Leftists Take China's Side In Trade Dispute

Apparently, the Stock Market is taking China's side too.
No, the professional traders are taking advantage of news and creating a fire sale on stocks, so they can rush in and buy at low prices.

It's a pretty simple scheme:

Get "bad" news.
Sell off stocks.
Wait until all the amateur day traders freak out, scramble to save their investments and sell at lower prices.
Then, buy all these sold stocks at lower prices.
The sudden buy-back causes the value to rise quickly.
Then, sell off at a higher rate to the amateurs trying buy back into the market.

It never fails.

Yes, the Left (Democrats) want America to fail, and Americans to suffer purely so they can regains POWER in the Administrative branch, and Senate. They are clearly anti American, but pro foreign, Illegal Aliens and Totalitarian Communist countries.
Anybody surprised?

I'm not. The left, in this Country and everywhere else, is totally Anti-American. It's just not even debatable.

For proof,not evidence -- PROOF, just read all the posts in here. They're not taking our side.

In this Trade Standoff, there is a binary choice..... You're either on our side or you're not. Period. End of sentence.

If, as the leftists will claim, they simply dislike Trump and his decisions then their choice is clear -- They like the USA when THEY have control of it. When somebody else (Republicans) have control -- Not so much.

Here's a bit of a primer on how China cheats the hell out of us.....

How does China cheat on trade? Let us count the ways

Here's another --

How China Cheats - AEI

And another --

Yes, China Does Cheat In Trade - The Rest Of The World Needs To Wake Up

Even the Anti-American Washington comPost agrees --


Maybe one more --

Wilbur Ross hates these sneaky trading tactics

Do a search. You'll find the same crap I'm talking about that happens in here.....

dimocraps don't just hate Trump, they hate the fact that dimocraps don't have control.

Like all Totalitarians, they hate what they can't control.

And if they can't control it, they'd rather destroy it.

That ESPECIALLY includes America. They hate their own Country.


Calm the fuck down...you sound mentally disturbed. You are making a fool of yourself.

So is the right-leaning U.S. Chamber of Commerce trying to destroy America as well?

Apparently, the Stock Market is taking China's side too.
No, the professional traders are taking advantage of news and creating a fire sale on stocks, so they can rush in and buy at low prices.

It's a pretty simple scheme:

Get "bad" news.
Sell off stocks.
Wait until all the amateur day traders freak out, scramble to save their investments and sell at lower prices.
Then, buy all these sold stocks at lower prices.
The sudden buy-back causes the value to rise quickly.
Then, sell off at a higher rate to the amateurs trying buy back into the market.

It never fails.


Most traders are not doing that. If they were, that would mean they were selling their own stocks to just buy them back later. That makes no sense. What you are referring to is trading vultures...and they are in the vast, vast minority.

What is happening in the market right now is traders are reacting to the macroeconomic situation in an understandable manner.

Oh...and nothing 'never fails' in equities. Nothing.
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Apparently, the Stock Market is taking China's side too.
No, the professional traders are taking advantage of news and creating a fire sale on stocks, so they can rush in and buy at low prices.

It's a pretty simple scheme:

Get "bad" news.
Sell off stocks.
Wait until all the amateur day traders freak out, scramble to save their investments and sell at lower prices.
Then, buy all these sold stocks at lower prices.
The sudden buy-back causes the value to rise quickly.
Then, sell off at a higher rate to the amateurs trying buy back into the market.

It never fails.


The day-traders, who almost always buy/sell short, aren't going to get hurt at all. In fact, they're gonna make out like bandits.

This is a blip on the screen. China has let its alligator mouth overload its canary ass once too often.

They either come to the table in good faith or they get sent back to the stone age.


And it bugs the shit out of dimocrap scum.

dimocrap scum really don't like America, haven't you folks figured that out yet??
It’s actually pretty brilliant. Trump totally gutted taxes against himself and his rich friends, and got the retarded peasantry to celebrate as he levied taxes on them that adversely affect them via his massive socialist tariffs, thus helping to pay for the tax cuts he gave himself. 4D chess.
Gutting taxes to increase employment amongst graduating professionals was brilliant.
Record spending by the big fed gubmint at the same time is 5D, god-tier level chess
So is the right-leaning U.S. Chamber of Commerce trying to destroy America as well?


Yes, imbecile.

They HATE Trump. And he hates them. Always have.

I'm not real fond of them either.

From 2016 --

US Chamber of Commerce the big loser of the presidential election

How can you tell which way the wind blows with Trump?

Here’s a hint — It blows against the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, which has spent the last year demonizing him for his positions on trade

This is where your ignorance and stupidity shine.

Try to keep up, soyboy. It's a rough ride.

You understand nothing of politics
Anybody surprised?

I'm not. The left, in this Country and everywhere else, is totally Anti-American. It's just not even debatable.

For proof,not evidence -- PROOF, just read all the posts in here. They're not taking our side.

In this Trade Standoff, there is a binary choice..... You're either on our side or you're not. Period. End of sentence.

If, as the leftists will claim, they simply dislike Trump and his decisions then their choice is clear -- They like the USA when THEY have control of it. When somebody else (Republicans) have control -- Not so much.

Here's a bit of a primer on how China cheats the hell out of us.....

How does China cheat on trade? Let us count the ways

Here's another --

How China Cheats - AEI

And another --

Yes, China Does Cheat In Trade - The Rest Of The World Needs To Wake Up

Even the Anti-American Washington comPost agrees --


Maybe one more --

Wilbur Ross hates these sneaky trading tactics

Do a search. You'll find the same crap I'm talking about that happens in here.....

dimocraps don't just hate Trump, they hate the fact that dimocraps don't have control.

Like all Totalitarians, they hate what they can't control.

And if they can't control it, they'd rather destroy it.

That ESPECIALLY includes America. They hate their own Country.

^ cheers the dotard raising taxes on him

Funny. All the Left talk about is raising taxes. They want the rich to pay 90%. But let the stock market fall a bit in the opening volley of the trade war and the Left is ready to slit its own throat.
Opening volley? Too stupid. Enjoy your additional tax hikes, retard.

Tax hikes? When did the Democrats in Congress increase them?
Anybody surprised?

I'm not. The left, in this Country and everywhere else, is totally Anti-American. It's just not even debatable.

For proof,not evidence -- PROOF, just read all the posts in here. They're not taking our side.

In this Trade Standoff, there is a binary choice..... You're either on our side or you're not. Period. End of sentence.

If, as the leftists will claim, they simply dislike Trump and his decisions then their choice is clear -- They like the USA when THEY have control of it. When somebody else (Republicans) have control -- Not so much.

Here's a bit of a primer on how China cheats the hell out of us.....

How does China cheat on trade? Let us count the ways

Here's another --

How China Cheats - AEI

And another --

Yes, China Does Cheat In Trade - The Rest Of The World Needs To Wake Up

Even the Anti-American Washington comPost agrees --


Maybe one more --

Wilbur Ross hates these sneaky trading tactics

Do a search. You'll find the same crap I'm talking about that happens in here.....

dimocraps don't just hate Trump, they hate the fact that dimocraps don't have control.

Like all Totalitarians, they hate what they can't control.

And if they can't control it, they'd rather destroy it.

That ESPECIALLY includes America. They hate their own Country.

^ cheers the dotard raising taxes on him

Funny. All the Left talk about is raising taxes. They want the rich to pay 90%. But let the stock market fall a bit in the opening volley of the trade war and the Left is ready to slit its own throat.
Opening volley? Too stupid. Enjoy your additional tax hikes, retard.

Tax hikes? When did the Democrats in Congress increase them?
The Democrats you hate so much have been wanting socialist tariffs for years. You voted to give them what they want.
So is the right-leaning U.S. Chamber of Commerce trying to destroy America as well?


Yes, imbecile.

They HATE Trump. And he hates them. Always have.

I'm not real fond of them either.

From 2016 --

US Chamber of Commerce the big loser of the presidential election

How can you tell which way the wind blows with Trump?

Here’s a hint — It blows against the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, which has spent the last year demonizing him for his positions on trade

This is where your ignorance and stupidity shine.

Try to keep up, soyboy. It's a rough ride.

You understand nothing of politics

More --

While local chambers cater to the needs of car dealers and restaurant owners, the national Chamber operates as the lobbying arm of large corporations that have never met a big government program they did not like.

They are weapons dealers pushing billion-dollar battleships and telecommunications lobbyists protecting slow internet at the world’s highest prices. They are lobbyists for pharmaceutical companies, big banks, and Wall Street traders who treat the American people as gullibles to be fleeced without mercy.

Trump seems to have their number. Back in June, candidate Trump told a crowd in Bangor, Maine that “The U.S. Chamber of Commerce is totally controlled by the special interest groups...They’re a special interest that wants to have the deals that they want to have.”


Steve Bannon, chief strategist for the president-elect, has noted that "the underpinning of this populist revolt is the financial crisis of 2008. That revolt, the way that it was dealt with, the way that the people who ran the banks and ran the hedge funds have never really been held accountable for what they did, has fueled much of the anger in the tea party movement."

When it comes to the pharmaceutical industry, Trump himself has been clear he is going to bring down the cost of prescription drugs. He says the American people have had their pockets picked long enough by corporate lobbyists who have crafted a system in which the government is powerless to negotiate better prices.

Could the price-gougers and fraudsters be near the end of their rope? Maybe.
Anybody surprised?

I'm not. The left, in this Country and everywhere else, is totally Anti-American. It's just not even debatable.

For proof,not evidence -- PROOF, just read all the posts in here. They're not taking our side.

In this Trade Standoff, there is a binary choice..... You're either on our side or you're not. Period. End of sentence.

If, as the leftists will claim, they simply dislike Trump and his decisions then their choice is clear -- They like the USA when THEY have control of it. When somebody else (Republicans) have control -- Not so much.

Here's a bit of a primer on how China cheats the hell out of us.....

How does China cheat on trade? Let us count the ways

Here's another --

How China Cheats - AEI

And another --

Yes, China Does Cheat In Trade - The Rest Of The World Needs To Wake Up

Even the Anti-American Washington comPost agrees --


Maybe one more --

Wilbur Ross hates these sneaky trading tactics

Do a search. You'll find the same crap I'm talking about that happens in here.....

dimocraps don't just hate Trump, they hate the fact that dimocraps don't have control.

Like all Totalitarians, they hate what they can't control.

And if they can't control it, they'd rather destroy it.

That ESPECIALLY includes America. They hate their own Country.

^ cheers the dotard raising taxes on him

Funny. All the Left talk about is raising taxes. They want the rich to pay 90%. But let the stock market fall a bit in the opening volley of the trade war and the Left is ready to slit its own throat.
Opening volley? Too stupid. Enjoy your additional tax hikes, retard.

Tax hikes? When did the Democrats in Congress increase them?
The Democrats you hate so much have been wanting socialist tariffs for years. You voted to give them what they want.

Then why don't all the democrats shut up and be happy?
Anybody surprised?

I'm not. The left, in this Country and everywhere else, is totally Anti-American. It's just not even debatable.

For proof,not evidence -- PROOF, just read all the posts in here. They're not taking our side.

In this Trade Standoff, there is a binary choice..... You're either on our side or you're not. Period. End of sentence.

If, as the leftists will claim, they simply dislike Trump and his decisions then their choice is clear -- They like the USA when THEY have control of it. When somebody else (Republicans) have control -- Not so much.

Here's a bit of a primer on how China cheats the hell out of us.....

How does China cheat on trade? Let us count the ways

Here's another --

How China Cheats - AEI

And another --

Yes, China Does Cheat In Trade - The Rest Of The World Needs To Wake Up

Even the Anti-American Washington comPost agrees --


Maybe one more --

Wilbur Ross hates these sneaky trading tactics

Do a search. You'll find the same crap I'm talking about that happens in here.....

dimocraps don't just hate Trump, they hate the fact that dimocraps don't have control.

Like all Totalitarians, they hate what they can't control.

And if they can't control it, they'd rather destroy it.

That ESPECIALLY includes America. They hate their own Country.

^ cheers the dotard raising taxes on him

Funny. All the Left talk about is raising taxes. They want the rich to pay 90%. But let the stock market fall a bit in the opening volley of the trade war and the Left is ready to slit its own throat.
if the left didn't know how to overreact, they wouldn't know how to react at all.
So is the right-leaning U.S. Chamber of Commerce trying to destroy America as well?


Yes, imbecile.

They HATE Trump. And he hates them. Always have.

I'm not real fond of them either.

From 2016 --

US Chamber of Commerce the big loser of the presidential election

How can you tell which way the wind blows with Trump?

Here’s a hint — It blows against the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, which has spent the last year demonizing him for his positions on trade

This is where your ignorance and stupidity shine.

Try to keep up, soyboy. It's a rough ride.

You understand nothing of politics

So you think the U.S. Chamber of Commerce is trying to destroy America?



Whatever you say, pal.
Anybody surprised?

I'm not. The left, in this Country and everywhere else, is totally Anti-American. It's just not even debatable.

For proof,not evidence -- PROOF, just read all the posts in here. They're not taking our side.

In this Trade Standoff, there is a binary choice..... You're either on our side or you're not. Period. End of sentence.

If, as the leftists will claim, they simply dislike Trump and his decisions then their choice is clear -- They like the USA when THEY have control of it. When somebody else (Republicans) have control -- Not so much.

Here's a bit of a primer on how China cheats the hell out of us.....

How does China cheat on trade? Let us count the ways

Here's another --

How China Cheats - AEI

And another --

Yes, China Does Cheat In Trade - The Rest Of The World Needs To Wake Up

Even the Anti-American Washington comPost agrees --


Maybe one more --

Wilbur Ross hates these sneaky trading tactics

Do a search. You'll find the same crap I'm talking about that happens in here.....

dimocraps don't just hate Trump, they hate the fact that dimocraps don't have control.

Like all Totalitarians, they hate what they can't control.

And if they can't control it, they'd rather destroy it.

That ESPECIALLY includes America. They hate their own Country.

^ cheers the dotard raising taxes on him

Funny. All the Left talk about is raising taxes. They want the rich to pay 90%. But let the stock market fall a bit in the opening volley of the trade war and the Left is ready to slit its own throat.
Opening volley? Too stupid. Enjoy your additional tax hikes, retard.

Tax hikes? When did the Democrats in Congress increase them?
The Democrats you hate so much have been wanting socialist tariffs for years. You voted to give them what they want.
And you're still whining.
^ cheers the dotard raising taxes on him

Funny. All the Left talk about is raising taxes. They want the rich to pay 90%. But let the stock market fall a bit in the opening volley of the trade war and the Left is ready to slit its own throat.
Opening volley? Too stupid. Enjoy your additional tax hikes, retard.

Tax hikes? When did the Democrats in Congress increase them?
The Democrats you hate so much have been wanting socialist tariffs for years. You voted to give them what they want.
And you're still whining.
I have never wanted tariffs. When did you abandon your political philosophy and endorse socialist tariffs?
Then why don't all the democrats shut up and be happy?

If dimocrap scum didn't rely so much on the DISGUSTING FILTH for their information, they'd find that a LOT of the things they believe in, Trump stands for.

But, they're slaves to the media. It's just that fucking simple.

If they'd do some basic research on their own, listen and read......

But then, they wouldn't be dimocrap scum, would they??
Then why don't all the democrats shut up and be happy?

If dimocrap scum didn't rely so much on the DISGUSTING FILTH for their information, they'd find that a LOT of the things they believe in, Trump stands for.

But, they're slaves to the media. It's just that fucking simple.

If they'd do some basic research on their own, listen and read......

But then, they wouldn't be dimocrap scum, would they??

You said the following:

'Tariffs will go up but so will American employment opportunities...... Like you care....'

And I will ask you again...

Prove it with a link to unbiased, factual proof.

You are making a matter-of-fact statement...so where is your factual proof?

I guarantee that you cannot provide such proof.

Which means your statement means NOTHING....just the blathering's of a Trumpbot.
^ cheers the dotard raising taxes on him

Funny. All the Left talk about is raising taxes. They want the rich to pay 90%. But let the stock market fall a bit in the opening volley of the trade war and the Left is ready to slit its own throat.
Opening volley? Too stupid. Enjoy your additional tax hikes, retard.

Tax hikes? When did the Democrats in Congress increase them?
The Democrats you hate so much have been wanting socialist tariffs for years. You voted to give them what they want.

Then why don't all the democrats shut up and be happy?
Many are. Tariffs and subsidies are a means for some of them to get free shit, after all.

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