Lenient Donald: "I have a big heart, but if need be, I would drop a nuclear weapon in Europe!"

Every freaking democrat president in modern history, with the possible exception of Hussein, said the same thing. Harry Truman actually did it and JFK brought us to DEFCON #2 for the only time in history (thank God).

Every freaking democrat president in modern history, with the possible exception of Hussein, said the same thing. Harry Truman actually did it and JFK brought us to DEFCON #2 for the only time in history (thank God).

Personally, I always thought that it was kind of ridiculous for us to go to the very edge of thermonuclear war over missiles that were obsolete within 2 years. By 1964, both sides were able to fire a missile all the way from Moscow to Washington D.C, and vice versa.
Every freaking democrat president in modern history, with the possible exception of Hussein, said the same thing. Harry Truman actually did it and JFK brought us to DEFCON #2 for the only time in history (thank God).

Personally, I always thought that it was kind of ridiculous for us to go to the very edge of thermonuclear war over missiles that were obsolete within 2 years. By 1964, both sides were able to fire a missile all the way from Moscow to Washington D.C, and vice versa.

Not to worry about Moscow. Comrade trump us planning a hotel there, so he can have a place to pick up the check from Pooootin.
Every freaking democrat president in modern history, with the possible exception of Hussein, said the same thing. Harry Truman actually did it and JFK brought us to DEFCON #2 for the only time in history (thank God).

When did Truman nuke Europe?
THIS MAN CAN NEVER BE PRESIDENT. He could easily start a confrontation that could end civilizatiin as we know it. He scares the crap out of many people...obviously from his 18% chance of winning the WH.

The damage he has done to the Republican party will take generations to undo.
Trump clearly doesn’t want to be president.
How many suitcase nuke bombs will you tolerate before you retaliate, or do you just bring out the white flag? And we aren't talking about Pearl Harbor. We are talking about Cuba/Russia, Iran, Syria, North Korea and China coordinating our demise.
They hit LA, Chicago, New York and DC within hours of each other.
What is your next step?
Of course North Korea would never do that, nor would Russia or Iran... but hypothetically, what would you do?

There is no such thing as a suitcase nuke. You watch WAY too much TV.
Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

A suitcase nuclear device (also suitcase bomb, backpack nuke, mini-nuke and pocket nuke) is a tactical nuclear weapon which uses, or is portable enough that it could use, a suitcase as its delivery method. Thus far, only the United States and the Soviet Union/Russian Federation are known to have possessed nuclear weapons programs developed and funded well enough to manufacture miniaturized nuclear weapons.[1][2] Both the United States and the Soviet Union have acknowledged producing nuclear weapons small enough to be carried in specially-designed backpacks during the Cold War, but neither have ever made public the existence or development of weapons small enough to fit into a normal-sized suitcase or briefcase. It has also been reported that Israel has produced nuclear warheads small enough to fit into a suitcase.

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