively disrupting and irrecoverably demolishing capitalism then can they truly be called leftist, much less caring about the environment?
As I've noted before, you keep accusing me of lying but have yet to identify a single lie I've told. Tell you what, you figure it out all on your own. I'm sure you don't want to be dealing with the likes of me. Particularly when I keep exposing your ignorance.

That's because you don't understand ... and you're just parroting others who lie ... that's what makes you a LIAR ... the stupidity comes from your genetics ...

Now ... you claim CO2 has fifty time the radiative power as water ... care to expain ... or do you wish to withdraw your claim? ...
Like the Clean Water Act? The Clean Air Act? The EPA? If it weren't for liberals, you'd have had a different career.

You are LYING yet again since it was President Nixon who got the EPA created as shown at the EPA website:

The Origins of EPA​

In early 1970, as a result of heightened public concerns about deteriorating city air, natural areas littered with debris, and urban water supplies contaminated with dangerous impurities, President Richard Nixon presented the House and Senate a groundbreaking 37-point message on the environment. These points included:



You are only 52 years out of date........

How do I know that leftists don't give a damn about the environment??

Just look at the environmental conditions present within their big cities.

Los Angeles

Drugs and used needles on the ground everywhere... homeless everywhere... human feces everywhere... graffiti tags everywhere... broken windows... abandoned buildings... trash (incl disposable masks) littered everywhere...

Yeah, tell me with a straight face that leftists give any sort of a damn about the environment.
Can't change your mind, won't even try. You Trump ass kissing maga morons are beyond help. Bigly!!!
Can't change your mind, won't even try. You Trump ass kissing maga morons are beyond help. Bigly!!!


he gave you plenty of targets to counter with but all you did was deflect to Trump who lives in your head.

Your post was dead on arrival.
Seriously? They have gotten to the point they have shut down the U.S. energy sector, for green energy, their high priests, like al gore, have become billionaires, the scientists who support the man made myth get all the research funding.......don't be dense...
How rich have those scientists become? You understand research grants are sized to conduct the proposed research, not provide huge sums of money to put in anyone's pocket. Al Gore is not a billionaire and is completely irrelevant. We are at this point because of the science, not Al Gore. The US energy sector has not been shut down. Large sums of money are being spent building solar and wind and employing thousands of skilled workers to do it.

And I've yet to hear any response to my comment about the Clean Air and Clean Water Acts. Both were passed with bipartisan votes but neither would exist if it weren't for liberals in Congress.
Lol 'leftists'. If they are not actively disrupting and irrecoverably demolishing capitalism then can they truly be called leftist, much less caring about the environment?
You seem to think that the environment is a part of capitalism. I hope you realize how ignorant that sounds.
How rich have those scientists become? You understand research grants are sized to conduct the proposed research, not provide huge sums of money to put in anyone's pocket. Al Gore is not a billionaire and is completely irrelevant. We are at this point because of the science, not Al Gore. The US energy sector has not been shut down. Large sums of money are being spent building solar and wind and employing thousands of skilled workers to do it.

And I've yet to hear any response to my comment about the Clean Air and Clean Water Acts. Both were passed with bipartisan votes but neither would exist if it weren't for liberals in Congress.

From that research they get positions at universities, tenure, lectures........which they would not get without those research grants......
Even if "slowing" heat were a thing (it's not),
I'm wearing clothing. It's clearly slowing the heat flow out of me.

you have yet to account for any ADDITIONAL heat. Where is this "ADDITIONAL heat" coming from? You are still violating thermodynamics.
According to this reasoning, clothing can't make someone warmer, because there's no additional heat soure.

Yet it clearly _does_ make someone warmer, so your very peculiar reasoning is plainly wrong.
Your "math" is you raving out random technobabble terms that you don't know how to use properly.

Dunning-Kruger. You fail too hard at the math and science to be able to understand how badly you fail at it.

The full paragraph quote by ReinyDays:

This is why the Hystericals avoid the math ... temperature is proportional to the fourth root of irradiation ... so any effect CO2 has will be trivial ... just not enough of the stuff ...

YOU with your claimed Physics degree couldn't use this against him because you are a liar and a loudmouth.

Why can't you spring the math on him.......

You seem to think that the environment is a part of capitalism. I hope you realize how ignorant that sounds.

You're smarter than this having consistently been on the right side of anthropogenic climate change, so kiss off with the knee-jerk projection of ignorance when your takeaway is flawed.

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