Leftists: Still Down for De-funding and Dismantling the Police?

Who is demanding there should be more police? The argument was concerning how those responsible for protecting the Capital could have been so clueless.
Few cities have vilified their law enforcement agencies more than D.C. has. After “peaceful protesters” burnt the city down and assaulted officers the Mayor rewarded BLM with their own plaza, had “BLM” painted all over the streets and cut police funding by $15M.
Like in all disgusting blue shitholes, the tail wags the dog in D.C....Are you, a seemingly intelligent person really surprised that D.C. police hate their job and their bosses?

The thread is asking whether not people are changing their minds. I hate when people start things just to rant. No one is changing their minds.

Actually the OP pokes fun of the ignorant fools begging for defunding while also begging for better policing but you already knew that.

Wanting police reform does not mean you don't support people to protect the Capital.
Hahaha...awww, I see.
So you’ve morphed “defunding” into “reforming” because you realized how terrible the optics were?
Are the rest of your people fully aware of your personal repackaging?

Reforming will be defunding certain aspects. Such as the military equipment.
I’ll play along...
People probably far more intelligent than us and privy to far more data and intel than us have decided that some law enforcement agencies need military grade equipment for whatever the reason....Are you thinking you know more than they do about what they may need?

I'm against militarizing the police. Period.

Right...but I just pointed out that you don’t really know why you’re against it because you don’t really know why smarter people feel they need it.
Easy with that megalomania stuff...listen to reason.

There are a ton of authoritarians that would love to use the military to control people. I do not support those people.
The truth is; you will only find the militarization of police in blue shitholes full of dark Democrats. I know that truth scares the piss out of you but maybe if you exhausted more energy in changing the behavioral patterns of dark folks we’d see said militarization go away don’t you think?

I don't care where they are. You allow partisan politics to lead you by the nose, not me. I'm against it. Period.

There ya go...it’s getting scary and far too factual, it’s time to disregard simple logic and turn to emotion. Haha...so weird.
This issue isn’t political at all..

Then you shouldn't have interjected politics into it.

Now you’ll turn to cherrypicking the context...So predictable, so Lib of you.
Honest question. It was the blaring demand by the left during most of 2020. Now, these same people are demanding that there should have been more police.

Quite ironic. So which is it? Would social workers on the front lines have been able to stop this violence?
You can't get the damn cops to do their jobs why not just hire real people and not just puffy marshmallows?

Hold on a minute...you’re talking shit about “puffy marshmallows” in law enforcement yet your people are forcing departments to hire more 110lb tranny bitches...WTF?
When did my people(whoever in the fuck that is)lose their proper names? As far as I am concerned cops are just thugs with badges that are banditos..
Who is demanding there should be more police? The argument was concerning how those responsible for protecting the Capital could have been so clueless.
When Trump walked with the Bible it looked like a scene from a revolution movie in front of the White House. Clueless comes in many ways. i will never ever listen to a Black female powerbroker for survival. They are worthless. But dangerous.
defund ~ prevent from continuing to receive funds.

Now that the Right has finally, finally started to fight back, yeah ---- let's defund the police. I can see real potential for our side with that, after Wednesday.

Police support from right may be eroding after the response to Hill mob


Well, when they open our borders and your daughter is being raped by one of our new residents, who ya gonna call? Ghostbusters?
defund ~ prevent from continuing to receive funds.

Now that the Right has finally, finally started to fight back, yeah ---- let's defund the police. I can see real potential for our side with that, after Wednesday.

Police support from right may be eroding after the response to Hill mob


Well, when they open our borders and your daughter is being raped by one of our new residents, who ya gonna call? Ghostbusters?

You want me to follow you off the cliff? No thanks.
Honest question. It was the blaring demand by the left during most of 2020. Now, these same people are demanding that there should have been more police.

Quite ironic. So which is it? Would social workers on the front lines have been able to stop this violence?
You can't get the damn cops to do their jobs why not just hire real people and not just puffy marshmallows?

Hold on a minute...you’re talking shit about “puffy marshmallows” in law enforcement yet your people are forcing departments to hire more 110lb tranny bitches...WTF?
When did my people(whoever in the fuck that is)lose their proper names? As far as I am concerned cops are just thugs with badges that are banditos..

What’s weird is that NOBODY truly legitimate thinks that about cops. There’s no doubt in my mind that you share common denominators with the dregs of American society.
In all honesty if I were a complete piece of stoned shit I’d hate cops as well.
Honest question. It was the blaring demand by the left during most of 2020. Now, these same people are demanding that there should have been more police.

Quite ironic. So which is it? Would social workers on the front lines have been able to stop this violence?
You can't get the damn cops to do their jobs why not just hire real people and not just puffy marshmallows?

Hold on a minute...you’re talking shit about “puffy marshmallows” in law enforcement yet your people are forcing departments to hire more 110lb tranny bitches...WTF?
When did my people(whoever in the fuck that is)lose their proper names? As far as I am concerned cops are just thugs with badges that are banditos..

What’s weird is that NOBODY truly legitimate thinks that about cops. There’s no doubt in my mind that you share common denominators with the dregs of American society.
In all honesty if I were a complete piece of stoned shit I’d hate cops as well.
Good for you...I can tell you sell cars for a living. The cops are going no where they will continue to live off the land.
defund ~ prevent from continuing to receive funds.

Now that the Right has finally, finally started to fight back, yeah ---- let's defund the police. I can see real potential for our side with that, after Wednesday.

Police support from right may be eroding after the response to Hill mob


Well, when they open our borders and your daughter is being raped by one of our new residents, who ya gonna call? Ghostbusters?

You want me to follow you off the cliff? No thanks.

No cliff involved.
You have defunded the police. The ones left are going to resign. Your daughter is being raped. Who are you going to call or will you just allow it?
No cliff involved.
You have defunded the police. The ones left are going to resign. Your daughter is being raped. Who are you going to call or will you just allow it?

You really are from Ireland, aren't you?

You are totally forgetting that we're all armed. This is America. Of course we're armed.
defund ~ prevent from continuing to receive funds.

Now that the Right has finally, finally started to fight back, yeah ---- let's defund the police. I can see real potential for our side with that, after Wednesday.

Police support from right may be eroding after the response to Hill mob


Well, when they open our borders and your daughter is being raped by one of our new residents, who ya gonna call? Ghostbusters?

You want me to follow you off the cliff? No thanks.

No cliff involved.
You have defunded the police. The ones left are going to resign. Your daughter is being raped. Who are you going to call or will you just allow it?

I'm not interested in your fantasies.
No cliff involved.
You have defunded the police. The ones left are going to resign. Your daughter is being raped. Who are you going to call or will you just allow it?

You really are from Ireland, aren't you?

You are totally forgetting that we're all armed. This is America. Of course we're armed.

About 10% of us conceal carry. You and your daughter are not one of them, so, who are you going to call when your daughter gets dragged into the alley while you are coming to after a surprise knock out punch?
defund ~ prevent from continuing to receive funds.

Now that the Right has finally, finally started to fight back, yeah ---- let's defund the police. I can see real potential for our side with that, after Wednesday.

Police support from right may be eroding after the response to Hill mob


Well, when they open our borders and your daughter is being raped by one of our new residents, who ya gonna call? Ghostbusters?

You want me to follow you off the cliff? No thanks.

No cliff involved.
You have defunded the police. The ones left are going to resign. Your daughter is being raped. Who are you going to call or will you just allow it?

I'm not interested in your fantasies.

You can't answer the question and still save face...

Of course you are going to call the police. It is what you have been programed to do all your life.
Sadly, no one is available. The cops that are left are all on other calls.
What do you do then?

“Just last year, we saw a 60% decrease in the number of applications around the nation to become police officers and we know it’s going to be far worse this year."
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defund ~ prevent from continuing to receive funds.

Now that the Right has finally, finally started to fight back, yeah ---- let's defund the police. I can see real potential for our side with that, after Wednesday.

Police support from right may be eroding after the response to Hill mob


Well, when they open our borders and your daughter is being raped by one of our new residents, who ya gonna call? Ghostbusters?

You want me to follow you off the cliff? No thanks.

No cliff involved.
You have defunded the police. The ones left are going to resign. Your daughter is being raped. Who are you going to call or will you just allow it?

I'm not interested in your fantasies.

You can't answer the question and still save face...

Because it's your fairy tale, not reality.

No, I don't know how Little Red Riding hood didn't recognize her grandmother as a wolf either.
defund ~ prevent from continuing to receive funds.

Now that the Right has finally, finally started to fight back, yeah ---- let's defund the police. I can see real potential for our side with that, after Wednesday.

Police support from right may be eroding after the response to Hill mob


Well, when they open our borders and your daughter is being raped by one of our new residents, who ya gonna call? Ghostbusters?

You want me to follow you off the cliff? No thanks.

No cliff involved.
You have defunded the police. The ones left are going to resign. Your daughter is being raped. Who are you going to call or will you just allow it?

I'm not interested in your fantasies.

You can't answer the question and still save face...

Because it's your fairy tale, not reality.

No, I don't know how Little Red Riding hood didn't recognize her grandmother as a wolf either.

Gram's big teeth would be a tip off. It isn't a fairy tale that cops are becoming scarce. (Google, for a reality check). Defunding means unprotected. Why would you want that for your daughter?
defund ~ prevent from continuing to receive funds.

Now that the Right has finally, finally started to fight back, yeah ---- let's defund the police. I can see real potential for our side with that, after Wednesday.

Police support from right may be eroding after the response to Hill mob


Well, when they open our borders and your daughter is being raped by one of our new residents, who ya gonna call? Ghostbusters?

You want me to follow you off the cliff? No thanks.

No cliff involved.
You have defunded the police. The ones left are going to resign. Your daughter is being raped. Who are you going to call or will you just allow it?

I'm not interested in your fantasies.

You can't answer the question and still save face...

Because it's your fairy tale, not reality.

No, I don't know how Little Red Riding hood didn't recognize her grandmother as a wolf either.

Gram's big teeth would be a tip off. It isn't a fairy tale that cops are becoming scarce. (Google, for a reality check). Defunding means unprotected. Why would you want that for your daughter?

If there was anything to google you would have provided it.
I'll help you:

Atlanta police said in a statement eight officers have resigned from the department this month. "Our personnel data indicates that we have had anywhere from two to six officers resign per month in 2020," Atlanta police said in a statement.

^ per month! What about that seems like a good idea for you?
Who is demanding there should be more police? The argument was concerning how those responsible for protecting the Capital could have been so clueless.

A few things:

1. BLM and Democrats criticized any police show of force as the reason for an escalation in violence, and didn't hold the criminals accountable for their actions. Here, we had a tamed show of force, and obviously the criminals didn't care. It appears the BLM and Democrats were wrong. Rioters and violent extremists will be monsters, so we need maximum police forces.

2. Dismantling police would have meant far less than what was there to begin with.

Reform. Yes that is still what we want. You can spin it however you want. We still want more of the reform we are starting to see in some areas.

How does defunding achieve reform exactly?
I'll help you:

Atlanta police said in a statement eight officers have resigned from the department this month. "Our personnel data indicates that we have had anywhere from two to six officers resign per month in 2020," Atlanta police said in a statement.

^ per month! What about that seems like a good idea for you?

So eight officers resigned in Atlanta and that means the borders are open and there is going to be mass crime.
defund ~ prevent from continuing to receive funds.

Now that the Right has finally, finally started to fight back, yeah ---- let's defund the police. I can see real potential for our side with that, after Wednesday.

Police support from right may be eroding after the response to Hill mob


Well, when they open our borders and your daughter is being raped by one of our new residents, who ya gonna call? Ghostbusters?

You want me to follow you off the cliff? No thanks.

No cliff involved.
You have defunded the police. The ones left are going to resign. Your daughter is being raped. Who are you going to call or will you just allow it?

I'm not interested in your fantasies.

You can't answer the question and still save face...

Because it's your fairy tale, not reality.

No, I don't know how Little Red Riding hood didn't recognize her grandmother as a wolf either.

Gram's big teeth would be a tip off. It isn't a fairy tale that cops are becoming scarce. (Google, for a reality check). Defunding means unprotected. Why would you want that for your daughter?

If there was anything to google you would have provided it.

Google? :laughing0301:
Who is demanding there should be more police? The argument was concerning how those responsible for protecting the Capital could have been so clueless.

A few things:

1. BLM and Democrats criticized any police show of force as the reason for an escalation in violence, and didn't hold the criminals accountable for their actions. Here, we had a tamed show of force, and obviously the criminals didn't care. It appears the BLM and Democrats were wrong. Rioters and violent extremists will be monsters, so we need maximum police forces.

2. Dismantling police would have meant far less than what was there to begin with.

Reform. Yes that is still what we want. You can spin it however you want. We still want more of the reform we are starting to see in some areas.

How does defunding achieve reform exactly?

It gets old when a person answers the same question over and over. I discussed this here in this thread. Did you not bother to read it?

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