Leftists Now Clamoring To Get Guns And Finding Out It's Not That Easy

I'm not saying that home invasions NEVER happen. I'm saying they are very rare. Have YOU had your home invaded? I guess not, since you gave someone else as an example.
If you own a home I bet you have it insured even though tornadoes and house fires are rare also

BOOM goes the dynamite!
Still waiting for someone to claim that they had their home invaded...

Still waiting for you to tell us why you have homeowners insurance.
Because you can prepare for some of the problems that life throws at you, but you can't prepare for ALL of them. The coronavirus, for example. I didn't have insurance for that.

So it's totally fine to have homeowners insurance because your house MIGHT burn down, but the same logic does not apply to being armed in case of a home invasion?
No leftist should be allowed to possess a gun. Period!
Make that, no Democrat voter.

Well, this "leftist" (that's what I'm called by most Democrats and almost all Trump supporters anyway) doesn't have to rush out to buy a gun...

I've owned a rifle most of my life and have a carry license for my pistol. I don't appreciate idiotic comments like the one above. My father was a proud Rooseveltian Democrat who fought in WWII. He taught me that rightwingers who talk about -- or even just joke about -- disarming people they disagree with are usually either Klansmen, professional union busters, John Birchers, or just fools already taking the first steps on the long road to fascism.

Everyone has a legal right to bear arms under the Constitution, but reasonable regulation and registration and even restrictions, are entirely appropriate.

We have a veritable mountain of regulation and restrictions. Enough is enough. And you will NEVER get me to register my guns.

I never asked you to. Once again, you gunnutters are trying to spread the hate to keep the fires burning. But it does bring into question your sanity in owning those weapons though so be careful.

Was I talking to you, tard?

Feel better now? Well dipstick, you stated your views in an open venue where anyone has the right to comment. If you don't want anyone else to comment take it to the private message. Until then, you can just F### off and die.
No leftist should be allowed to possess a gun. Period!
Make that, no Democrat voter.

Well, this "leftist" (that's what I'm called by most Democrats and almost all Trump supporters anyway) doesn't have to rush out to buy a gun...

I've owned a rifle most of my life and have a carry license for my pistol. I don't appreciate idiotic comments like the one above. My father was a proud Rooseveltian Democrat who fought in WWII. He taught me that rightwingers who talk about -- or even just joke about -- disarming people they disagree with are usually either Klansmen, professional union busters, John Birchers, or just fools already taking the first steps on the long road to fascism.

Everyone has a legal right to bear arms under the Constitution, but reasonable regulation and registration and even restrictions, are entirely appropriate.

We have a veritable mountain of regulation and restrictions. Enough is enough. And you will NEVER get me to register my guns.
No one is requiring you to do so.

Slippery slope fallacies, fearmongering, demagoguery – the last refuge of one whose ‘argument’ has failed.

Mr. Pseudo intellectual, take your fallacies horsecrap and shove it. The facts are that every gun law erodes the 2nd amendment. Multiple Democrat presidential candidates wish to steal my property. My guns, and the 330 million other guns, in the hands of the law abiding, are not the problem.

BAD people are. Regulate them.
That's great. But you benefit from the millions of gun owners out there. Burglars avoid homes with people in them because they just might get shot.
And your evidence for this novel claim is... ?


Lawyers Guns and Burglars

C. In Homes and on the Street
Rengert and Wasilchick's book about how burglars work reveals that fear of armed homeowners played a major role in determining burglary targets. Burglars reported that they avoided late-night burglaries because, "That's the way to get shot." [FN63] Some burglars said that they shun burglaries in [FN64]

The research by Rengert and Wasilchick...it is behind a paywall if you want to go through it...

From research to policy: Preventing residential burglary through a systems approach
The United Kingdom has gun ownership of 4.9 per 100 people, while the United States has a ratio of 120.5 per 100 people (more than one per person!). And yet, in the United Kingdom around 2 in 100 households per year were victims of domestic burglary, but there were over 4,500 home burglaries per day in the United States. The likelihood of someone breaking into YOUR house, though, is about 2 percent per year.
Gun ownership - Wikipedia
Home Invasion Crime Statistics That Will Keep You Up at Night
Did you notice that the burglary rate in the United Kingdom and the United States were virtually the same? And yet, the U.S. has a gun ownership rate that's more than 20 times that of the U.K. So what does that tell you about gun ownership discouraging burglars?
There is no evidence that guns act as a ‘deterrent’ to crime.

Citizens have the right to possess firearms pursuant to lawful self-defense – not to act in the capacity of law enforcement, not to ‘combat’ crime, and not to prevent ‘tyranny.’

That's a contemptible lie.
That's great. But you benefit from the millions of gun owners out there. Burglars avoid homes with people in them because they just might get shot.
And your evidence for this novel claim is... ?


Lawyers Guns and Burglars

C. In Homes and on the Street
Rengert and Wasilchick's book about how burglars work reveals that fear of armed homeowners played a major role in determining burglary targets. Burglars reported that they avoided late-night burglaries because, "That's the way to get shot." [FN63] Some burglars said that they shun burglaries in [FN64]

The research by Rengert and Wasilchick...it is behind a paywall if you want to go through it...

From research to policy: Preventing residential burglary through a systems approach
The United Kingdom has gun ownership of 4.9 per 100 people, while the United States has a ratio of 120.5 per 100 people (more than one per person!). And yet, in the United Kingdom around 2 in 100 households per year were victims of domestic burglary, but there were over 4,500 home burglaries per day in the United States. The likelihood of someone breaking into YOUR house, though, is about 2 percent per year.
Gun ownership - Wikipedia
Home Invasion Crime Statistics That Will Keep You Up at Night
Did you notice that the burglary rate in the United Kingdom and the United States were virtually the same? And yet, the U.S. has a gun ownership rate that's more than 20 times that of the U.K. So what does that tell you about gun ownership discouraging burglars?
There is no evidence that guns act as a ‘deterrent’ to crime.

Citizens have the right to possess firearms pursuant to lawful self-defense – not to act in the capacity of law enforcement, not to ‘combat’ crime, and not to prevent ‘tyranny.’

"There is no evidence that guns act as a ‘deterrent’ to crime."

So... every single person who has warded off a robbery, assault, rape, or home invasion with a firearm doesn't count?

"not to act in the capacity of law enforcement"

Wrong. If some asshat breaks into my home, I have every right to hold him there at gunpoint until the police arrive and take him into custody. And that's just one of the plethora of situations I can think of. The fuck you think a citizens arrest is?

"not to ‘combat’ crime"

Wrong. If I walk into a store and the clerk is being held up, and I shoot the perp - I'm combating crime and perfectly justified in doing so.

"and not to prevent ‘tyranny.’

Wrong. (is there an echo in here?)

DC vs Heller:

(b) The prefatory clause comports with the Court’s interpretation of the operative clause. The “militia” comprised all males physically capable of acting in concert for the common defense. The Antifederalists feared that the Federal Government would disarm the people in order to disable this citizens’ militia, enabling a politicized standing army or a select militia to rule. The response was to deny Congress power to abridge the ancient right of individuals to keep and bear arms, so that the ideal of a citizens’ militia would be preserved. Pp. 22–28

You're 0/4, bucko.
No leftist should be allowed to possess a gun. Period!
Make that, no Democrat voter.

Well, this "leftist" (that's what I'm called by most Democrats and almost all Trump supporters anyway) doesn't have to rush out to buy a gun...

I've owned a rifle most of my life and have a carry license for my pistol. I don't appreciate idiotic comments like the one above. My father was a proud Rooseveltian Democrat who fought in WWII. He taught me that rightwingers who talk about -- or even just joke about -- disarming people they disagree with are usually either Klansmen, professional union busters, John Birchers, or just fools already taking the first steps on the long road to fascism.

Everyone has a legal right to bear arms under the Constitution, but reasonable regulation and registration and even restrictions, are entirely appropriate.

We have a veritable mountain of regulation and restrictions. Enough is enough. And you will NEVER get me to register my guns.

I never asked you to. Once again, you gunnutters are trying to spread the hate to keep the fires burning. But it does bring into question your sanity in owning those weapons though so be careful.

Was I talking to you, tard?

Feel better now? Well dipstick, you stated your views in an open venue where anyone has the right to comment. If you don't want anyone else to comment take it to the private message. Until then, you can just F### off and die.

You inferred I was speaking to you. I wasn't.

"Until then, you can just F### off and die."

LOL what are you, 12? Get bent.
If you own a home I bet you have it insured even though tornadoes and house fires are rare also

BOOM goes the dynamite!
Still waiting for someone to claim that they had their home invaded...

Still waiting for you to tell us why you have homeowners insurance.
Because you can prepare for some of the problems that life throws at you, but you can't prepare for ALL of them. The coronavirus, for example. I didn't have insurance for that.

So it's totally fine to have homeowners insurance because your house MIGHT burn down, but the same logic does not apply to being armed in case of a home invasion?
An insurance policy won't accidentally kill me. A gun might, and they do. Gun violence in the United States - Wikipedia
No leftist should be allowed to possess a gun. Period!
Make that, no Democrat voter.

Well, this "leftist" (that's what I'm called by most Democrats and almost all Trump supporters anyway) doesn't have to rush out to buy a gun...

I've owned a rifle most of my life and have a carry license for my pistol. I don't appreciate idiotic comments like the one above. My father was a proud Rooseveltian Democrat who fought in WWII. He taught me that rightwingers who talk about -- or even just joke about -- disarming people they disagree with are usually either Klansmen, professional union busters, John Birchers, or just fools already taking the first steps on the long road to fascism.

Everyone has a legal right to bear arms under the Constitution, but reasonable regulation and registration and even restrictions, are entirely appropriate.

We have a veritable mountain of regulation and restrictions. Enough is enough. And you will NEVER get me to register my guns.
No one is requiring you to do so.

Slippery slope fallacies, fearmongering, demagoguery – the last refuge of one whose ‘argument’ has failed.

Mr. Pseudo intellectual, take your fallacies horsecrap and shove it. The facts are that every gun law erodes the 2nd amendment. Multiple Democrat presidential candidates wish to steal my property. My guns, and the 330 million other guns, in the hands of the law abiding, are not the problem.

BAD people are. Regulate them.
Here's what the 2nd Amendment says:
"A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."
It says, "to keep and bear arms." It doesn't say that you can have ANY kind of arms; it says that you can keep and bear arms. You can have a rifle, or maybe even a handgun. It doesn't give you the right to own a machine gun or a bazooka.
And your evidence for this novel claim is... ?


Lawyers Guns and Burglars

C. In Homes and on the Street
Rengert and Wasilchick's book about how burglars work reveals that fear of armed homeowners played a major role in determining burglary targets. Burglars reported that they avoided late-night burglaries because, "That's the way to get shot." [FN63] Some burglars said that they shun burglaries in [FN64]

The research by Rengert and Wasilchick...it is behind a paywall if you want to go through it...

From research to policy: Preventing residential burglary through a systems approach
The United Kingdom has gun ownership of 4.9 per 100 people, while the United States has a ratio of 120.5 per 100 people (more than one per person!). And yet, in the United Kingdom around 2 in 100 households per year were victims of domestic burglary, but there were over 4,500 home burglaries per day in the United States. The likelihood of someone breaking into YOUR house, though, is about 2 percent per year.
Gun ownership - Wikipedia
Home Invasion Crime Statistics That Will Keep You Up at Night
Did you notice that the burglary rate in the United Kingdom and the United States were virtually the same? And yet, the U.S. has a gun ownership rate that's more than 20 times that of the U.K. So what does that tell you about gun ownership discouraging burglars?
There is no evidence that guns act as a ‘deterrent’ to crime.

Citizens have the right to possess firearms pursuant to lawful self-defense – not to act in the capacity of law enforcement, not to ‘combat’ crime, and not to prevent ‘tyranny.’

That's a contemptible lie.
Hey, maybe you could offer even a little evidence? But why should you, right?
BOOM goes the dynamite!
Still waiting for someone to claim that they had their home invaded...

Still waiting for you to tell us why you have homeowners insurance.
Because you can prepare for some of the problems that life throws at you, but you can't prepare for ALL of them. The coronavirus, for example. I didn't have insurance for that.

So it's totally fine to have homeowners insurance because your house MIGHT burn down, but the same logic does not apply to being armed in case of a home invasion?
An insurance policy won't accidentally kill me. A gun might, and they do. Gun violence in the United States - Wikipedia

An insurance policy won't accidentally kill me. A gun might, and they do.

What kind of retarded argument is that? Your goddamn toaster could "accidentally kill you".

Here's the 10 leading causes of accidental death according to the CDC:
  1. Poisoning (including drug overdose): 64,795, +11.1%
  2. Motor vehicle: 40,231, -0.2%
  3. Falls: 36,338, +4.8%
  4. Suffocation by ingestion, inhalation: 5,216, +8%
  5. Drowning: 3,709, -2%
  6. Fires, flames, smoke: 2,812, +3%
  7. Mechanical suffocation: 1,730, -2.9%
  8. Natural heat, cold: 1,269, +6.7%
  9. Struck by, against: 806, +2%, and
  10. Machinery: 572, -6.2%.
Noticeably absent: Guns.

FFS, grow a set.
Sure, by the NRA argument, more guns make for a safer America. What is confusing is that there are more guns per person in America than any other country, and it is the one country that one is most likely to be killed by a firearm.:dunno:
If an honest citizen owns more guns only criminals are less safe

if you want gun crimes to go down put gang bangers in jail and throw away the key

Every murderer who ever lived was once a law abiding citizen.
But every gun owner is not a future murderer

..but every murderer was once a law abiding citizen, including the asshole in Vegas who killed over 60 innocent random people, with an arsenal that was so far beyond the pale of what anyone needs for self defense, that there was absolutely no rational justification of his being allowed to own it.
but every murderer was once a law abiding citizen

You’ve already said that

...and, quite simply, the blood of these kids are on your hands.
Not in my state. I can buy a firearm at a gun show, and conceal carry with no background check OR permit.

not according to federal law...
Hillary's 'Gun Show Loophole' Proposal Is A Joke

Flat out, false.


I will wait patiently while you point out the wording in the law that requires a private seller to ask if the buyer is legally authorized to own a firearm.

Your straw grasping attempts are as pathetic as they are comical. Give it up, idiot.

I am still waiting patiently or you to show me the law that requires a seller to ask if the buyer is legally qualified to own a gun.

I will wait patiently while you point out the wording in the law that requires a private seller to ask if the buyer is legally authorized to own a firearm.

Your straw grasping attempts are as pathetic as they are comical. Give it up, idiot.

I am still waiting patiently or you to show me the law that requires a seller to ask if the buyer is legally qualified to own a gun.

I am not your remedial reading teacher. Go play your juvenile semantic games with someone else.
Still waiting for someone to claim that they had their home invaded...

Still waiting for you to tell us why you have homeowners insurance.
Because you can prepare for some of the problems that life throws at you, but you can't prepare for ALL of them. The coronavirus, for example. I didn't have insurance for that.

So it's totally fine to have homeowners insurance because your house MIGHT burn down, but the same logic does not apply to being armed in case of a home invasion?
An insurance policy won't accidentally kill me. A gun might, and they do. Gun violence in the United States - Wikipedia

An insurance policy won't accidentally kill me. A gun might, and they do.

What kind of retarded argument is that? Your goddamn toaster could "accidentally kill you".

Here's the 10 leading causes of accidental death according to the CDC:
  1. Poisoning (including drug overdose): 64,795, +11.1%
  2. Motor vehicle: 40,231, -0.2%
  3. Falls: 36,338, +4.8%
  4. Suffocation by ingestion, inhalation: 5,216, +8%
  5. Drowning: 3,709, -2%
  6. Fires, flames, smoke: 2,812, +3%
  7. Mechanical suffocation: 1,730, -2.9%
  8. Natural heat, cold: 1,269, +6.7%
  9. Struck by, against: 806, +2%, and
  10. Machinery: 572, -6.2%.
Noticeably absent: Guns.

FFS, grow a set.
I'm pretty sure that insurance policies aren't anywhere on that list, which is what I was responding to. And gun deaths are not all accidental; most of them are actually suicide. So blow your minds, gun nuts! What the data says about gun deaths in the U.S.

I will wait patiently while you point out the wording in the law that requires a private seller to ask if the buyer is legally authorized to own a firearm.

Your straw grasping attempts are as pathetic as they are comical. Give it up, idiot.

I am still waiting patiently or you to show me the law that requires a seller to ask if the buyer is legally qualified to own a gun.

I am not your remedial reading teacher. Go play your juvenile semantic games with someone else.
You're wrong and lack the courage to admit it.

In a private intrastate sale, the seller is not required by law to determine if the buyer is a prohibited person.
the blood of these kids are on your hands.


No leftist should be allowed to possess a gun. Period!
Make that, no Democrat voter.

Well, this "leftist" (that's what I'm called by most Democrats and almost all Trump supporters anyway) doesn't have to rush out to buy a gun...

I've owned a rifle most of my life and have a carry license for my pistol. I don't appreciate idiotic comments like the one above. My father was a proud Rooseveltian Democrat who fought in WWII. He taught me that rightwingers who talk about -- or even just joke about -- disarming people they disagree with are usually either Klansmen, professional union busters, John Birchers, or just fools already taking the first steps on the long road to fascism.

Everyone has a legal right to bear arms under the Constitution, but reasonable regulation and registration and even restrictions, are entirely appropriate.

We have a veritable mountain of regulation and restrictions. Enough is enough. And you will NEVER get me to register my guns.
No one is requiring you to do so.

Slippery slope fallacies, fearmongering, demagoguery – the last refuge of one whose ‘argument’ has failed.

Mr. Pseudo intellectual, take your fallacies horsecrap and shove it. The facts are that every gun law erodes the 2nd amendment. Multiple Democrat presidential candidates wish to steal my property. My guns, and the 330 million other guns, in the hands of the law abiding, are not the problem.

BAD people are. Regulate them.
Here's what the 2nd Amendment says:
"A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."
It says, "to keep and bear arms." It doesn't say that you can have ANY kind of arms; it says that you can keep and bear arms. You can have a rifle, or maybe even a handgun. It doesn't give you the right to own a machine gun or a bazooka.

The Supreme Court already ruled on this over and over again...


Some have made the argument, bordering on the frivolous, that only those arms in existence in the 18th century are protected by the Second Amendment.

We do not interpret constitutional rights that way. Just as the First Amendment protects modern forms of communications, e.g., Reno v. American Civil Liberties Union, 521 U. S. 844, 849 (1997), and the Fourth Amendment applies to modern forms of search, e.g., Kyllo v. United States, 533 U. S. 27, 35–36 (2001), the Second Amendment extends, prima facie, to all instruments that constitute bearable arms, even those that were not in existence at the time of the founding.


That analysis misreads Heller. The question under Heller is not whether citizens have adequate alternatives available for self-defense.

Rather, Heller asks whether the law bans types of firearms commonly used for a lawful purpose—regardless of whether alternatives exist. 554 U. S., at 627–629. And Heller draws a distinction between such firearms and weapons specially adapted to unlawful uses and not in common use, such as sawed-off shotguns. Id., at 624–625.
The City’s ban is thus highly suspect because it broadly prohibits common semiautomatic firearms used for lawful purposes.

Roughly five million Americans own AR-style semiautomatic rifles. See 784 F. 3d, at 415, n. 3. The overwhelming majority of citizens who own and use such rifles do so for lawful purposes, including self-defense and target shooting. See ibid. Under our precedents, that is all that is needed for citizens to have a right under the Second Amendment to keep such weapons. See McDonald, 561 U. S., at 767–768; Heller, supra, at 628–629.
If you own a home I bet you have it insured even though tornadoes and house fires are rare also

BOOM goes the dynamite!
Still waiting for someone to claim that they had their home invaded...

Yah, I knew a guy whose brother's neighbor's cousin........ what a way to start a story. The Internet just makes that kind of story faster.
You and bruce are still alive so according to lib logic your fear of guns is unfounded

Are you absolutely sure I have a fear of guns? Does that mean you feel confident enough to enter my home unannounced to do some form of crime? Do I own a gun or don't I? I'll never tell. I guess you need to come find out for yourself.
If not a fear of guns then you just dislike gun owners for partisan political reasons
I'm not saying that home invasions NEVER happen. I'm saying they are very rare. Have YOU had your home invaded? I guess not, since you gave someone else as an example.
If you own a home I bet you have it insured even though tornadoes and house fires are rare also

BOOM goes the dynamite!
Still waiting for someone to claim that they had their home invaded...

Yah, I knew a guy whose brother's neighbor's cousin........ what a way to start a story. The Internet just makes that kind of story faster.
To quote Spongebob: "I knew a guy, who knew a guy, who knew a guy, who knew a guy, who knew a guy, who knew a guy, who knew a guy, who knew a guy, who knew a guy, who knew a guy, who knew a guy, who knew a guy, who knew a guy, who knew a guy, who knew a guy, who knew a guy, who knew a guy, who knew a guy, who knew a guy, who knew a guy, who knew a guy's COUSIN..."
So its a stalemate

you have not been killed by an NRA member with a gun and I have not been home invaded

yet you still want to take my rights away from me
If you own a home I bet you have it insured even though tornadoes and house fires are rare also

BOOM goes the dynamite!
Still waiting for someone to claim that they had their home invaded...

Still waiting for you to tell us why you have homeowners insurance.
Because you can prepare for some of the problems that life throws at you, but you can't prepare for ALL of them. The coronavirus, for example. I didn't have insurance for that.

So it's totally fine to have homeowners insurance because your house MIGHT burn down, but the same logic does not apply to being armed in case of a home invasion?
The gun grabbing libs are not displaying any logic

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