Leftists owe the rest of us an explanation for the Florida shooting

I never said it was. Unlike you, whilst you blame the NRA for this massacre, I never said the left was responsible for his behavior, I said their policies were. Thanks for the straw man, I'll burn him with the rest.

Very Christian of you. On the other hand, I do blame the leftists, not just their policies, and every leftist post in this thread shows why. They don't care about the 17 people their policies killed.

In fact their reaction to their record of 17 is to want to raise the bar and go for more the next time. Leftists will not rest until every mass murderer is safe to kill as many people as they can

For fucks sake. Get a life.

He can't make a real argument so he resorts to incessant trolling. I had to ignore him temporarily last night.

So boring. I don't waste time with morons. I engage. When they persist in being morons, they get mocked.

This thread is the expression of a guilty conscience on the part of several morons. Nothing more.

I wanted people to be able to defend themselves and you stopped them and they died.

Is that me having a guilty conscience? Or you being a moral slug?

That while when I ask you why you would deny victims who actually have a CC to use them, you say oh yeah, you have one of those ...

I'm just laughing at you right now
Very Christian of you. On the other hand, I do blame the leftists, not just their policies, and every leftist post in this thread shows why. They don't care about the 17 people their policies killed.

In fact their reaction to their record of 17 is to want to raise the bar and go for more the next time. Leftists will not rest until every mass murderer is safe to kill as many people as they can

For fucks sake. Get a life.

Oops, looks like you got thumped on that one.

Yeah. That's how an imbecile would read it.

Now, now, LL. Let's calm down a bit.

Sure. Say something that isn't moronic.

You mean like telling people who respond to a political post on a political message board that they need to get a life? Wow, that was moronic.

Oh wait, that was you ...
You did not follow any plan from the left. Asshole.

Who came up with gun free zones, then?

Yeah, that's right, Joe Biden. A liberal. A leftist.

I present Exhibit A: The Gun Free School Zones Act of 1990, introduced by Biden and signed by George H.W. Bush.

Gun-Free School Zones Act of 1990 - Wikipedia

And Exhibit B: The overall success (or lack thereof) of the GFSZA. In the past 28 years, there have been 65 school shootings (not counting the one in Parkland, FL)

United States school shootings, 1990-present - Ballotpedia

My conclusion? These schools (including Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School) followed a plan introduced by a leftist, and judging from the number of lives lost since the GFSZA was enacted, I would consider this "plan from the left" an abysmal failure.

Your honor, I rest my case.

Whoa! You really worked overtime on that one, tubby. Problem. The fact that the crazy guy had an AR-15 isn't the lefts plan. Dumb shit.

No, the left's plan is that when he had an AR-15, no one had a gun. The result were 17 deaths, your plan failed. What sort of introspection are you doing about that? What is your explanation for your failure. How are you proposing to fix it going forward?

Why do you keep repeating a statement that is not true? There was an armed guard on campus.

If armed guards don't deter these shooters, why do you believe armed civilians would?

I think I see what's going on here. While there were a couple of armed officers on campus, there weren't enough of them to be effective. You need more than "just a few" to deter a shooter. Strength in numbers. The school had 3200 kids. And it takes up about 45 acres of space. Think strategically. If there had been one armed guard per 100 students in the school, you'd have 32. And a much greater chance of stopping the active shooter.

There was nobody with the capability to return fire in the area where the shooting took place, because there were too few armed guards to handle the situation. Think about having to take the most effective route from one side of a 45 acre campus to the other if you're one of two armed guards on site.

Now, if you're done misconstruing what Kaz said, I'm going to go cosplay as "tubby" now.

I've had people claim there was one armed guard on campus. But no one seems to be able to back that up with an actual link to show that.

It's not my argument anyway even if there was, I said victims were prohibited from defending themselves, they were, that was wrong, it was, and many of them had CC permits.

But while a coupla leftist airheads have claimed there was this armed security guard present, none of them have provided any link backing that up and showing where the hell he was when people were being shot.

You're a good guy, Templar, but don't accept their crap without their backing it up
We followed your plan, it was a gun free zone. 17 are dead. Damned straight you owe us an explanation for your failure

You did not follow any plan from the left. Asshole.

Who came up with gun free zones, then?

Yeah, that's right, Joe Biden. A liberal. A leftist.

I present Exhibit A: The Gun Free School Zones Act of 1990, introduced by Biden and signed by George H.W. Bush.

Gun-Free School Zones Act of 1990 - Wikipedia

And Exhibit B: The overall success (or lack thereof) of the GFSZA. In the past 28 years, there have been 65 school shootings (not counting the one in Parkland, FL)

United States school shootings, 1990-present - Ballotpedia

My conclusion? These schools (including Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School) followed a plan introduced by a leftist, and judging from the number of lives lost since the GFSZA was enacted, I would consider this "plan from the left" an abysmal failure.

Your honor, I rest my case.

Whoa! You really worked overtime on that one, tubby. Problem. The fact that the crazy guy had an AR-15 isn't the lefts plan. Dumb shit.

No, the left's plan is that when he had an AR-15, no one had a gun. The result were 17 deaths, your plan failed. What sort of introspection are you doing about that? What is your explanation for your failure. How are you proposing to fix it going forward?
Except you’re kazzing again since someone else besides the killer had a gun.

No...actually, it has been reported that the one security guard with a gun......on a huge campus of over 2,000 people.....was off that day or off campus at the time of the shooting.......
We banned guns from schools, just like you wanted. Even people with concealed carry permits trained to use their guns safely didn't have them. And your plan worked. No one had a gun and was able to defend themselves and shoot back. And 17 people died because of it.

You owe us an explanation. What is wrong with your plan? Why isn't it working?

Maybe you can ask your drug dealer why banning guns doesn't work the next time you buy a doobie ...

Gosh...this really hurts my feelings. I think I'm going to cry.

Even a midget mind like you understands that accidents are a leading cause of gun deaths, correct? Giving everyone a gun is not an answer. The number of accidental gun deaths will sky rocket. And if you tell me I'm wrong, you're full of shit.

No one advocated "giving everyone a gun," airhead. How's the potty training going?

I like how leftists always go to hyperbole, everything is black and white. My choices are everyone has a gun or no one has a gun. Well, except the shooter, they're going to have a gun.

Then you say how you're smarter than Republicans because you aren't all black and white they are.

That you have to argue like this, "everyone has a gun," shows you don't have jack shit in your head or your pants. Argue what I said, dim wit. People with CCs should be allowed to carry their guns. Not "everyone," people with CC's. You're dumb as a pile of bricks
We followed your plan, it was a gun free zone. 17 are dead. Damned straight you owe us an explanation for your failure

You did not follow any plan from the left. Asshole.

Who came up with gun free zones, then?

Yeah, that's right, Joe Biden. A liberal. A leftist.

I present Exhibit A: The Gun Free School Zones Act of 1990, introduced by Biden and signed by George H.W. Bush.

Gun-Free School Zones Act of 1990 - Wikipedia

And Exhibit B: The overall success (or lack thereof) of the GFSZA. In the past 28 years, there have been 65 school shootings (not counting the one in Parkland, FL)

United States school shootings, 1990-present - Ballotpedia

My conclusion? These schools (including Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School) followed a plan introduced by a leftist, and judging from the number of lives lost since the GFSZA was enacted, I would consider this "plan from the left" an abysmal failure.

Your honor, I rest my case.

Whoa! You really worked overtime on that one, tubby. Problem. The fact that the crazy guy had an AR-15 isn't the lefts plan. Dumb shit.

No, the left's plan is that when he had an AR-15, no one had a gun. The result were 17 deaths, your plan failed. What sort of introspection are you doing about that? What is your explanation for your failure. How are you proposing to fix it going forward?
Except you’re kazzing again since someone else besides the killer had a gun.

And you are wrong....

One armed officer...on a campus of over 2,000 people where the shooter knew the procedures to get around their security measures....

Florida school shooting: How was killer able to get around school security?

He came when he knew the gates would be open and set off a fire alarm that would dismantle a safety system, officials say.

And the school resource officer, who is supposed to help protect students, may not have been on school grounds at the time.


The only person trained and armed to fight back against an assailant at Stoneman Douglas is its one school resource officer, a Broward Sheriff’s deputy funded by the city of Parkland.

But Maxwell said she doesn’t think he was on campus when the shooting happened.

“I have been told by a couple of sources that the SRO was either called off campus responding to something happening or it could have been his day off,” she said. “They are stretched very thin.”

Neither BSO nor school district officials responded to requests for comment Thursday about where the officer was at the time. On Friday, Broward Schools Superintendent Robert Runcie said he was told by BSO officials that an officer was at the school but on a different part of campus.
And this is all Faun can do in the absence of an actual argument. ^^^^


See ya later!
Highlighting someone’s lies is fauning? I’m good with that.

You can't disprove a lie just by "highlighting it" you have to go into detail, explain what parts of the lie are a lie with facts and evidence.


See ya later!
I already did. I showed him there was an armed security officer on campus. Despite knowing that, he still continued to claim there were no other guns on campus besides the one used by Cruz. The first time he said that could certainly be written off as a mistake or ignorance; but every time he repeated it after being shown there was another gun on campus is nothing but him kazzing.

But if you want to call highlighting lies told by you rightards, “fauning,” I’m good with that. I’ll call that fauning too.

Wrong.....and one armed security officer on a campus of over 2,000 people where the shooter knows the lay out and security procedures? This is why you are not taken seriously....
Whoa! You really worked overtime on that one, tubby. Problem. The fact that the crazy guy had an AR-15 isn't the lefts plan. Dumb shit.

No, the left's plan is that when he had an AR-15, no one had a gun. The result were 17 deaths, your plan failed. What sort of introspection are you doing about that? What is your explanation for your failure. How are you proposing to fix it going forward?

Why do you keep repeating a statement that is not true? There was an armed guard on campus.

If armed guards don't deter these shooters, why do you believe armed civilians would?

I think I see what's going on here. While there were a couple of armed officers on campus, there weren't enough of them to be effective. You need more than "just a few" to deter a shooter. Strength in numbers. The school had 3200 kids. And it takes up about 45 acres of space. Think strategically. If there had been one armed guard per 100 students in the school, you'd have 32. And a much greater chance of stopping the active shooter.

There was nobody with the capability to return fire in the area where the shooting took place, because there were too few armed guards to handle the situation. Think about having to take the most effective route from one side of a 45 acre campus to the other if you're one of two armed guards on site.

Now, if you're done misconstruing what Kaz said, I'm going to go cosplay as "tubby" now.
Great, someone finally puts numbers behind the rhetoric. So let’s use your numbers... 1 hired gun per every 100 students...

There are approximately 76 million students in the U.S. ...

Fast Facts

Protecting them all by your standards would require 760,000 armed policemen; who earn an average salary of about $61,000 annually. That would cost roughly $46 billion per year.

Sensible gun control, aimed at keeping military style guns out of the hands of mentally ill fuckers like Cruz, would cost far less.

At any rate, I doubt you really care about protecting our children. This simply falls in line with your hatred of the Second Amendment. We can keep guns out of the hands of mentally ill people, but you want to practically take guns out of the hands of every law abiding citizen. Because emotions.

Leftists want shooters to to kill enough people to get what they really want. An unarmed populace which cannot threaten their totalitarian government. Criminals aren't a threat to that, they just kill some random people. Acceptable. Honest citizens are the threat to totalitarian government because we are the ones who would organize and resist.

17 dead? Meh, no biggie to a leftist. They wish it had been more. They'll have to make that number work ... for now ...
No, the left's plan is that when he had an AR-15, no one had a gun. The result were 17 deaths, your plan failed. What sort of introspection are you doing about that? What is your explanation for your failure. How are you proposing to fix it going forward?

Why do you keep repeating a statement that is not true? There was an armed guard on campus.

If armed guards don't deter these shooters, why do you believe armed civilians would?

I think I see what's going on here. While there were a couple of armed officers on campus, there weren't enough of them to be effective. You need more than "just a few" to deter a shooter. Strength in numbers. The school had 3200 kids. And it takes up about 45 acres of space. Think strategically. If there had been one armed guard per 100 students in the school, you'd have 32. And a much greater chance of stopping the active shooter.

There was nobody with the capability to return fire in the area where the shooting took place, because there were too few armed guards to handle the situation. Think about having to take the most effective route from one side of a 45 acre campus to the other if you're one of two armed guards on site.

Now, if you're done misconstruing what Kaz said, I'm going to go cosplay as "tubby" now.
Great, someone finally puts numbers behind the rhetoric. So let’s use your numbers... 1 hired gun per every 100 students...

There are approximately 76 million students in the U.S. ...

Fast Facts

Protecting them all by your standards would require 760,000 armed policemen; who earn an average salary of about $61,000 annually. That would cost roughly $46 billion per year.

Sensible gun control, aimed at keeping military style guns out of the hands of mentally ill fuckers like Cruz, would cost far less.

At any rate, I doubt you really care about protecting our children. This simply falls in line with your hatred of the Second Amendment. We can keep guns out of the hands of mentally ill people, but you want to practically take guns out of the hands of every law abiding citizen. Because emotions.

That is a lie and you are aware that it is a lie. Why are you lying?

Your indignation is feigned because you know he's right.

That's why you started all the fur flying
We banned guns from schools, just like you wanted. Even people with concealed carry permits trained to use their guns safely didn't have them. And your plan worked. No one had a gun and was able to defend themselves and shoot back. And 17 people died because of it.

You owe us an explanation. What is wrong with your plan? Why isn't it working?

Maybe you can ask your drug dealer why banning guns doesn't work the next time you buy a doobie ...

Gosh...this really hurts my feelings. I think I'm going to cry.

Even a midget mind like you understands that accidents are a leading cause of gun deaths, correct? Giving everyone a gun is not an answer. The number of accidental gun deaths will sky rocket. And if you tell me I'm wrong, you're full of shit.

No...moron...accidents are not the leading cause of guns deaths...that would be suicides.....even gun murder doesn't come close to gun suicide...

here....first, accidental gun deaths...with close to 600 million guns in private hands and over 16.3 million people carrying guns for self defense...and as more Americans bought and carried guns....our accidental gun death rate and gun murder rate went down, not up...

You don't know the truth about guns....you are simply repeating what you hear from anti gun activists and anti gun journalists...they are not telling the truth.
Fatal Injury Data | WISQARS | Injury Center | CDC








Gun murder.....2016


Expanded Homicide Data Table 4

Gun Suicide.....22,938
Protecting them all by your standards would require 760,000 armed policemen; who earn an average salary of about $61,000 annually. That would cost roughly $46 billion per year.

Sensible gun control, aimed at keeping military style guns out of the hands of mentally ill fuckers like Cruz, would cost far less.

Uh, and? Aren't our children worth that and more? Here you are more concerned about the cost than the children. Typical of you. We as a society should spare no expense in protecting our children in school. In order for gun control to work, the gun control must work, which as evidenced in many a shooting across the country each day, shows that it is very ineffective at preventing gun crime.

Laws are nothing but words written on paper. If you can't make laws like gun control work 100% of the time, they are quite useless in saving life.
Moron... Cruz, an apparently mentally ill individual, was able to legally purchase an AR-15. We need laws to prevent that.

We already have those laws.....they could have been implemented on one of the 39 times that police visited the home and the two times the FBI was directly told he threatened to shoot up a school....

Let me repeat....

We Already Have Those Laws..........
Why do you keep repeating a statement that is not true? There was an armed guard on campus.

If armed guards don't deter these shooters, why do you believe armed civilians would?

I think I see what's going on here. While there were a couple of armed officers on campus, there weren't enough of them to be effective. You need more than "just a few" to deter a shooter. Strength in numbers. The school had 3200 kids. And it takes up about 45 acres of space. Think strategically. If there had been one armed guard per 100 students in the school, you'd have 32. And a much greater chance of stopping the active shooter.

There was nobody with the capability to return fire in the area where the shooting took place, because there were too few armed guards to handle the situation. Think about having to take the most effective route from one side of a 45 acre campus to the other if you're one of two armed guards on site.

Now, if you're done misconstruing what Kaz said, I'm going to go cosplay as "tubby" now.
Great, someone finally puts numbers behind the rhetoric. So let’s use your numbers... 1 hired gun per every 100 students...

There are approximately 76 million students in the U.S. ...

Fast Facts

Protecting them all by your standards would require 760,000 armed policemen; who earn an average salary of about $61,000 annually. That would cost roughly $46 billion per year.

Sensible gun control, aimed at keeping military style guns out of the hands of mentally ill fuckers like Cruz, would cost far less.

At any rate, I doubt you really care about protecting our children. This simply falls in line with your hatred of the Second Amendment. We can keep guns out of the hands of mentally ill people, but you want to practically take guns out of the hands of every law abiding citizen. Because emotions.

That is a lie and you are aware that it is a lie. Why are you lying?

Actions speak louder than words, LL. Care to prove me wrong? Or would you rather call me "tubby" again?

He'll go with the latter. You were honest and admitted a weight problem. Rather than come up with anything on his own, he just went playground and repeats what you told him back to you.

Most people grow out of that by the time they leave grade school. Teenagers are asses. People like LoneLaugher who never grow past that does serve to make us remember those days of dealing with people like him all day and that we don't have to do that anymore.

Anyway, when he does that, take it as his admitting he is so sad and so totally lacks any ability to generate his own content, that he's going to go playground on you
We banned guns from schools, just like you wanted. Even people with concealed carry permits trained to use their guns safely didn't have them. And your plan worked. No one had a gun and was able to defend themselves and shoot back. And 17 people died because of it.

You owe us an explanation. What is wrong with your plan? Why isn't it working?

Maybe you can ask your drug dealer why banning guns doesn't work the next time you buy a doobie ...[/COLOR]
This is the pass out guns at the door approach.

Your response is the never finished grade school answer. Nowhere do I say that.

I said people with CCs should be able to yuse them, you hear "pass out guns at the door."

You are major league stupid
"Leftists owe the rest of us an explanation for the Florida shooting"

No, they don't.

We followed your plan, it was a gun free zone. 17 are dead. Damned straight you owe us an explanation for your failure
Our plan included a ban on assault rifles.

Schools can & do hire police resource officers.

No what, dumbass.

The Virginia Tech shooting...the shooter used two pistols and murdered 32 people.....

AR-15s are not the problem, police and FBI not doing their jobs is the problem.......

There are 8 million AR-15s in private hands...one was used last week to commit murder.....

Cars killed over 36,000 people in 2016.....do you want to ban them?

All of the mass shooter in 35 years murdered a total of 795 people.....knives murder over 1,600 people every single year...

Do you want to ban knives since they murder more people every single year?

Notice from the below information...knives murder more people than rifles do...every single year...again, do you want to ban knives?

US mass shootings, 1982-2018: Data from Mother Jones’ investigation

Total murders by mass public shooters...1982-2017


knife murders.....2009-2013.....


Rifle murder....

You did not follow any plan from the left. Asshole.

Who came up with gun free zones, then?

Yeah, that's right, Joe Biden. A liberal. A leftist.

I present Exhibit A: The Gun Free School Zones Act of 1990, introduced by Biden and signed by George H.W. Bush.

Gun-Free School Zones Act of 1990 - Wikipedia

And Exhibit B: The overall success (or lack thereof) of the GFSZA. In the past 28 years, there have been 65 school shootings (not counting the one in Parkland, FL)

United States school shootings, 1990-present - Ballotpedia

My conclusion? These schools (including Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School) followed a plan introduced by a leftist, and judging from the number of lives lost since the GFSZA was enacted, I would consider this "plan from the left" an abysmal failure.

Your honor, I rest my case.

Whoa! You really worked overtime on that one, tubby. Problem. The fact that the crazy guy had an AR-15 isn't the lefts plan. Dumb shit.

No, the left's plan is that when he had an AR-15, no one had a gun. The result were 17 deaths, your plan failed. What sort of introspection are you doing about that? What is your explanation for your failure. How are you proposing to fix it going forward?
Except you’re kazzing again since someone else besides the killer had a gun.

No...actually, it has been reported that the one security guard with a gun......on a huge campus of over 2,000 people.....was off that day or off campus at the time of the shooting.......
Nope. It wasn’t a security guard, it was a police officer and he was not off that day but on campus.

School resource officer was elsewhere on campus during shooting, Runcie says
Last edited:
"Leftists owe the rest of us an explanation for the Florida shooting"

No, they don't.

We followed your plan, it was a gun free zone. 17 are dead. Damned straight you owe us an explanation for your failure
Our plan included a ban on assault rifles.

Schools can & do hire police resource officers.

No what, dumbass.

Yes, of course. Make assault rifles illegal and you can't get them.

Have you mentioned this theory to your drug dealer? We make things illegal, and poof! You can't get them!

And I called you stupid. Wow, I was right
And this is all Faun can do in the absence of an actual argument. ^^^^


See ya later!
Highlighting someone’s lies is fauning? I’m good with that.

You can't disprove a lie just by "highlighting it" you have to go into detail, explain what parts of the lie are a lie with facts and evidence.


See ya later!
I already did. I showed him there was an armed security officer on campus. Despite knowing that, he still continued to claim there were no other guns on campus besides the one used by Cruz. The first time he said that could certainly be written off as a mistake or ignorance; but every time he repeated it after being shown there was another gun on campus is nothing but him kazzing.

But if you want to call highlighting lies told by you rightards, “fauning,” I’m good with that. I’ll call that fauning too.

Wrong.....and one armed security officer on a campus of over 2,000 people where the shooter knows the lay out and security procedures? This is why you are not taken seriously....
all the shooter knows is that there is an armed police officer somewhere on campus.

Didn’t deter him.
We banned guns from schools, just like you wanted. Even people with concealed carry permits trained to use their guns safely didn't have them. And your plan worked. No one had a gun and was able to defend themselves and shoot back. And 17 people died because of it.

You owe us an explanation. What is wrong with your plan? Why isn't it working?

Maybe you can ask your drug dealer why banning guns doesn't work the next time you buy a doobie ...

Conservatives and Trump made their very first piece of major legislation passed, giving the mentally ill the right to buy guns.

That's what you'd like to believe happened. Never mind the fact that reality refuses to conform to your fever dreams.

It's the way leftists argue.

No one has denied government the ability to remove the right to restrict gun purchases to mentally ill people through due process.

When we demand that people accused of mental illness get due process, Lewdog hears we are "giving the mentally ill the right to buy arms." He actually hears that, it's remarkable.

He only believes the Constitution is valid when it says what he wants. In times like this, it's toilet paper. Due process, shoe flosses, that's Lewdog's motto.

Then he wants to know why only leftists believe in the Constitution ...
Protecting them all by your standards would require 760,000 armed policemen; who earn an average salary of about $61,000 annually. That would cost roughly $46 billion per year.

Sensible gun control, aimed at keeping military style guns out of the hands of mentally ill fuckers like Cruz, would cost far less.

Uh, and? Aren't our children worth that and more? Here you are more concerned about the cost than the children. Typical of you. We as a society should spare no expense in protecting our children in school. In order for gun control to work, the gun control must work, which as evidenced in many a shooting across the country each day, shows that it is very ineffective at preventing gun crime.

Laws are nothing but words written on paper. If you can't make laws like gun control work 100% of the time, they are quite useless in saving life.
Moron... Cruz, an apparently mentally ill individual, was able to legally purchase an AR-15. We need laws to prevent that.

We already have those laws.....they could have been implemented on one of the 39 times that police visited the home and the two times the FBI was directly told he threatened to shoot up a school....

Let me repeat....

We Already Have Those Laws..........
Great... post the law that says someone being treated for mental illness has to have their name put on a list which would prevent them from legally purchasing a weapon like the one Cruz bought...
"Leftists owe the rest of us an explanation for the Florida shooting"

No, they don't.

We followed your plan, it was a gun free zone. 17 are dead. Damned straight you owe us an explanation for your failure

You did not follow any plan from the left. Asshole.

So you're saying the school wasn't a gun-free zone? Or are you saying you don't think gun-free zones are a wonderful idea and didn't cheer when it became law?

LoneLaughedAt has said he's in favor of schools being gun free zones. He also lies that he has a CC which serves no purpose other than protection.

So he's actually claiming that he can defend himself with a gun.

But we can't defend children with guns.

He's a sick fuck

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