Leftists have no limits.

What is really the point of fighting against the climate change narrative, though? Whether it's accurate or not, why would you not want a cleaner world for yourself or those you care for? I don't understand the mentality of why you'd be against making progress.
CO2 is not a pollutant. It doesn't make anything less clean.

It just makes the planet hotter so we have more fires to make things dirty. ;)

It also causes volcanos to errupt which really makes things dirty.
Scrolling the channels looking at the latest hurricane news and BSNBC can't stop taking about climate change.

We haven't had devastating hurricanes in years. Having said that hurricanes are ALWAYS a threat this time of year.

No situation in the news can ever be reported as just news. These nutbags always have to add their political bullshit to EVERYTHING.
Climate change affects the severity of a hurricane
Cat 4s turn into Cat 5s

This is the future we have chosen
What is really the point of fighting against the climate change narrative, though? Whether it's accurate or not, why would you not want a cleaner world for yourself or those you care for? I don't understand the mentality of why you'd be against making progress.

Because it's not about the environment it is about state power and control you diluted moron.
Scrolling the channels looking at the latest hurricane news and BSNBC can't stop taking about climate change.

We haven't had devastating hurricanes in years. Having said that hurricanes are ALWAYS a threat this time of year.

No situation in the news can ever be reported as just news. These nutbags always have to add their political bullshit to EVERYTHING.
Climate change affects the severity of a hurricane
Cat 4s turn into Cat 5s

This is the future we have chosen

Prove it faggot.
What is really the point of fighting against the climate change narrative, though? Whether it's accurate or not, why would you not want a cleaner world for yourself or those you care for? I don't understand the mentality of why you'd be against making progress.

Because those faggots want to tell me what kind of engine I can have in my car.

And they want a carbon tax.
Scrolling the channels looking at the latest hurricane news and BSNBC can't stop taking about climate change.

We haven't had devastating hurricanes in years. Having said that hurricanes are ALWAYS a threat this time of year.

No situation in the news can ever be reported as just news. These nutbags always have to add their political bullshit to EVERYTHING.
Climate change affects the severity of a hurricane
Cat 4s turn into Cat 5s

This is the future we have chosen

Prove it faggot.

Scrolling the channels looking at the latest hurricane news and BSNBC can't stop taking about climate change.

We haven't had devastating hurricanes in years. Having said that hurricanes are ALWAYS a threat this time of year.

No situation in the news can ever be reported as just news. These nutbags always have to add their political bullshit to EVERYTHING.
Climate change affects the severity of a hurricane
Cat 4s turn into Cat 5s

This is the future we have chosen

Prove it faggot.


Touche faggot.

Scrolling the channels looking at the latest hurricane news and BSNBC can't stop taking about climate change.

We haven't had devastating hurricanes in years. Having said that hurricanes are ALWAYS a threat this time of year.

No situation in the news can ever be reported as just news. These nutbags always have to add their political bullshit to EVERYTHING.
Climate change affects the severity of a hurricane
Cat 4s turn into Cat 5s

This is the future we have chosen
Ocean Temps affect hurricanes. Oceans are hot in the summer.

Class dismissed
Scrolling the channels looking at the latest hurricane news and BSNBC can't stop taking about climate change.

We haven't had devastating hurricanes in years. Having said that hurricanes are ALWAYS a threat this time of year.

No situation in the news can ever be reported as just news. These nutbags always have to add their political bullshit to EVERYTHING.
Climate change affects the severity of a hurricane
Cat 4s turn into Cat 5s

This is the future we have chosen
Ocean Temps affect hurricanes. Oceans are hot in the summer.

Class dismissed
That's the general idea

An ocean that is one or two degrees warmer will generate more intense hurricanes
Yep, we have hurricanes almost every year. Help refresh my memory, were they always as strong and destructive as in the last few years?


2017, CAT 5 hurricane Irma.

CAT 5 hurricane Patsy (P!), 1959.

CAT 5 hurricane Ava, 1973.

CAT 5 hurricanes Emilia, Gilma AND John, all 1994, plus 31 more too numerous to list.

List of Category 5 Atlantic hurricanes - Wikipedia

Naturally, the ones more recent seem more destructive because they are fresher in our memories and the populations are higher.
What is really the point of fighting against the climate change narrative, though? Whether it's accurate or not, why would you not want a cleaner world for yourself or those you care for? I don't understand the mentality of why you'd be against making progress.

Because it's encouched in mass control by the "elite" of food and water supplies, personal wealth, and population, too.

Sorry, Not gunn' do it.
What is really the point of fighting against the climate change narrative, though? Whether it's accurate or not, why would you not want a cleaner world for yourself or those you care for? I don't understand the mentality of why you'd be against making progress.
CO2 is not a pollutant. It doesn't make anything less clean.
Actually, I should not discount the bad breath of lefties. Especially on this forum.
Scrolling the channels looking at the latest hurricane news and BSNBC can't stop taking about climate change.

We haven't had devastating hurricanes in years. Having said that hurricanes are ALWAYS a threat this time of year.

No situation in the news can ever be reported as just news. These nutbags always have to add their political bullshit to EVERYTHING.
Climate change affects the severity of a hurricane
Cat 4s turn into Cat 5s

This is the future we have chosen
Ocean Temps affect hurricanes. Oceans are hot in the summer.

Class dismissed
That's the general idea

An ocean that is one or two degrees warmer will generate more intense hurricanes
They said on the news the ocean around Florida was 90 degrees. Can you imagine?

San Francisco hits 106 degrees — shatters all-time record

Can you imagine? One side, the ocean, the other side the bay? How is 106 degrees possible?
What is really the point of fighting against the climate change narrative, though? Whether it's accurate or not, why would you not want a cleaner world for yourself or those you care for? I don't understand the mentality of why you'd be against making progress.
Why wouldn't you want the govt. to tell you what kind of food to eat, what kind of car to drive, what kind of house to live in, how to get to work, look through your garbage and give you tickets for how you manage your waste and its amount, etc. Sounds like a leftie eutopia produced by the "climate change" narrarative.
Scrolling the channels looking at the latest hurricane news and BSNBC can't stop taking about climate change.

We haven't had devastating hurricanes in years. Having said that hurricanes are ALWAYS a threat this time of year.

No situation in the news can ever be reported as just news. These nutbags always have to add their political bullshit to EVERYTHING.
Climate change affects the severity of a hurricane
Cat 4s turn into Cat 5s

This is the future we have chosen
Ocean Temps affect hurricanes. Oceans are hot in the summer.

Class dismissed
That's the general idea

An ocean that is one or two degrees warmer will generate more intense hurricanes
They said on the news the ocean around Florida was 90 degrees. Can you imagine?

San Francisco hits 106 degrees — shatters all-time record

Can you imagine? One side, the ocean, the other side the bay? How is 106 degrees possible?
Used to live in SF

It was chilly in the summer
What is really the point of fighting against the climate change narrative, though? Whether it's accurate or not, why would you not want a cleaner world for yourself or those you care for? I don't understand the mentality of why you'd be against making progress.
Why wouldn't you want the govt. to tell you what kind of food to eat, what kind of car to drive, what kind of house to live in, how to get to work, look through your garbage and give you tickets for how you manage your waste and its amount, etc. Sounds like a leftie eutopia produced by the "climate change" narrarative.

More conservative hyperbole

If you let the gubmint restrict global warming they will take over your life
Because Euro automakers export to the US, and the US exports to Europe. Automakers will develope engines based on standards of all its markets.

So your complaint is with the EU and the auto manufacturers. How do you think you will change that here? Like I said. You should be whining on a EU discussion board.

The same globalist pigs that took over the EU are trying to do the same in the US.

This thread is about the climate changer narrative and the leftist fools that push it in order to further their Agenda. You're trying to change it to a US versus EU thing, when that has nothing to do with it. This is about the lengths leftists will go in order to push their Agenda, which is a global Agenda. I'll agree the left has been more successful in Europe, which is why more of their freedoms are gone and their corporations have bowed to the environmental freaks. The US is on the same path, unless we reject globalism. President Trump was a good start, but that is all he was, a beginning to push back against the Agenda.

Oh My. So now you believe there is some magical omnipotent group that runs the EU, the US,and probably every other country in the world. You know that's nuts, right?

They aren't magical. They are progressive environmentalists wackos. Plenty of them everywhere.

And you think they control the EU, and are soon going to control the US?

Globalists rule the EU, and much of the US (Dems, GOP asshats like McStain). They both use environmentalism to further their Agenda.
What is really the point of fighting against the climate change narrative, though? Whether it's accurate or not, why would you not want a cleaner world for yourself or those you care for? I don't understand the mentality of why you'd be against making progress.
Why wouldn't you want the govt. to tell you what kind of food to eat, what kind of car to drive, what kind of house to live in, how to get to work, look through your garbage and give you tickets for how you manage your waste and its amount, etc. Sounds like a leftie eutopia produced by the "climate change" narrarative.

More conservative hyperbole

If you let the gubmint restrict global warming they will take over your life
Just don't like fascist commies telling me how to live my life.

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