Leftists owe the rest of us an explanation for the Florida shooting

Unfortunately for the U.S. - this is how the left always comes to the table. Unprepared. Uninformed. Uneducated. And extremely emotional.
Failing to understand the distinction between a semi-automatic and automatic weapon tells us you’re dishonest, unserious, or unprepared for the debate.
It’s a prime illustration of why left-wing policy is so detrimental to society.
In a debate imbued with emotion, gun control advocates rely on ignorance
We wouldn’t allow a 1st grader to walk into a test ignorant and emotional. And yet we tolerate progressives creating policy this way and attempting to strip constitutional rights that way.

If You're Trying to Ban Guns, the Least You Could Do Is Learn the Basics

Oh go fuck yourself.

We had an assault weapon ban. Maybe you should pull your head our of your ignorant ask & see what they banned. The term "assault" rifle was defined in that bill & it talked about semi-automatic rifles.

Jesus fuck, you people are dumbasses.

You forgot to mention "It accomplished nothing, which is why it was allowed to lapse."

Besides, anyone who thinks that the left is sticking to one clearly-defined meaning for "assault weapons" is kidding himself.

"The definition varies among regulating jurisdictions, but usually includes semi-automatic rifles with a detachable magazine and a pistol grip, and sometimes other features such as a vertical forward grip, flash suppressor or barrel shroud."

"Some jurisdictions define revolving cylinder shotguns as assault weapons."

"A key defining law was the now-defunct Federal Assault Weapons Ban of 1994.[13] At that time, the United States Department of Justice said, "In general, assault weapons are semiautomatic firearms with a large magazine of ammunition that were designed and configured for rapid fire and combat use.""

"Common attributes used in legislative definitions of assault weapons include:

Even Wikipedia knows you're full of shit, so maybe you ought to take a big whiff and figure it out.
It passed in a Democrat-led House, a Democrat-led Senate and a Democrat President.

It was allowed to sunset by a Republican-led House, a Republican-led Senate and a Republican President.

And that is supposed to mean what, in regards to the post you are putatively responding to, although not responding to in any way that is reality?
Unfortunately for the U.S. - this is how the left always comes to the table. Unprepared. Uninformed. Uneducated. And extremely emotional.
Failing to understand the distinction between a semi-automatic and automatic weapon tells us you’re dishonest, unserious, or unprepared for the debate.
It’s a prime illustration of why left-wing policy is so detrimental to society.
In a debate imbued with emotion, gun control advocates rely on ignorance
We wouldn’t allow a 1st grader to walk into a test ignorant and emotional. And yet we tolerate progressives creating policy this way and attempting to strip constitutional rights that way.

If You're Trying to Ban Guns, the Least You Could Do Is Learn the Basics

Oh go fuck yourself.

We had an assault weapon ban. Maybe you should pull your head our of your ignorant ask & see what they banned. The term "assault" rifle was defined in that bill & it talked about semi-automatic rifles.

Jesus fuck, you people are dumbasses.
That so called “assault weapons” made America more dangerous...
AR15s are just sporting rifles
What sport? Shooting children in a classroom?

What fucking sport do you need an AR-15? Is getting beered up & shooting tin cans a sport?
The ar15 is the most versatile firearm ever made, Easily the most popular hunting rifle made, It’s great for home protection/self-defense, It’s just the 223 Remington/5.56 basically, you know what that is don’t you? It’s a 22 caliber…
And it’s just fun to plink with, a great beginners sporting rifle.
By the way bathtubs kill more people than people useing Ar15’s...

A .22 cal. is good for hunting? Squirrels, maybe the occasional possum or raccoon. As far as hunting big game like deer, elk and bear? It's not that useful, because it doesn't have the stopping power.

If I go hunting, a British 308 or a 30 cal., bolt action rifle is what I go hunting with. Not only do they have the stopping power, but they are a hell of a lot more accurate.
Unfortunately for the U.S. - this is how the left always comes to the table. Unprepared. Uninformed. Uneducated. And extremely emotional.
It’s a prime illustration of why left-wing policy is so detrimental to society.
We wouldn’t allow a 1st grader to walk into a test ignorant and emotional. And yet we tolerate progressives creating policy this way and attempting to strip constitutional rights that way.

If You're Trying to Ban Guns, the Least You Could Do Is Learn the Basics

Oh go fuck yourself.

We had an assault weapon ban. Maybe you should pull your head our of your ignorant ask & see what they banned. The term "assault" rifle was defined in that bill & it talked about semi-automatic rifles.

Jesus fuck, you people are dumbasses.
That so called “assault weapons” made America more dangerous...
AR15s are just sporting rifles
What sport? Shooting children in a classroom?

What fucking sport do you need an AR-15? Is getting beered up & shooting tin cans a sport?
The ar15 is the most versatile firearm ever made, Easily the most popular hunting rifle made, It’s great for home protection/self-defense, It’s just the 223 Remington/5.56 basically, you know what that is don’t you? It’s a 22 caliber…
And it’s just fun to plink with, a great beginners sporting rifle.
By the way bathtubs kill more people than people useing Ar15’s...

A .22 cal. is good for hunting? Squirrels, maybe the occasional possum or raccoon. As far as hunting big game like deer, elk and bear? It's not that useful, because it doesn't have the stopping power.

If I go hunting, a British 308 or a 30 cal., bolt action rifle is what I go hunting with. Not only do they have the stopping power, but they are a hell of a lot more accurate.
You really know nothing about hunting do you, you can admit it... it’s ok.
A .223/5.56 while certainly not “high powered” is plenty Adequate for game up to around mule deer size. It is a great varmit cartridge, flat shooting, no recoil, abundant, very inexpensive, not a barrel burner, inheritly accurate...
Hunting is all about shot placement... everything else is secondary.
Semi automatics like the Ar and m-4 are every bit as accurate as a similarly priced bolt rifle. Dumbass
I personally like 6.8 spc and .308 win for the obvious reasons...
Oh go fuck yourself.

We had an assault weapon ban. Maybe you should pull your head our of your ignorant ask & see what they banned. The term "assault" rifle was defined in that bill & it talked about semi-automatic rifles.

Jesus fuck, you people are dumbasses.
That so called “assault weapons” made America more dangerous...
AR15s are just sporting rifles
What sport? Shooting children in a classroom?

What fucking sport do you need an AR-15? Is getting beered up & shooting tin cans a sport?
The ar15 is the most versatile firearm ever made, Easily the most popular hunting rifle made, It’s great for home protection/self-defense, It’s just the 223 Remington/5.56 basically, you know what that is don’t you? It’s a 22 caliber…
And it’s just fun to plink with, a great beginners sporting rifle.
By the way bathtubs kill more people than people useing Ar15’s...

A .22 cal. is good for hunting? Squirrels, maybe the occasional possum or raccoon. As far as hunting big game like deer, elk and bear? It's not that useful, because it doesn't have the stopping power.

If I go hunting, a British 308 or a 30 cal., bolt action rifle is what I go hunting with. Not only do they have the stopping power, but they are a hell of a lot more accurate.
You really know nothing about hunting do you, you can admit it... it’s ok.
A .223/5.56 while certainly not “high powered” is plenty Adequate for game up to around mule deer size. It is a great varmit cartridge, flat shooting, no recoil, abundant, very inexpensive, not a barrel burner, inheritly accurate...
Hunting is all about shot placement... everything else is secondary.
Semi automatics like the Ar and m-4 are every bit as accurate as a similarly priced bolt rifle. Dumbass
I personally like 6.8 spc and .308 win for the obvious reasons...

I grew up in Montana and didn't know what store bought meat was until I was in junior high when I was placed in foster care.
That so called “assault weapons” made America more dangerous...
AR15s are just sporting rifles
What sport? Shooting children in a classroom?

What fucking sport do you need an AR-15? Is getting beered up & shooting tin cans a sport?
The ar15 is the most versatile firearm ever made, Easily the most popular hunting rifle made, It’s great for home protection/self-defense, It’s just the 223 Remington/5.56 basically, you know what that is don’t you? It’s a 22 caliber…
And it’s just fun to plink with, a great beginners sporting rifle.
By the way bathtubs kill more people than people useing Ar15’s...

A .22 cal. is good for hunting? Squirrels, maybe the occasional possum or raccoon. As far as hunting big game like deer, elk and bear? It's not that useful, because it doesn't have the stopping power.

If I go hunting, a British 308 or a 30 cal., bolt action rifle is what I go hunting with. Not only do they have the stopping power, but they are a hell of a lot more accurate.
You really know nothing about hunting do you, you can admit it... it’s ok.
A .223/5.56 while certainly not “high powered” is plenty Adequate for game up to around mule deer size. It is a great varmit cartridge, flat shooting, no recoil, abundant, very inexpensive, not a barrel burner, inheritly accurate...
Hunting is all about shot placement... everything else is secondary.
Semi automatics like the Ar and m-4 are every bit as accurate as a similarly priced bolt rifle. Dumbass
I personally like 6.8 spc and .308 win for the obvious reasons...

I grew up in Montana and didn't know what store bought meat was until I was in junior high when I was placed in foster care.
Well, You should know your firearms then. You obviously do not for some reason. LOL
Leftists owe the rest of us an explanation for the Florida shooting.

easy ... the dems MADE RW's join the NRA and fight tooth and nail for assault rifle freedom.

It's a shotgun you dumbass, just looks scary too you.
What fucking sport do you need an AR-15?
By that “logic” you should immediately be banned from all computers and the internet. After all, neither was covered under the 1st Amendment. Both have caused more deaths than firearms. And you don’t “need” either.

Oops. How fuck’n stupid do you look right now?

What's it going to take for left-wingers to have the balls to stand up to the gun grabbers?
The left doesn’t have “balls”. They believe in the collective. They follow the crowd like a bunch of dumb cows in a herd. They don’t even know why and they don’t care.
Unfortunately for the U.S. - this is how the left always comes to the table. Unprepared. Uninformed. Uneducated. And extremely emotional.
Failing to understand the distinction between a semi-automatic and automatic weapon tells us you’re dishonest, unserious, or unprepared for the debate.
It’s a prime illustration of why left-wing policy is so detrimental to society.
In a debate imbued with emotion, gun control advocates rely on ignorance
We wouldn’t allow a 1st grader to walk into a test ignorant and emotional. And yet we tolerate progressives creating policy this way and attempting to strip constitutional rights that way.

If You're Trying to Ban Guns, the Least You Could Do Is Learn the Basics

Oh go fuck yourself.

We had an assault weapon ban. Maybe you should pull your head our of your ignorant ask & see what they banned. The term "assault" rifle was defined in that bill & it talked about semi-automatic rifles.

Jesus fuck, you people are dumbasses.
That so called “assault weapons” made America more dangerous...
AR15s are just sporting rifles
What sport? Shooting children in a classroom?

What fucking sport do you need an AR-15? Is getting beered up & shooting tin cans a sport?
The ar15 is the most versatile firearm ever made, Easily the most popular hunting rifle made, It’s great for home protection/self-defense, It’s just the 223 Remington/5.56 basically, you know what that is don’t you? It’s a 22 caliber…
And it’s just fun to plink with, a great beginners sporting rifle.
By the way bathtubs kill more people than people useing Ar15’s...

You take that .22 rifle & I'll take an AR-15.

Lets stand 500 yards apart. You can have the first shot.

To say the AR16 5 is the same as a 22 rifle is really dumber than shit.
Only way these mass murders end is for one of these crazies to walk into a room full of Republicans Then and only then will Repubs have the balls to stand up to the NRA
Likely not. They were tarhet at the ball practice & they still don't care.
What fucking sport do you need an AR-15?
By that “logic” you should immediately be banned from all computers and the internet. After all, neither was covered under the 1st Amendment. Both have caused more deaths than firearms. And you don’t “need” either.

Oops. How fuck’n stupid do you look right now?

View attachment 194899

So, communications hae improved & changes have been made to the law to accondate things like the internet.

When are the Second Amendment related laws going be subject to updating?
So, communications hae improved & changes have been made to the law to accondate things like the internet.
Really? Can you provide a single example of laws related to communication? Especially as it pertains to the internet? Not laws regarding regulating the providers. I’m talking about laws regarding using the internet by the people.
When are the Second Amendment related laws going be subject to updating?
I’m not sure there has been a single day in the past 40 years that the federal government, a state, county, or city hasn’t passed some firearm law. What world are you living in? You can’t be this stupid. You can’t be. You must just be lying here.
So, communications hae improved & changes have been made to the law to accondate things like the internet.
Really? Can you provide a single example of laws related to communication? Especially as it pertains to the internet? Not laws regarding regulating the providers. I’m talking about laws regarding using the internet by the people.
When are the Second Amendment related laws going be subject to updating?
I’m not sure there has been a single day in the past 40 years that the federal government, a state, county, or city hasn’t passed some firearm law. What world are you living in? You can’t be this stupid. You can’t be. You must just be lying here.
Look, buttbrearth, your band of ignorant fools say we can't pass gun regulations because of the Second Amendment.

Yet we have had gun regulations in the past that were cleared by the USSC.

I know this. Your NRA fed buddies evidently do not.
Look, buttbrearth, your band of ignorant fools say we can't pass gun regulations because of the Second Amendment.
Which is 100% true. But you fascists do it anyway. And now you’re all but admitting you just lied because you can’t deny that gun laws are passed every single damn day in this nation and you were incapable of providing even a single example of legislation passed limiting communication by citizens on the internet.
Unfortunately for the U.S. - this is how the left always comes to the table. Unprepared. Uninformed. Uneducated. And extremely emotional.
It’s a prime illustration of why left-wing policy is so detrimental to society.
We wouldn’t allow a 1st grader to walk into a test ignorant and emotional. And yet we tolerate progressives creating policy this way and attempting to strip constitutional rights that way.

If You're Trying to Ban Guns, the Least You Could Do Is Learn the Basics

Oh go fuck yourself.

We had an assault weapon ban. Maybe you should pull your head our of your ignorant ask & see what they banned. The term "assault" rifle was defined in that bill & it talked about semi-automatic rifles.

Jesus fuck, you people are dumbasses.
That so called “assault weapons” made America more dangerous...
AR15s are just sporting rifles
What sport? Shooting children in a classroom?

What fucking sport do you need an AR-15? Is getting beered up & shooting tin cans a sport?
The ar15 is the most versatile firearm ever made, Easily the most popular hunting rifle made, It’s great for home protection/self-defense, It’s just the 223 Remington/5.56 basically, you know what that is don’t you? It’s a 22 caliber…
And it’s just fun to plink with, a great beginners sporting rifle.
By the way bathtubs kill more people than people useing Ar15’s...

You take that .22 rifle & I'll take an AR-15.

Lets stand 500 yards apart. You can have the first shot.

To say the AR16 5 is the same as a 22 rifle is really dumber than shit.
They’re both 22 caliber, obviously there’s a big difference between the .223/5.56 and 22lr, but you obviously don’t know the difference.
Did you read my post? Obviously not... lol
They’re both 22 caliber, obviously there’s a big difference between the .223/5.56 and 22lr, but you obviously don’t know the difference. Did you read my post? Obviously not... lol
You can’t expect progressives to understand what they are arguing about or advocating to ban. They just know that they’ve been trained to think its “scary”, “bad”, and that government should control it and you.

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