Leftists HATE free-speech

I say let conservatives practice their hate speech whenever they need to vomit. I don't like seeing people getting ill in public without some kind of relief and they are too lazy to bring their own vomit bag.

Wail away trump's toejammers.
Define hate speech.

You seem to confuse human beings with dictionaries. And you seem to need others to do research for you. Too lazy to do a little typing? No worries, just don't expect others to carry your load...so to speak.
I didn't expect an answer from a lefty. You can't.

Yeah go with that. :cuckoo:
You proved me right again.
The liberals here wanted proof of the hatred of free speech in the left. While too many obvious cases to count exist, this one takes it to almost conspiratorial level.

"The European Union (EU), in partnership with Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and Microsoft, has unveiled a "code of conduct" to combat the spread of "illegal hate speech" online in Europe."

"The EU did very little to define what they mean by “hate speech” in the ‘Code of Conduct’, simply calling it speech that could “incite hatred” towards various minority groups. There is, therefore, a fear they will use this stretchable definition to silence criticism of their own policies – such open borders and mass migration."

"Meanwhile, the BBC, the UK taxpayer funded national broadcaster, attacked those criticizing the new ‘Code of Conduct’ as “standing up for hate”."

VIDEO: EU And Facebook Pledge To ‘Reeducate’ Users And Crush Free Speech
European Union Declares War On Internet Free Speech | Zero Hedge

This will be America's future too, under the Clintons. Under the ideology of tolerance, free speech won't be tolerated.
You still yelling FIRE in a crowded theater?
The liberals here wanted proof of the hatred of free speech in the left. While too many obvious cases to count exist, this one takes it to almost conspiratorial level.

"The European Union (EU), in partnership with Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and Microsoft, has unveiled a "code of conduct" to combat the spread of "illegal hate speech" online in Europe."

"The EU did very little to define what they mean by “hate speech” in the ‘Code of Conduct’, simply calling it speech that could “incite hatred” towards various minority groups. There is, therefore, a fear they will use this stretchable definition to silence criticism of their own policies – such open borders and mass migration."

"Meanwhile, the BBC, the UK taxpayer funded national broadcaster, attacked those criticizing the new ‘Code of Conduct’ as “standing up for hate”."

VIDEO: EU And Facebook Pledge To ‘Reeducate’ Users And Crush Free Speech
European Union Declares War On Internet Free Speech | Zero Hedge

This will be America's future too, under the Clintons. Under the ideology of tolerance, free speech won't be tolerated.
You still yelling FIRE in a crowded theater?

Thanks for proving that you have no idea what free speech is... and that you do not support it.

Once again, we will have a barrage of liberals showing up here demonstrating their support for these actions. Just like they blamed the Trump supporters for the violence. Violent, in support of coercion and against freedom of speech. That is the ideology...
Where are righties ever for free speech???

When they opposed the so called "campaign finance reform" which regulated free speech going into elections, when they opposed the so called "fairness" doctrine which requires private companies to give free airtime to leftist groups, when they allow Hillary to speak without attacking her supporters ...

Watch what happens when they dare to protest a war initiated by a Republican President and his friends in Congress.

That already happened, and nothing happened

If liberals hated free speech and were as terrible as portrayed on this board, Trump would be dead by now, a nice round bean in his yellow, over-combed bonnet.
The liberals here wanted proof of the hatred of free speech in the left. While too many obvious cases to count exist, this one takes it to almost conspiratorial level.

"The European Union (EU), in partnership with Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and Microsoft, has unveiled a "code of conduct" to combat the spread of "illegal hate speech" online in Europe."

"The EU did very little to define what they mean by “hate speech” in the ‘Code of Conduct’, simply calling it speech that could “incite hatred” towards various minority groups. There is, therefore, a fear they will use this stretchable definition to silence criticism of their own policies – such open borders and mass migration."

"Meanwhile, the BBC, the UK taxpayer funded national broadcaster, attacked those criticizing the new ‘Code of Conduct’ as “standing up for hate”."

VIDEO: EU And Facebook Pledge To ‘Reeducate’ Users And Crush Free Speech
European Union Declares War On Internet Free Speech | Zero Hedge

This will be America's future too, under the Clintons. Under the ideology of tolerance, free speech won't be tolerated.
You still yelling FIRE in a crowded theater?

Thanks for proving that you got no idea what free speech is... and that you do not support it.

Once again, we will have a barrage of liberals showing up here demonstrating their support of these actions.
Well it is wrong to foment hate towards a person, even the Bible says so..But as far as a law, it should be one that covers all, but you white folks sure have made a lot of enemies by your social structured racism.....
Where are righties ever for free speech???

When they opposed the so called "campaign finance reform" which regulated free speech going into elections, when they opposed the so called "fairness" doctrine which requires private companies to give free airtime to leftist groups, when they allow Hillary to speak without attacking her supporters ...

Watch what happens when they dare to protest a war initiated by a Republican President and his friends in Congress.

That already happened, and nothing happened
The Vietnam war ended and it was stared by Eisenhower taking over after the French were defeated...
The liberals here wanted proof of the hatred of free speech in the left. While too many obvious cases to count exist, this one takes it to almost conspiratorial level.

"The European Union (EU), in partnership with Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and Microsoft, has unveiled a "code of conduct" to combat the spread of "illegal hate speech" online in Europe."

"The EU did very little to define what they mean by “hate speech” in the ‘Code of Conduct’, simply calling it speech that could “incite hatred” towards various minority groups. There is, therefore, a fear they will use this stretchable definition to silence criticism of their own policies – such open borders and mass migration."

"Meanwhile, the BBC, the UK taxpayer funded national broadcaster, attacked those criticizing the new ‘Code of Conduct’ as “standing up for hate”."

VIDEO: EU And Facebook Pledge To ‘Reeducate’ Users And Crush Free Speech
European Union Declares War On Internet Free Speech | Zero Hedge

This will be America's future too, under the Clintons. Under the ideology of tolerance, free speech won't be tolerated.
You still yelling FIRE in a crowded theater?

Well, you know, the "men in women's restrooms" bullshit story is dying down and they are looking for something else to fear.
The liberals here wanted proof of the hatred of free speech in the left. While too many obvious cases to count exist, this one takes it to almost conspiratorial level.

"The European Union (EU), in partnership with Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and Microsoft, has unveiled a "code of conduct" to combat the spread of "illegal hate speech" online in Europe."

"The EU did very little to define what they mean by “hate speech” in the ‘Code of Conduct’, simply calling it speech that could “incite hatred” towards various minority groups. There is, therefore, a fear they will use this stretchable definition to silence criticism of their own policies – such open borders and mass migration."

"Meanwhile, the BBC, the UK taxpayer funded national broadcaster, attacked those criticizing the new ‘Code of Conduct’ as “standing up for hate”."

VIDEO: EU And Facebook Pledge To ‘Reeducate’ Users And Crush Free Speech
European Union Declares War On Internet Free Speech | Zero Hedge

This will be America's future too, under the Clintons. Under the ideology of tolerance, free speech won't be tolerated.
That's why we don't burn books.

Republican Book Burners – Politics Plus
The GOP is worried because Trump has continued his unhinged paranoid Mexican magistrate Rant on Sunday
Washington Post
GOP to Trump: Move on from Judge Curiel's Mexican heritage
Washington Post -
WASHINGTON - A pair of powerful Senate Republicans on Sunday warned Donald Trump to drop his attacks on a Latino judge presiding over a lawsuit against Trump University, joining the widespread rejection of their presumptive presidential nominee's ...

Concerns in GOP over Trump's verbal attacks on federal judge
The liberals here wanted proof of the hatred of free speech in the left. While too many obvious cases to count exist, this one takes it to almost conspiratorial level.

"The European Union (EU), in partnership with Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and Microsoft, has unveiled a "code of conduct" to combat the spread of "illegal hate speech" online in Europe."

"The EU did very little to define what they mean by “hate speech” in the ‘Code of Conduct’, simply calling it speech that could “incite hatred” towards various minority groups. There is, therefore, a fear they will use this stretchable definition to silence criticism of their own policies – such open borders and mass migration."

"Meanwhile, the BBC, the UK taxpayer funded national broadcaster, attacked those criticizing the new ‘Code of Conduct’ as “standing up for hate”."

VIDEO: EU And Facebook Pledge To ‘Reeducate’ Users And Crush Free Speech
European Union Declares War On Internet Free Speech | Zero Hedge

This will be America's future too, under the Clintons. Under the ideology of tolerance, free speech won't be tolerated.

My voices trouble are hate against me from Which human of worlds so I creater big God hate in that forum I never talk last four year because I dumb back to my voices how are real dumb when they do food silence when I eat alone. My voices will not I eat alone even I live alone outside another human. Yes, I am Baptism how are closer to Protestant's religions. My friend 3 mile behind my town searching for Baptism in Google and I have now right. Nobody have right to do eat silence when I eat food. It's a dumb against me so I blame close to everything and hate manny Gods how do nothing against me voices so I hate them even Asa Gods I hate even they are Nazi Gods from Nordic. Maybe Tor are Swedish God I really know this day. Swedish God never exist so they is Tor with Power. Lutheran or Catholic Jesuit are my eat silence voice. I never accept them and my this not close thugs from Russia. Stupid thugs how really are my second voice. He do nothing closer me so I can win with hard rock how are very irritation for my thugs voice. He are toughless from distance only. Maybe he must visit Sweden here I lives. Europeans with toughless against hard rock and Nazism are not best Europeans. Nationalism are best in Europe. Then moslem.
The liberals here wanted proof of the hatred of free speech in the left. While too many obvious cases to count exist, this one takes it to almost conspiratorial level.

"The European Union (EU), in partnership with Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and Microsoft, has unveiled a "code of conduct" to combat the spread of "illegal hate speech" online in Europe."

"The EU did very little to define what they mean by “hate speech” in the ‘Code of Conduct’, simply calling it speech that could “incite hatred” towards various minority groups. There is, therefore, a fear they will use this stretchable definition to silence criticism of their own policies – such open borders and mass migration."

"Meanwhile, the BBC, the UK taxpayer funded national broadcaster, attacked those criticizing the new ‘Code of Conduct’ as “standing up for hate”."

VIDEO: EU And Facebook Pledge To ‘Reeducate’ Users And Crush Free Speech
European Union Declares War On Internet Free Speech | Zero Hedge

This will be America's future too, under the Clintons. Under the ideology of tolerance, free speech won't be tolerated.
You still yelling FIRE in a crowded theater?

Well, you know, the "men in women's restrooms" bullshit story is dying down and they are looking for something else to fear.
So what he is saying is he wants his freedom as a white man to use hate speech in public?
The liberals here wanted proof of the hatred of free speech in the left. While too many obvious cases to count exist, this one takes it to almost conspiratorial level.

"The European Union (EU), in partnership with Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and Microsoft, has unveiled a "code of conduct" to combat the spread of "illegal hate speech" online in Europe."

"The EU did very little to define what they mean by “hate speech” in the ‘Code of Conduct’, simply calling it speech that could “incite hatred” towards various minority groups. There is, therefore, a fear they will use this stretchable definition to silence criticism of their own policies – such open borders and mass migration."

"Meanwhile, the BBC, the UK taxpayer funded national broadcaster, attacked those criticizing the new ‘Code of Conduct’ as “standing up for hate”."

VIDEO: EU And Facebook Pledge To ‘Reeducate’ Users And Crush Free Speech
European Union Declares War On Internet Free Speech | Zero Hedge

This will be America's future too, under the Clintons. Under the ideology of tolerance, free speech won't be tolerated.
You still yelling FIRE in a crowded theater?

Thanks for proving that you got no idea what free speech is... and that you do not support it.

Once again, we will have a barrage of liberals showing up here demonstrating their support of these actions.
Well it is wrong to foment hate towards a person, even the Bible says so..But as far as a law, it should be one that covers all, but you white folks sure have made a lot of enemies by your social structured racism.....


Any other libs support banning free speech here? And please make sure to include your anti-white agenda with the approval. Every message should be combined with "fuck white people", it's just not complete otherwise. That or no virtue signaling points awarded.
The liberals here wanted proof of the hatred of free speech in the left. While too many obvious cases to count exist, this one takes it to almost conspiratorial level.

"The European Union (EU), in partnership with Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and Microsoft, has unveiled a "code of conduct" to combat the spread of "illegal hate speech" online in Europe."

"The EU did very little to define what they mean by “hate speech” in the ‘Code of Conduct’, simply calling it speech that could “incite hatred” towards various minority groups. There is, therefore, a fear they will use this stretchable definition to silence criticism of their own policies – such open borders and mass migration."

"Meanwhile, the BBC, the UK taxpayer funded national broadcaster, attacked those criticizing the new ‘Code of Conduct’ as “standing up for hate”."

VIDEO: EU And Facebook Pledge To ‘Reeducate’ Users And Crush Free Speech
European Union Declares War On Internet Free Speech | Zero Hedge

This will be America's future too, under the Clintons. Under the ideology of tolerance, free speech won't be tolerated.
You still yelling FIRE in a crowded theater?

Thanks for proving that you got no idea what free speech is... and that you do not support it.

Once again, we will have a barrage of liberals showing up here demonstrating their support of these actions.
Well it is wrong to foment hate towards a person, even the Bible says so..But as far as a law, it should be one that covers all, but you white folks sure have made a lot of enemies by your social structured racism.....


Any other libs support banning free speech here? And please make sure to include your anti-white agenda with the approval. Every message should be combined with "fuck white people", it's just not complete otherwise. That or no virtue signaling points awarded.
Anti-white, your mad because the majority abuses the minority?
I say let conservatives practice their hate speech whenever they need to vomit. I don't like seeing people getting ill in public without some kind of relief and they are too lazy to bring their own vomit bag.

Wail away trump's toejammers.
Define hate speech.

Trump's speeches against Mexicans and Muslims are the very definition of hate speech.
I enjoy free speech, but not every phrase or word is considered free...It's an oxymoron...

What you perhaps meant to say:

"I enjoy free speech, but no phrase or word I don't like is considered free...It's an oxymoron..".

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