Legalizing illegal immigrants to cost $6.3 trillion


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV
Legalizing illegal immigrants to cost $6.3 trillion

The Heritage Foundation said Monday that legalizing illegal immigrants would cost taxpayers a net $6.3 trillion over the next 50 years — releasing a report that ignited a venomous battle over an immigration bill and who is truly representing the conservative movement in the debate.
Report: Legalizing illegal immigrants to cost $6.3 trillion - Washington Times

For all the Demowits who say legalizing the 12 million here and those coming in will help the economy because they will be brought out of the shadows and will pay taxes. Only thing wrong with this claim is that they are all uneducated low wage earners (dong jobs Americans will not do) paying very little in taxes if any and getting of the tax breaks, qualifying for welfare like food stamps, Medicaid, subsidized housing, etc costing us more. Deport them and save money. Nancy Pelosi should be tested for dementia. What did the 1986 Amnesty do for the economy? We are still paying for it. Elderly and disabled did not contribute so they collect SSI, food stamps, housing and full Medicaid.

Illegal aliens DO pay taxes. $11.2 billion in 2010.
Study estimates that illegal immigrants paid $11.2B in taxes last year, unlike GE, which paid zero - NY Daily News

But how much did they get in tax breaks and refunds?
True News USA: Why are illegal aliens getting bigger tax refund checks than any of us? MASSIVE FRAUD due to loop hole.

Congress should do nothing about Comprehensive Immigration Reform until the border is secured.
It's obvious that economy can't benefit from the growing amount of social dependants. Even if there is a slightest possibility that those people will become honest tax payers who pitch in with the economy, it won't happen soon. Positive changes happen much slower than negative.
It's obvious that economy can't benefit from the growing amount of social dependants. Even if there is a slightest possibility that those people will become honest tax payers who pitch in with the economy, it won't happen soon. Positive changes happen much slower than negative.

We wont be getting much from em in sales tax either. They send their money back to mexico.
We wont be getting much from em in sales tax either. They send their money back to mexico.

I think, that's another factor they don't take into consideration.
Plus the immigrants have different cultural background, plus they don't speak English, plus they are used to lower life standards, plus lots of other things that make any benefit that our country can gain from their stay close to impossible. While we face tax burden.
Not nice, no matter how people loving and all we try to be.
Where are all of the bleeding heart liberal views now in the face of facts?
When you attach a dead battery to a fully charged one, the dead battery sucks the juice out of the charged one till their both almost useless.
6 trillion $??
Boy!! That's a lot of wall!
People who support amnesty are just naive, plain and simple. I feel as though the government is well aware of the negative effects this will have on our nation and our economy but for whatever reason they're really doing their best to sell this Trojan horse. Anybody with half a brain can see this going sour and quickly. They're selling this like it's a humanitarian effort for the "children" but the majority are uneducated, unvaccinated adults with criminal records that run a mile long. They're even letting known gang members in the country with absolutely no consideration for the citizens who are being put at risk. This is a blatant disregard for the financial and physical well-being of citizens of this country.

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