Lefty media declares ANOTHER minority group "white supremacists"...LOL

marvin martian

Diamond Member
Sep 29, 2020
Texas Hill Country
We all saw the corporate media declare "White Hispanics" a menace to our democracy.

Now, the newest group of white supremacists, Asian conservatives, have been identified as the latest threat to the left's race-hustling con.

So the list of white supremacists reads something like this right now:

- Asian conservatives
- "White Hispanics"
- Black conservatives
- Latino conservatives
- Indian-American republicans
- Hispanic republicans
- Samoan-American former democrats

Could it be that "white supremacists" are the most diverse group in America today?

We all saw the corporate media declare "White Hispanics" a menace to our democracy.

God wants White Man dead ... and all their creations ground into the dust from which they came ... it's that second part Black Man won't do, so lives are spared ... for now ...

The Woman is too busy raising the next generation for such foolishness ...
The left has made terms like racism and white supremacy all but irrelevant with the way they throw them around so much.

Their weapons get duller and duller with each use, and with no intelligent maintenance.

They no longer work.


Dull tools.

We all saw the corporate media declare "White Hispanics" a menace to our democracy.

Now, the newest group of white supremacists, Asian conservatives, have been identified as the latest threat to the left's race-hustling con.

So the list of white supremacists reads something like this right now:

- Asian conservatives
- "White Hispanics"
- Black conservatives
- Latino conservatives
- Indian-American republicans
- Hispanic republicans
- Samoan-American former democrats

Could it be that "white supremacists" are the most diverse group in America today?

They need to keep this up, the are making white supremacists the most colorful group around. How ignorant can you be?
We all saw the corporate media declare "White Hispanics" a menace to our democracy.

Now, the newest group of white supremacists, Asian conservatives, have been identified as the latest threat to the left's race-hustling con.

So the list of white supremacists reads something like this right now:

- Asian conservatives
- "White Hispanics"
- Black conservatives
- Latino conservatives
- Indian-American republicans
- Hispanic republicans
- Samoan-American former democrats

Could it be that "white supremacists" are the most diverse group in America today?

Liberal media, not lefty media.

But yes, liberal media is a dangerously insane punchline.
I say all non black Americans get together to send blacks back to Africa. Then America can be free of racism.

If the majority are responsible for being racist because of a small part then the answer is simple. Get rid of the small part and do what's best for majority.

Anyone who doesn't like it can go with them.

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