Leftists don't give a damn about the environment... change my mind

Sure they care!
Got lithium?


Oh my, another dumb fuck posting for all the other dumb fucks that haven't the faintest idea of what they are looking at. But then, it really doesn't matter, as there that many batteries moving out of the lab into production that do not use lithium or other expensive metals. LFP, sodium-sulfur, and many more. Some have the potential to far exceed the present lithium ion, and do so at far less cost. By 2030, EV's will be less costly than ICE vehicles, and have greater range. And you fellows will get the same respect as the people that stood beside the road yelling "Get a horse" at the early automobiles.
That's the other thing... You're getting into the 1st law of thermodynamics here.

Crick, in his AGW faith, is making claim to Earth's temperature increasing. Additional energy is required in order for this to happen. What Crick can't answer you is "Assuming constant energy from the sun, where is this additional energy coming from?"
Damn, are you truly that stupid? That was first explained by Joseph Fourier in the 1820's. Then Tindall and Foote in the 1850's, and even quantified by Arrnhenius in 1896. And observed evidence has totally borne out their predictions.
The full paragraph quote by ReinyDays:
And it was wrong, because it didn't take into account greenhouse gases.

YOU with your claimed Physics degree couldn't use this against him because you are a liar and a loudmouth.
Understood. I live rent-free in your head, and your butthurt drives you to these pouty attacks.

Why can't you spring the math on him.......
Because it's like a flat earther using "math" to prove the flat earth. If your premises start out wrong, the math doesn't matter.

This is generally why deniers fail. The physics background is necessary to understand how to set up the problem.
Mayor Pete though says it is OK for him to take all these private flights because they are government planes. So I guess they do not pollute at all.
And it was wrong, because it didn't take into account greenhouse gases.

Understood. I live rent-free in your head, and your butthurt drives you to these pouty attacks.

Because it's like a flat earther using "math" to prove the flat earth. If your premises start out wrong, the math doesn't matter.

This is generally why deniers fail. The physics background is necessary to understand how to set up the problem.

LOL so you can't get him with math challenge.

You fysics degree must have cost you $25 to obtain.
I'm wearing clothing. It's clearly slowing the heat flow out of me.
The fact that you're saying "heat flow" instead of "heat" shows that you don't understand what heat is. Heat is not thermal energy. Wearing clothing does not slow heat... it reduces heat.
According to this reasoning, clothing can't make someone warmer, because there's no additional heat soure.
Correct, and there isn't any additional heat source. Yourself is still yourself, all the same. Clothing simply reduces heat by acting as a coupling reducer. If it was clothing that made someone warmer, then putting clothing over a rock would make the rock warmer. It doesn't.
Yet it clearly _does_ make someone warmer, so your very peculiar reasoning is plainly wrong.
No it doesn't (see above). Yourself is still yourself. Clothing simply makes it a bit easier for your body to maintain temperature due to the bit of trapped air underneath it.
Damn, are you truly that stupid? That was first explained by Joseph Fourier in the 1820's. Then Tindall and Foote in the 1850's, and even quantified by Arrnhenius in 1896. And observed evidence has totally borne out their predictions.
You have yet to actually say anything. You need additional thermal energy in order to increase the temperature of something, dude. Do you even know what temperature is? Should I start THERE?

Assuming constant energy from the sun, where is the additional energy coming from that is required to increase the temperature of Earth per AGW dogma?
The fact that you're saying "heat flow" instead of "heat" shows that you don't understand what heat is.
So you're denying the colloquial meanings of heat and heat flow now? That's a new desperate kook loser tactic that I hadn't seen before.

You're also botching the scientific definition as well, of course.

Heat is not thermal energy. Wearing clothing does not slow heat... it reduces heat.
That's not how any human on earth except for you uses the terminology. You sound crazy.

Clothing simply reduces heat by acting as a coupling reducer. If it was clothing that made someone warmer, then putting clothing over a rock would make the rock warmer. It doesn't.
Wearing clothing clearly makes someone warmer.

Because you're saying that's not the case, that means you're delusional.

And since you're delusional, nobody cares about anything you say.
So you're denying the colloquial meanings of heat and heat flow now? That's a new desperate kook loser tactic that I hadn't seen before.

You're also botching the scientific definition as well, of course.
Your issue, not mine.
That's not how any human on earth except for you uses the terminology. You sound crazy.
Your issue, not mine.
Wearing clothing clearly makes someone warmer.
No it doesn't. Try putting clothing over a rock and see if the rock gets any warmer. --- IOW, it's not the clothing, dude...
Because you're saying that's not the case, that means you're delusional.
Nah. It just means that you don't understand thermodynamics very well.
And since you're delusional, nobody cares about anything you say.
Wow! You speak for everybody?! Impressive!
Clothing simply makes it a bit easier for your body to maintain temperature due to the bit of trapped air underneath it.
mamooth -- Have you ever used a computer before? You might be using one to respond to my posts... Anyhow, have you ever wondered why computers have fans?


Computers have fans because the components inside the case get hot (increase in temperature). Pockets of air are trapped inside the case and air is not a good thermal conductor, thus fans are needed to cool the case (decrease in temperature). For instance, my computer has a fan at the front of the case to draw cooler outside air into the case, fans on the GPU that blow hot air away from it, a fan on the chipset that blows hot air away from it, and a fan at the back of the case to blow the hot air out of it.

In a similar way, other materials that contain pockets of trapped air, such as clothing and blankets, can also reduce the coupling of heat. IOW, just as the components inside a computer case get hot easier due to trapped air inside the case, our bodies inside of clothing or blankets get hot easier due to trapped air inside of the clothing/blankets.
How do I know that leftists don't give a damn about the environment??

Just look at the environmental conditions present within their big cities.

Los Angeles

Drugs and used needles on the ground everywhere... homeless everywhere... human feces everywhere... graffiti tags everywhere... broken windows... abandoned buildings... trash (incl disposable masks) littered everywhere...

Yeah, tell me with a straight face that leftists give any sort of a damn about the environment.
The far left is obsessed with fads. Right now, that fad is Globul Warming. Tommorrow it will be something else.
mamooth -- Have you ever used a computer before?
In order to pull off the condescending act, you have to actually be intelligent. That's why I can do it so well. You can't.

You might be using one to respond to my posts... Anyhow, have you ever wondered why computers have fans?
And after all that deflecting, you're _still_ the guy who claims that wearing clothes won't make you warmer, so you're still ridiculous.

can also reduce the coupling of heat.

"The coupling of heat"? As I said, the terminology that you use is used by no one else on this planet. You're off in your own weird little universe.
In order to pull off the condescending act, you have to actually be intelligent. That's why I can do it so well. You can't.
All you have are insults. You have nothing intelligent to add to the conversation.
And after all that deflecting,
Forming arguments is not deflecting, moron.
you're _still_ the guy who claims that wearing clothes won't make you warmer, so you're still ridiculous.
You're still the guy who claims the same claims over and over again, as if repetition of something that's wrong somehow magically transforms it into being correct.
"The coupling of heat"? As I said, the terminology that you use is used by no one else on this planet. You're off in your own weird little universe.
Is what I'm saying incorrect? If so, explain how so. I've already explained to you why I am correct and you are incorrect.
What you're saying is astoundingly ignorant and what Mamooth says doesn't change because its correct.

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