Leftists have no limits.

Scrolling the channels looking at the latest hurricane news and BSNBC can't stop taking about climate change.

We haven't had devastating hurricanes in years. Having said that hurricanes are ALWAYS a threat this time of year.

No situation in the news can ever be reported as just news. These nutbags always have to add their political bullshit to EVERYTHING.
Turn 'em off...and I mean all the way off. No news, no sports, no entertainment shows. As far as I'm concerned, it's as if they never existed. Cut them out...no cable, no dish.

I have Netflix and now KlowdTv for streaming news...One America News (OANN). $16 a month total for both.

Klowdtv.com ... some news channels, some sports, some outdoor, some music...no leftwing bias or propaganda.
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What is really the point of fighting against the climate change narrative, though? Whether it's accurate or not, why would you not want a cleaner world for yourself or those you care for? I don't understand the mentality of why you'd be against making progress.
Why wouldn't you want the govt. to tell you what kind of food to eat, what kind of car to drive, what kind of house to live in, how to get to work, look through your garbage and give you tickets for how you manage your waste and its amount, etc. Sounds like a leftie eutopia produced by the "climate change" narrarative.

Well, lets see.
1.) The FDA already regulates food production to ensure safe food on our shelves.
2.) The NHTSA regulates standards in the auto industry to make sure cars are as safe as reasonably possible.
3.) City and state codes for home building are enforced, seems we are already told what kind of house to live in.
4.) Traffic laws lay out specific routs that are available to motorists on their way to work. You can't go the wrong way on a one way street. You can't cut across someone's property instead of going around the block. How we get to work is already pretty well defined
5.) Certain things can't be put into your trash can to b picked up and hauled away. Toxic or explosive substances come to mind, and if found doing that, you can be fined.

Seems that all the things you fear happening have been happening for a long time, without any serious problems with maintaining our liberty. I'm glad for the protections afforded us, and think there should be more. Perhaps you should look at the reality of the world instead of concentrating on your paranoid fears.
So your complaint is with the EU and the auto manufacturers. How do you think you will change that here? Like I said. You should be whining on a EU discussion board.

The same globalist pigs that took over the EU are trying to do the same in the US.

This thread is about the climate changer narrative and the leftist fools that push it in order to further their Agenda. You're trying to change it to a US versus EU thing, when that has nothing to do with it. This is about the lengths leftists will go in order to push their Agenda, which is a global Agenda. I'll agree the left has been more successful in Europe, which is why more of their freedoms are gone and their corporations have bowed to the environmental freaks. The US is on the same path, unless we reject globalism. President Trump was a good start, but that is all he was, a beginning to push back against the Agenda.

Oh My. So now you believe there is some magical omnipotent group that runs the EU, the US,and probably every other country in the world. You know that's nuts, right?

They aren't magical. They are progressive environmentalists wackos. Plenty of them everywhere.

And you think they control the EU, and are soon going to control the US?

Globalists rule the EU, and much of the US (Dems, GOP asshats like McStain). They both use environmentalism to further their Agenda.

Thanks for the info. I'll file it with all these Bigfoot sighting reports.
What is really the point of fighting against the climate change narrative, though? Whether it's accurate or not, why would you not want a cleaner world for yourself or those you care for? I don't understand the mentality of why you'd be against making progress.
Why wouldn't you want the govt. to tell you what kind of food to eat, what kind of car to drive, what kind of house to live in, how to get to work, look through your garbage and give you tickets for how you manage your waste and its amount, etc. Sounds like a leftie eutopia produced by the "climate change" narrarative.

More conservative hyperbole

If you let the gubmint restrict global warming they will take over your life
Just don't like fascist commies telling me how to live my life.

What is really the point of fighting against the climate change narrative, though? Whether it's accurate or not, why would you not want a cleaner world for yourself or those you care for? I don't understand the mentality of why you'd be against making progress.
Why wouldn't you want the govt. to tell you what kind of food to eat, what kind of car to drive, what kind of house to live in, how to get to work, look through your garbage and give you tickets for how you manage your waste and its amount, etc. Sounds like a leftie eutopia produced by the "climate change" narrarative.
Is that what you are afraid of?
You won't let anyone tell you, you can't eat swill?
You want a car you drive your family around in made without standards?
You think you can live in a cardboard box?
You want to live in garbage?
You sound like you're crazy or a rat.
Scrolling the channels looking at the latest hurricane news and BSNBC can't stop taking about climate change.

We haven't had devastating hurricanes in years. Having said that hurricanes are ALWAYS a threat this time of year.

No situation in the news can ever be reported as just news. These nutbags always have to add their political bullshit to EVERYTHING.

Idiot. Refer to the scientific community. Not a debate. Stop resisting facts and evidence. Please.
What is really the point of fighting against the climate change narrative, though? Whether it's accurate or not, why would you not want a cleaner world for yourself or those you care for? I don't understand the mentality of why you'd be against making progress.
Why wouldn't you want the govt. to tell you what kind of food to eat, what kind of car to drive, what kind of house to live in, how to get to work, look through your garbage and give you tickets for how you manage your waste and its amount, etc. Sounds like a leftie eutopia produced by the "climate change" narrarative.

Well, lets see.
1.) The FDA already regulates food production to ensure safe food on our shelves.
2.) The NHTSA regulates standards in the auto industry to make sure cars are as safe as reasonably possible.
3.) City and state codes for home building are enforced, seems we are already told what kind of house to live in.
4.) Traffic laws lay out specific routs that are available to motorists on their way to work. You can't go the wrong way on a one way street. You can't cut across someone's property instead of going around the block. How we get to work is already pretty well defined
5.) Certain things can't be put into your trash can to b picked up and hauled away. Toxic or explosive substances come to mind, and if found doing that, you can be fined.

Seems that all the things you fear happening have been happening for a long time, without any serious problems with maintaining our liberty. I'm glad for the protections afforded us, and think there should be more. Perhaps you should look at the reality of the world instead of concentrating on your paranoid fears.
No actually, they haven't been happening! But that's will happen if Leftists get what the want. Remember they go the finger first, then the hand, and then the arm, it's a slow progression. It started with removing all Robert E Lee statues, now they are going after all Columbus statues, Washington statues, heck and even Lincoln ststues. It's never enough for these lunatics. The Antifa "jewels of the left" movement, say they're "anti fascist" while practicing fascism and admitting that they're all commies, Marxists, and anarchists. Hash heh heh.

So you're okay with leftist commies telling you how many kids you can have, what kind of car you can drive, how long you are allowed to drive, giving you tickets for having too much of the wrong kind of trash or too much of it, giving you tickets for having real grass as opposed to fake, giving you tickets for having too many light bulbs or the wrong kind, etc.

This is your leftist eutopia, basically a throwback to old USSR days and much worse. Where did that commie Bernie Sanders spend his honeymoon again?
What is really the point of fighting against the climate change narrative, though? Whether it's accurate or not, why would you not want a cleaner world for yourself or those you care for? I don't understand the mentality of why you'd be against making progress.
Why wouldn't you want the govt. to tell you what kind of food to eat, what kind of car to drive, what kind of house to live in, how to get to work, look through your garbage and give you tickets for how you manage your waste and its amount, etc. Sounds like a leftie eutopia produced by the "climate change" narrarative.
Is that what you are afraid of?
You won't let anyone tell you, you can't eat swill?
You want a car you drive your family around in made without standards?
You think you can live in a cardboard box?
You want to live in garbage?
You sound like you're crazy or a rat.
I can handle my life fine, and live with response and respect towards society, the environment, and myself. As with most Amsericans. And most Americans don't want jackbooted leftist thugs sticking their nose in their lives life. Is that too much too ask? Do you know what "land of the FREE" means?
What is really the point of fighting against the climate change narrative, though? Whether it's accurate or not, why would you not want a cleaner world for yourself or those you care for? I don't understand the mentality of why you'd be against making progress.
Why wouldn't you want the govt. to tell you what kind of food to eat, what kind of car to drive, what kind of house to live in, how to get to work, look through your garbage and give you tickets for how you manage your waste and its amount, etc. Sounds like a leftie eutopia produced by the "climate change" narrarative.

Well, lets see.
1.) The FDA already regulates food production to ensure safe food on our shelves.
2.) The NHTSA regulates standards in the auto industry to make sure cars are as safe as reasonably possible.
3.) City and state codes for home building are enforced, seems we are already told what kind of house to live in.
4.) Traffic laws lay out specific routs that are available to motorists on their way to work. You can't go the wrong way on a one way street. You can't cut across someone's property instead of going around the block. How we get to work is already pretty well defined
5.) Certain things can't be put into your trash can to b picked up and hauled away. Toxic or explosive substances come to mind, and if found doing that, you can be fined.

Seems that all the things you fear happening have been happening for a long time, without any serious problems with maintaining our liberty. I'm glad for the protections afforded us, and think there should be more. Perhaps you should look at the reality of the world instead of concentrating on your paranoid fears.
No actually, they haven't been happening! But that's will happen if Leftists get what the want. Remember they go the finger first, then the hand, and then the arm, it's a slow progression. It started with removing all Robert E Lee statues, now they are going after all Columbus statues, Washington statues, heck and even Lincoln ststues. It's never enough for these lunatics. The Antifa "jewels of the left" movement, say they're "anti fascist" while practicing fascism and admitting that they're all commies, Marxists, and anarchists. Hash heh heh.

So you're okay with leftist commies telling you how many kids you can have, what kind of car you can drive, how long you are allowed to drive, giving you tickets for having too much of the wrong kind of trash or too much of it, giving you tickets for having real grass as opposed to fake, giving you tickets for having too many light bulbs or the wrong kind, etc.

This is your leftist eutopia, basically a throwback to old USSR days and much worse. Where did that commie Bernie Sanders spend his honeymoon again?

Which of my list do you think isn't happening?
For thousands of years hurricanes having been occurring in that region, some very strong, and some mild. Suddenly, all hurricanes are now caused by humans (especially those who are either conservative or republicans) and their contribution to "global warming".

Ya gotta love the logic of these a leftie nutjobs.

Liberalism is truly a mental disorder.
For thousands of years hurricanes having been occurring in that region, some very strong, and some mild. Suddenly, all hurricanes are now caused by humans (especially those who are either conservative or republicans) and their contribution to "global warming".

Ya gotta love the logic of these a leftie nutjobs.

Liberalism is truly a mental disorder.

It isn't a mental disorder as global warming is true, BUT they're wrong on the issues of hurricanes as they simply don't have the record to be sure one way or the other. Lets be honest,,it could be true? Would you admit it.
For thousands of years hurricanes having been occurring in that region, some very strong, and some mild. Suddenly, all hurricanes are now caused by humans (especially those who are either conservative or republicans) and their contribution to "global warming".

Ya gotta love the logic of these a leftie nutjobs.

Liberalism is truly a mental disorder.

It isn't a mental disorder as global warming is true, BUT they're wrong on the issues of hurricanes as they simply don't have the record to be sure one way or the other. Lets be honest,,it could be true? Would you admit it.

I agree, let's be honest. But the data was there, however Left had chosen to ignore it, because it negated their claims, until we had a strong hurricane.

Florida sets record: 10 years without a hurricane
What is really the point of fighting against the climate change narrative, though? Whether it's accurate or not, why would you not want a cleaner world for yourself or those you care for? I don't understand the mentality of why you'd be against making progress.

Because those faggots want to tell me what kind of engine I can have in my car.

Who does?

Gas guzzlers are fazing themselves out of the market by being expensive and, in many peoples' view, repugnant.
Ya, and Prius cars don't cost twice as much more to manufacture. Don't need coal/nuclear/hydro electric power to run them.
You're a fucking idiot!
Permanent Ignore asshole!
I believe everyone contributes to climate change.
As soon as I see Al Fucking Gore downsize his mansion from 43K square feet and the other mansions he owes and virtually never spends a day at but insists on having daily bouquets of fresh cuts flowers FLOWN IN for all the coffee tables and as soon as he stops flying around the world in private jets that's the day I'll give a shit.
Typical fucking LIB hypocrite!
My 180 is more economical to travel in than your average car.
What is really the point of fighting against the climate change narrative, though? Whether it's accurate or not, why would you not want a cleaner world for yourself or those you care for? I don't understand the mentality of why you'd be against making progress.

Because those faggots want to tell me what kind of engine I can have in my car.

Who does?

Gas guzzlers are fazing themselves out of the market by being expensive and, in many peoples' view, repugnant.
Ya, and Prius cars don't cost twice as much more to manufacture. Don't need coal/nuclear/hydro electric power to run them.
You're a fucking idiot!
Permanent Ignore asshole!
Plus...The highly toxic battery of hybrids is far more dangerous to the environment than a fuel efficient, gas powered vehicle.
What is really the point of fighting against the climate change narrative, though? Whether it's accurate or not, why would you not want a cleaner world for yourself or those you care for? I don't understand the mentality of why you'd be against making progress.

Because those faggots want to tell me what kind of engine I can have in my car.

Who does?

Gas guzzlers are fazing themselves out of the market by being expensive and, in many peoples' view, repugnant.
Ya, and Prius cars don't cost twice as much more to manufacture. Don't need coal/nuclear/hydro electric power to run them.
You're a fucking idiot!
Permanent Ignore asshole!
Plus...The highly toxic battery of hybrids is far more dangerous to the environment than a fuel efficient, gas powered vehicle.
When those batteries wear out they are treated the same way nuclear waste is. Put in concrete barrels surrounded by lead walls and put in mines 1000 feet deep to be stored for eternity.
Lower the speed limit to forty MPH nationally.
Second speeding ticket: Ten K fine and lifetime loss of DL.
Scrolling the channels looking at the latest hurricane news and BSNBC can't stop taking about climate change.

We haven't had devastating hurricanes in years. Having said that hurricanes are ALWAYS a threat this time of year.

No situation in the news can ever be reported as just news. These nutbags always have to add their political bullshit to EVERYTHING.
Climate change affects the severity of a hurricane
Cat 4s turn into Cat 5s

This is the future we have chosen


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