Leftists to tear down another statue.

Statues celebrating traitors is a prime example of rewriting history.
Confederates were separatists seeking an autonomous nation of their own, not those seeking to overthrow the U.S.

Learn how to speak your own language.
Most southerners were property not people. Their government was not legitimate.
We all known
No one is trying to erase the atrocities or the civil war.

In fact, yall get super upset when we talk about it.
Yes, yes you liberoidals are trying to erase it....And pointing out that you're acting exactly like Orwell predicted doesn't not signal that anyone is upset.
Im sorry, but for those of us who went to school, history is by reading books and learning facts.

Removing a statute doesn’t erase history. This is how you erase history:
Statues celebrating traitors is a prime example of rewriting history.
Confederates were separatists seeking an autonomous nation of their own, not those seeking to overthrow the U.S.

Learn how to speak your own language.
Most southerners were property not people. Their government was not legitimate.
It was democrats who fought to keep their slaves. That's why I'm dumbfounded as to how blacks can support them.

I can only guess it's a form of stockholm syndrome that's somehow been passed down from previous generations within the black community.
Statues celebrating traitors is a prime example of rewriting history.
Statues celebrating traitors is a prime example of rewriting history.
Confederates were separatists seeking an autonomous nation of their own, not those seeking to overthrow the U.S.

Learn how to speak your own language.
Then Lee would have never entered into Union territory.
No one is trying to erase the atrocities or the civil war.

In fact, yall get super upset when we talk about it.
Get ready to piss your pants pussies.
Filthy Leftists are no authority on American history, the Civil War or the confederacy. ALL good real Americans view confederate soldiers as American heroes. They had the courage to rise up and fight what they perceived to be a tyrannical government depriving them of constitutional rights.
Time has proven they were right along. Nobody with the courage to be truthful can argue...turning the slaves loose in society to wreak havoc on Americans was the wrong thing to do...(we still see it today) Lincoln should have done the right thing and return them all to their homelands; instead he chose to fuck Americans over.
Pretty much 90% of whites are well past the skin color issue. We are instead responding from a 50+ years conduct issue . It is far more useful to black issues instigators to proclaim “you screwed us over and are still doing it” instead of taking responsibility for themselves and changing
What exactly is wrong with a democratically elected governor, in agreement with a democratically elected city counsel, in agreement even with Robert E. Lee’s wishes that no such Memorials be constructed, FINALLY deciding to remove this statue?

Like most such statues, this one was built in the era of Jim Crow, and it celebrated the South’s rebirth as an apartheid-like society. It is still divisive and felt as a deep insult to many citizens. It towers over the city ... a city apparently ready to move on. Most successful Southern states and cities have already removed Confederate battle flags and many such statues from public spaces, without in any way obliterating or denying their history.

The Civil War ended 155 years ago. It’s about time public monuments to leaders of the Confederate rebellion, who fought to protect a way of life based upon human slavery and “King Cotton,” be relegated safely to museums or battlefield tourist sites.
What exactly is wrong with a democratically elected governor, in agreement with a democratically elected city counsel, in agreement even with Robert E. Lee’s wishes that no such Memorials be constructed, FINALLY deciding to remove this statue?

Like most such statues, this one was built in the era of Jim Crow, and it celebrated the South’s rebirth as an apartheid-like society. It is still divisive and felt as a deep insult to many citizens. It towers over the city ... a city apparently ready to move on. Most successful Southern states and cities have already removed Confederate battle flags and many such statues from public spaces, without in any way obliterating or denying their history.

The Civil War ended 155 years ago. It’s about time public monuments to leaders of the Confederate rebellion, who fought to protect a way of life based upon human slavery and “King Cotton,” be relegated safely to museums or battlefield tourist sites.
History is history and you are trying to alter it. By your line of thinking using the Hitler word should be far far worse than using the N word.
What exactly is wrong with a democratically elected governor, in agreement with a democratically elected city counsel, in agreement even with Robert E. Lee’s wishes that no such Memorials be constructed, FINALLY deciding to remove this statue?

Like most such statues, this one was built in the era of Jim Crow, and it celebrated the South’s rebirth as an apartheid-like society. It is still divisive and felt as a deep insult to many citizens. It towers over the city ... a city apparently ready to move on. Most successful Southern states and cities have already removed Confederate battle flags and many such statues from public spaces, without in any way obliterating or denying their history.

The Civil War ended 155 years ago. It’s about time public monuments to leaders of the Confederate rebellion, who fought to protect a way of life based upon human slavery and “King Cotton,” be relegated safely to museums or battlefield tourist sites.
History is history and you are trying to alter it. By your line of thinking using the Hitler word should be far far worse than using the N word.
When Saddam fell, they tore down statutes of him. Were the Iraqi’s guilty of trying to alter their history?

A statute in a park does not define history. This is an absurd excuse.
Statues celebrating traitors is a prime example of rewriting history.
Confederates were separatists seeking an autonomous nation of their own, not those seeking to overthrow the U.S.

Learn how to speak your own language.
Most southerners were property not people. Their government was not legitimate.
We all known
No one is trying to erase the atrocities or the civil war.

In fact, yall get super upset when we talk about it.
Yes, yes you liberoidals are trying to erase it....And pointing out that you're acting exactly like Orwell predicted doesn't not signal that anyone is upset.
Im sorry, but for those of us who went to school, history is by reading books and learning facts.

Removing a statute doesn’t erase history. This is how you erase history:
/—-/ Slavery was a side issue. It started out due to punitive duties on cotton and lax one for industry imposed by Congress. Slavery became the rally cry around 1864. I was taught that in Southern schools. I also was taught that slavery was evil and had to be shut down by force.
Statues celebrating traitors is a prime example of rewriting history.
Confederates were separatists seeking an autonomous nation of their own, not those seeking to overthrow the U.S.

Learn how to speak your own language.
Most southerners were property not people. Their government was not legitimate.
We all known
No one is trying to erase the atrocities or the civil war.

In fact, yall get super upset when we talk about it.
Yes, yes you liberoidals are trying to erase it....And pointing out that you're acting exactly like Orwell predicted doesn't not signal that anyone is upset.
Im sorry, but for those of us who went to school, history is by reading books and learning facts.

Removing a statute doesn’t erase history. This is how you erase history:
/—-/ Slavery was a side issue. It started out due to punitive duties on cotton and lax one for industry imposed by Congress. Slavery became the rally cry around 1864. I was taught that in Southern schools. I also was taught that slavery was evil and had to be shut down by force.
Slavery was not a side issue. That’s the rewrite of history.
The leftists seem to love the first amendment when they express THEIR feelings, BUT....
Everybody else can kiss off.
Hypocritical communist assholes.

In related news, Joe Biden did vote to restore Confederate general Robert E. Lee's citizenship. Now he supports removing his statue.

I guess, he'll explain it the same way as he explained his support for NAFTA: "It made sense at the moment".
Statues celebrating traitors is a prime example of rewriting history.

I'm with you. I think that you and I would agree that our nations would prefer patriotic monuments in public. Anyone who likes the people commemorated in these statues can put them in museums or on private land.
"Anybody who likes the books I'm burning should hide them in their personal library."
Statues commemorate history and events. The are not hero worship displays
Statues can be destroyed, yes. I am living proof that the memories of those who are no longer here can still be kept alive and kicking too, but history can never be erased and re-written no matter what is done now.

God bless you always!!!

Holly (currently listening to late country legend Joe Diffie)
The leftists seem to love the first amendment when they express THEIR feelings, BUT....
Everybody else can kiss off.
Hypocritical communist assholes.
----that definitely will stop them from murdering each other and help their graduation rates

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