Legal Scholar: Changes Made by Obama to the ACA are Unconstitutional

Once you turds start parsing and arguing semantics you've been bested, semantics is the place the left goes to hide behind their lies.

I'll give you the semantic argument because the fact is this, this President of the United States has chosen to ignore the parts of ANY Law he does not like, including this one.

You know it, I know it, everyone knows it.

The claim is that Obama unconstitutionally changed the ACA. No parsing at all. That is the claim.

Prove it.

All I see is a lot of bluster trying to conceal the fact you cannot prove the claim. My guess is that is because you don't even know the law. You are just a parrot regurgitating manufactured bullshit you have been fed.

I'll give you the semantic argument because the fact is this, this President of the United States has chosen to ignore the parts of ANY Law he does not like, including this one.

We both know I've shoved the law up your ass at every turn g ;)

I know you STILL think that Bronze Plans don't qualify for a subsidy, idiot.

The President of the United States has unilaterally decided which laws he will and will not enforce, sorry kid.

I see you are still unable to quote the law and show what Obama changed. Thanks for playing! Better luck next time.

That's how a good con works. Someone says something you WANT TO BELIEVE, and so you unquestioningly believe it. You don't fact check.

The guy is a political scientist from a second tier Liberal Arts college, not a lawyer. And he plainly said "IF" Obama changed the law.

So show us Obama DID change the law.

You can't. Or you would be proving it just for the sheer glee of rubbing my face in it.

But you can't.
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The claim is that Obama unconstitutionally changed the ACA. No parsing at all. That is the claim.

Prove it.

All I see is a lot of bluster trying to conceal the fact you cannot prove the claim. My guess is that is because you don't even know the law. You are just a parrot regurgitating manufactured bullshit you have been fed.

I'll give you the semantic argument because the fact is this, this President of the United States has chosen to ignore the parts of ANY Law he does not like, including this one.

We both know I've shoved the law up your ass at every turn g ;)

I know you STILL think that Bronze Plans don't qualify for a subsidy, idiot.

The President of the United States has unilaterally decided which laws he will and will not enforce, sorry kid.

I see you are still unable to quote the law and show what Obama changed. Thanks for playing! Better luck next time.

That's how a good con works. Someone says something you WANT TO BELIEVE, and so you unquestioningly believe it. You don't fact check.

The guy is a political scientist from a second tier Liberal Arts college, not a lawyer. And he plainly said "IF" Obama changed the law.

So show us Obama DID change the law.

You can't. Or you would be proving it just for the sheer glee of rubbing my face in it.

But you can't.

LMAO....g, you are a child :)

You still claim that the Bronze Plans don't qualify for a irks you that I simply slap you up one side and down the other...I don't like you, you are an arrogant prick so I will continue to do so ;)
G5000 wrote clearly, "So show us Obama DID change the law. // You can't. Or you would be proving it just for the sheer glee of rubbing my face in it."

You shan't, Antares, because you can't.

Your opinion, anyone's opinion is not proof for an OP. Ever.
@ g 5000

`(A) ELIGIBILITY FOR A HEALTH PLAN, HEALTH CLAIM STATUS, ELECTRONIC FUNDS TRANSFERS, HEALTH CARE PAYMENT AND REMITTANCE ADVICE- Not later than December 31, 2013, a health plan shall file a statement with the Secretary, in such form as the Secretary may require, certifying that the data and information systems for such plan are in compliance with any applicable standards (as described under paragraph (7) of section 1171) and associated operating rules (as described under paragraph (9) of such section) for electronic funds transfers, eligibility for a health plan, health claim status, and health care payment and remittance advice, respectively.][/B]

Bill Text - 111th Congress (2009-2010) - THOMAS (Library of Congress)

Poor more than a little cu*t
G5000 wrote clearly, "So show us Obama DID change the law. // You can't. Or you would be proving it just for the sheer glee of rubbing my face in it."

You shan't, Antares, because you can't.

Your opinion, anyone's opinion is not proof for an OP. Ever.

Poor little jake.....
The claim is that Obama unconstitutionally changed the ACA. No parsing at all. That is the claim.

Prove it.

All I see is a lot of bluster trying to conceal the fact you cannot prove the claim. My guess is that is because you don't even know the law. You are just a parrot regurgitating manufactured bullshit you have been fed.

If the ACA says such-and-such a deadline is Oct 31, and Obama unilaterally declares that the deadline will be some other date, then he has changed the law. How else would you interpret it?

Show me.

Quote the law, not some piss rag. Quote the law.

Make sure you don't miss any provisions which allow for exemptions or extensions!

Why should I quote the law? Sibelius herself said the deadline for having the website up and running was Oct 31. The Obama administration has publically announced that it is changing the deadlines written into law.
G5000 wrote clearly, "So show us Obama DID change the law. // You can't. Or you would be proving it just for the sheer glee of rubbing my face in it."

You shan't, Antares, because you can't.

Your opinion, anyone's opinion is not proof for an OP. Ever.

Poor little jake.....

Jakes impotent rage is kind of cute, don't ya think? He fights to viciously to maintain the status quo.

This subtitle (and the amendments made by this subtitle) shall become effective for plan years beginning on or after January 1, 2014.][/COLOR][/B]


(a) Qualified Health Plan- In this title:
(1) IN GENERAL- The term `qualified health plan' means a health plan that--
(A) has in effect a certification (which may include a seal or other indication of approval) that such plan meets the criteria for certification described in section 1311(c) issued or recognized by each Exchange through which such plan is offered;
(B) provides the essential health benefits package described in section 1302(a); and
(C) is offered by a health insurance issuer that--
(i) is licensed and in good standing to offer health insurance coverage in each State in which such issuer offers health insurance coverage under this title;
(ii) agrees to offer at least one qualified health plan in the silver level and at least one plan in the gold level in each such Exchange;
(iii) agrees to charge the same premium rate for each qualified health plan of the issuer without regard to whether the plan is offered through an Exchange or whether the plan is offered directly from the issuer or through an agent; and
(iv) complies with the regulations developed by the Secretary under section 1311(d) and such other requirements as an applicable Exchange may establish.
(2) INCLUSION OF CO-OP PLANS AND COMMUNITY HEALTH INSURANCE OPTION- Any reference in this title to a qualified health plan shall be deemed to include a qualified health plan offered through the CO-OP program under section 1322 or a community health insurance option under section 1323, unless specifically provided for otherwise.
(b) Terms Relating to Health Plans- In this title:[/COLOR]

Bill Text - 111th Congress (2009-2010) - THOMAS (Library of Congress)

You like the taste of my jizz Jake?

This subtitle (and the amendments made by this subtitle) shall become effective for plan years beginning on or after January 1, 2014.][/COLOR][/B]


(a) Qualified Health Plan- In this title:
(1) IN GENERAL- The term `qualified health plan' means a health plan that--
(A) has in effect a certification (which may include a seal or other indication of approval) that such plan meets the criteria for certification described in section 1311(c) issued or recognized by each Exchange through which such plan is offered;
(B) provides the essential health benefits package described in section 1302(a); and
(C) is offered by a health insurance issuer that--
(i) is licensed and in good standing to offer health insurance coverage in each State in which such issuer offers health insurance coverage under this title;
(ii) agrees to offer at least one qualified health plan in the silver level and at least one plan in the gold level in each such Exchange;
(iii) agrees to charge the same premium rate for each qualified health plan of the issuer without regard to whether the plan is offered through an Exchange or whether the plan is offered directly from the issuer or through an agent; and
(iv) complies with the regulations developed by the Secretary under section 1311(d) and such other requirements as an applicable Exchange may establish.
(2) INCLUSION OF CO-OP PLANS AND COMMUNITY HEALTH INSURANCE OPTION- Any reference in this title to a qualified health plan shall be deemed to include a qualified health plan offered through the CO-OP program under section 1322 or a community health insurance option under section 1323, unless specifically provided for otherwise.
(b) Terms Relating to Health Plans- In this title:[/COLOR]

Bill Text - 111th Congress (2009-2010) - THOMAS (Library of Congress)

You like the taste of my jizz Jake?

This subtitle (and the amendments made by this subtitle) shall become effective for plan years beginning on or after January 1, 2014.]
This will open the door to court challenges.

No it won't.

All the parties involved (patients, insurers) are in favor of the changes.

Obama's executive changes to the ACA will never be challenged in court.

That's what you're counting on, isn't? You certainly don't believe they pass constitutional muster.

I believe the Republicans in Congress are preparing to file a court challenge against Obama's rewriting of the law.
This will open the door to court challenges.

No it won't.

All the parties involved (patients, insurers) are in favor of the changes.

Obama's executive changes to the ACA will never be challenged in court.

How in any way does that affect the illegality of what he is doing?

He's just saying Obama won't get caught. He's admitting that he doesn't care whether it's constitutional.

That is so beautifully liberal!
@ g 5000

`(A) ELIGIBILITY FOR A HEALTH PLAN, HEALTH CLAIM STATUS, ELECTRONIC FUNDS TRANSFERS, HEALTH CARE PAYMENT AND REMITTANCE ADVICE- Not later than December 31, 2013, a health plan shall file a statement with the Secretary, in such form as the Secretary may require, certifying that the data and information systems for such plan are in compliance with any applicable standards (as described under paragraph (7) of section 1171) and associated operating rules (as described under paragraph (9) of such section) for electronic funds transfers, eligibility for a health plan, health claim status, and health care payment and remittance advice, respectively.][/B]

Bill Text - 111th Congress (2009-2010) - THOMAS (Library of Congress)

Poor more than a little cu*t
Poor Antares. You thought that applies to what, exactly? You found a deadline date for something, but have no idea how that applies to Obama changing the law. :lol:

That section deals with insurance companies that want to be listed on a health insurance exchange, idiot. :lol:
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11 pages, and it is pretty obvious no one has any evidence Obama changed the law.

No one can provide an actual quote of an actual provision and then explain how Obama violated it.

If he had violated it, you would have been fed all the evidence you need. Instead you only have partisan rhetoric.

I hope you learned your lesson. Stop drinking Glenn Beck's piss. Stop eating the manufactured bullshit being fed to you by hacks.

Even the second rate political scientist has the brainpower to say "IF" Obama has changed the law. He did not state it definitively. But the topic starter had such a strong desire to believe, that is what she heard.
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This will open the door to court challenges.

No it won't.

All the parties involved (patients, insurers) are in favor of the changes.

Obama's executive changes to the ACA will never be challenged in court.

You keep spouting these lies with no substance.

The patients are not in favor of the changes:

CNN Poll: Health care law support drops to all-time low ? CNN Political Ticker - Blogs

And the insurers are equally not in favor of the changes:

Big insurers avoid many state health exchanges | USA Today

And there's already a lawsuit circulating in the courts over the changes:

Lawsuit Seeks to Stop Obama's Mandate Delay: 'President Has No Right to Change Law' - Newsmax

Go have a seat and let me know when you can do your own research.
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