Lemon: To Help End Racism, America Has To Start Teaching That Jesus Was Not White

Everyone knows Jesus had blue eyes and blonde hair
He also spoke with an English accent
Everyone knows that Jesus was a Jew so why do you hate Jews? Butthurt?
He can't be a Jew since he's a Christian.

Jesus was Jewish. He was a rabbi who essentially was the impetus for the creation of a new sect, the likes of which didn't become so defined until after his crucifixion.
Matthew 5:17 (“Do not think that I have come to abolish Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them.”)
LOL these clowns don't know anything about history, geography of Judea or the people of the Mediterranean area. Progs are the biggest racists everywhere they are.

Lemon: To Help End Racism, America Has To Start Teaching That Jesus Was Not White

LEMON: “We have to start being realistic about God and the Bible,” he continued. “If you are a person of faith in this country, and we know America is built on faith and religious freedom, a good way of starting is to present the true identity of Jesus. That is a black or brown person, rather than someone who looks like a white hippy from Sweden or Norway. We should start with that and put that in your home, either a Black Jesus or Brown Jesus. Jesus looked more like a Muslim or someone who is dark, rather than a blonde-looking carpenter.”

First, his logic is flawed and random. What does the color of a rabbi from Israel have to do with racism?

Second, what will be his excuse for atheists or people of other Faiths and their racism? How about different countries who are FAR more racist than Americans in the year 2021?

The Left talks more about race that Hitler ever did. They are consumed by it.

Notice how they are the only ones consumed by it.

They hate whites more than Hitler hated non-whites.

Irony of ironies.

Not really. People suck.

That means, whoever has the political power gets to suck the worst.

You mean that they suck at sucking?

LOL these clowns don't know anything about history, geography of Judea or the people of the Mediterranean area. Progs are the biggest racists everywhere they are.

Lemon: To Help End Racism, America Has To Start Teaching That Jesus Was Not White

LEMON: “We have to start being realistic about God and the Bible,” he continued. “If you are a person of faith in this country, and we know America is built on faith and religious freedom, a good way of starting is to present the true identity of Jesus. That is a black or brown person, rather than someone who looks like a white hippy from Sweden or Norway. We should start with that and put that in your home, either a Black Jesus or Brown Jesus. Jesus looked more like a Muslim or someone who is dark, rather than a blonde-looking carpenter.”

First, his logic is flawed and random. What does the color of a rabbi from Israel have to do with racism?

Second, what will be his excuse for atheists or people of other Faiths and their racism? How about different countries who are FAR more racist than Americans in the year 2021?

The Left talks more about race that Hitler ever did. They are consumed by it.

Notice how they are the only ones consumed by it.

They hate whites more than Hitler hated non-whites.

Irony of ironies.

Not really. People suck.

That means, whoever has the political power gets to suck the worst.

You mean that they suck at sucking?

Human nature sucks because human nature seeks power and power corrupts. The vast majority of people who have walked the earth have either been a slave of a tyrant or served to fight for them. In fact, today we have more slavery in the world than at any other time in US history.

As for politics, politics is merely forming groups to overcome other groups. That means either artificially finding differences among the groups, or taking advantage of natural difference, like the color of ones skin.

After all, if all politicians treated us the same with fairness, who would vote for them? Who would send them all their money? Nope, the name of the game is to win political power for your group so that you get more perks than the other group. It just so happens that the color of ones skin is an easy and mindless way to create such divisions.

The art of politics is the art of division.
LOL these clowns don't know anything about history, geography of Judea or the people of the Mediterranean area. Progs are the biggest racists everywhere they are.

Lemon: To Help End Racism, America Has To Start Teaching That Jesus Was Not White

LEMON: “We have to start being realistic about God and the Bible,” he continued. “If you are a person of faith in this country, and we know America is built on faith and religious freedom, a good way of starting is to present the true identity of Jesus. That is a black or brown person, rather than someone who looks like a white hippy from Sweden or Norway. We should start with that and put that in your home, either a Black Jesus or Brown Jesus. Jesus looked more like a Muslim or someone who is dark, rather than a blonde-looking carpenter.”

First, his logic is flawed and random. What does the color of a rabbi from Israel have to do with racism?

Second, what will be his excuse for atheists or people of other Faiths and their racism? How about different countries who are FAR more racist than Americans in the year 2021?

The Left talks more about race that Hitler ever did. They are consumed by it.

Notice how they are the only ones consumed by it.

They hate whites more than Hitler hated non-whites.

Irony of ironies.

Not really. People suck.

That means, whoever has the political power gets to suck the worst.

You mean that they suck at sucking?

them? Who wou se
LOL these clowns don't know anything about history, geography of Judea or the people of the Mediterranean area. Progs are the biggest racists everywhere they are.

Lemon: To Help End Racism, America Has To Start Teaching That Jesus Was Not White

LEMON: “We have to start being realistic about God and the Bible,” he continued. “If you are a person of faith in this country, and we know America is built on faith and religious freedom, a good way of starting is to present the true identity of Jesus. That is a black or brown person, rather than someone who looks like a white hippy from Sweden or Norway. We should start with that and put that in your home, either a Black Jesus or Brown Jesus. Jesus looked more like a Muslim or someone who is dark, rather than a blonde-looking carpenter.”

First, his logic is flawed and random. What does the color of a rabbi from Israel have to do with racism?

Second, what will be his excuse for atheists or people of other Faiths and their racism? How about different countries who are FAR more racist than Americans in the year 2021?

The Left talks more about race that Hitler ever did. They are consumed by it.

Notice how they are the only ones consumed by it.

They hate whites more than Hitler hated non-whites.

Irony of ironies.

Not really. People suck.

That means, whoever has the political power gets to suck the worst.

You mean that they suck at sucking?

Human nature sucks because human nature seeks power and power corrupts. The vast majority of people who have walked the earth have either been a slave of a tyrant or served to fight for them. In fact, today we have more slavery in the world than at any other time in US history.

As for politics, politics is merely forming groups to overcome other groups. That means either artificially finding differences among the groups, or taking advantage of natural difference, like the color of ones skin.

After all, if all politicians treated us the same with fairness, who would vote for them? Who would send them all their money? Nope, the name of the game is to win political power so that you get more perks than the other group. It just so happens that the color of ones skin is an easy and mindless way to create such divisions.

The art of politics is the art of division.

Which is why I never donate or vote for them.
So when all you white Christians bend a knee and pray.... know you're praying to swarthy Jesus who look much like those crossing our southern border.

Without the tats.

So when all you white Christians bend a knee and pray.... know you're praying to swarthy Jesus who look much like those crossing our southern border.

Without the tats.

Border control and immigration are two different issues.

Are you Ok with anyone crossing the border who wants to cross?

Talk of immigration reform is futile if the state has no control over it.
Everyone knows Jesus had blue eyes and blonde hair
He also spoke with an English accent

Please stop trolling threads.

Do you have anything to add to the OP?

That is the subject of the thread dummy

Research the subject of “sarcasm”
She said “threads” you fat loser. Meaning you do this in other threads too. Never add anything of substance. I know you’re stupid but do learn the meaning of words.
LOL these clowns don't know anything about history, geography of Judea or the people of the Mediterranean area. Progs are the biggest racists everywhere they are.

Lemon: To Help End Racism, America Has To Start Teaching That Jesus Was Not White

LEMON: “We have to start being realistic about God and the Bible,” he continued. “If you are a person of faith in this country, and we know America is built on faith and religious freedom, a good way of starting is to present the true identity of Jesus. That is a black or brown person, rather than someone who looks like a white hippy from Sweden or Norway. We should start with that and put that in your home, either a Black Jesus or Brown Jesus. Jesus looked more like a Muslim or someone who is dark, rather than a blonde-looking carpenter.”

First, his logic is flawed and random. What does the color of a rabbi from Israel have to do with racism?

Second, what will be his excuse for atheists or people of other Faiths and their racism? How about different countries who are FAR more racist than Americans in the year 2021?

The Left talks more about race that Hitler ever did. They are consumed by it.

Notice how they are the only ones consumed by it.

They hate whites more than Hitler hated non-whites.

Irony of ironies.

Not really. People suck.

That means, whoever has the political power gets to suck the worst.

You mean that they suck at sucking?

I see now why you were banned. You troll threads. Never add any value. So basically you treat this board like you live your life. No value add. Pretty sad. Loser.
So when all you white Christians bend a knee and pray.... know you're praying to swarthy Jesus who look much like those crossing our southern border.

Without the tats.

Wrong! I am a Jew and no we don’t all look alike. I have white skin but get very dark in the summertime. Pretty ignorant statement by you.
Everyone knows Jesus had blue eyes and blonde hair
He also spoke with an English accent

Please stop trolling threads.

Do you have anything to add to the OP?

That is the subject of the thread dummy

Research the subject of “sarcasm”
She said “threads” you fat loser. Meaning you do this in other threads too. Never add anything of substance. I know you’re stupid but do learn the meaning of words.
So when all you white Christians bend a knee and pray.... know you're praying to swarthy Jesus who look much like those crossing our southern border.

Without the tats.


Are you saying there are no black, hispanic or asian Christians?
I think swarthy Jesus would approve taking all of Trumps property that are going bankrupt and turning them into low income housing and welcoming centers for immigrants.

You can build a lot of low income housing on those golf courses. :cool:

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