Leftists have no limits.

What is really the point of fighting against the climate change narrative, though? Whether it's accurate or not, why would you not want a cleaner world for yourself or those you care for? I don't understand the mentality of why you'd be against making progress.

Because they aren't trying to clean things up. Instead they want to raise the prices of everything you do, or eat, or drink, all of which they get a cut of, and the net result is nothing gets cleaned up. It is all about money and power and nothing else.

What a paranoid conspiracy goof.
What is really the point of fighting against the climate change narrative, though? Whether it's accurate or not, why would you not want a cleaner world for yourself or those you care for? I don't understand the mentality of why you'd be against making progress.

Because they aren't trying to clean things up. Instead they want to raise the prices of everything you do, or eat, or drink, all of which they get a cut of, and the net result is nothing gets cleaned up. It is all about money and power and nothing else.

What a paranoid conspiracy goof.

What an unquestioning, incurious, political hack.
What is really the point of fighting against the climate change narrative, though? Whether it's accurate or not, why would you not want a cleaner world for yourself or those you care for? I don't understand the mentality of why you'd be against making progress.

Because those faggots want to tell me what kind of engine I can have in my car.

That's never happened before, unless you count the mid 70s, and all the other times the manufacturers changed or modified their designs.

Might want to check with france and some of the other country's who are mandating a shift to EV's. My but you're slow.

I'll be sure to check that out if I ever move to France, or some of those other countries.
What is really the point of fighting against the climate change narrative, though? Whether it's accurate or not, why would you not want a cleaner world for yourself or those you care for? I don't understand the mentality of why you'd be against making progress.

Because those faggots want to tell me what kind of engine I can have in my car.

Who does?

Gas guzzlers are fazing themselves out of the market by being expensive and, in many peoples' view, repugnant.

Dude, have you priced an electric car with the same equal performance as a good gasoline car? Have you considered the fossil fuels consumed to generate the electricity to recharge that car? Have you considered the danger and cost of replacing those batteries? The other alternative to "gas guzzlers" are one of those little tin can shit boxes they drive in Europe. It should be up to the user to have the choice to drive what he wants. So far, there is NO credible real proof in "climate change" in the form of it being all man's fault, and so is just one more attempt at taking freedom and liberty away from people and inserting government control over yet another area of our lives. I can't think of a better reason than that to keep fighting against the climate change narrative.

Who ever said climate change was all man's fault?

The AGW faithful for one group.

I'm saying that is a lie, or just more RNJ delusions. You got a link that ANYONE says climate change is ALL man's fault?
What is really the point of fighting against the climate change narrative, though? Whether it's accurate or not, why would you not want a cleaner world for yourself or those you care for? I don't understand the mentality of why you'd be against making progress.

Because those faggots want to tell me what kind of engine I can have in my car.

That's never happened before, unless you count the mid 70s, and all the other times the manufacturers changed or modified their designs.

It is happening right now.

Why do you think the BMW M4 is a turbo six instead of a naturally aspirated V8? Why do you think Porsche scuttled the boxer-six from the Cayman and now they have turbo four cylinders that no one wants to buy, and made all of their 911s turbo'd with smaller displacement engines?

Why tougher EU emissions rules put the combustion engine's future in doubt

So you think the combustion engine's future is in doubt? Why aren't you whining on a EU discussion site. That's where your fears seem to originate.
What is really the point of fighting against the climate change narrative, though? Whether it's accurate or not, why would you not want a cleaner world for yourself or those you care for? I don't understand the mentality of why you'd be against making progress.

Because they aren't trying to clean things up. Instead they want to raise the prices of everything you do, or eat, or drink, all of which they get a cut of, and the net result is nothing gets cleaned up. It is all about money and power and nothing else.

What a paranoid conspiracy goof.

What an unquestioning, incurious, political hack.

I'm curious if you have that link.
What is really the point of fighting against the climate change narrative, though? Whether it's accurate or not, why would you not want a cleaner world for yourself or those you care for? I don't understand the mentality of why you'd be against making progress.

Because those faggots want to tell me what kind of engine I can have in my car.

That's never happened before, unless you count the mid 70s, and all the other times the manufacturers changed or modified their designs.

It is happening right now.

Why do you think the BMW M4 is a turbo six instead of a naturally aspirated V8? Why do you think Porsche scuttled the boxer-six from the Cayman and now they have turbo four cylinders that no one wants to buy, and made all of their 911s turbo'd with smaller displacement engines?

Why tougher EU emissions rules put the combustion engine's future in doubt

So you think the combustion engine's future is in doubt? Why aren't you whining on a EU discussion site. That's where your fears seem to originate.

Because Euro automakers export to the US, and the US exports to Europe. Automakers will develope engines based on standards of all its markets.
What is really the point of fighting against the climate change narrative, though? Whether it's accurate or not, why would you not want a cleaner world for yourself or those you care for? I don't understand the mentality of why you'd be against making progress.

Because those faggots want to tell me what kind of engine I can have in my car.

Who does?

Gas guzzlers are fazing themselves out of the market by being expensive and, in many peoples' view, repugnant.

Dude, have you priced an electric car with the same equal performance as a good gasoline car? Have you considered the fossil fuels consumed to generate the electricity to recharge that car? Have you considered the danger and cost of replacing those batteries? The other alternative to "gas guzzlers" are one of those little tin can shit boxes they drive in Europe. It should be up to the user to have the choice to drive what he wants. So far, there is NO credible real proof in "climate change" in the form of it being all man's fault, and so is just one more attempt at taking freedom and liberty away from people and inserting government control over yet another area of our lives. I can't think of a better reason than that to keep fighting against the climate change narrative.

See, this doesn't even really make sense though, because those things are a work in progress, but are attempts to create cleaner, less wasteful forms of travel. By being a climate-change denier, you're basically just saying, "Nope, don't need to change nothin'." Which is just bullshit. You can question the impact of mankind on climate change, as I do, but to just flat-out deny that there's any impact, or that we can do better, makes no sense to me.

But what do I know; I'm just a young pup who will actually have to live with the world of the future, whereas I've a feeling many of the people who post here are getting on in years and don't really give a shit about the world anymore.
Scrolling the channels looking at the latest hurricane news and BSNBC can't stop taking about climate change.

We haven't had devastating hurricanes in years. Having said that hurricanes are ALWAYS a threat this time of year.

No situation in the news can ever be reported as just news. These nutbags always have to add their political bullshit to EVERYTHING.

Hurricane Andrew was 180 miles across. Hurricane Irma is 650 miles across. Yeah no change at all. The oceans are a heat sink and absorb some of the excess heat that is trapped in the atmosphere, hurricanes draw their size and energy directly from the ocean.

Cons have been so brainwashed they don't believe their own eyes. They will evacuate their house like Dimbaugh in Florida but they'll blame it on mosquitoes.
What is really the point of fighting against the climate change narrative, though? Whether it's accurate or not, why would you not want a cleaner world for yourself or those you care for? I don't understand the mentality of why you'd be against making progress.

Because those faggots want to tell me what kind of engine I can have in my car.

That's never happened before, unless you count the mid 70s, and all the other times the manufacturers changed or modified their designs.

It is happening right now.

Why do you think the BMW M4 is a turbo six instead of a naturally aspirated V8? Why do you think Porsche scuttled the boxer-six from the Cayman and now they have turbo four cylinders that no one wants to buy, and made all of their 911s turbo'd with smaller displacement engines?

Why tougher EU emissions rules put the combustion engine's future in doubt

So you think the combustion engine's future is in doubt? Why aren't you whining on a EU discussion site. That's where your fears seem to originate.

Because Euro automakers export to the US, and the US exports to Europe. Automakers will develope engines based on standards of all its markets.

So your complaint is with the EU and the auto manufacturers. How do you think you will change that here? Like I said. You should be whining on a EU discussion board.
Because those faggots want to tell me what kind of engine I can have in my car.

That's never happened before, unless you count the mid 70s, and all the other times the manufacturers changed or modified their designs.

It is happening right now.

Why do you think the BMW M4 is a turbo six instead of a naturally aspirated V8? Why do you think Porsche scuttled the boxer-six from the Cayman and now they have turbo four cylinders that no one wants to buy, and made all of their 911s turbo'd with smaller displacement engines?

Why tougher EU emissions rules put the combustion engine's future in doubt

So you think the combustion engine's future is in doubt? Why aren't you whining on a EU discussion site. That's where your fears seem to originate.

Because Euro automakers export to the US, and the US exports to Europe. Automakers will develope engines based on standards of all its markets.

So your complaint is with the EU and the auto manufacturers. How do you think you will change that here? Like I said. You should be whining on a EU discussion board.

The same globalist pigs that took over the EU are trying to do the same in the US.

This thread is about the climate changer narrative and the leftist fools that push it in order to further their Agenda. You're trying to change it to a US versus EU thing, when that has nothing to do with it. This is about the lengths leftists will go in order to push their Agenda, which is a global Agenda. I'll agree the left has been more successful in Europe, which is why more of their freedoms are gone and their corporations have bowed to the environmental freaks. The US is on the same path, unless we reject globalism. President Trump was a good start, but that is all he was, a beginning to push back against the Agenda.
That's never happened before, unless you count the mid 70s, and all the other times the manufacturers changed or modified their designs.

It is happening right now.

Why do you think the BMW M4 is a turbo six instead of a naturally aspirated V8? Why do you think Porsche scuttled the boxer-six from the Cayman and now they have turbo four cylinders that no one wants to buy, and made all of their 911s turbo'd with smaller displacement engines?

Why tougher EU emissions rules put the combustion engine's future in doubt

So you think the combustion engine's future is in doubt? Why aren't you whining on a EU discussion site. That's where your fears seem to originate.

Because Euro automakers export to the US, and the US exports to Europe. Automakers will develope engines based on standards of all its markets.

So your complaint is with the EU and the auto manufacturers. How do you think you will change that here? Like I said. You should be whining on a EU discussion board.

The same globalist pigs that took over the EU are trying to do the same in the US.

This thread is about the climate changer narrative and the leftist fools that push it in order to further their Agenda. You're trying to change it to a US versus EU thing, when that has nothing to do with it. This is about the lengths leftists will go in order to push their Agenda, which is a global Agenda. I'll agree the left has been more successful in Europe, which is why more of their freedoms are gone and their corporations have bowed to the environmental freaks. The US is on the same path, unless we reject globalism. President Trump was a good start, but that is all he was, a beginning to push back against the Agenda.

Oh My. So now you believe there is some magical omnipotent group that runs the EU, the US,and probably every other country in the world. You know that's nuts, right?
What is really the point of fighting against the climate change narrative, though? Whether it's accurate or not, why would you not want a cleaner world for yourself or those you care for? I don't understand the mentality of why you'd be against making progress.

Because those faggots want to tell me what kind of engine I can have in my car.

Who does?

Gas guzzlers are fazing themselves out of the market by being expensive and, in many peoples' view, repugnant.

Dude, have you priced an electric car with the same equal performance as a good gasoline car? Have you considered the fossil fuels consumed to generate the electricity to recharge that car? Have you considered the danger and cost of replacing those batteries? The other alternative to "gas guzzlers" are one of those little tin can shit boxes they drive in Europe. It should be up to the user to have the choice to drive what he wants. So far, there is NO credible real proof in "climate change" in the form of it being all man's fault, and so is just one more attempt at taking freedom and liberty away from people and inserting government control over yet another area of our lives. I can't think of a better reason than that to keep fighting against the climate change narrative.

See, this doesn't even really make sense though, because those things are a work in progress, but are attempts to create cleaner, less wasteful forms of travel. By being a climate-change denier, you're basically just saying, "Nope, don't need to change nothin'." Which is just bullshit. You can question the impact of mankind on climate change, as I do, but to just flat-out deny that there's any impact, or that we can do better, makes no sense to me.

But what do I know; I'm just a young pup who will actually have to live with the world of the future, whereas I've a feeling many of the people who post here are getting on in years and don't really give a shit about the world anymore.

See, this doesn't even really make sense though.

Everything I say makes sense. Not to understand a person does not make HIM confused!

By being a climate-change denier,

I DENY nothing. I merely state a lack of compelling evidence when there IS a lack of compelling evidence!

But what do I know; I'm just a young pup.

Exactly right. What do you know. You are just a young pup, too young to yet have a clear handle on the complexities of the world. I'm an old scientist with a lifetime of experience in many related fields.
It is happening right now.

Why do you think the BMW M4 is a turbo six instead of a naturally aspirated V8? Why do you think Porsche scuttled the boxer-six from the Cayman and now they have turbo four cylinders that no one wants to buy, and made all of their 911s turbo'd with smaller displacement engines?

Why tougher EU emissions rules put the combustion engine's future in doubt

So you think the combustion engine's future is in doubt? Why aren't you whining on a EU discussion site. That's where your fears seem to originate.

Because Euro automakers export to the US, and the US exports to Europe. Automakers will develope engines based on standards of all its markets.

So your complaint is with the EU and the auto manufacturers. How do you think you will change that here? Like I said. You should be whining on a EU discussion board.

The same globalist pigs that took over the EU are trying to do the same in the US.

This thread is about the climate changer narrative and the leftist fools that push it in order to further their Agenda. You're trying to change it to a US versus EU thing, when that has nothing to do with it. This is about the lengths leftists will go in order to push their Agenda, which is a global Agenda. I'll agree the left has been more successful in Europe, which is why more of their freedoms are gone and their corporations have bowed to the environmental freaks. The US is on the same path, unless we reject globalism. President Trump was a good start, but that is all he was, a beginning to push back against the Agenda.

Oh My. So now you believe there is some magical omnipotent group that runs the EU, the US,and probably every other country in the world. You know that's nuts, right?

They aren't magical. They are progressive environmentalists wackos. Plenty of them everywhere.
So you think the combustion engine's future is in doubt? Why aren't you whining on a EU discussion site. That's where your fears seem to originate.

Because Euro automakers export to the US, and the US exports to Europe. Automakers will develope engines based on standards of all its markets.

So your complaint is with the EU and the auto manufacturers. How do you think you will change that here? Like I said. You should be whining on a EU discussion board.

The same globalist pigs that took over the EU are trying to do the same in the US.

This thread is about the climate changer narrative and the leftist fools that push it in order to further their Agenda. You're trying to change it to a US versus EU thing, when that has nothing to do with it. This is about the lengths leftists will go in order to push their Agenda, which is a global Agenda. I'll agree the left has been more successful in Europe, which is why more of their freedoms are gone and their corporations have bowed to the environmental freaks. The US is on the same path, unless we reject globalism. President Trump was a good start, but that is all he was, a beginning to push back against the Agenda.

Oh My. So now you believe there is some magical omnipotent group that runs the EU, the US,and probably every other country in the world. You know that's nuts, right?

They aren't magical. They are progressive environmentalists wackos. Plenty of them everywhere.

And you think they control the EU, and are soon going to control the US?
Being conservative is supposed to be about limiting the power and spending of the government, especially the federal government
That might be an American definition. It's not the one used by the rest of the world.
Being conservative is supposed to be about limiting the power and spending of the government, especially the federal government
That might be an American definition. It's not the one used by the rest of the world.

Conservative at the time of our founding were the tories that wanted the king.

Conservatives today in this country are all about impowering the barons and corporations to fuck over the little guy.
What is really the point of fighting against the climate change narrative, though? Whether it's accurate or not, why would you not want a cleaner world for yourself or those you care for? I don't understand the mentality of why you'd be against making progress.
CO2 is not a pollutant. It doesn't make anything less clean.

It just makes the planet hotter so we have more fires to make things dirty. ;)
What is really the point of fighting against the climate change narrative, though? Whether it's accurate or not, why would you not want a cleaner world for yourself or those you care for? I don't understand the mentality of why you'd be against making progress.

Progress at what ?

Please define the objective.

And then define the means.

I do what I can for the environment, but I don't want anything enforced. And the fear is always that once you start allowing people to legislate their agenda's..they won't stop.

Pretty soon, it affects housing and transportation. Those savvy enough to take advantage of these changes get rich. And what is worse, those who control the government (like G.E.) will actually help get stupid archaic laws passed that benefit them.

That is what happens.

That is NOT progress.

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