Legally armed citizens urged to act as deterrents against mass shootings, terrorism

More Americans have guns than ever before.

And we are having more mass killings than ever before.

If you gun nutters who think you are John Wayne abd Rambo rolled into one, would get out of your hidy hole, maybe you could stop one of these shooters.

Please don.t tell me you follow those Gun Free zone signs? Why you think they call it Conceled Carry?

Choose Your Own Mass Shooting Statistics
  • Mass shootings were slightly more common, and killed a larger number of people, in 2009-2013 than in the previous two five-year periods. The congressional study attributes both increases largely to one outlier year, noting that 2012 was unusually bad.
  • Few mass shootings are mass public shootings.
  • More people die in mass public shootings now than in previous decades, but if you adjust for population growth that increase basically disappears.
Why worry about the ands ifs and buts? If someone is shooting a shitload of people and you are armed....shoot back. If I did that and wound up least I went out not cowering and at the mercy of some schmuck. And hopefully saved a few while doing it.
So if everyone starts shooting wildly ,how do you know which one if the original bad guy , or do you shoot anyone else who is shooting?
More Americans have guns than ever before.

And we are having more mass killings than ever before.

This is a lie.


Considering its based on a survey, and lately some people are concerned that their guns are in jeopardy, don't you think that some people would answer "no" when the actual situation is "yes"?

I also wonder if this is a general survey, or a an urban survey.
Considering its based on a survey, and lately some people are concerned that their guns are in jeopardy, don't you think that some people would answer "no" when the actual situation is "yes"?

No. Because that makes absolutely no sense whatsoever.
Considering its based on a survey, and lately some people are concerned that their guns are in jeopardy, don't you think that some people would answer "no" when the actual situation is "yes"?

No. Because that makes absolutely no sense whatsoever.

It makes more sense than you think. If people are worried that "government will come for their guns" how do you think they would answer a question like that?
More Americans have guns than ever before.

And we are having more mass killings than ever before.

This is a lie.


My bad. What i should have said is that MORE white men own guns than ever before.

And the largest group of gun owners are white men who vote Republican.

They are also the largest group of scared shitless people in America.

Actually the biggest growing gun ownership demographic? women.

Why Female Gun Ownership is Up 77% Since 2005

The math isn’t surprising and the logic is simple: Women want to protect themselves and their family, and guns are the great equalizer between sexes in crimes against women. The facts are there to prove it.

Firearms are the great equalizer. Shooting is a gender neutral talent, and women are figuring out that ventilating a potential attacker works better than begging that he use a condom, or pissing on oneself.
Legally armed citizens urged to act as deterrents against mass shootings, terrorism

Too bad we law-abiding citizens aren't allowed to bring our guns into schools, offices, govt buildings, stadiums, theaters etc.

That's where most of these shootings occur, you know.

How typical of a liberal government.

They forbid us to carry our weapons where the mass shooters go, and then say, "Now defend yourself against those mass shooters."

Boy, am I glad I elected THOSE officials.

They not only fail to protect my rights. They also forbid me to protect my own life, liberty, etc.

Liberals call this "good government".

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